Finding out the gender and something else
Today was the day that you were finally going to find out the gender of your babies. By now you were absolutely positive that you were having twins. When you told Predaking that his holoform had to ride in your car he wasn't happy, but he did as you said. So once you both arrived at the local clinic he would glare at any man who dared to look at you.
When it was time to follow the nurse you got nervous, but Predaking held your hand. Shortly after you found yourself laying down as the doctor put gel on your belly. As soon as the doctor started moving the transducer over your very large belly you and Predaking looked at the monitor.
"It looks like you both are having twin girls." The doctor said cheerfully.
"I knew it." You said as you smiled.
"No, wait.... Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. King, you're having three daughters!" The doctor said as she smiled.
"Three? I'm pregnant with triplets?!" You asked loudly.
"Yes, you are." The doctor said.
After the doctor reassured you that your triplets were healthy she cleaned the gel off of your bump. Them you and Predaking went home.
"So.... Triplets." You said as you drove home.
"Yes, but I know that you will be a wonderful mother." Predaking said softly.
"I just hope that I'm ready." You said.
"We are in this together." Predaking reassured you.
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