4 | Miracle Baby
It was night and I was in the kitchen, heating some left over pizza when a familiar voice called my name. I turned around, confused and awestruck as my eyes met Elijah's.
"Elijah!" I exclaim, running over to my older brother and crushing him in a beat hug, the pizza long forgotten.
"Hey, Isabella." he laughs softly, rubbing my back.
"Oh, my god. You're here." I sigh in relief, a huge smile on my face.
"Well...not really."
"What? What do you mean?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowing.
"Davina removed the dagger, unaware that doing so even once would negate the dagger's power. In a few hours, I shall be as good as new!" he replied.
I smiled, "Okay. So tell me where your coffin is and we can find a way to get you out!"
"I'm afraid I'm not quite ready to leave yet, Isabella." Elijah replies.
"What! Why?"
"This girl, Davina, she's... curious." he says slowly, his hands behind his back. "Willful, too."
I watch as he walks over to the alcohol stand, taking a bottle of whiskey and pouring himself and I a drink.
"Soon, I shall be able to speak to her, perhaps to even propose a truce of some kind. So, if we can end this war between the vampires and the witches, we'll be able to eliminate the threat to Hayley and her baby." he turns to me and hands me my drink. "Perhaps then Niklaus and our entire family can finally know peace."
I nod, urging him to continue as I take a sip of the whiskey.
"In the meantime, I trust you to look after Hayley. She is our family now, so I need her and her unborn child to fall underneath our protection." he holds out his drink to toast me. "Swear to me, Isabella."
The microwave beeps and I jump, my eyes flinching and when I open them, Elijah is already gone.
"I swear." I whisper, gulping down the rest of my drink.
"So?" I speak into the phone, my strides quick as I walk down the sidewalk of a quiet neighborhood.
"She says she's in some Bayou clinic with a doctor." Rebekah answers.
"What's she doing there?"
"I don't know. Checking up on the baby."
"Wow and she didn't tell us. This is completely wonderful." I sigh into the phone.
"We made a promise to Elijah, Isabella."
"I know." I huff, "I'll meet you there."
"Okay, bye."
Once we hung up, I instantly sped into the woods, heading over to the Bayou and searching for some clinic. I just hope Hayley's not hurt or anything. Not only will I break Elijah's promise but it will also pain me knowing that the mother of my niece/nephew is hurt.
After a few minutes, I heard a scream of agony and I instantly followed the voice, my heart hammering against my ribcage. My steps halted when I came upon Hayley snapping a man's neck, another one knocked out on the ground.
A third man tries to attack her but I jump in, taking the knife from his hands. I jump on his shoulders and shove the knife on top of his head, earning a scream of pain from him. Slowly, he falls to his knees and I jump off of him, watching as he falls face first onto the ground.
A fourth attacker attacks Hayley but she grabs his shotgun and shoots him, beating up his head with the butt of the gun. She sighs and throws the gun on him, turning to me and removing the hair from her face.
"What the hell was that?" I ask, out of breath.
"I don't know. They came out of nowhere and tried to attack me back in the clinic." she replies.
Suddenly, another bulky man walks towards us with a smirk. Before Hayley or I could react, his neck is snapped and his body falls limp to the ground, revealing Rebekah behind him who has just arrived.
"Have to say, I'm impressed." Rebekah says.
I roll my eyes, "Took you long enough."
"Who are they?" my sister asks Hayley.
"Witches. Warlocks. Whatever." Hayley shrugs.
I notice a few more men with flashlights in the distance heading towards us. Before I could say anything, Rebekah beats me to it.
"There're more of them. Run!" Rebekah exclaims to Hayley.
"Go! Go!" I push her gently and she reluctantly heeds our warning.
I turn around to face the attackers with Rebekah by my side.
Rebekah sighs, "If I had a dollar for every mess my family has got me into – "
Rebekah is shot in the heart with two arrows and she falls to the ground, temporarily neutralized.
I growl, "We'd be millionaires."
I grab the attacker who shot Rebekah by the neck and shove my hand into his chest, wrapping my hand around his beating heart and jerk it out of his chest, throwing it at another attacker's face.
"Isabella!" Hayley exclaims and I turn around to watch in horror as she is shot in the shoulder with an arrow which causes her to pass out and fall to the ground as well.
"No!" I cry out, lurching forward to run to her but an arrow is thrust into my back, coming out of my chest.
I look down at the blood coated arrow that comes out of my chest as I slowly pass out and the last thing I feel is my body hitting the ground.
"Isabella." a voice whispers, "Darling, wake up."
I grunt as an aching pain scratches at my chest. I seem to be leaning against a chest and sitting on a comfy couch. Slowly gaining conscious, I groggily open my eyes and I slowly sit up.
I look to my right to see Klaus sitting on the floor beside me, smiling slightly at me. I look around and my eyes spot Rebekah who leans against the wall.
"What happened?" I ask, looking down at the blood coating my white shirt.
"We were attacked." Rebekah replies.
I instantly jump up to my feet, "Where's Hayley?"
"We don't know." Klaus sighing, standing on his feet.
"What?" I exclaim, "What do you mean you don't know?!"
"Someone took her." Rebekah says.
"I don't know! I had an arrow in my heart. If it wasn't Hayley who killed them, then – "
Rebekah is cut off by wolves howling in the distance. Automatically, Klaus and I look at each other with raised eyebrows.
"Lovely. Maybe her cousins will know where she is." Rebekah says as she walks out of the Bayou clinic, Klaus and I following her.
When we exit the building, we see Hayley stumbling towards them, her clothes tattered and dirty. She looks dazed and exhausted as the three of us instantly run towards her.
"Oh, my god. Hayley!" I sigh in relief.
"What happened? Tell me what happened." Klaus asks, grabbing onto her shoulders.
"I can't remember." Hayley replies groggily.
Klaus anxiously examines Hayley for any wounds. "You've completely healed. There's not a scratch on you." he says slowly.
"One of the perks of being a werewolf, remember?" she lightly chuckles.
"Werewolves don't heal that fast." I mutter, frowning.
Rebekah runs over to Hayley and wraps an arm around her protectively. "Leave her alone!" she says to Klaus.
It suddenly hits me.
"Wait," I say, "Its the baby! Klaus's vampire blood is in your system and it can heal any wound." Klaus stares at me incredulously.
"Your own child healed you." Rebekah says quietly.
Klaus smiles at the thought and I smile softly at him, catching his eye. He walks closer to me and wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me to his side. He places a soft kiss on my forehead and I smile slightly.
"How did you escape? You were outnumbered, unarmed? Those men were ripped to shreds!" Rebekah asks her.
"I think it was the wolf. I think it's trying to protect me." Hayley says quietly.
Klaus lets go of me and angrily points at Hayley. "The witches were supposed to protect you! When I get my hands on Sophie Deveraux – "
"It wasn't Sophie. It was Agnes." Hayley says.
"Fine!" Klaus exclaims, "Agnes, Sophie, it's all the same to me! I'll slaughter the lot of them!"
"Jesus, Klaus, calm down." I roll my eyes, placing my hand gently on his shoulder.
"Not if Elijah gets there first." Rebekah says.
"Elijah? Did you find him?" Hayley says, suddenly alive.
"Yeah." I reply, "He's been in touch with Rebekah and I. He has a plan and all he asked is that we take care of you."
Hayley smiles, "Hey, so...can we go home now? I'd really like to sleep for a few days."
I chuckle, "Come on."
Hayley stands up and Klaus nods with a smile. When she goes to walk, her knees buckle as she stumbles and starts to fall, but Klaus zooms over to catch her before she hits the ground and scoops her up into a bridal-carry in his arms.
"Ooh, I've got you, love. I've got you." he says softly, walking towards the car.
I smile softly and Rebekah and I look at each other, giving each other a knowing look.
It was midnight and I couldn't sleep. Just turning in my bed and rolling over until I hit the floor with a thud. I had groaned and put on a white coat, wore my sneakers and left the house.
It was cold outside and I decided to have a walk into the Quarter. It was quiet and dim lighted. It was very empty with no soul but me, walking down the street with my hands deep into my pocket.
"Searching for me?"
My steps halted and I turned around, meeting familiar blue eyes. I instantly rolled my eyes at his cockiness.
"Geo, was it?" I ask, tilting my head.
He looks to the side, chuckling. I raise an eyebrow as he looks back at me.
"What are you doing here?" he asks.
"I think the real question is why are you here." I reply, "You do know werewolves aren't allowed in the quarter, right?"
"I do. But you see...I'm not a big fan of rules."
"I can tell." I mutter. "What are you doing here, Theo?"
"Oh, you know. The usual. Just taking a walk in the beautiful French Quarter."
I narrow my eyes at him.
"Okay fine," he sighs, "I needed some stuff."
"Stuff like what?"
"Stuff that have nothing to do with you." he snaps.
"Okay, Gee." I mumble, "I don't even know why I bother talking to you."
He rolls his eyes, "I answered your question. Now answer mine. What are you doing here in the middle of the night?"
"I couldn't sleep." I reply, shrugging. "I need fresh air and to collect my thoughts."
I snort, "Says the one coming here for stuff."
He growls, "You don't know what you're talking about."
"Well then enlighten me, Theo."
"It's none of your business, Gabriella."
"What?" he asks.
"My name's Isabella, asshole." I grunt before I turn around and walk away from him.
"Where you going, Isabella?" he asks loudly.
"Somewhere away from you." I call out, "And please make yourself at home, I hope one of the night walkers catch you. I'd love to see your head on a stick!"
I turn around a corner and happily walk away from his sight, sighing to myself. Jesus, who knew a person was possible to make someone rethink life.
Another chapter!!!!! I hope yall like this one. Sorry, its quite short.
Also, what did you guys think of Theo's in this chapter? He was quite an asshole.
Thanks for reading! Vote and Comment!
#Q: Thoughts on Isabella?
xoxo angelz
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