3 | Numb Night
Grabbing a glass of champagne from a walk-by waiter, I brought it to my lips and took a sip from the sizzling drink. I pulled the glass away from my lips and flicked my wrist in circular motions, the champagne stirring inside. My dark red lipstick imprinted on the rim of the glass in the shape of my lips.
All the while, my eyes studied the dark, wild atmosphere. Acrobats perform, dancers handle exotic animals, and confetti falls glittering upon the party guests.
Hungry eyes feasted on me, roaming and drinking in the sight of my dark red peplum cocktail dress as it hugged every curve of my body. My wavy blonde hair fell down against my back, swaying slightly while I moved my body lightly to the upbeat music.
"Isabella Mikaelson." A voice of pure surprise drawled behind me, their presence shadowed behind me.
I calmly took a sip of my champagne and slowly turned around, coming face to face with the little bitch himself. I furrowed my eyebrows and feigned a look of confusion.
"I'm sorry. Do I know you?" I asked, tilting my head slightly.
"Oh," he chuckled, his head bent as his body vibrated with laughter. "I see how this is going to go." he said, his voice amused as he looked up at me.
I rose an eyebrow and stared at him blankly, with no sign of any sort of emotion.
"C'mon, Bella. Quit the act." Marcel added, a faint smile on his lips.
"Bella?" I snorted, "So we're on nickname bases already?"
Marcel sighed with a shake of his head, "Listen, Bella - "
He huffed, "Listen, Isabella, I don't know what I ever did to make you hate me but - "
"Okay, this is the part where I walk out of this useless conversation that I have had more times than I can count." I muttered, placing my empty glass of champagne on a nearby table before I attempted to walk past Marcel.
But he was stubborn as fuck.
He clasped his hand around my wrist and pulled me back to where we stood face to face, the corners of out shoulders touching.
"I miss you, Isabella." he said quietly.
"Awe," I feigned awe before my face fell blank once again. "I'd say the same to you but then we'd both be lying."
He rolled his eyes.
I sent him one last sarcastic smile before I pulled my arm out of his grasp and walked past him.
Marcel sure did love playing manipulative games. Most people fell for his charming smile and his dazzling personality. And when I say most people I mean Rebekah.
"Little sis." A warm hand touched my shoulder, stopping me in my tracks.
I turned to Klaus, a questioning look on my face.
"Dance with me?" he held out his offering hand towards me, a small smile painting his face.
I pursed my lips and placed my hand on top of his, my other hand on his shoulder. My brother placed his hand on the small of my back, keeping a good distance between our bodies. A different slow song started playing, thus Klaus and I started moving lightly to the tune. A comfortable silence danced between us, waiting to be broken.
"What did Marcel want?" Klaus asked at one moment, bringing his mouth closer to my ear so I could hear him.
"Same old same." I muttered, "Trying to manipulate me into doing something that he wants me to do. Of course using his charming smile – " he laughed, " – and his wonderful personality."
My eyes feasted on a couple dancing behind Klaus, their bodies close and swaying. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the them, especially at the blond girl.
"What's Camille doing here?" I ask, confusion lacing my voice.
"Rebekah invited her." Klaus sighs, "She thinks that if she's in a room full of vampires that it will distract Marcel."
"Well it's working."
Marcel smiled at Camille, his eyes twinkling as he lightly swayed her around the room.
"It's almost like they're perfect for each other." I added in a small whisper.
Klaus scoffed, his eyes turning into one of anger as his jaw ticked.
I chuckled, my eyes wide as I realized what was going.
"My my," I said in a sing song, my voice amused. "Is Satan head over heels with a certain blonde?"
Klaus narrowed his eyes at me, his jaw relaxing as he studied my funny expression. My body shook in quiet laughter as I watched Klaus trying to control his smile.
"Shut up." he mumbled, his eyes avoiding mine.
I laughed even harder.
Klaus chuckled and he looked down at me, his eyes warm and familiar. He finally cracked a smile as my laughter died down. I dramatically wiped a tear that managed to slip past my eye.
"You're too precious for me to be mad at you." he mumbled, narrowing his eyes at me with a small smile.
I rolled my eyes, "You know, now that I actually think about it. It's sad."
"What's sad?" he asked, his expression funny.
"How you can never be mad at me."
"That's because you never do anything that makes me mad."
"Year 1903. I attacked you and nearly killed you. Next morning you told me that it was fine and that accidents happen." I recalled.
"That's because I'm immortal, luv." he abruptly spun me to a twirl.
I blew out a sigh, dancing back to my position in front of him.
"Yet when Rebekah and Marcel first kissed, you went full on Hulk mode."
I gasped, "Klaus!"
"What?" he asked, his voice innocent and accused.
"Are you living under a rock?"
"Am I supposed to know who this obscene Hulk is?"
"Uh....yes!" I exclaimed. "Have you never watched the Avengers?"
He shook his head.
"The movie Hulk?"
He shook his head.
"Captain America?"
He shook his head.
"Iron Man?"
He shook his head.
"Please tell me you've scene Thor?"
He paused and flicker of hope bubbled in me, not expecting for him to have watched Thor.
"Is he that guy that wears a cape, flies, and has lasers coming from his eyes?"
My expression fell. "How are you even my brother?"
"I don't have time for useless superhero movies that don't even exist."
I gasped and pulled away, my hand on my heart as I stared at him like he had a third eye.
How the bloody hell can he insult my babies like that?!
"It's like I don't even know you anymore." I whispered.
"Oh c'mon. You're being dramatic."
"We're done here." I muttered, pointing between him and I before I turned around and walked away.
"Where are you going?" he asked, his voice loud.
"Home!" I called back, not glancing at him as I continued my way to the exit.
"Okay then." he called out, "Get bread while you're at it!"
This dude.
It was midnight when I stepped into Rousseau's, the different temperature of the bar warming my bare arms from the chilly air of New Orleans. I ran my fingers through my blonde locks, my eyes roaming the empty bar. The chairs were stacked on the tables, the floor shining in the dull light, the bar smelt of cleaning liquids, and quiet soft music playing from the jukebox.
The bartender stood behind the bar as he wiped the glasses and stacked the alcohol bottles back on the shelves. His headphones were on and I could hear the upbeat music playing from them. His head bobbed lightly to the music, his face concentrated as he did his work.
I walked further into the room, my heels clicking against the pavement as my gala finery dragged behind me. I held my clutch in both of my hands as I moved behind the bar.
The bartender spotted me from the corner of his eye and he abruptly turned to me, a surprised look on his face. He pulled off his headphones and placed them around his neck.
"I'm sorry ma'am but we're closing." his groggy voice said.
I stepped closer to him and caught his gaze.
"Leave." I muttered, my eyes demanding him.
Under my compulsion, the bartender placed the cleaned glass he was holding on the bar. He then walked past me and soon enough the bell of the door chimed.
I blew out an exhausted sigh, placing my black clutch on the bar. I turned to the shelves holding the alcohol and my eyes searched for something strong, something to make my head empty and blank. Something to make me not worry.
My eyes feasted on the wanted bottle and I grabbed it off the shelf. I turned to the bar and pulled myself a clean glass. I tugged at the bottle's cork and it came off with a pop. I held the glass and poured myself a drink.
I grabbed the glass and brought it to my lips, taking a sip. The familiar strong sour taste of vodka rolled past my tongue. I took another gulp as I leaned forward, placing my elbows on the bar. My nails tapped lightly against my glass as I hummed the silent tune alongside the song playing in the jukebox.
I jumped sightly when the bell chimed and the door was pushed open as a new figure stepped inside.
I sat up straight and turned to watch as a man walked into the bar. His steps halted when he spotted me, a drink in hand and my state frozen as I stared weirdly at him.
"You again?" he scoffed, "You've got to be kidding me." he whined and stomped his foot like a little kid.
"Satan's little bitch?" I asked, surprise lacing my voice.
"For the last time – "
"Shut up I'm trying to look at you."
He narrowed his eyes at me as my eyes studied his face, finally getting to see how he looked like. Now that I got a look at his face I have to admit that he's hot. Like very hot.
But not hotter than me.
His brown soft hair was sticking up everywhere, giving him the sexy messy hair look. His eyebrows were furrowed like they were pissed. His blue eyes angry and hooded with red. His nose round and pointed. His lips pink and soft looking. His jaw ticked and sharp. His upper body built with broad shoulders and muscular arms that bulged under his tight t-shirt. I could see the outline of his abs from his tight shirt.
Before my eyes could go lower, he snapped his fingers in front of my face. I snapped my attention back to his face which now looked pissed and a bit amused.
I rolled my eyes at him as he moved to sit on a stool across from me, the bar separating us.
"What can I get ya?" I asked, leaning forward on the bar.
"A glass of tequila."
"Great." I muttered, "Get it yourself."
I smirked at him as his eyes glare at me. He stood up and walked around the bar, standing on my side as he headed towards the stacks of alcohol. I watched as he searched the shelves before he grabbed the bottle of tequila and grabbed himself a glass.
"So, what are you doing here?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I needed a drink." he replied, pouring himself a glass.
"I mean what are you doing in The Quarter? Any nightwalker could catch you and would bring your head to Marcel."
"You see," he began, "I don't really care about that."
"How come?"
"I have nothing to lose." he shrugged as he took a gulp of his drink.
I nodded slowly as I grabbed the vodka bottle and took a gulp from it, not bothering to pour myself a glass.
"That's understandable." I mumbled, shrugging.
He hummed and leaned forward on the bar as he took sips from his glass of tequila.
"So what's your name?" I asked curiously.
"I'm not telling you my name."
"You know my name. It's only fair if I know yours." I replied.
"I'm not telling you my name." he repeated, glaring at me. "And stop trying to have a conversation with me. I don't like you." he snapped.
"Woah, okay!" I mumbled, raising my eyebrows in astonishment.
I must admit that his outburst was totally unnecessary and hurtful. I'm not sure if he's treating me this way because I'm a vampire or his anger issues. Either way I'm not going to judge a person by the second time I see them.
An uncomfortable silence fell over us as each of us took gulps from our drinks, both for a different reason. Whether it was to forget something or to just stop thinking.
I faced away from him, giving him my back as I took a gulp from the bottle. I swallowed the strong taste and took another gulp, already used to the taste that numbed my mind.
I could hear him pouring himself another drink before he took a huge gulp of it, hissing right after at the strong taste. I bit my lip as I stared ahead of me at the wall, my mind running on an overdrive as I thought about a million things.
My mind snapped back to reality and I turned to him in confusion.
"My name is Theo." he replied, looking at me with a blank expression.
"Oh." I nodded, "Well it's nice to meet you, Theo."
Theo hummed and looked away, taking a gulp from his glass. His Adam's Apple bobbed as he swallowed the tequila.
I sighed and placed the empty vodka bottle on the counter. I moved past Theo and walked from behind the bar as I headed towards the pool table that sat in the corner of the room.
"Wanna play?" I called out to Theo as I grabbed a cue from the wall.
Theo eyes me for a while before he sat up straight and walked from behind the bar counter, his drink in his hand. I watched as he walked towards me, his strides slow.
I rolled my eyes at him as he placed his glass on a nearby table. He grabbed a cue hanging from the wall and walked to the other side of the pool table.
"Go ahead. Take the first shot." I told him, nodding towards the eight balls stacked in a triangle shape.
Theo clears his throat and walks to the front of the table. He leans slightly forward and places his cue on the table, holding it using the both of his hand. He slightly pulls back on the cue before he flicks it forward and hits the white ball, sending it rolling swiftly to the triangle. It hit it with a pang and the balls scattered across the table.
I walked around the table and stopped in front of the white ball, aiming my cue at it. I pulled my cue back slightly before I flicked it forward and sent the white ball rolling to the three balls stacked behind each other. The balls scattered separately from each other, the number three ball falling into a hole.
I smirked at Theo who glared at me, his jaw ticking slightly.
"Loosen up." I told him as I aimed for another ball.
I shot the white ball at a small ball but it failed and rolled slowly.
Theo cleared his throat and I walked out of his way as he walked to my side. He bent down and aimed for a ball and shot the white ball, hitting the number eleven which rolled down the table and fell down into one of the holes.
Theo stood up straight and turned to me, a victorious smirk on his face.
"I'm going to wipe that smirk off your face."
He continued to smirk as he aimed for another ball, shooting the white ball. The white ball accidentally hit the number seven and sent it down.
I laughed loudly, "Point for me."
"You're welcome." he grumbled which made me laugh even harder.
"I just wiped that smirk right off your face." I snapped my fingers with a funny expression on my face.
Theo watched me with a blank expression on his face. Except I could sense a teeny tiny smile trying to fight its way on his face. It made me kinda glad knowing that he did actually have a quarter of a heart.
For the next fifteen minutes, Theo and I played 8 ball pool. I had successfully managed to make him chuckle or form at least a small smile. Yet he always came back to his cold stone relaxing bitch face.
I ended up winning in the end since I'm mote of an expert in the game than him. It felt great to win and to rub it in his face. Best part is that he truly didn't care and that made it hella easier.
Currently, Theo and I sat at the bar as we drank our glasses of whiskey. I was starting to get tired as my eyes drooped and breathing got more relaxing. Tonight was very long, tiring, and numb.
"I think I should head home. It's almost morning." Theo said.
My eyes looked up at the clock hanging on the wall and my eyes widened at the time.
"Its three in the morning already?" I asked, surprised.
"Yeah." Theo muttered as he stood up, "I need to go."
"Yeah, me too. I'm very tired and I might fall asleep any moment." I mumbled, a yawn escaping me as I stood up.
I grabbed my clutch from the counter and headed towards the door. I pulled open the door with a chime as I stepped out, the chilly night air brushing against my bare skin.
"Okay then." I turned to Theo who had already walked outside. "Goodnight, Theo."
"Night, blondie." he muttered.
I rolled my eyes as I watched him turn around and walk down the dark street. I blew out a sigh and turned around, walking down my own way.
Hey guys!!!! I'm back from vacation!!
I'm finally back writing and it feels like home!! I'm so happy to be back and to be writing! I can't wait to show you guys what's upcoming in this story!!
I really hope you enjoyed 'Numb Night' and if you did don't forget to vote, comment, and share with your friends!
Thank you so much for reading, angels!!
#Q: If there's one thing you could change about Isabella, what would it be?
xoxo babez
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