6.0 I Was Trying Not To Keep Track
Theo Raeken brought Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Dr. Deaton, and Kennedy Addams to the Sheriff's station where Tracy Stewart was. They walked inside and saw blood everywhere. Officers were trying to pull themselves off of the ground, starting to be able to move their bodies again, and Scott directly went to help them. Kennedy followed a trail of blood and found Lydia Martin laying on the ground with a large gash in her stomach. She let out a gasp as she dropped to the ground. Kira Yukimura was kneeling besides Lydia, trying to help her.
When Stiles tried to rush forwards to help, Theo pushed past him, taking off his belt. He kneeled down next to Kennedy, and wrapped the belt around Lydia's waist, trying to stop the bleeding. Lydia's mother walked into the room and noticed her daughter lying on the ground. She grabbed onto Stiles's shoulder, needing someone to anchor her. "Oh god." She let out a sigh before rushing to her daughter. Lydia groaned as Theo tightened the belt.
Scott walked into the doorway. "Stiles." He looked down at Kennedy, who nodded telling him it was okay for him to go. He left his friends with Lydia.
"I'm going to call an ambulance." Kennedy spoke, grabbing her phone from her back pocket.
Kennedy and her friends stood in the waiting room of Beacon Hills hospital. "Kennedy."
She turned to see Melissa McCall approaching their group. "How bad is it?" Kennedy questioned her, playing with her finger nails nervously.
"It could have been worse." Melissa spoke, placing her hands on her waist. "Theo, nice going on that tourniquet. You probably saved her life." Kennedy sent Theo a smile, which he returned. Melissa turned to her son. "All right. She's about to go into surgery, so it's going to be a while." Kennedy felt Stiles place a hand on her lower back, pulling her closer towards him. "Any other supernatural details that I need to know about or do we just stitch her up and hope for the best?"
"It was the tail." Kira stated, stepping forward.
Scott nodded. "Yeah, Tracy cut her with the tail, if that makes a difference." Melissa let out a sigh before making her way back to the surgery room.
"But it wasn't just Tracy. There were the others." Malia Tate frowned as she looked down at the ground. She was claiming that there were three men in masks that hurt Tracy. No one believed her. "The guys in the masks."
It was the next day, and Kennedy sat in her AP biology class with the seat next to her open since Lydia was still in the hospital recovering. "If 99.9% of our DNA sequence is the same as other humans, what could account for the missing 0.1% difference?" Mrs. Finch asked her class. "Theo?"
"Um-" Theo nodded as he looked up at his teacher. "Nucleotides."
"That's right."
Kira raised her hand, and Mrs. Finch motioned for her to ask her question. "Can there be more than one species in the same DNA?"
"No, but there can be multiple sets of DNA in the same individual." Mrs. Finch answered Kira. "We call that a chimera. Anyone know where that term comes from?"
Kennedy smiled, raising her hand. "Greek mythology. It's a lion with a goat coming out of its back and a tail that ends in the head of a snake."
"That's right, Kennedy." Mrs. Finch sent the girl a smile. "And that does get us into the next topic of mutation. And as you know from the reading, DNA is a fragile molecule. Isn't it, Scott?" Scott, who was staring down at his pad of paper in front of him, looked up at Mrs. Finch with wide eyes. "Or did you miss last night's assigned reading?"
Scott frowned. "Kind of."
"Kind of or yes?"
"Mostly yes."
Mrs. Finch let out a sigh. "Well, then thank you for another helpful transition in topic. Drop forms." She grabbed a gigantic pile of papers from her desk. "All those now acutely aware that they do not belong in this class, you should fill one out." She passed a paper to two students, who were both shocked. "The rest will be on my desk."
"Why the hell wouldn't they let us in?" Malia growled as her, Stiles, and Kennedy re-entered Beacon Hills High School after trying to see Lydia in the hospital.
Kennedy shook her head. "They are still only letting family see her."
Malia rolled her eyes. "That's bullshit."
Stiles led the two girls into the library where Kira and Scott were sitting. "Did you get in to see Lydia?" Scott questioned the trio.
"No. We tried using our free period, but she's still in the ICU, and no one outside of family is allowed in." Stiles explained to the two as Kennedy sat down in the chair at the head of the table. He moved to stand behind her chair.
Malia placed a giant book on the table. "We did get one thing." She opened to the title page, which read 'BEASTIARY'. Listed inside were every kind of supernatural creature known.
Kira leaned forwards and started flipping through the pages. "Anything in here about half-werewolves, half-kanimas?"
"The chimera." Scott furrowed as he stared down at the table."
Stiles frowned, cocking an eyebrow. "Uh- what?"
Kennedy nodded, remembering what Mrs. Finch had told their class. "Chimera. It's a creature made of incongruous parts."
"And if Liam said he found two burial sites," Scott continued, "it means Tracy's not the only one."
"Who's the second chimera?" Kira questioned her boyfriend.
Stiles let out a scoff. "And why would they bury them?"
Scott shrugged before answering. "Deaton thinks it's part of their process."
The were-coyote took in a deep breath before speaking. "The people in masks."
Later into the night, Malia, Stiles, and Kennedy had remained at the library, reading all that they could about the chimeras, while Scott and Kira had took off to try and figure out who the next one was. Kennedy smiled as she watched Stiles. He had fallen asleep a few hours ago, but he looked so cute that she could not disturb him. "You want me to leave?" Malia nudged Kennedy's shoulder.
"Huh?" Kennedy's eyes widened as she looked over towards her best friend. "Why would I want you to leave?"
Malia shrugged. "So that when Stiles wakes up, you're the one to greet him." The blonde girl giggled, shaking her head. "No, it's fine." Malia sent her friend a nod. "I want to head out anyways."
"Okay." Kennedy spoke, watching as Malia grabbed her things and exited the high school, leaving Kennedy and Stiles alone.
Kennedy glanced down at the books laid out in front of her. When had her life become researching new supernatural creatures every single night.
"Kenn? Where'd Malia go?"
The girl looked back at Stiles and sent him a smile as he groggily wiped his eyes. "She wanted to go home, so yeah.."
"Cool." Stiles nodded, as he awkwardly shifted his weight in the chair he was seated in. "Well, thanks for staying with me. Sorry that I fell asleep."
Kennedy chuckled, shaking her head. "No, it's okay. You looked really cute when you were sleeping." Her eyes widened as soon as she comprehended what came out of her mouth. "I mean, uh- I wasn't- uh- watching you when you were- uh- sleeping." She lead out a nervous laugh. "Because that would be really weird."
Stiles smiled. He thought it was adorable how her cheeks were flushed and she couldn't look him in the eyes. He brought his hand to her cheek to bring her eyes to his. "You're so fucking adorable." The corners of Kennedy's mouth curled into a smile. "I love you, Kenn." He watched as Kennedy let out an audible gasp. Of course she had known, but it was very different to actually hear Stiles say it. "Can I kiss you?" She simply nodded, still not able to think of anything to say. Stiles lifted her chin slightly and brought his lips to hers. He felt her hesitate slightly before kissing him back. Her hands went into his hair as his hands fell to her waist.
The blonde girl pulled away slightly. "I love you, too."
"Holy fuck."
Stiles awoke with a gasp, which frightened the girl seated next to him. She practically fell off her chair. "What's wrong?" She questioned him, straightening herself out.
The boy let out a sigh, realizing it had only been a dream. But, of course it was. He would never have been that confident unless he was asleep. "Nothing." Stiles took in a deep breath, running his fingers through his hair. The dream had felt so real, or at least he had wanted it to be real.
"You sure?" Kennedy raised an eyebrow, glancing over his entire body to make sure nothing was wrong.
"Yeah." Stiles nodded, looking down at his phone. "Shit, I was asleep for five hours?"
Kennedy shrugged. "I mean, I was trying not to keep track, but yeah."
"I should get you home." Stiles let out an awkward chuckle as he closed the Beastiary and shoved it into his backpack. Kennedy nodded as she stood up, picking up her bag.
The two exited the high school and made their way to Stiles's lone jeep in the parking lot. Kennedy hopped inside the passenger seat, leaning back into the padding. "Uh- Kenn?"
"There was actually something that happened when I was asleep..." Stiles furrowed his eyebrows as he reached his hand into his back pocket to grab his car keys. Kennedy nodded. "Well, I- uh- you- uh - we.." He stumbled through his words as he turned the key in the ignition.
Smoke began to arise from the hood of the car, and Stiles let out a groan. He opened his door and jumped out, making his way to the front. Kennedy followed suit, helping him pop the hood. "What were you saying?" She asked as she handed him the duck tape she had brought from inside the vehicle. They had a routine for when this happened almost every night.
Stiles nodded as he ripped off a piece of duck tape and began to wrap it around a random car piece. "Right, uh- when I was asleep, I had this dream, and we-" Kennedy felt a sharp pain in her shoulder, and she let out a yelp. "What's wro-" Stiles looked behind the girl and found Donovan with his hand on her shoulder. "Let her go!" He screamed as he pushed Donovan off of Kennedy.
Donovan smirked as he watched the blonde girl fall to the ground. "I mean, she's not even the one I want to hurt, but you two come as a matching set, right?" He sent Stiles a wink before kneeling in front of Kennedy.
"You stay the fuck away from her!" Stiles yelled, pulling Donovan away.
"Okay. I'll go after you instead." Donovan nodded as his hand wrapped around Stiles's body, pulling the body up against him. His hand fell against Stiles's shoulder, and the boy let out a yell as his teeth sank into his shoulder. Stiles managed to get a hold of Donovan's hand, pulling it away from him. He saw teeth coming out of his palm, and his eyes widened. Donovan's arms moved around his neck, cutting off his airways. Stiles tried to reach towards the wrench on his jeep, but could not reach it. He slammed his head back against Donovan's, and the chimera groaned as he fell backwards. Stiles lunged towards the wrench and slammed it at Donovan's face.
Stiles panted as he grabbed Kennedy off the ground and helped her up. "You good?" He asked her, cupping his hands around her cheeks. She nodded, looking down at Donovan, who was lying on the ground. "Come on." He led the girl inside, and the two rushed into the library. "I think we're safe." Stiles ran his hand through Kennedy's hair, pulling her towards him.
The two jumped as they heard the doors to the Library jangle. "He can't get in without a keycard." Kennedy shook her head. Her eyes widened when she heard the beep outside, and the doors opened.
"This way." Stiles whispered, pulling Kennedy behind a book shelf.
Kennedy let out a gasp as she heard Donovan walking inside. Stiles's hand fell over her mouth as he held her against his body. "Kennedy, you dropped your phone." She threw her hand into the pocket of her jeans, and closed her eyes tightly when she did not feel the phone. "It's Malia. Should I text her back?"
Stiles leaned forwards, bringing his lips to Kennedy's ear. "Hey, it's okay. I'm not going to let anything happen to you." She heard him hesitate before continuing. "I love you."
A tear fell down Kenendy's cheek as the words left Stiles's mouth. She knew he thought he was going to die.
"You don't really know who I am, do you, Stiles?" Donovan let out an audible chuckle as he walked around the library. "Maybe you- uh- heard about my father. Did your dad tell you about him?" Stiles frowned as he listened. "Did Sheriff Stilinski ever tell you about the time he was still deputy, and his partner got caught in a shoot-out? Did he tell you a bullet shattered my dad's T-9 vertebra? It went right through his spinal cord. You know what that means? It means everything below his waist is useless, and not just his legs. I bet he told you some of it. But I bet he probably let out the part where he was sitting in a car calling for backup while my dad was going in alone." Kennedy pressed a kiss against Stiles's hand, trying to help him not get overwhelmed by Donovan's words, and he let out the breath he had no idea he was holding. "Did he tell you that he was too scared, too much of a frightened little bitch to go in after him? Or do scared little bitches not tell their little bitch sons about their failures? About how they put their partner in a wheelchair for the rest of his life?"
Kennedy pulled Stiles's hand away from her mouth. "Don't listen to him." She whispered.
"He stopped talking." Stiles looked around the two of them. He grabbed her hand, pulling her into another isle of books. He put his finger to his lips, telling her to be quiet. She nodded as she started to look behind her, but a hand came through the bookshelves and wrapped around her neck. Kennedy let out a scream as she fell back, the bookshelf crashing to the ground. "Kennedy!" Stiles exclaimed, reaching down towards her, but Donovan grabbed onto his arm. As Stiles's stood up and ran to the metal columns used to help renovate the library as Donovan's hands moved to grip the back of his shirt. He kicked his foot into Donovan's leg, sending him to the ground. Donovan screamed as he fell to the ground, and Stiles began to climb up the column.
Donovan crawled over to where Kennedy laid on the ground and smiled. "Stiles?" Kennedy gasped as Donovan grabbed harshly onto her chin.
"Don't worry, Stiles. I'm not going to kill her." Donovan chuckled before licking a stripe down Kennedy's cheek. "I'm just going to eat her pretty little face."
Stiles looked up, seeing a plug that was holding together the metal rods, and he pulled it. The rods came tumbling down, and Kennedy let out a scream. "Fuck!" Stiles jumped down from the columns and saw Donovan with a metal rod straight through his chest. He made his way towards the boy, and saw that he was still alive. He went to pull out the rod, but Donovan's head dropped, and he stopped breathing.
The boy rushed to Kennedy's side. "Are you okay?" He asked cupping her cheeks with his hands. She nodded, wrapping her arms around him and burying her face in his chest. "I'm so sorry, Kenn."
Word Count - 2691
Author's Note -
I kinda just fixed up this chapter a lil bit so here's that.
Also me and my friends are rewatching teen wolf which is putting me in the mood.
Please comment what you want to see in future chapters, and do not forget to vote!
Have a nice day, lovelies 💕
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