"He's missing, Y/n."
Your heart sinks.
He's missing.
What happened to him? Where is he?
"He isn't at the hospital and the nurses won't tell Minji where he went."
Right now, no one knows where he is. No one.
You have an idea of where he might be.
"That's it?" You ask, throat tightening. "That's all the information? No hints? He's just... gone?"
Namjoon nods solemnly. "Minji tried to get all the information she could," he says. "But they told her nothing. Even the nurses that knew she was the only one who visited him. We texted his phone but he hasn't answered. I'm not sure if he has his phone."
You look down at your plate. The food doesn't look good anymore. The smell makes you feel sick. You knew this would happen.
You set your fork down and push your plate away.
"Is that all?"
You say it quietly, but Namjoon hears it.
"No," he says. "I was thinking about it, and I had an idea, but I want to tell you and let you make the choice on your own."
"What choice?"
"I thought... maybe you could come to Korea. It sounds scary, but think about it. Plane tickets won't cost half as much as they did before since, you know, corona. And then we can go to busan together and search for Jimin."
The idea sounds abstract, maybe a little shocking, but you don't throw it out. A normal person would think it's stupid to fly across the world to find someone when you have no clues as to where he is. But to you it's not a bad idea. It's not crazy.
"I have to think about it," you say. "I want to do it but I have to think about it."
Namjoon nods. "If you need any help, call me. I'm here."
You give Namjoon a strained smile and nod. "I know."
After a moment of painful silence, Jungkook faces the camera toward himself. His smile is gone and he has a serious look on his face.
"I know you love him," he says. His pauses in between words- probably to think about them. He did say he was only learning english. "But... we will find him. He will be okay."
You sniffle. "I hope so."
The camera faces Namjoon again and he holds Holly up and waves her paws at you. "Holly says hello," Namjoon says, smiling at you. His dimples appear on his cheeks, making his smile all the warmer.
You smile a little wave back. "Hi holly."
You hear someone speaking- probably Yoongi, the driver- and Namjoon nods in response.
"We have to go," he says. "See you later."
You nod. "Bye."
Jungkook looks into the camera again and waves cheerily. "Bye-bye!"
With that, he hangs up and you are left alone.
You bury your head in your hands. He's gone. Jimin is missing. He hasn't texted you, so he doesn't have his phone. No one know where he is. Where did he go?
He wouldn't just leave on his own and then decide not to tell anyone. That doesn't sound like him.
The only option you see possible in your mind is his parents. They could have taken him and requested not to have that information spread. For "safety" reasons.
Which means that while Jimin may be awake, he is in a worse situation than before.
But... but he's awake. He's awake! He is alive, hopefully healed and healthy (although if he's with his parents, that's not true), and if you can find him, you can save him. And he's awake. And he'll be okay. And you can finally get him out of this situation and you can be together and you can be happy again.
Suddenly him being missing doesn't seem so scary anymore. Not in the long run. Not if you can find him.
You reach for your old phone on your nightstand and open it to Jimin's contact.
Namjoon just called me to tell me that you're awake now, and missing. I don't know if you'll get this text, or if you have your phone, but if you see this, please call me. It's been so long and I'm worried about you and I need to know if you're okay. I love you
You hit send.
And now you will wait. And hope. And pray that Jimin will see that text and answer.
That night, you lay in your bed, hair wet, shoulders damp, in your cold, dark room, staring at the ceiling.
You don't know if you will be able to sleep. You can't stop thinking about Jimin. Where is he? Is he with his parents? That means he's suffering. He fell into a coma here and woke up in a hospital in Korea ten months later. That's scary. Is he thinking about you?
You sigh and stand up. You want the hoodie. You need it. You stand up and head to the closet for the bin. You try to ignore the pictures inside as you reach for the hoodie and pull it out. Then close the bin.
Rain patters desperately against your window, chased by the howling wind. It's a sound that calms you, if anything.
As you pull your hoodie on, you hear your phone ring.
Ugh, leave me alone. I don't want to talk to anyo-
You freeze. You never turn on the notification sounds on your phone.
Except for the old one.
The one you texted Jimin with today.
You gasp, launch yourself across your room, and grab the phone off of your nightstand.
Chim🥰😌💖 wants to call...
Your breath stops. You finger finds the answer button before you can even begin to think, and you press the phone to your ear. Your throat squeezes and your words come out low and quivery.
Nothing. The rain on your window seems to grow louder with every silent moment that passes.
Something that sounds like a strangled moan comes through the phone. "Y/n."
That's him.
That's his voice.
He's on the phone with you.
"Oh-oh my god," you breathe. "Jimin is that really you?"
"Y-yes," Jimin lets out. His voice is rough and scratchy and sounds painful. "Y/n it's me. I'm here."
Tears fall from your eyes and drop into the carpet from your chin. You crumple to the floor and hug your knees with one arm while the other holds the phone.
"It's been so long. I-I didn't know what to do. Where... where are-"
"Help me."
You stop.
"Jimin where are you?"
"Y/n I-I don't remember what happened. I don't remember anything," Jimin says. His voice is shaky. Is he crying too? "I was at-at your house and then I woke up in a-a hospital ten months later in Korea. What-what happened?"
You sniffle and shut your eyes. "Sharon tried to kill you," you say. It's almost impossible to keep the pain out of your voice as you say it. "And-and she failed- thank god- but you-you didn't- you didn't wake up."
"And for ten whole months, I've just been... gone?"
You bring your hand up to your mouth and bite your finger hard to keep from crying too loud. "Mmhmm," you hum, afraid to open your mouth to speak.
"And-and you... did you move on? From me I mean."
"Jimin where are you?"
"Answer my question first. Did you move on?"
You shake your head, which is pointless over the phone. "N-no," you answer him.
"Y/n..." Jimin breathes. "Please tell me you're okay."
"That doesn't matter. Where are you?"
"I'm at... I'm at my parents house."
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. "I knew it," you mutter. "Jimin, you can't be there! You were safe before! Why didn't you just tell the nurses you couldn't go back home or something!? Why didn't you tell them your situation!?"
"You know why."
"This isn't something you can just let happen because your brother is too attached, Jimin, I-I can't- you told me that they're worse than Sharon. How am I supposed to just- how-how am I- I- I can't- Jimin I need you back here. I need you to come home."
Jimin doesn't answer for a moment. And then, "I'm sorry."
"How are you on the phone right now?"
"My parents thought it was broken when Sharon did what she did. And I hid it in my pocket when they brought me here."
"Shouldn't it be dead?"
"My parents are keeping me in the attic. I went through lots of boxes and found a charger."
"Jimin call the police."
"I can't do that."
"Call the police."
"Y/n you know why I-"
"I don't care! Maybe your brother will be sad about losing his parents but he'll get over it when he finds out what they've been doing to you behind closed doors. Does he even know you're in the house right now?"
"No. You need to call the police. They can help you and get you out of there. Jimin they can bring you back to me."
"I have to go."
"What?" Your blood freezes. "No-no no wait Jimin don't- please-"
"Y/n they're coming. I have to go."
"Pl-Please I can just stay on the phone and-and wait for you."
"Y/n," Jimin's voice quivers. "You know what they're gonna do to me. I can't let you listen to that."
"Jimin please!"
"I love you."
The line goes silent.
You hold the phone tightly in your fingers next to your ear for a moment, as if Jimin will come back and say he was just kidding.
After that moment ends, you throw the phone at the wall. "No goddammit!"
You bury your head in your hands and begin to sob.
The door opens. "Y/n!? What happened!?"
"Mom," you cry. "I-I- Jimin- he-"
Mom walks into your room and kneels down beside you. "Hey- oof." You throw your arms around mom and hug her as tight as you can.
"Hey, hey I know Y/n. I know."
"No you don't," you let out, gasping for breath. "Mom that-that was Jimin on the phone. He's-he's awake."
Mom gasps. "Where is he? Is he okay?"
"No. He's with his parents."
Mom pauses. "Didn't he tell us his parents are... like Sharon?"
Mom rubs your back soothingly. "We'll figure this out, okay? Well get him out of there."
You remember Namjoon's idea earlier and suddenly a plan comes together in your kind.
"Not-not from here we can't," you say, trying to calm down and reducing your sobs to sniffles. "Mom, I need to go to Korea."
I slept for six hours with lots of waking up in between I am WAY too exhausted for school 😔
Have a good day/night.<3
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