Chapter 1
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of Harry Potter or Percy Jackson. I am a 12 year-old British-Norwegian Fangirl.
A / N I'm going to try and get one chapter a week posted on here, sometimes I might manage 2 but I do get a ridiculous amount of homework so when it gets to the end of a school term, it may become one chapter every fortnight. Often I will make 2 or 3 drafts before posting as I will continuously make changes that suite my story plan.
A/N 2: So... Sorry for not publishing earlier, the first draft was already done when the prologue came out but I didn't like the ending so I deleted almost half the chapter. Anyway, hope you enjoy the first chapter where I traumatize our main characters. *Maniacal laughter in the background*
Edited 18/04/2020
Travis hardly remembers the year between his and Connor's births, like most people, overtime he forgot his younger years. However, unlike most people, Travis remembered most of his dreams, even the ones that he had when he was younger. What he didn't yet know was that these dreams where memories, memories of his life as Fred Weasley.
When Connor found out that he was a year younger than Travis it was a shock. Neither brothers had ever thought that Travis was older. If they'd ever thought that one of them was older than the other, Connor and Travis agreed that it could be Connor. Connor often acted more mature, wiser and more serious, in general he just acted older. (This is due to the fact that as George Weasley, George had had over 40 years more experience of life whereas Fred spent 40+ years being a 20 year old in heaven.)
12 September 1994, 11:00am
Travis and Connor were clinging to each other in their cot, both terrified but unable to wake...
What's happening?... Why's mummy upset?... Where are Uncle Gid and Uncle Faybe??... I don't understand?... Why's everyone dressed in dark colours?... These thought flickered through three year old Fred and George Weasley's minds. Suddenly, when two boxes were being lowered into the ground by Molly and Arthur Weasley and Dumbledore, a bright green light shot into the crowd of mourners. Screams erupted from the hoard of people and in the confusion, Fred and George lost sight of their eldest brother, Bill.
Clutching a baby only a month old to his chest with one hand, and gripping onto his twin brother with the other hand, Fred called out for Bill. Shaking in fear, Fred and George with their baby sister Ginny ran towards a cluster of trees. "Fred. Fred. We need to find Mummy or Auntie Dorcy *, she's here too." George babbled. Running as fast as their stubby little legs could go, Fred and George finally made it to some trees. At three years old, the Weasley twins were already getting into lots of mischief and so, to get away from the scary people in masks, the two began to climb the nearest tree. Safely hidden in the leaves of the tree the three Weasleys waited for hours shivering from the cold wind.
Hour later, the twins heard a panicked voice calling for them from below. In the excitement of hearing their mummy's voice again, the tree children toppled out of the tree, much to the shock and horror of the adults. However, the boys and their sister did not fall, instead the twins used a burst of accidental magic and floated slowly to the ground....
The cries of her children woke Emma from her sleep and she rushed to their room. Emma always knew that her children would have 'Demigod dreams' Hermes had informed her of that, but she didn't expect her two boys to start dreaming this young. Bursting through the door of the nursery, Emma shuddered to a stop, there was a silvery-white glowing dome around her two children!
13 September 1994 3:00am
After delivering all of his recent parcels, Hermes flashed outside of Emma Stoll's apartment. He wished he had gotten away sooner but Zeus would have been furious if he hadn't delivered the most recent apology present to Hera. Entering the living room, Hermes rushed to Emma and began to calm her down as he could clearly see the beginning of a panic attack. "Shhhhh, Calm down Emma. Just tell me what's wrong." muttered Hermes.
"It's.....It's the boys, Hermes. They were screaming, crying, and.. and I didn't know what do." Stuttered Emma. "I was in their room, and... and...." Emma burst into tears, unable to finish her sentence. "Hey, Em, I need to know what happened." Hermes said, trying to sooth his lover. "O...Ok." Emma stammered," It was horrible Hermes, they were screaming and holding onto each other like their lives depended on it. I didn't know they could have demigod dreams this young, I mean, Connor's only two. And, Hermes, there was this glowing shield thing around them, I couldn't touch them..."
Hermes face grew grave," Em, they don't have Demigod dreams this young, and they definitely shouldn't produce shields. Not even Hecate's children can do that... I'll have to tell the other Olympians at the next Solstice meeting." Emma nodded silently and stood, giving Hermes a kiss on the cheek and wandered back to her bedroom. Dreading the Winter Solstice, Hermes flashed out of the room....
*Dorcas Meadowes was an actual member of the Order. Killed in 1981, but the exact date isn't specified, lets just say she died in early October 1981, after Gideon and Fabian Prewett's funeral.
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