Meeting Harry Potter
I woke up around 10:30 a.m.
I walked over to my dresser and grabbed a pair of my black ripped skinnies and walked over to my closet and grabbed my Avenged Sevenfold muscle tank and got changed.
After that, I fixed my hair the way I always have it.
When I was done do my normal morning routine, I went downstairs and got out a bowl, cereal, and milk.
After I finished making a bowl of cereal, my mum cane down from the stairs and made herself a bowl.
We sat down at the table and ate.
"Are you going to see Harry today?" My mum asked
"Yeah." I replied.
"When are you going to leave?"
"Probably around 12:00."
"Okay. I have to go shopping for groceries. Do you want anything?" She asked
"No. I'm fine." I said
"Okay." She said.
*At 12:00*
I slipped on my combat boots, grabbed my iPod and left.
I walked over to their house and knocked on the door. Their car was there so I supposed they were home.
The door knob turned and opened.
Harry answered the door.
"Hi." I said smiling.
"Hi." He said smiling back.
"Do you want to hang out?"
"Uhm. Er. Sure. But let me ask first." Harry said
"Okay." I replied.
Harry let me walk in the house.
I had a bad habit of listening to other people conversations. I couldn't help but listen to this one.
"Aunt Petunia. Can I go over to Clover's house?" Harry asked
Petunia, Vernon, and Dudley broke out in laughter.
"Who'd want to be friends with you?" Vernon asked laughing
"Clover would." Harry said
Everyone stooped laughing.
"Don't talk back to your father like that." Petunia said sternly.
"Clover is waiting by the door." Harry said
"Yeah right." Dudley said laughing.
The door to the kitchen opened. There stood Petunia giving me a look full of disgust.
"Hi." I said smiling.
"Hi." She said and walked back into the kitchen.
"As long as you're not here, we're fine." Petunia said
Harry walked out of the kitchen.
"You ready?" I asked him.
"Yup." He replied
"My mum is out grocery shopping. So we're home alone. Is that okay?" I asked
"Yeah." Harry said.
We walked out of the door and walked to my house.
"I would have never thought, that I'd move into the same neighbour hood that Harry Potter lives in." I said
"How. Oh. You must be-" harry started saying
"A witch. I'm going to Hogwarts." I said cutting him off.
"That's where I go to school at." Harry said.
"Well. At least I'll know someone." I said
We walked into my house.
"Do you want anything to eat? Drink?We have popcorn, Cheese-Its, Crackers, and for the drinks we have pepsi, coke, apple juice, and water.. Considering we just moved in, we don't have that much food or drinks." I offered.
"I never had popcorn before." Harry admitted
I was in complete shock. My jaw dropped to the ground.
"Oh. My. God. N-never?!?"
"No." Harry said
"They must be starving you." I said
"Better believe it." Harry said.
"Are they?" I asked
Harry nodded.
"Well. Here. Food is EVERYTHING. Me and you. Are going to pig out once my mum gets home with the groceries. For now on. We got to make you some popcorn." I said
Harry was shocked.
"I never pigged out before." He said
"Well today you are." I said pulling a large popcorn bag out of the box and unwrapping it. I put it in the microwave and started cooking it.
I walked over to the fridge and took out the two cans of soda.
"Which one? Coke or Pepsi?" I asked holding the cans up.
"Uhm. Er. Coke." Harry said
"Here. And I'll take pepsi." I said
The popcorn was done.
I opened the microwave and took out the bag.
"That smells delicious." Harry said smiling.
"Cuz' it is delicious." I giggled.
I got down a big bowl and poured the popcorn in it.
"Come on. I'll show you my room." I said running up the stairs. Harry was running up behind me.
We walked into my room.
I walked over to the stereo and plugged in my iPod.
"Here. Try it. And you can sit on my bed." I said to Harry.
He grabbed a handful of popcorn and shoved it in his mouth. His reaction was priceless.
"I told you Harry." I laughed.
I went back to my iPod and went to the music selection.
And pushed All-Time-Low. I pressed 'The Reckless And The Brave'.
The song started.
Harry laughed.
"This song reminds me of my friends, Fred and George." Harry said
"Really? What are they like?" I asked curiously. I wanted to know cuz this song describes me so well.
"They love to pull pranks. And they are really reckless and getting into trouble." He said
"Sounds like me." I said giggling.
"If you like to be reckless and pulling pranks all the time. Then you'd like them and they'd like you." He said
"I want to meet them." I said.
"Well. We should be getting our Hogwarts letters soon. I go to their home and go shopping at Diagon Ally with them. You could come with us. If your mum says yes." Harry said
"Okay. Cool. Sounds like a plan." I said
"Yup." He said
"So are we going to get to know each other or what?" I asked
"Okay lets start." He said.
Me and Harry talked about family and what we liked and all that stuff. I told him why I got transferred and what school I used to go to. He told me about all his friends and then the enemies.
He told me about the Weasley family, Hermione,and Hagrid. Those were his friends.
His enemies were Draco and basically the whole house of Slytherin.
We talked for a few hours.
"I've never heard of Avenged Sevenfold before. Are they good?"
"They're awesome!" I said.
"You've heard swear words, right?," I asked, "cuz this song has swear words."
"Yeah." He said.
I turned on 'Nightmare' by Avenged Sevenfold.
The song started and Harry listened.
In the middle of the song Harry said, "I like it. It sounds good. What other music do you like?"
"Well. I like rock, techno, pop, and that's about it. I don't like country or opera or any of that stuff." I said.
"I've never heard any techno music. I've heard pop music but only in stores and restraunts when songs are playing." Harry said.
"Do you want to hear a Blood On The Dance Floor song?" I asked.
"Sure." He said.
I turned on 'Candyland'.
We listened to the song.
When it ended I asked, "What do you think?"
"Oh. Uhm. Well. Er. It's very...dirty. But it is a good song." He admitted
"That's one of my favourite songs by them." I said
"Cool." He said, "Uhm. I know we met yesterday and barley know each other, but can I stay here tonight? I can't stand going back to the Dursley's."
"Yeah. I don't blame you. I'd go somewhere else too. You can stay in the extra room across the hall." I said
"Thanks." He said.
My mum got home.
"Clover!! I'm home!!" She yelled
"Okay!!" I yelled back.
I heard footsteps come up from the stairs.
My mum walked to the door way to my bedroom.
"Hi Harry. Having fun?" She asked
"Yup!" He replied happily
"Good. I bought food for dinner. We're having steaks. If you'd like you can join us for dinner." She offered
"That'd be great. Thanks." Harry replied smiling.
My mum nodded and started to walk away.
"Wait! Mum! Can harry spend the night? His Aunt and Uncle don't care." I asked
"Sure." She said smiling and walked back downstairs.
"I told you she'd say it's okay." I said to Harry.
"I wish my mum was alive." He mumbled under his breath.
I looked over at Harry who had his head down.
I got up from my chair I was sitting in and sat down next to Harry and hugged him.
"You know what?" I asked
"What?" He said
"My mum is your mum. You can call her mum. She won't mind. She used to work for a day care back home whee I was and the kids called her mum." I said trying to make Harry feel better.
"Thanks." He said smiling
We let go of the hug and went down stairs and walked in the kitchen.
"Soda?" I asked
"Sure." He replied.
"Same or different?" I asked.
"Same." He said.
I grabbed a Coke and a Pepsi out of the fridge and handed Harry the Coke.
"Thank you." He said taking a drink.
"You're welcome." I said.
"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked
"Sure." He said
"Okay. Scary, romance, or comedy?" I asked.
"Hmmm...surprise me."
"Okay. Scary it is. Now since I chose the genre, you choose the movie.
How about.....The Grudge? Or Nightmare On Elm Street?" I asked pulling out the movies.
"The Grudge sounds scary. Let's watch it." He said.
It was about 6:00 and getting dark. I put the movie in the CD player.
"I'll be back. Wait here. do you want any pyjama's to sleep in?" I ask Harry.
"Uhm. Yeah.." He replied.
"Then come with me." I said.
Harry followed me up to my room. I pulled out the drawer that had my pants in. I pulled out a pair of blue pyjama pants and handed them to Harry. I walked over to my closet and grabbed a black shirt and handed it to him.
He went to the bathroom and got changed.
After we got into our pj's, I quickly ran inside my bedroom and grabbed all of my comforters and pillows and ran down stairs.
Harry was already down stairs waiting on the couch for me.
"What are all those for?" He asked.
"Blanket fort!!" I said excitedly.
The only times I ever built blanket forts is when I was about 6 years old and I was with my older brother Lucas. He isn't around anymore so all the fun stopped.
"I never built a blanket fort before." Harry admitted.
"Okay. Well. You're going to learn today. We need to move the furniture first." I said.
We moved the couch side ways to the left and the two arm chairs by each other to the right with a space in between.
Harry and I took one side of the large comforter and hung it on top.
Then we laid another comforter on the wood flooring and laid a bunch of pillows on it.
"It's done!!" I said excitedly.
"Whoo-Hoo!!" Harry cheered
We both laughed and grabbed two small light single blankets and crawled in the fort. I grabbed the remote and pushed play.
*About 30 Minutes Into The Movie*
I now had my head dug into the pillow and the blanket covering my whole body.
"Tell me when it's over." I said.
"Okay." Harry said. He was rubbing and patting my back with his hand to try and keep me calm.
About five minutes after he said, "it's done."
I peeked my head out of the blanket and to see if it was really done. It was done.
"Dinner is ready kids!!" My mum yelled.
"Coming!!" I yelled back.
I pushed pause and laid the remote down on the ground. Harry and I crawled out of the fort and went to the table.
My mum handed out the plates while I sat the table.
"Dig in." My mum said.
"Thank you for the dinner." Harry said
"Anything for you." She replied.
Me and Harry grabbed our food and sat down at the table and ate.
When we finished eating our dinner, me and Harry went back to watching the movie.
I was being the scardy cat who freaked out wouldn't watch certain scenes.
Hardy kept assuring me that it was all fake and it wouldn't happen in real life.
The movie ended. I was scared out of my mind.
"I'm getting tired." Harry said.
"Me too. I can clean this up in the morning." I said.
Me and Harry walked up the stairs.
"Here is your room for tonight. You know where eveything else is. If you need anything, just wake me or mum up." I said.
"Thanks. And goodnight." Harry said
"You're welcome and goodnight." I said.
I walked to my bedroom. I walked to my bed and laid.
I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned. I couldn't close my eyes without seeing the grudge. It went on for about an hour or so.
I finally got the nerve to get up and walk to the bedroom where Harry was
I opened the door and walked in.
"Harry. Wake up. Harry. Harry. Wake up." I whispered while nudging him.
"What?" He asked
"I can't sleep. Can I sleep in here?" I asked.
"Yeah." He said.
It was a big bed. He scooted over to the other side. I climbed in under the covers and I fell a sleep knowing someone was with me.
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