First Day At Hogwarts
I woke up at 7:30 AM to my alarm clock going off.
Fred and George stayed the night. And so did Molly. She slept in the extra bedroom.
The twins and I all fell asleep in my room on my bed watching a movie.
When I sat up, I seen Fred and George were still sleeping.
"Hey. Guys. Wake up." I said shaking them.
They both groaned and yawned and sat up.
They had messy hair with drool crusted to the corner of their mouths.
On the other hand, my hair looked like a rat made a nest in it, drool crusted to the corners and my chin to my mouth, and crust sticking to the inside corners of my eyes.
"Wow. You look awful in the morning." Fred said.
"I'm not a morning person." I said in a moody tone, rubbing the eye crust and drool off of me.
"I can tell." Fred mumbled.
"What'd you say?" I asked knowing the answer.
"Oh, nothing." He said quickly.
"Mhmm. That's what I thought." I said back again in a moody tone.
Fred, George, and I all got up and went down stairs.
Molly and my mum were talking and drinking coffee.
"I'm making me a cup of coffee." I said.
"Okay hun. Are you packed for Hogwarts?" My mum asked.
"Yup." I replied.
"You made sure you got your insulin and the rest of your medicine and blood sugar things are packed?" She asked taking a sip of her coffee.
"Yes mum." I said pouring the coffee into a mug that had the unicorn on it.
I added some cinnamon flavoring to the coffee.
I took a sip of coffee.
"Sorry guys. Do you want any coffee or drink or anything to eat?" I asked looking at the twins who were half awake.
"Coffee please." They both said.
"Okay. Flavoring or black?" I asked.
"Can I taste yours to see how it tastes with cinnamon." George asked.
I nodded and handed him the mug. He took a sip and nodded.
"With cinnamon." George said.
"Can I taste?" Fred asked.
I nodded again and George handed Fred the mug. He took a sip and nodded.
"The same." He said.
I got down two mugs and poured coffee in them and added cinnamon.
I handed them the mugs and they sipped their coffees.
The twins and I walked back upstairs to my room.
"Have you ever drank an energy drink before?" I asked the twins walking into my room.
"No." They said.
"I should try and sneak some Monsters and Rockstars in my suitcase." I said smirking.
"Wow. We basically all just woke up and she is already thinking of doing something sneaky." Fred said looking at George.
"That's our girl." George said.
"Clover!! Come down here!" My mum hollered.
"Coming!!" I yelled back.
We sat down our coffees and went downstairs.
"I got something for you." She said handing me a box wrapped in wrapping paper.
I tore off the paper and looked at the box.
"You got me an iPhone?!" I said excitedly jumping up and down.
"Yes. Since you broke your old phone at your old school and now you're going to a new school, I thought it'd be good for emergencies just in case." She said.
"Thank you mum!" I said hugging her.
"You're welcome dear." She said. "I put $50 on there for music and games."
"Thanks mum." I said.
I ran upstairs with the twins. I took the iPhone from the box and turned it on. It came up with a bunch of apps already installed. It was already fully charged.
Considering I absolutely love music, I immediately went to iTunes.
I downloaded a few albums from All Time-Low, Avenged Sevenfold, Black Veil Brides, Blood On The Dance Floor, Busted, ColdPlay, My Chemical Romance, Sleeping With Sirens, and Pierce The Veil. Some songs were sad, but they helped me when ever I got depressed.
I bought only one game. Minecraft. I loved the game. I am addicted to it.
I downloaded more free apps.
They were mostly picture editing apps.
But a few were social media like Facebook and Pinterest and a few games.
"Let's take a picture. I'm going to set it as my lock-screen." I commanded.
"Ooo" They said in unison.
We lied down on my bed.
Fred on the left, me in the middle, and George on the right.
I opened the camera and took a picture.
I loved it. It was perfect.
I went to my settings and saved it as my lock screen.
I went to 'Contacts' and put in my mum's number and The Dursley's number so I could call Harry. The Weasley's didn't have a phone. I could only contact them by Owl.
Yeah. I know. It's pretty sad that I only have two numbers. I never had any real friends anyway besides Fred and George and Harry.
"I think we'd better take more pictures." I said smirking. "Or should we go get some energy drinks?"
"I vote energy drinks." Fred said raising his hand.
Then George raised his hand.
Then me.
We were all smirking at each other.
I walked over to my dresser and pulled out two pairs of black skinny jeans.
"Try these on. I want to know how you look in skinny jeans." I said handing them the jeans.
"One of you can change in the bathroom and the other in my walk in closet. The closet is big enough so yeah." I said. "And you're going to try on one of my tees."
"This is going to be interesting." George said.
"Yeah." Fred said.
I walked in my closet and pulled out a black shirt and a white shirt. I also pulled out a BOTDF band tee for myself.
"If these outfits fit you comfortably, you can have them. Fred has the black shirt and George has the white shirt. If they fit I'll get my sliver sharpie and my black sharpie and write 'F' for Fred and 'G' for George. Now go change." I commanded.
"Yes bossy." Fred mumbled.
"What Fred?" I asked knowing the answer.
"Nothing. Nothing." He said quickly while smirking at me.
"Mmhmm." I said.
I walked over to my dresser and grabbed a pair of skinnies.
I laid them down the bed and began to take my shirt off. I pulled my band tee on and started to take off my pants.
As I began to pull on my jeans, George and Fred walked in from their changing areas.
I quickly pulled the jeans from my ankles to my waist as fast as I could.
I didn't want them to see one thing. Scars.
"What were those lines on your legs?" Fred asked.
"Nothing." I said buttoning my jeans.
"What were they?" George demanded.
"Nothing!" I said very clearly and sternly.
I walked over the the dresser and grabbed my blue and black belt and began putting them through the loops.
There was a long line of silence when I was trying to put the belt through the very back loop.
George came and walked up to me and helped me.
Once I finally buckled the belt, I said, "Sorry. It's Just. I'll tell you when I'm ready. Which will probably be never. So just forget about it."
I was bound the tell them.
I walked over to George and Fred who were standing beside each other.
I hugged them and began to have a nervous brake down and began to cry my eyes out.
"Don't cry Princess." Fred said.
I lifted my head up and sniffled.
I went on my tiptoes and kissed Fred's cheek.
I walked over to my bed and sat down. I took a few deep breaths, in and out, and tried to calm myself down.
"It's okay." George comforted me.
Fred and George hugged me. I cheered up after a few minutes and stopped crying.
"Now who's ready to get some energy drinks?" George asked
"Me!!" Fred and I said in sync.
All three of us went downstairs.
"I'm gunna go to the grocery store down the street. I'm gunna get energy drinks." I said to my mum.
"Kay. Here's some money." She said handing me a $20 bill."
"Thanks. Bye!" I said to Molly and my Mum.
"Bye!" They both said.
Fred, George and I walked out the door and began to walk down the street.
We made it to the grocery store and went down the soda/drink isle.
I walked down the isle until I seen the energy drinks.
"'s on sale. How bout' a six pack of Lo-Carb Monster and the original Rockstar Energy Drink." I said.
I grabbed the two, six packs of energy drinks and headed toward the 'Goodies' isle. Where all the snack were.
"What'd you want? Your choice." I said to the twins.
"Hmmm..." They said together.
"A pack of cherry flavored liqurish." Fred said.
"A box of animal crackers." George said.
"I'm getting sea-salt cashews. They're delicious." I said grabbing a can of cashews. "And I'll get my mum a can of peanuts."
"What does your mum like to snack on?" I asked.
"She likes chocolate-chip cookies." George said.
I grabbed a pack of cookies.
I handed the Monster pack to Fred and the Rockstar pack to George.
I held the snacks that we all got and went to the check out.
We paid for our things and headed home.
When we got home I handed my mum the can of peanuts and the pack of cookies to Molly.
"Thank you!" They said together.
"You're welcome!" I said.
I opened the fridge and put the Monster and Rockstar in it so they'd be cold by the time we leave.
I grabbed the cashews and the other snacks and the twins and I headed to my room.
"We'll probably leave around 9:00 to get to Kings-Cross." I said. "My mum said that Molly said she's putting Arthur up to a test to see if he could handle taking the other kids." I giggled.
"If he passes that," Fred said
"It'll be a mystery." George said.
They both laughed and I smiled and shook my head.
*Time To Leave*
It was finally time to leave.
We all got our luggage and stuffed it in the car. Molly and My mum got in the front seats while Fred, George and I were in the back.
About half an hour later, we made it to where we needed to be.
We grabbed our luggages and went looking for platform 9 3/4.
Molly told me how to go through the wall and where everything need to be.
Fred and George went first. Then me.
Next thing I knew, I was on Platform 9 3/4. It was amazing.
"Woe.." I said in amazement.
I heard the twins laugh.
They showed me where to go and put everything.
Once we got everything settled in it's place, we said our goodbyes to our mums.
It was time to leave.
The twins and I got on the train and found an empty spot.
"You excited?" Fred asked.
I nodded excitedly.
Fred and George giggled as they watched me be all excited. I sat down on the cushioned seat in the corner. I put my feet on the seat sitting up against the side of the train wall. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and logged in.
"Love and miss you mum.❤" I texted her.
"Love and miss you too love.❤" She texted back.
I put my phone away.
"Anything from the trolly?" An old lady asked pulling a cart full of treats.
"Uhm. Can I get 3 chocolate frogs please." I asked.
"Sure." She said and I handed her my money and she gave me my chocolate frogs.
"Thank you." I said.
The old lady nodded and went to the next seat.
I tossed 2 chocolate frogs to the twins.
"You didn't have to Clover." George said.
"I wanted to." I said. "Eat em'."
"Thank you." They said together.
"Anything for you two." I said.
We opened our candy and caught the frogs before they jumped off the plastic. They were delicious.
After about an hour of non stop talking, the twins said, "We're gunna go get our robes on."
"Kk." I said.
About 5 minutes later the twins came back and sat down.
As I was starting to talk, a voice on the microphone said we were going to be at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry in exactly 5 minutes.
"Oh my god!!! Yes!!" I was very excited.
"Calm down Princess." Fred said.
I became quiet and stared at him.
"You lil' shit.." I mumbled.
"What Clover?" Fred asked.
"Oh. Nothing. Nothing." I said.
"Mhmm.." He said smirking.
The train stopped. We were at Hogwarts.
"First years over here!!Com' on.!!" A tall, bushy bearded giant called.
"Come on Clover. We'll introduced you to Hagrid." George said.
They guided me over to the tall giant.
"This is Clover. She isn't a first year, but she needs to be sorted." George explained.
"Ahh yes! You're Clover! Nice to meet you. I'm Hagrid." The giant said happily.
"Hi." I said.
He guided me and the first years to a lake and boats. I sat in the boat with a couple of first years. I held the lantern.
A few minutes later we made it to the island that Hogwarts was on.
He guided us into the castle.
A lady wearing a green robe and a black hat came out of a big room. I'm guessing it was The Great Hall because at my old school, we had one. She explained the rules, the houses, basically everything. She went back in and a few moments later she came back and lead us in the room.
There were four, very long, tables filled with people.
"Clover Armstrong. You will be sorted first." Miss. McGonnagoll said.
I walked up and sat on the wooden stool. I was nervous. Shaking. Very bad. I was having anxiety.
McGonnagoll put the brownish pointed hat on me.
"You're just like the Weasleys!!" The hat yelled. I heard giggling coming from a table that must've been Gryffindor because the Weasley boys were there along with Ginny Weasley.
"You have the minds of the twins!! BETTER BE GRYFFINDOR!!" The hat yelled.
The Gryffindor table cheered and clapped. Once the hat was off, I ran over to the Gryffindor table and sat down between Fred and George.
"Wow. You were right." I said to Fred and George.
The twins laughed and so did I.
We watched the rest of the first years get chosen for their houses.
We then began to eat and pig out on the dinner buffet.
I looked over at Hermione and she was whispering something Harry while giving me and mean look. I shook it off and went back to eating.
Dumbledore had everyone sing the Hogwarts song. And in my opinion, it was so AMAZING I thought. This whole school is so amazing. I finally get to be myself with my new friends. It was like a dream come true.
It was already time to go to our dorms. The Gryffindor prefect, Percy, led us to the Gryffindor dorms.
"Goodnight Princess." Fred said.
"Goodnight Beautiful." George said.
They both were hugging me and I was hugging back.
"Goodnight Loves." I said.
We separated and headed to our dormitories. I found my bed, got changed and fell asleep.
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