Diagon Alley & Sickness
Tuesday rolled around pretty quickly.
I've been hanging out with Fred and George all day, everyday.
Today was the day me and my mum go to the Weasley household and go to Diagon Alley.
"You ready hun?!?" My mum yelled.
I was in the bathroom doing my hair.
"Not yet!! A few more minutes!!" I yelled back.
"Okay!!" My mum said
I finished up my hair.
I walked into my room, grabbed my black slouch backpack, put my iPod and personal items in it and closed it up and ran down stairs.
"Now I'm ready." I said.
"Finally. Okay. I'll meet you at Diagon Alley. I have to go somewhere." My mum said
"Okay." I grabbed some Floo Powder and said, "THE BURROW."
(At The Burrow)
After I was done twirling through the emerald green fire, I ended up at my second home. The Burrow.
Yes. I did call it my second home. The Weasley's were like my second family. And I loved it.
The first thing that happened to me was Fred and George pulling me in a bone-crushing hug.
"Mmpff" I said as they pulled me into their arms, "Can't.....Breathe...Guys"
"WE MISSED YOU!!" They yelled letting me go.
I was trying to catch my breath. My side was hurting from them hugging me so tight.
"(Sigh) Jesus!! You try and kill me and then say 'WE MISSED YOU!!'. I feel (Sigh) the love." I said trying to breathe normal again.
Fred and George laughed while I still tried to catch my breath.
"Admit it. You still love us." George said.
It was true. I did love them. I loved both of them. With all of my heart. They made me smile. They make me forget all the bad times. They make me live all the good times. We are like the 3 peas in a pod. Or the 3 Musketeers.
I finally caught my breath.
"You two are lucky I love you both." I said smirking.
"Not as lucky as you are." Fred said.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked. I was very confused.
"Cuz' we love you more." George said.
"Really now? I think I love you two more." I said smiling.
"Who ever wins at the tickle fight loves the other more!!" George said very fast.
Next thing I knew, I was pinned on the ground, laughing my ass off from being tickled by Fred and George. They knew that tickling was my weakness and that I always lost at it.
"Who loves who more!!??" Fred yelled while still tickling my sides.
"Y-Yo-You guys!!" I laughed.
By this time, I was crying from laughing so hard.
Fred was on top of me, tickling my sides. And George was by my head tickling my neck.
"We can't hear you!!" George yelled.
"You-You Guys!!!" I yelled out of laughter louder.
Fred and George finally stopped tickling me.
The tickle fight went in for a good 5-10 minutes.
I sighed in relief as they got up off of me and stood up.
"Oh my god." I sighed sitting up.
As Fred put out his hand to help me up I flinched. I thought he was going to tackle me again.
He seen I flinched and stomped a foot and reached both of his arms out and pretended to try and grab me.
I let out a small scream while Fred and George laughed.
"Oh I'm not going to tickle you Clover." Fred said reaching a hand out again.
I took his hand, pulled me up, grabbed me by the waist, and spun me around in circles.
"Excited for Diagon Alley?" Fred asked still spinning me.
"Yep!" I said. I was getting dizzier and dizzier by the second.
He put me back down on the ground. We were so dizzy we fell to the ground.
Me, George, and Fred all laughed as Me and Fred fell to the ground.
"Oh hi dear!" Molly said As she walked in.
"Hi Molly!" I said
"Where's your mum?" She asked.
"She said she had to go somewhere and she'll meet us in Diagon Alley." I said.
"Okay. Just making sure." She said.
Fred and I stood up and walked into the kitchen.
"I'm hungry." I complained.
I haven't eaten or drank anything this morning yet.
"Hi hungry." Fred and George said together.
"Who might you two be?" I asked sarcastically.
"I'm dumb." Fred said
"And I'm dumber." George said
"Hi dumb and dumber." I said giggling.
We all laughed.
"Can I have some toast?" I asked
"You know where the bread and toaster is." Fred said smiling.
"Thank you." I said
"Mmhmm." George said.
I got out the bread, put it in the toaster and waited.
When the toast was done, I got a plate and I went to the fridge and got out the butter. I buttered my toast and began to eat.
"Oh meh god!! This is sooo delicious!!" I said with a mouth full of food.
Fred and George laughed at me.
Once I swallowed my food I laughed as well.
I finished my toast and I went and sat on the couch with the twins.
Again, I sat in the middle. My head was on George's lap while my legs were hanging off of Fred's lap.
Next thing I knew I fell a sleep on their laps.
(An Hour Later)
"Wake up. Wake up. Clover, wake up." Fred said shaking me.
"It's time to go to Diagon Alley." George said
"Wha?" I asked sitting up yawning and rubbing the crust out of my eyes.
"We're going to Diagon Alley. Now get up Sleepy Princess." Fred said.
"I'm getting uuup." I groaned.
Out of no where, Fred picked me up bridal style and George poured a small glass of ice cold water on my head.
"YOU LIL' SHIT!!" I yelled and jumped out of Fred's arms and chased George out into the front yard.
I finally caught up to George and tackled him. We both landed in the water and got soaked.
While we were in the water I pinned George down.
"Now I got you." I said smirking
"And now I got YOU!!" George yelled and it all turned around. Now it was me who was being pinned.
"Shit! My hair is messed up!" I said.
"Such bad language Miss.Armstrong." George said.
"Ha Ha. Like you don't swear Georgie." I said
"Me?! Swear?! Nooooo!!!" George said very sarcastically.
"Yeeeaaahhh!!!" I said
"Truce?" George asked
"Truce." I said.
We both got up out of the muddy water and walked back to the burrow.
We walked in and seen that Molly, Fred, Ron, and Ginny were all staring at me and George.
"Such a lovely day outside!" I said trying to sound innocent.
"So you decided to go for a swim?" Molly asked.
"Yeah!" George said
"Go get changed!" Molly yelled.
"Yes mam'." We both said running up stairs to the twins room.
Over the past few days that I've been with Fred and George, I forgot some of my cloths there.
"Thank god I forgot my cloths here." I sighed
"Yeah." George said
"Hey Georgie" i said
"Hey Clovie" George said.
I giggled at what he called me.
"You remember the first day I met you and the time I walked in my room and I was really mad, right?" I asked
"Yeah." He said
"You know how I didn't want to tell you and Fred why I was mad?" I said
"Yeah." He said
"Do you still want to know why?" I asked.
"Sure." He replied.
"Well. My mum found out my secret." I said.
"What was your secret?" He asked.
"That I like you and Fred...." I mumbled very softly.
"What? I didn't understand." He said.
I must've mumbled it so soft that he couldn't hear what I said.
"That I like you and Fred." I said normally. I was now sitting on the ground criss-cross applesause with my elbows on my knees and my hands covering my face.
I felt George sit down in front of me.
He took both of my hands from my face and held them in his hands.
"Fred and I....well...we," he said. Me and George were staring into each others eyes, "We actually like you too."
A smile showed up on my face. Then on George's.
George stood up and reached out for my hand to help me up. I took his hand and stood up.
When I stood up, I immediately hugged him. And he hugged back.
While we were hugging, he kissed my cheek. We let go of our hug and grabbed our cloths. I went in the bathroom to go change.
When I walked out, I seen George standing out in the hallway holding my bag.
"Hey Princess." He said smiling
"Hey Prince." I replied smiling.
"Considering you take like an hour to fix your hair, I decided to grab one of Ginny's hair ties and you could put your hair up for a change." He said
"Thanks." I said smiling.
I grabbed for the hair tie when George closed and moved his hand away and said, "Nope. I'm putting up your hair."
"Hmmmm...okay." I said
He guided me back into the bathroom, faced me to the mirror, and grabbed my hair into a bunch and put the hair tie in.
"You look beautiful." George said.
My cheeks went bright red. And so did George's.
I actually felt beautiful for once.I felt pretty.I felt like I was worth something
"I've never been called beautiful.." I said.
"Well, I mean it. You ARE beautiful." George said.
"I love you Georgie." I whispered.
"I love you to Clover." He whispered back.
He was hugging me from behind. We were still looking at each other in the mirror. Enjoying the silence.
The Fred came in and said, "Okay. No more romance. Let's go to Diagon Alley."
"You ruined the moment Freddie." I said annoyed.
"Sorry." He said, "Do ya still love me?"
"Yes. I still love you." I said smiling.
"Yay!!" Fred cheered, "Now come on."
George, Fred, and I walked down stairs to the fireplace.
"Everyone ready?" Molly asked.
Everyone nodded their head in reply to Molly.
"Okay. You first Fred." Molly said.
Fred took som Floo powder, stepped in the fireplace, threw the powder on the ground and said, "DIAGON ALLEY."
"George. Your turn." Molly said.
George did the exact same thing.
"Come on Colver." Molly said.
I took some Floo powder, threw it on the ground, and said, "DIAGON ALLEY."
I twirled through the emerald green fire and ended up in Diagon Alley.
I looked around to see if Fred and George were around. They were waiting for me a little bit a way from the grate. I ran over to them and waited for the others.
Soon enough Ginny, Ron, and Molly showed up. They ran over to us. Molly went over the list with us.
Molly said the twins and I could go look around places and meet back in an hour in front Gringotts Bank to meet my mum there.
Molly took Ginny to get her supplies.
Ron went with Harry and Hermione.
And I went with the 2 trouble makers.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"The joke shop." George said.
"Oooooo!!!!" I said very excitedly.
Fred and George laughed at what I said. I giggled at their laughs.
"We're here!" Fred said excitedly.
We walked in the shop and I was in Awe.
"Whoa.." I said. My jaw dropped to the ground.
"Close your mouth. You might catch flies." George said giggling.
I opened my mouth wider just to joke around. All 3 of us laughed at myself.
We spent an hour in the Joke shop and finally realised we had to meet everyone in front of Gringotts.
We walked to the bank and seen everyone waiting for us.
"Aw. Finally. You three are here. Now we have to wait for Clover's mum." Molly said.
A few minutes later we seen my mum running over to me.
"Hi mum." I said.
"Hi dear," she said, "I brought you some money. I have to go and meet someone for a job. I'll see you later. Bye and stay out of trouble."
After she said that she waved bye and walked off.
"Pft. Like I'll ever do that." I mumbled.
Fred and George laughed.
"Welp. I'm going to go get my stuff." I said to everyone.
"I'll help." George said.
"Me too." Fred said.
I smiled at them and said, "Thanks."
"Okay. Well when you are done come and find us." Molly said.
"Will do." I said and all 3 of us walked off.
The first place we went to was Flourish & Blots to get all of my books and paid for it.
Considering I already had a wand, I didn't need to get another one.
I didn't have an animal and I decided to get an owl.
I walked over to the very last owl hanging up.it was a big owl and had a lot of feathers that it looked fat.
And that was the reason why I loved it.
It said 'Barn Owl, Female'.
I looked at the price tag and it was a reasonable price.
"I want this owl." I said pointing to a brown barn owl with a tannish belly.
"What are going to name her?" Fred asked.
"Snickers." I said turning around to Fred and George.
"Of course. A "food" name." Fred said sarcastically.
"Well what else would it be?" I asked jokingly.
"Hmm...well a NORMAL name!" Fred laughed.
"Nahh..none of my animals have had NORMAL names." I giggled.
Just then, the manager came out
"Find something kids?" He asked.
"Yes. I want this one please." I said trying to be polite.
"Good choice. She's a good girl. She's trained and she doesn't bite." The manager said, "What are you planning on naming her?"
"Snickers." I replied smiling.
"Well I hope you love Snickers." He said.
I handed him the money, took Snickers, said Thank You, and left.
We finally finished up getting all of my things and we went looking for Molly and the others.
We passed by Hermione, Harry, and Ron when they were looking at the brooms outside the window.
Harry and Ron didn't see us, but Hermione did. She gave me a dirty look. I gave her a smile just to be a smartass. When I smiled at here she rolled her eyes and turned around.
We found Molly and Ginny at the wand shop. We walked in and walked up to them and waited behind them.
"BOO!" Fred, George, and I yelled.
"OH MY!!!," Molly yelled. She got scared and jumped. So did Ginny. They turned around to see who it was, "Don't scare me like that!" Molly yelled again.
The only thing the twins and I did was burst out laughing.
"We finished getting my things." I said.
"Good. Let me take them and I'll carry them." Molly said.
"Oh I got it. I can carry it." I said.
"Are you sure?" She asked.
I nodded and smiled.
"Okay. Well you and the twins and go and look around more if you guys like." She said.
"Thank you though." I said.
"Anything for you dear." She said
Me and the twins left and went to the joke shop.
I wondered off on my own in the joke shop and looked around more while the twins were together on their own.
I grabbed two dungbombs and walked to the cashier. He told me the price and I paid with some of my left over money. I put them in my pocket.
When I was done, I walked over to Fred and George who were looking at the nose-biting teacups.
"Hiya." I said poking George in the side.
"Hiya." They said in unison.
"I'm in love with this store." I said.
"We are too." George said looking up at me.
"Are you two going to buy anything?" I asked curiously.
"We have any money. So no." Fred said.
"Pick one thing each of you. I'm buying." I said.
"You don't have to ya know." George said.
"Is it a crime if I want to? No. It isn't. So pick one thing you want most and let me buy it." I said
"Moody.." Fred mumbled.
"What was that?" I asked pretending not to hear what Fred said.
"Nothing." He said smiling.
"That's what I thought." I said.
Fred smiled and looked around.
"Okay. I found what I want." George said walking up to me. "It's a sugar quill."
"Cool." I said looking at the sugar quill.
Fred was still looking around the shop to find something.
"And I'm sorry for being moody. I didn't mean it." I whispered, "It's a girly problem."
"It's okay. I'm going to have to deal with Ginny when she gets it anyways." George said.
I giggled when he said that.
Fred walked over with a small bag of something.
"Ready Freddie?" I asked.
"Yep. I got Hiccough Sweets." He replied smiling.
"Cool. And I-Uhm-I'm sorry for being moody. I didn't mean it." I said.
"Let me guess...."Girly Problems"?" He asked
"Yeah." I mumbled, "How'd you know?" I whispered.
"Since the beginning of the week, I've found "Girly" items in the bathroom trash. And mum or Ginny doesn't have it, so I knew it was you." Fred whispered.
"Shit." I mumbled.
"We aren't weirded out ya know. It's normal for girls. Yeah it's kinda gross, but it's normal." Fred said hugging me.
I sighed in relief and said, "Thank you."
"Ron knows too." George said.
"Damn it!" I yelled softly enough so the cashier in the back couldn't hear me.
"Yeah...it was actually funny when he found out." Fred said.
"It was the beginning of the week and you left a pad wrapper in the trash and Ron came out of the bathroom into the living room where Fred and I were and said, 'What is this thing?' with a weird look on his face. And Fred said, 'It's probably Clover's pad wrapper.' and he had a very disgusted look on his face and dropped it on the ground and said, 'EW!!' And I picked it up, crumbled it, and shoved it down his shirt and he freaked out while me and Fred were laughing our asses off." George said smiling.
When George was at the part when Ron came out with a weird look on his face I was already bursting out with laughter. When he finished the story I was crying with tears of laughter.
When I finished laughing I whipped off all my tears.
"That is why you two are my best friends." I said smiling and giving them a big, tight hug. "Okay. Now let's pay for your stuff."
All 3 of us walked to the cashier and I paid for Fred and George's things.
"Do they have bathrooms here? I kinda-uhm-need to-change." I whispered to George.
"I'll show you where." He said.
We were walking down the road when we seen a platnom blonde haired boy about my age walking towards us.
"Now what do you want Malfoy?" Fred asked.
"I just wanted to know why this hot girl would be hanging around with a couple of Weasley's." Malfoy said rudely.
When he said that, I got pissed.
Out of no where, George punched Malfoy in the jaw. Next thing Malfoy knew, he was on his knees holding his bruised jaw.
Fred and I stared at George in complete shock. We were trying so hard not to laugh at Malfoy.
"Don't ever disrespect a girl like that ever again." George said sternly staring into Malfoy's eyes.
"My father will hear about this." He said back.
"Blah blah. And I do like the Weasley's. In fact, I love them." I said, "I hope you learned your lesson."
Fred, George, and I walked off.
"You got a good right hook there." I said to George.
"Thanks." George giggled.
"I've never seen you punch someone before." Fred said in shock.
"Cuz' I never did." George said.
He was in shock too.
We walked up to a building that had a sign saying 'Restrooms'. A sign said 'Girls' pointing to the left and a 'Boys' sign pointing to the right.
"Thanks. And please wait for me." I said to George.
"Promise." He replied.
While I started to walk away I heard Fred say, "Is she changing?" And George saying, "Yeah."
I walked into the bathroom and opened the stall all the way at the end.
I walked in, shut and locked the door. I took off my bag and opened it up. I took out a tampon and hung up my bag on the hook.
I changed to a new tampon and threw the other one away. I grabbed my bag and walked out of the stall. I walked to the sink and washed my hands. I walked out of the bathroom and to Fred and George.
"Thank you." I mumbled.
"I did say 'Promise' didn't I?" George said smiling at me.
"Yeah." I giggled.
"You ready Princess?" Fred asked smiling.
I nodded and we headed off to find Molly and the others.
We found all of them in Flourish And Blots looking at different spell books.
Fred, George, and I stopped in front of the store.
"Okay. I never punched Malfoy. Got it?" Said George.
"Got it." Fred and I said.
We walked into the store and walked up to Molly.
"Hi mum." Fred said.
"Hello. You three ready? Hermione is coming over." She said.
Great! I have to deal with the snobby little brat that doesn't like me and reminds me of Brittany White.
"Yep" We all said.
"Okay. Then Let's go." Molly replied.
(At The Burrow)
"Let's go up to our room." Fred said.
George and I followed Fred upstairs.
"I don't really like Hermione." I admitted once we closed the door.
"Why?" Fred and George asked.
"She reminds me of Brittany White. The one who messaged me on Facebook the first time we met." I said.
"Stay with us. We never hang out with her." George said.
"When we go to Hogwarts will we still be in the same class?" I asked.
"It depends on what house you're in." Fred said.
"But since you're EXACTLY like us." George said.
"There's a big chance you're in Gryffindor." Fred said.
"Is Hermione in Gryffindor?" I asked.
Fred and George both nodded with silence.
"Damn it." I whispered.
"Well since there is a big chance you're in Gryffindor, you can sit by us in class and in the Great Hall." George said.
"Ok." I said, "I'm actually gunna go home. I have a big headache, I don't feel well, and I have chores to do."
"Can we come with? We'll help you." Fred asked hopeful.
I nodded with a smile and said, "My mum is at work anyways and I have a lot of chores."
"Yay." George said happily.
We headed downstairs and went to Molly who was in the kitchen making lunch.
"I'm gunna go home. I have a headache and I don't feel well. Plus I have a lot of chores to do." I said.
"Me and Fred are going to help her." George said.
"Aww. That's sweet. I hope you feel better sweetie." Molly said looking up smiling.
"Thank you." I replied smiling back.
Me, Fred, and George walked over to the fireplace. One at a time, each of us grabbed a handful of Floo Powder and went to my house.
(At My Home)
I walked over to my couch, grabbed the pillow, hugged it, and laid down cuddled with it with my eyes closed.
"Georgie!" I yelled.
"I'm right in front of you." George said.
I opened my eyes and stared up at Georgie.
"Can you please get me two ibuprofen pills please?" I whispered.
"Yes my Princess." George said smiling.
George walked away to the medicine cabinet in the kitchen. I heard a pill bottle open and pills rattling against the plastic bottle.
Freddie walked in front of me and sat down on the ground.
"Hi Freddie." I whispered.
"Hi Clover." He whispered back.
"How you feeling?" He asked softly.
"Horrible. I don't think it's the 'Girly Problem'." I said.
I felt his soft warm hand against my forehead.
"You're burning up. Do you have a thermometer?" He asked.
"In the medicine cabinet. The second shelf." I said. Fred stood up and walked over to the cabinet.
George came over and sat in the same place that Freddie sat in.
He handed me my two ibuprofen and a small glass of ice cold water.
I threw one of the pills into my mouth and took a drink of cold water. I did the same with the second.
I looked over and seen Freddie walking over and sitting down in front of me holding a thermometer.
"Open up." Freddie said.
I opened my mouth and he slipped the thermometer under my tongue. I closed my mouth tight.
It took about a minute or two until it beeped.
I opened my mouth and Freddie took out the thermometer. He had a shocked-looking face.
"102.5 Degrees." He said softly.
I groaned at his response.
Then, what I never expected to do, was let out a shiver.
"You cold?" George asked.
I nodded with my whole body shivering, "Can you get me my comforter from my bed one of you?"
"I'll be right back." George said.
"Thank you." I replied.
George stood up and walked up stairs.
"I know this is probably a bad time to tell you this, Clover, but I-I kinda like you." Freddie whispered.
I smiled at him. And he smiled back.
"I like you too." I said.
Just at that moment, George was running down with my comforter with it draped over his entire body like how a person would be pretending to be a ghost.
"Oooooo!!!!" George said trying to sound terrifying.
"Oooo....You're so scary." Fred said sarcastically.
I giggled at both of them.
"Here you go, Princess." George said putting the soft, warm comforter over me.
I sat up and patted both of my hands on the couch indicating I wanted them to sit next to me.
They both sat down and I grabbed the remote. I turned it to, Because Of Winn-Dixi.
I threw the comforter on over all 3 of us. It was a small couch so when I was in the middle, I was up against Fred and George. But in a comfy way.
(Towards The End Of The Movie)
My stomach was hurting badly now.
It felt like I had something in my throat waiting to burst out of my mouth. I always had that feeling when I was about to vomet.
Just then, I felt something slowly coming up my throat. I knew what it was.
I threw the comforter off of me and darted straight towards the bottom stairs bathroom. I opened the door and slammed it shut.
I ran to the toilet, opened it up, bent down, and vometed. A lot.
I heard knocking on the door.
"You okay Clover?!" I heard Fred ask.
"No!" I groaned, "But I think I'm done."
I was sitting on the bathtub ledge with my hands covering my face. As I flushed the toilet, Fred and George walked in.
"How you feeling?" George asked.
"Horrible." I said.
I barley had enough energy to speak.
"Our mum has a special tea that she makes and it makes you feel better in about and hour or so. Do you want us to get her?" Fred asked.
"I'll try anything." I sighed. "Just one of you please stay here with me."
"I'll get mum and you stay and watch her." Fred said and left the bathroom.
"There should be an small, old, blue metal trashcan in the kitchen under the sink. Can you get it?" I asked weakly looking up at George.
He nodded and left.
I felt an ice cold sweat covering my body. I was lightly shaking from the violent sickness.
I grabbed the hair tie that was around my wrist and put my hair up in a messy bun on top my head.
George came back with the trashcan and handed it to me.
I stood up slowly and my knees almost gave out. George quickly grabbed me to keep me from falling. He put his arm around my side and guided me out of the bathroom.
"I need to change into something comfortable. I need to go to my room." I weakly stated.
He slowly guided me into my room.
"Grab the black tank top hanging up and the grey pyjama pants." I said sighing.
George led me to my bed and sat me down. He walked in the closet and grabbed the tank and he walked to the dresser and grabbed the pants. He handed them to me.
I didn't care if George was in the room or not, I was going to change. It was probably best if he stayed incase I passed out or something.
All he did was stand in the corner staring down at his feet awkwardly.
I immediately took my jeans off and slid on the pyjama pants. I took of my band tee and bra off and put on the tank. I left the cloths lying on the bed.
"I'm done." I said looking at George.
He looked up and walked over to me.
I slowly stood up walked to the jackets that were hung up by hooks. I grabbed the black, sip up jacket with the white pull-strings. I put it on and walked over to George.
"Let's go." I said.
I grabbed the can and let George grab my side to guide me down the stairs.
Just as I sat down, I felt like I was going to be sick again. And I was right.
I ducked my head in can and belched a couple of times.
When I was done, I lifted my head up and looked at George who had a look disgust on his face.
"I'm sorry." I weakly said.
"It's fine." He replied.
A few minutes later, Mrs.Weasley and Fred arrived. She seen me and George sitting on the couch and she rushed over to me.
"Are you alright dear?" She asked very concerned.
"I honestly do not know." I stated truthfully.
"Well I heard you had a fever, and vometing and I can see you still are." She said.
"And very weak." George added.
"I have this tea recipe that my mother gave me to help get back energy and take away sickness. It'll only take about 10 to 15 minutes. I brought my ingredients and the teapot. I'll be back to check on you in a few minutes." She said patting my back lightly.
I forced a smile nodded at her. She smiled back and went into the kitchen and started the tea.
About 5 minutes later she came back with a glass of water.
"While you wait, you need to drink lots of water." She said.
I took the water glass and drank some water.
About 10 minutes passed by and the the kettle was whistling. Molly hurried into the kitchen and took it off the stove. She poured the tea in a small mug that had a fat cartoon unicorn on it and my name above the unicorn in purple letters.
She walked into the living room where we were and handed me the mug.
"Thank you." I said forcing a smile.
"Anything dear." She replied.
I took a sip of the hot tea. I felt the burning liquid slide down my throat.
It tasted like cinnamon and lemon mixed together. It actually tasted good so I drank the rest of it.
(An Hour And A Half Later)
I belched again, violently, into that can. I was more pale than I was earlier. I couldn't walk because I had barley enough energy left inside me. All I had was enough energy to talk.
"You need to go to a hospital. I'll call your mum." Molly said.
She grabbed our house phone, dialled my mum's number, and waited for an answer.
(The Phone Conversation)
Molly-Hello Alice. It's Molly. I think you need to come home. Clover is sick. Badly. And I think she needs to go to the hospital.
Alice-I'm on my way.
(Conversation Over)
About 20 minutes of people hearing my throw up into a can, the front door opened and in ran my mum to me.
"Oh my. Let's get you to the car." My mum said.
"I want them to come." I said weakly.
"If it's fine with them." She said.
I looked up at Molly and the twins.
They were nodding in reply of coming with me.
My Mum and Molly helped me stand up and Fred and George opened the doors for us.
They led me to the car in the back seat where I sat on the right window seat next to Fred, who was in the middle.
We finally made it to the nearest hospital.
"She needs to see a doctor now." My mum said as her and Molly walked me up to the front desk.
I was pale white, blood shot eyes, light headed, and weak.
As the lady stared at me in shock, I vometed in the an once more.
She got up from her set very quickly and ran down the long corridor and into a room.
A second later, her and a tall man wearing a long, white coat pushing a gurney to us.
"Have her lay on here. We'll take her now." The man said.
Molly and my mum laid me down on the gurney with help from the nurse and the doctor.
I was light headed and weak. I stared at the bright lights that shown over me. I was rushed in a room.
At that moment, everything went black. I passed out.
I opened my eyes.
The first thing I saw was the ceiling.
I noticed I was wearing a hospital gown and nothing but a bra and underwear under.
I turned my head to the right to see Fred and George starring back at me.
"Hi Princess." Fred said.
"Hi Beautiful." George said.
They were both smiling at me.
"Where's my mum? And Molly?" I asked curiously.
"They went to the cafeteria to get some food." Fred replied.
"Kay," I said weakly, "What happened? All I remember is vometing a lot at home and George helping me up to my room to get changed. And being wheeled into a room and I passed out."
"First you weren't feeling well and had a high fever. Then when we were watching a movie, you threw the blankets off of us and ran to the bathroom and vometed. A LOT. And you were pale white and very weak." Fred explained.
"And Fred went to get our mum because she had a tea that would usually help people if they weren't feeling well. And when you drank that, you vometed even more. So our mum called your mum and all of us brought you to the hospital." George said explaining more.
"Oh." I said.
I looked down at both of my wrists. Needles were in my veins.
I looked up and they were connected to bags of clear fluid.
Just then, a tall man wearing a long, white coat with a clip board walked in. He was the same man who helped me on the gurney.
"Good. You're awake. I'm Doctor Parks. How are you feeling?" He asked.
"Better." I replied.
"Good. Uhm-Er-I have some bad news. You have type 2 diabetes. You'll have to stay here another night." He said sternly.
"Oh." I said.
I sat up and criss-cross my legs.
"Will she be alright?" George asked.
"She'll be fine if she takes her medicine correctly and keeps her blood sugar at the right level." He said.
George nodded.
"Can you tell us, what exactly is diabetes?" Fred asked.
The doctor explained everything about diabetes to us and how to manage blood sugar and how to use the medicine.
"I suppose you two are good friends of Clover. Correct?" He asked.
"Yeah." Fred and George said in unison.
"Keep an eye on her and help her with her diabetes. Remind her about her medicine and to check her blood sugar." He said looking at the twins.
"Okay." They said together looking at me.
The doctor closed the door and left.
"Well. I guess I'm spending the night in the hospital." I said.
"We'll stay if you want. Your mum can bring us some movies back and we can have a movie night." Fred said.
"You guys are awesome." I said smiling.
"We know." They said in sync.
The door opened again and walked in Molly and my mum.
"Did the doctor come yet?" My mum asked.
"I have type 2 diabetes and need to stay one more night." I said.
My mum closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and said, "We can make it through this."
I nodded and smiled.
"We decided we're going to have a movie night tonight and tomorrow night. Can you bring some movies Alice?" George asked.
"Yeah. I'll go now. Do you want to come with or do you want to stay with the kids?" She asked Molly.
"I'll stay with the kids." Molly said.
Everyone said their 'goodbyes' and she left.
Molly sat in the chair and asked, "How are you feeling dear?"
"A lot better. Thank you." I said.
"You look a lot better." She said.
"Yeah. I agree," I giggled, "School starts September 1st right?"
"Yes dear." Molly said.
"Okay. What houses are there?" I asked.
"Gryffindor!!" Fred and George cheered. I laughed when they cheered.
"Hufflepuff." Fred said
"Ravenclaw." George said.
"And Slytherin." Fred said.
"You do not want to be in Slytherin. Every witch and wizard goes bad in Slytherin." George said.
"Malfoy is in Slytherin. His family basically works with the He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named." Fred said.
"Oh. Well, I'm basically the 'girl version' of you two right?" I asked.
"Yeah." Fred said.
"So I'll most likely be in Gryffindor." I said.
"Yep." George said.
It was 8:00 PM and Fred, George, and I were watching Despicable Me.
"Fred is asleep." George whispered. "I'm getting tired."
"Yeah. Me too. We should probably be asleep." I whispered back.
Fred turned off the TV and took out the movie and put it in it's case.
My mum and Molly were staying at my home.
Before we knew it, me and George fell asleep once we were relaxed.
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