~New FriendSHIP~
Suddenly, a terrible pain shot through my head. I fell to the ground, I heard Brian' (my tormentor) laugh, a boy's voice, and Barb screaming.
Then I lost consciousness
I woke up in the hospital..."
P.O.V. Praline
I sat down on the bed and looked around. A nurse was standing next to her. The room was large and there were a lot of beds, so I bet I was in the hospital wing.
Nurse-Oh, you're up!
-Well, I guess so.
Nurse-Great! *looks towards the door* Jesus, this woman can't be silenced.
And then I realized that someone was screaming terribly! It sounded like an angry ✨mOtHeR✨. I couldn't hear the whole conversation, but some individual words reached my ears:
??? -HOW COULD YOU... WOMAN... THAT'S NOT... ME... YOUR FATHER.... RAISED YOU! (Who can guess what this lady was saying?) 😜
I think it was Brian's mother xD The nurse opened the door, and like a tsunami some woman, a man and Bartek came at me. I noticed that the sad boy was leaning against the doorframe.
??? -Oh my God, dear child, I apologize to you for my son! I had no idea he could act like that! Where are your parents? I'll pay for your treatment!
MM- Don't panic! We've got that covered!
Mom, Dad, Jack, and the twins were standing in the doorway. Kate was talking to this sad boy. From the movements of her lips, I caught the question, "Why are you blushing?"
"Is he blushing? Did he like Barb or what? Hey, wait, he's coming my way?! OH FUCK!"
?- Sup.
-Hey? Why did Katie ask, "Why are you blushing?" "couldn't you have asked a better question to start with, Mal?"
C-I'm Connor, how about you?
-Malina, but call me Praline
C-Sorry, if Malina then Malina.
C- Awesome.
-And what happened after I fainted?
C-Well, some chick ran to get the teacher, and suddenly another one appeared, and-
-What did you mean by "chick"?
C-Not important.
Nurse – Jesus Mary, quieter children...
-Well, ok, what's next? And this "chick" of yours is also called Barb.
I was seriously interested in this story and out of the corner of my eye I saw that Barb and Kate were whispering something to each other and giggling. It always irritated me.
C-Well, the other one... What was her name?
C-I guess so. So Kate went to get the nurse, and when Barb came in with the teach-
C-What again?
- Did you skip the reason why you blush?
C- No.
B- When I came with the Ostrich* you were lying unconscious with your head on Connor's lap who was kneeling next to you xD
C-I will fucking kill you Barb *also blushing*
B- your faces are beautiful *takes a pic* xD Let's run, Kate! BAYOOOO
And they ran away. It makes me angry when they act like that.
-I have a question, Connor
C- Yes?
-Wow, you're the first friend I've ever had!And I'm not lying. I didn't have any friends in my life. People approached me, or rather clung to me! But they were not fit to be friends. I have a lot of acquaintances here, but so far I've talked the most with the twins and the English teacher. And maybe with Mathy, but it's not the same. I've really taken a liking to Connor, and we've only just met!
C-Nice. It's always best to be the first. Just not to answer in math
And this is where it all began...
451 WORDS?!
But there will probably be a longer chapter... But not now. The next part of the book is The Praline Diary, where he talks about what he knows about Connor. The action will develop soon and at this point I say goodbye to you, Teddy Bears. Have a nice day/evening.
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