These are the vocabulary that will be used here and there in this story so if you are not familiar with the history of Mahabharata then please familiarise yourself with the glossary provided below.
HastinaManikyaa - the title of Maheswari which translates to the jewel/ruby of Hastinapur
Kuruvansh - translates to the dynasty of Kurus in Sanskrit
Pandavas - A set of five brothers namely - Yudhishthir ( the eldest) , Bheem, Arjun, Nakul and Sahadev ( set of twins from Queen Madri). Demigod sons of Yamraj, Vayu dev, Indra Dev and the Ashwini Kumaras.
Kauravas - a set of hundred brothers and cousins of the Pandavas. Sons of King Dhritarashtra and his wife Queen Gandhari. The foremost known Kauravas are Duryodhan ( the eldest) and Dusshasan ( the second eldest).
Pandu - The late King of Hastinapur and the foster father of the Pandavas, younger brother of Dhritarashtra.
Hastinapur- Also known Gajasahrya. The capital city of the Kurus and in present day is located in Meerut district of Uttar Pradesh in India.
Dhritarashtra- The blind king and the current monarch of Kuru Empire.
Vidur - The Prime Minister of Hastinapur and the younger half brother of Pandu and Dhritarashtra. One of the foremost figures of Mahabharata. Born of a maid.
Bhishma - The patriarch of the Kuru clan and the great uncle to the Pandavas and Kauravas. He had forsaken his right to the throne for the sake of his step brother and undertook the vow of Celibacy. A strict follower of rules and traditions make him rigid and unmovable towards change. The son of the river Goddess Ganga ( aka Ganges) and has a boon of dying whenever he wants to.
Ved Vyās - the wedlock son of Satyāvatī ( step mother of Bhishma) and the sage Parasharā. The author of the Mahabharata and the surrogate father of Dhritarashtra, Pandu and Vidur. He has the ability to see and hear everything in the world and is an immortal sage.
Gāndhāri - The princess of Gāndhār and Queen of Hastinapur and the sole wife of Dhritarashtra. In the time of her marriage she decided to blindfold herself for eternity in respect to her husband's blindness. Sister -in -law of Kunti and Madri.
Kunti - also known by her birth name Pritha, is the princess of Kunti Kingdom, adopted daughter of King Kuntibhojā and the biological daughter of Surasena, a Yadavā King. The mother of Yudhishthir, Bheem and Arjun but step mother to twins, Nakul and Sahadev. During her teenage years she was awarded with a boon from the sage Durvasā for her service to him which consisted of calling upon any god for a child. The first wife of King Pandu and former Queen of Hastinapur.
Karn - wedlock son born of Kunti and the sun god , Surya, when Kunti was just a teenager due to her curiosity to test the boon. Later gets adopted by the charioteer of Bhishma and becomes a close friend of the Kauravas ( especially Duryodhan) and the King of Angā .
Madrī - The deceased wife of King Pandu and late princess of Madrā Kingdom. Mother to Nakul and Sahadev when Kunti shared her boon with her. When Pandu died from his curse, which was so that he would die the instant when he would get intimate with a woman, she jumped into his funeral pyre and was burned alive.
Dronacharya- The teacher of the Pandavas, Kauravas and Karn. Father of Ashwatthāmā, who later became the king of Northern Pañcāla with the capital of Ahichchatrā.
Ashwatthamā - Son of Dronacharya and later the king of Northern Pañcāla. A mutual friend of the Kauravas and Pandavas
Shakuni - The maternal uncle of the Kauravas and brother of Gandhari. The king of Gandhar who is known for his cunning and devious mentality. Has a vengeful attitude towards the Kurus for marrying off his sister to a blind king and for starving his parents and brothers. His main agenda is to destroy the Kuru clan by putting the Kauravas and Pandavas against each other. Harbours and undying hatred towards Bhishma.
Draupadi - Also known as Krishnaa, Yognagandha, Yagyaseni, Panchali, Kalyani and Agnijasuta . The princess of Pañcāla , the Queen of Indraprasth and later the Empress of India. Was born from holy fire as a full grown woman and has a dark complexion — considered the most beautiful woman of Aryavart.
Drupad - Father of Draupadi and the King of Pañcāla and later the King of Southern Pañcāla with Kampilya as his capital city. Was once the friend of Dronacharya but later became his enemy when he refused to identify him when Dron came to him for help.
Drishtadyumn : Twin brother of Draupadi and the crown prince of Southern Pañcāla. Was born from the same fire as his sister. His purpose of birth was to avenge his father by killing Dronacharya.
Das/Dasi - servant/ maid in Sanskrit
Bhrata/ Bhratashree- Sanskrit for brother, usually used for elder ones but can be used to address the younger ones too.
Jyesth/Jyesthā - An address for the eldest brother/sister in Sanskrit.
Jiji- another term used to address older sisters in Sanskrit
Mamashree - Sanskrit for uncle ( the maternal ones)
Mata / Matashree - Sanskrit for mother.
Pita/ Pitashree- Sanskrit for father.
Pitamah - Sanskrit for Grandfather. A term usually reserved for Bhishma by the Pandavas and Kauravas.
Krishna - The eight avatar of Vishnu ( the preserver God of the holy trinity) and the cousins of the Pandavas from Kunti's side. The Yadavā king of Dwarkā. Also known as Madhav, Govind, Gopal, Dwarakadheesh ( the king of Dwaraka), Vasudev.
Kulvadhu- the clan bride in Sanskrit
Kulguru - the clan priest in Sanskrit
Samrat/Samragyi - Emperor and Empress respectively in Sanskrit
Priye - beloved/dear in Sanskrit
Devi/Arya - lady/lord in Sanskrit
Rajkumar/Rajkumari- Prince/princess in Sanskrit
Kumar- son or unmarried boy in Sanskrit
Kumari - maiden in Sanskrit
Sutā/Putri - daughter in Sanskrit
Putra- son in Sanskrit
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