Here is the long awaited chapter of Prairie Rose. Some of you are a little confused as to what is going on. Cas, who Kanan meets last chapter is an older version of Ezra from what could happen to him. Of course Kanan can't quite understand that.
Kanan couldn't believe it, it was impossible. His son was only five years old.
"Surprise," Cas chuckled. "Now will you let me up?"
"Not till I know what's going on here," Kanan growled trying to steady his gun.
"I will tell you if you let me up."
Against his better judgement Kanan backed off of the man but kept his gun trained on him.
"Don't say that," Kanan growled.
"Look, like it or not, I am Ezra just a little older than what you want to see," Ezra said getting up and grabbing his hat.
Kanan uncocked his gun and holstered it.
"Alright, talk."
Ezra sighed and sat down.
"I know this is going to sound wierd but I am your son. When you died and Zeb took me in, I was devastated. I tried to do what I could, finish school and make sure that I made something of myself but then Zeb got sick. Rex was no longer able to do the work so I was the only other option. So, at the age of sixteen years old I was declared Marshal of Prairie Rose."
"Why would Zeb do that?" Kanan asked.
"Because he felt that I had enough of my father in me that I would be able to handle it. He said that I would be alright and two days later, he was dead," Ezra said sadness etching his voice.
Kanan felt like the air had been knocked out of him.
" did you take the Texas Ranger's job?"
Ezra looked up at him tears filling his eyes.
"I took that job because I felt like the there was nothing left for me. I knew Thomas was never brought to justice, and that became my goal. Find the man who killed my father."
Kanan didn't like where this was going.
"What happened to Hera and Sabine?"
"They left town the day after you died," Ezra said staring into the flames. "Thought I would never find them."
"But you did?" Kanan asked not sure if he wanted to know
"About ten years after I became a ranger, I ran into Sabine in a boom town out in California. Was working a job and heard that Thomas might be related to it. According to her, Hera was forced to marry Thomas. About a year after that Hera got pregnant and both her and the baby died during childbirth. Thomas was furious and took custody of Sabine and forced the girl to start working in one of his most busiest saloons. Once I found her I asked Sabine to come back to Texas with me and that's when Thomas entered the saloon....
"Please Sabine," Ezra begged his long time friend.
"Ezra, I can't," the woman replied before looking up.
"Servant, I don't pay you to run your mouth," Thomas Radical snarled coming up to the bar.
Ezra turned to the man, a frown on his face.
"Thomas Radical, I would like to ask you a few questions."
Thomas looked at him before smirking.
"I especially don't pay ya to gab with Texas Rangers."
"You don't pay me at all," Sabine spat.
"Why you..." Thomas went to hit her but Ezra grabbed his arm.
"You know I can arrest you for hitting a lady."
Thomas jerked his arm back before snapping his fingers. Suddenly both of Ezra's arms were grabbed.
"You know, I'm not good with names but I don't forget a face," the man said grabbing the ranger's face forcing him to look at Thomas directly. "Ahh yes, you're that little boy who got in the way. How is your father?"
"Dead," Ezra growled. "You killed him and I have every right to bring you to justice."
Thomas chuckled and snapped his fingers again and the ranger was drug and threw outside.
"Now this is seems familiar," Thomas mocked walking out the doors.
Ezra grunted as he pushed himself up.
"Your Daddy was down on his knees after I had my men beat him senseless and when I brought you out, he began begging for your safety," Thomas said as Ezra got to his feet. "I don't remember shooting him though."
"You didn't," Ezra spat. "You knocked me out and threw me at his feet. When I didn't wake up, Papa died of a broken heart."
Thomas chuckled before taking out his gun.
"Ah yes, well I guess he will be happy to see you."
Before Ezra could react he had a loud bang ringing in his ears and a sharp pain in his chest. As he collapsed to the ground, his last thought was,
"I'm sorry Papa."
Kanan felt tears welling up in his eyes at the thought of what his son went through until a thought occurred to him.
"Wait if Thomas shot you in the chest, how are you still alive?"
"I'm not," Ezra replied. "I've been in this place for five years now, and from what I can gather this is a place where souls are not quite ready to move on yet."
"So that means I'm dead too," Kanan asked fearfully.
"I don't think so," Ezra said before punching Kanan in the chest, hard.
"Ow, what was that for?" Kanan growled.
"Proving whether or not your still alive and sense you felt that, I would say that you are still living and breathing but if you don't wake up soon....well everyting I just told you might still come true," Ezra said.
"How do I wake up then?" Kanan asked wanting to get back to his little son.
"Just picture waking up and holding that small boy in your arms and hearing his little voice chime like Christmas bells," a deep voice said from behind them.
Ezra's head shot up and turned towards it.
"Papa," he whispered.
Kanan turned to see a version of himself, staring at the ranger, tears in his eyes.
"My Baby Boy, you've grown," the man said.
Ezra jumped up and ran towards the figure. Kanan watched the younger of the two throw his around the older man and break down.
"Papa! Papa!" Kanan could hear.
The older man held Ezra and began running his fingers through the man's hair.
"I know, I've missed you too."
As soon as he said that he looked over at Kanan and smiled.
"Don't ever take this sweet child for granted. You never know when he won't be with you."
All Kanan could do was nod and began to imagine holding Ezra in his arms. Everything was safe and warm. It was just the two of them, nothing was going to tear them apart. Suddenly he felt a weight on his chest and soft breathing filled his ears. Kanan brought a hand up to his chest only to be met with hair. Opening his eyes he saw a small tuft of black hair so dark it almost looked blue.
"EJ?" He whispered.
"Mmm, Papa?" the small body moved slightly.
"Oh Ezra," Kanan sighed in relief hugging the child close to his chest.
Thirty minutes later
Kanan was still holding onto his son as Zeb, Rex, Hera and Sabine was gathered around them.
"I'm telling you Kanan, keep this up and you are gonna be one big scar," Rex chuckled.
"Eh, all part of living I guess," Kanan said turning to the marshal. "By the way, nice shot Zeb."
The man gave him a funny look.
"What are you talking bout?"
"You shot Thomas....didn't you?"
"He didn't, I did."
Okay I'm not that mean.
Hera seemed to back off a few inches when Kanan turned to stare at her.
"It was avoidable, once your plan went south," she teased.
"Ha ha, but you actually shot and killed him?" Kanan asked.
Hera nodded holding Sabine close to her.
"I did. After everything he did to me, to us, and we really like it here. I didn't want to take Sabine away, especially now that she's made a friend."
Kanan and Ezra looked at each other before turning back to the girls.
"So you aren't leaving?" Ezra asked.
"Not this time," Hera said with a big smile on her face before turning to her daughter. "We are staying right here."
The end.
Hope you enjoyed this story. Thank you for all the kind reviews and votes. Have a great day!
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