⊗ 27 ⊗
"wait, so renjun's your boyfriend now?"
"yeah." jaemin nodded, his smile reaching behind his ears. "and jeno too."
"and jeno- what? jeno's your boyfriend?"
"that's what i just told you, yeah." jaemin replied, his smile still not leaving his face.
"but... i thought you said renjun was?"
"oh my god, mark..." jaemin huffed, looking at his hybrid friend. after the little confession session that jaemin, jeno and renjun had shared, the three males had decided to go back to donghyuck and mark's house in order to collect jaemin's things. it was obvious that after deciding that they would be together, jaemin would need to come and live with them again. on his side, renjun had already called the hotel he had been staying in to tell them that his stay would end. "jeno and renjun. both of them."
"oh, okay, i hadn't- wait, bOTH OF THEM?!" mark yelled, making jaemin look at him with his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised.
"love, i heard you screaming, is everything alright?" donghyuck's voice rang from another room, making mark flush.
"y-yeah, yeah, sorry, it's nothing!" the cat hybrid replied before facing his friend again. "so, you basically have two boyfriends now."
jaemin smiled proudly. "i do."
"woah." mark let out. "definitely didn't expect that when donghyuck said that we had to leave you, jeno and renjun alone."
"yeah, same." jaemin answer, going back to stuffing the few clothes belonging to him that were lying around the room. "it was the last thing i expected, really. but i'm not going to complain. this has been what i wanted for the past months so..."
mark nodded in approval, smiling happily at his hybrid friend.
a knock on the door disturbed their little interaction, revealing mark's boyfriend as well as jaemin's new boyfriends.
"are you ready to go, nana?" jeno asked, tilting his head to the side as he watched jaemin zipping a bag that donghyuck had lent him to put his stuff.
"i'm ready." jaemin grinned, approaching the boys he could now call his boyfriends.
as soon as he was standing in front of them, renjun held his hand out, staring at him with a smile. jaemin shyly handed him the bag, his heart fluttering at the kind gesture.
however, he was surprised to find renjun with a confused expression.
"well, i was expecting your hand but..."
"o-oh!" jaemin flushed beet red, immediately taking back the bag in embarrassment.
"i'm going to take the bag, though." jeno added, taking the bag from jaemin's shoulder to put it on his own. "and your hand too, if you let me, of course."
jaemin's still rosy cheeks became fully red as he shyy reached for both jeno and renjun's hands, letting the two of them intertwine their fingers together in a way that made his whole body feel like jelly.
"aw, look at you being couple goals for all polyamorous people out there..." donghyuck cut the sweet moment, causing jaemin to feel even shyer than he usually was.
"yeah, they better take notes, because we're going to show them how amazing it is to have two boyfriends." renjun stated, wiggling his brows at his two lovers.
"yeah, that's for sure." jeno added, lifting his hand that was laced with jaemin's to his mouth to drop a kiss on the hybrid's hand.
jaemin smiled shyly, his cheeks still dusted with pink and red shades.
"t-thank you hyuck for letting me stay here." jaemin thanked his human friend.
"of course, it's always a pleasure to have you." donghyuck patted the boy's head lovingly. "you're always welcome here, you know? so, if one day you can't bear those two anymore, don't hesitate to pass by, alright?" he added, pointing at jeno and renjun.
"t-thanks again." jaemin flashed the boy a gummy smile.
and with that said, the three newly-boyfriends walked back to jeno and renjun's appartement – which would now become jeno, renjun and jaemin's apartment – their hands still laced and their hearts beating in unison, all linked by the power of love.
"nana?" jeno called as they arrived on the front porch of their house a couple minutes later.
"yes?" the hybrid asked, looking at his boyfriend.
"we're here." renjun whispered, causing jaemin to look at the house they were standing in front of. this same house in which everything had started.
the hybrid stayed glued on his spot, his hands holding onto renjun's and jeno's firmly as his lips curved up in a smile as all of the happy memories he had shared with them flashed in his mind.
and jeno and renjun took advantage of jaemin's dazed state to lean forward at the same time and plant a sweet kiss on each of his cheeks.
"welcome home, our nana."
as renjun's eyes fluttered open the next morning, the chinese male was surprised not to recognise the crappy ceiling of the hotel room full of empty alcohol bottles that he had been staying in for the past weeks. in fact, this ceiling looked awfully like the one in his and jeno's shared apartment. could that mean he was he still dreaming?
a quick glance downwards made it even harder for renjun to realise if he was dreaming or not as he was met with the divine sight of jaemin's sleeping face nestled in the crook of his neck, his furry white ears tickling renjun's shoulder lightly. and lying on the other side of the hybrid was jeno, his eyes closed as well and his body spooning jaemin's from behind as his muscular arm was tightly wrapped around his body.
it all felt so surreal, like he was still in a dream, but the events of the day before were quick to flash though renjun's mind, making him recall that this was all true, and that the two boys lying by his side on this bed were his two boyfriends.
a smile etched on his face as he allowed one of his hands to caress the side of jaemin's face in a feathery way, his touch as light as possible so that he didn't disturb the beauty's sleep.
he still couldn't believe that after all this time, after all these lies, jaemin was now sleeping in his and jeno's arms, as the three of them could say that they were together, united by the bond of love in a polyamorous relationship.
thinking deeper about it, renjun couldn't help but find himself stupid for not knowing about these types of relationships. it should have been logical in his mind, that you could love more than one person at the same time, but why the hell hadn't it been? all other types allowed you to love plenty, so why not this one?
with parental love, you could love two parents equally...
with sibling love, you could love as many siblings as you had equally...
with friendship love, you could love an infinity of friends equally...
and then, boyfriend love should be limited to one person? this made no sense, and renjun felt so bad for not realising this before.
if only renjun had known about polyamory, if only he hadn't locked himself in his stupid principles that you couldn't love more than one person or that it was immediately wrong. if only he hadn't been so dumb, then him, jeno and jaemin would surely have been able to be together since long. because now that he thought about it, it seemed like the three of them had been turning around each other for long...
he couldn't remember exactly for how long he had liked jaemin to the point he started questioning himself. it had been long ago, probably after one of the first times him and the boy had met, as if he had been magically pulled towards him by an invisible force, as if they were meant to end up together.
however, he recalled exactly for how long he had loved jeno, and this hadn't changed, despite having jaemin in the picture and these weird feelings he started developing for him. renjun would give his life to save jeno without hesitation; it had been the case since long and it would still be the case for long – hopefully ever. the feelings were here, like a greek fire that nothing could extinguish, burning inside of his chest forever.
as for jeno's feelings for jaemin, it seemed logical now that renjun had all of the elements. jeno had known for long enough that the rabbit he had adopted was not fully an animal, but rather a hybrid with adorable features and a human behaviour. and seeing how protective jeno had been of the rabbit when renjun was not so sympathetic with it, the chinese male could only guess that this was because jeno was slowly getting attached to him. in fact, the korean male had developed feelings for the hybrid the more he spent time with him in his human form – and renjun couldn't really blame him for that, he had been exactly the same.
and finally, jaemin's feelings for both of them. at first, renjun wasn't aware that jaemin could have developed feelings for him, but now that he knew about the boy's real identity, he couldn't help but wonder if the reason why the rabbit had become clingier and clingier the more jaemin and him met was because he had developed feelings for him. and this somehow made sense. as for the feelings he had for jeno, renjun had been somehow aware of them since jaemin had bawled his eyes out in his arms one afternoon, claiming that one of his close friends had been distancing himself from him, and that it hurt bad. renjun knew that these weren't the cries of someone who was slowly losing a friend, but rather those of a heartbroken boy who was about to face a hard rejection. and this all made sense now that jeno had told him how he had tried to distance himself from both him and jaemin after realising that he had developed feelings for both and that he wasn't worthy of their love.
and as he thought again about this conversation he has shared with jaemin, those long minutes comforting the boy for whom his heart beat so fast, he couldn't help but chuckle lightly, remembering this silent statement he had made to himself as he tried helping jaemin collecting the broken pieces of his heart.
he had sworn that if he ever came to find himself face to the person who had made jaemin so sad, he wasn't sure he would be able to get a hold of himself and not lunge at him. and actually, these words were somehow true, simply not in the way renjun had imagined them at first. he wasn't sure he would be able to get a hold of himself and not lunge at jeno to kiss the hell out of him, and not beat the shit out of him like he had predicted.
the chinese male was woken up from his dazed state by a larger hand reaching for his and lacing their fingers together. renjun lifted his head slightly, catching a glimpse of jeno's half-lidded eyes.
"are you awake?" he asked, not able to contain his smile.
"mmh..." jeno hummed, his face still squished against the pillow, making him look as cute as ever.
"how are you feeling?"
jeno's answer didn't come immediately. instead, the korean male took a deep breath, tightening his grip on renjun's hands as well as his embrace around jaemin's body, causing the hybrid to roll on the bed and nuzzle into the male's chest while still sleeping soundly.
"it feels like i'm still dreaming..." jeno replied truthfully, his eyes going successively from renjun to jaemin.
renjun chuckled at his words, his heart feeling so light. "it's the same for me."
neither of the two males dared to speak, leaving the room almost silent if not for jaemin's cute little snores that both boys would never get enough of.
jeno and renjun looked into each other's eyes for long, both silently wondering what had gone through their heads when they had had the idea to break up with each other. they were meant to be together, they were made for each other, and there was no other way it would work. but apparently, made for each other didn't mean for each other and only each other. in fact, it meant made for each other and for a mysterious third person that they had now found and that they were delighted to be able to call their boyfriend.
thinking deeper about it, the fact that renjun and jeno had both developed the same feelings at the same time and for the same male surely meant something. and the fact that both found the same solution to solve their similar problem – which wasn't a problem actually, but neither of them knew that at that time – was a proof that they were really meant for each other, as if it was fate.
the two males' dreamy state was disturbed as the third male lying between them stirred slightly, mumbling incoherent words before opening his eyes slowly under jeno and renjun's loving gaze.
the hybrid stretched tiredly, letting out a cute yawn before his eyes opened fully and he could take consideration of his surroundings. and let's say he definitely didn't expect for his surroundings to be a toned and muscular bare chest lying centimetres away from him, as if he has spent the night nuzzling against it.
with cheeks flaming red, jaemin's eyes widened like saucers, and he was quick to roll around, too shy to keep facing this attractive helf-naked body.
however, the operation seemed harder than expected as once he had showed his back to the wonderfully toned bare chest, he ended up facing another chest, this time clothed – well, partly if we considered the shirt's collar which was basically revealing everything with how low it fell.
the hybrid's cheeks were burning at that point, and the colour of his face could easily compete any tomato that had burnt under the scorching sun.
"hello little one." renjun spoke in a sweet voice, fighting the urge he had to pinch jaemin's cheek and kiss it.
as jaemin was too deep in his panicked state, the two males to whom the divine chests belonged to chuckle at his cuteness, making the hybrid become even shyer and do the first thing that crossed him mind not to die from embarrassment; turn into his animal form and hop away.
but the two males seemed prepared to such a reaction because as soon as jaemin was in his rabbit form, leaving a big space on the bed, the two males scooted closer, and before jaemin could think about jumping off the bed and hiding under a cabinet or whatever, jeno had caught him mid-air and pulled him against his chest to pat his head adoringly.
"aw... is our nana shy?" jeno teased, scratching the fur behind the hybrid's ears as jaemin let his ears drop in shyness.
"you shouldn't feel shy like that, nana." renjun added, bringing his face closer to the rabbit's and rubbing their noses together under jeno's crescent-shaped eye-smile. "you're ours now, it's normal that you wake up in the middle of both of us."
"yeah." jeno approved. "we wouldn't allow it any other way."
jeno and renjun sat up side by side on the bed, resting their backs against the headboard as jeno placed the bunny on their laps, still using one hand to hold him and prevent him from running away from them, just in case.
"aren't you going to go back to your human form?" renjun asked, letting his short fingers brush the fluffy fur of the bunny's back.
the animal shook his head, making the two humans pout sadly.
"come on, nana baby..." jeno pleaded. "we want to see you and cuddle you... don't you want that too?"
jaemin thanked the gods above that he was in his rabbit form and that his red cheeks couldn't be visible, because otherwise the two males would surely have laughed at him for being redder than a fire truck.
was it because of the pet name that made his insides tingle? because of what the two males wanted to do to him? or perhaps because of the fact he wanted it as much as them? he had no idea, but he was sure of one thing; he couldn't get enough of this feeling.
"could you transform for us, baby?" renjun added, the nickname once again sending jaemin's heart on another planet. "we want to greet our boyfriend properly for our first morning all together."
seeing the puppy eyes the two males were trying their best to make to convince jaemin, the hybrid pushed his shyness and embarrassment away and accepted to turn back into his human form. after all, he wanted to be able to wrap them in his arms and to talk to them too, two things he couldn't do in his animal form.
and so, in a blink of an eye, the hybrid let himself morph into his human form, finding himself facing his two boyfriends – wow, how unreal it felt to be able to call them both like that – straddling one thigh of each.
"h-hey..." he mumbled, his ears dropping by the side of his face and his cheeks still slightly tinted pink.
"hello nana." renjun couldn't help the smile that appeared on his face as he let his hand roam against jaemin's thigh. "did you sleep well?"
"i did..." the hybrid nodded shyly, his cheeks heating up again as he recalled the way he had woken up so peacefully after a perfectly comfortable night. one could believe that three people sleeping in a two-person bed was too much, but in fact, jaemin was glad that the bed wasn't bigger because he had spent the night cuddled between his two boyfriends which was better than anything he could ask.
"we slept amazing too." jeno added, flashing the two boys a smile. "and this thanks to you. we had the best night we had in very long after cuddling with you all night long."
jaemin chuckled slightly, fidgeting with his fingers as he glanced successively at the two males whom he never wanted to be separated from ever again.
pushed by his instinct, the hybrid leant forwards, placing his palms against renjun's and jeno's chest not to fall forward, and puckered his lips before dropping a kiss on jeno and renjun's cheeks successfully.
"t-thank you..." he mumbled with red cheeks as he pulled back.
but before he could sit back properly on their laps again, the two humans had pulled him against their chests again, embracing the boy in a warm and heart-whelming hug. "i-i'm so happy t-that we are together now..."
"oh, trust us, nana, we are too." renjun spoke, tightening his embrace around the two boys before they let go and sat facing each other again.
"c-can... can i kiss you?" jeno broke the comfortable silence that had taken over the room for a few seconds. inevitably, his question made jaemin flush red again, making renjun chuckle.
"i"m taking my ticket for the second kiss." renjun added, wiggling his brows at the hybrid, causing him to look even redder.
jaemin stayed silent for a while, trying to find a way to calm his heart and let out words, but it seemed like the more he waited, the harder his heart beat inside his chest and the more the desire of feeling their lips on his increased in him.
and so, not being able to form a sentence in this situation, the boy simply nodded, giving his approval silently as he looked into their eyes to assure them he wanted is as much as they did.
jeno didn't wait long to let his hand cup jaemin's cheek and pull him closer so that their lips could meet.
just like the first time they had kissed, a series of fireworks exploded in both of their chests, the tingly feeling being oh-so-pleasant as they slowly moulded their lips together, eyes closed and hearts fully open.
the human pulled away after a few seconds, letting renjun take his place without taking jaemin's breath away completely.
and so, before the hybrid could completely regain his siprits after the burst of emotions that had come with jeno's kiss, he found himself pressed against renjun's body, and his mouth was taken over by renjun's in a similarly wonderful kiss.
jaeming let himself being guided by renjun's lips as he followed his lead, pouring all of his love in that kiss to unveil his true feelings about jeno and renjun.
unfortunately, after being involved in two breath-taking kisses, jaemin was forced to pull away to regain his breath, and as soon as his and renjun's lips detached, he found himself panting slightly, his eyes diverting between his two boyfriends.
"can i have one too?" jeno asked with a pout, looking at renjun who chuckled at that.
the chinese male detaced one of his hands from jaemin's waist to hold jeno's jaw before pulling the younger male closer and closing the gap between their lips in a kiss as passionate and overwhelming than the one the two males had shared with jaemin.
the hybrid who was supposed to take advantage of this little moment to catch his breath felt like the little bit of air that was left in his lungs suddenly lacked as it was taken away once again by the hot sight in front of him.
he never imagined that seeing the two boys he loved so much kiss would have this effect on him, it never had had before, but maybe, now that the three of them were boyfriends, now that he knew that they liked him back, these kisses the two males shared in front of him had another meaning, and jaemin couldn't get enough of this amazing feeling.
"mmh..." jeno hummed as him and renjun parted. "i love you two so much..." he voiced out, one of his arms still holding onto renjun as his other hand was on jaemin's slim waist.
"i love you two too." renjun chuckled, looking successively at his two boyfriends. "more than anything else..."
jaemin let his lips curve up in a smile as his heart was once again taken over by a wave of positive and overwhelming emotions.
he loved jeno and renjun.
renjun loved him and jeno.
jeno loved him and renjun.
they all loved each other back.
and they were now boyfriends.
and so, finally, after all this time, jaemin had found the people that would love him dearly and make him the happier person out there.
"i-i love you two so much..." he stuttered, tears welling in his eyes as he couldn't believe he was saying those words out loud after everything they had been through.
but it was definitely real.
they had finally figured it all out, and they were finally together. after tons of secrets and lies, the truth had finally been uncovered, and jaemin couldn't imagine finding a better truth than this one.
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