25- Back Again
Sans POV
I turn towards the door and walk down the stairs to the living room. Paps and Flowey were looking confused at Alphys and MK. I walked over and patted MK on the head.
"Good job, kid."
"No problem yo, so is (Y/N) okay?"
Before I could say anything Boss chimed in with a concerned voice.
I walked over to the wall and leaned against it.
"When (Y/N) and I left we when to Waterfall. After, some talking we headed back. We ran into the asshole knights, they were hurting MK. When we saved MK (Y/N) healed him an-"
"Wait. The human has powers?" Asked Alphys is a intrigued voice.
Boss was right I was trying to stall. I didn't want to tell them... if I told them I would have to accept it's true...
Ugh! I need to pull it together.
"Well, when she did heal MK, the kid got excited and ask her if she could do any other magic. So she showed us this orb that burst into the air and fell around us..."
"... I don't know what (Y/N) saw in her magic, but whatever it was... she knew..."
Flowey spoke in a quiet and cracked voice, like he didn't really want to me to continue.
"S-sans, please just tell us..."
*Deep Breath*
"(Y/N) soul is dying." I whispered with a lump in my 'throat'.
Noone knew what to say. The news even seemed to effect Alphys in a way.
"I must go." After Alphys said this she walked out the door in a haste. MK look at her back then at me, I nodded and he ran after her.
Boss and Flowey said nothing both looking at the ground wanting the news not to be true. Finally, Flowey spoke up with a cracked voice trying not to cry.
There it is the one question I didn't want to answer.
Why didn't I have (Y/N) get checked up on? Alphys was taking care of her body, no one thought to check her soul. But, I should have when she told me...
This is my fault...
"Sans?" Boss was also looking at me waiting for an answer but remained silent.
"I-it was when the little human kid stabbed me... (Y/N) didn't simply just heal me, she... I... I died. (Y/N) brought me back." Both their eyes went wide, no one is that powerful not even King Asgore.
"H-how... t-that magic...?"
"She... well... she used..."
"My soul." We all turn and see (Y/N) standing at the top of the stairs.
Dream POV
~When Sans left the room~
You looked around and see nothing be darkness.
"Better get use to it~" You knew this voice you didn't even have to turn to look.
"Hey, Frisk. Where have you been hiding?" You were determined to cover your pain with cockiness. You turn and see Frisk, but no Chara.
"Hiding? Oh no, just plotting and healing thanks to those Skelebros~"
"Awe, sorry about that." You said sarcastically.
"Cut the sh*t. I'm actually thankful your around without you I would had died by that smiley trash bag. You see if you never told Sans about Chara he never would have spared us~"
This kid really is an...
No, I need to stay calm.
"But now~ you are of no use."
"Oh darn, and here I was just thinking how i could get you to come with me to bake some cookies."
"I see you as sarcastic as ever, but I can see you won't be a problem for long~" Chills go up your back.
There is no way...
"Oh I know. Chara has been keeping an eye on you wanting to protect the one other person that could see her. Idiot. She only hurt you. You see, she can't survive without my determination, so she can't wonder for too long. Too bad for you when she returns so does her thoughts~"
Frisk takes a step towards you, you stand your ground.
"You poor thing your soul dying because you saved that weak, pathetic skeleton monster~" She took another step forward, you didn't move.
"What do say we make a deal, huh? You give me the remainder of your weak soul and I'll let your smiley trash bag boyfriend live~" Frisk extended her hand towards you.
I don't trust this kid in the slightest. She probably still kill him if she had the chance.
You slap Frisk hand away. "No, for the remaining time I have here I will find you and stop you."
Frisk began to laugh, "So much confidence for a soon to be dead girl~" Frisk said with a smile of pure evil. She wave and disappeared into the darkness.
Normal POV
You woke up and jumped out of bed.
I got to warn Sans, Frisk is back. Maybe, we can talk to Dr. Alphys, she might know a way to move Chara's soul or something...
You open the door and hear Sans talking to someone(s).
"...I... I died. (Y/N) brought me back."
He must be telling Paps and Flowey what happened.
You hold your hand over your heart and feeling sad again for a moment.
No! What's done can't be changed. I don't regret it! I need to be strong! Even if I can't be around much longer, I will stop Frisk and save Chara!
"H-how... t-that magic...?" I heard Flowey ask.
"She... well... she used..." Sans was struggling to said it, you could hear the pain in his voice. You walk to the top of the steps.
"My soul." You said in a strong voice. Paps, Flowey, and Sans were staring at you with shock and sadness.
"I'm sorry to worry you all and I know you might have a lot of questions but we need to get to Dr. Alphys." You said as you walked towards the door, their eyes still on you.
"W-wait, (Y/N)! You need to rest! You in no condition to-" You cut Flowey off.
"Flowey, I'm dying. I'm not dead. I will not standby a weak and helpless human when nothing can be done."
... no one said a word.
"Look, as much as I love to cry my eyes out and wish things were better. We can't. Frisk is back." You open the door and hold it for everyone. No one moved.
"Listen, we need to go." Sans looked over at Paps and Flowey as if he was talking to them with mind telepathy. Finally Sans spoke up.
"I can deal with Frisk, you need to calm down and rest until we find out how to help you." You gave Sans dagger eyes.
"I can rest when I'm dead." You said in a cold harsh voice as you slam the door close behide you.
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