22- Waterfall
You woke up in Sans arms, of course you were embarrassed, but you were happy, you felt safe. You go to get up but Sans held you closer. You giggle, then a little ways down the hall you here footsteps getting closer.
Oh no, here we go.
Almost on cue Paps slammed the door opened. "SANS WAKE UP YOU F*CKIN LAZY PILE OF BONES! AND (Y/N) IF YOU'RE AWAKE YOU SHOULD HAVE WOKEN UP THAT ~WONDERFUL~ PIECE OF WORK." Paps said 'wonderful' super sarcastic as he pointed at Sans. You smile a bit then look at the clock it read 8:00 am. Sans sat up groaning and rubbing his 'eyes'.
"Come on Paps, he is not that bad. In the human world most people don't get up until 10:00am, some later than that."
"NO WONDER HUMANS ARE WEAK CREATURES." You laugh to yourself then jump out of bed with Sans not too far behind. You all make your way down stairs to the smell of eggs and some meat. You glance over at the still sleeping flower, Flowey and Paps follows your gaze. Paps took a step towards Flowey but you bet him to it.
You gently pet Flowey's petals and whisper softly, "If you don't want Paps to lecture you, you need to wake up." Flowey slowly opened his eyes and said a word of thanks for saving him from Paps.
"Do want to join me for breakfast?"
"No thanks, (Y/N) just some water would be great." You nod and walk pass Paps who was now setting the table and into the kitchen to get water where Sans was waiting.
"Hey, you feeling better?" You smile peacefully.
"I think I really am." Sans seemed to relax with your answer. You take a water bottle from the counter and turn around when Sans grabbed you.
"L-listen, I-"
Sans POV
Ugh, I can't talk to (y/n) here...
Oh! I got it!
"Let's go somewhere after we eat."
(Y/N) rose her eyebrow like asking where but just replied, "Okay." I sat at the table with Boss as (Y/N) walked over to Flowey.
I swear that f*ckin weed better not say sh*t.
Well I give him the benefit of the doubt because he did tell me later that Dr. Alphys didn't heard us talk about (Y/N) that day.
(Y/N) was giggling at Flowey's dance like movements as she poured water onto him.
How does a girl as kind as her end up in a sh*ty place like Underfell...
Like that is the last thing she needs after everything that happened to her.
I pause as I look at her laughing and talking to Flowey like she doesn't have a care in the world.
I wonder how she still smiles like that even after everything...
"HURRY UP HUMAN OR IT WILL GET COLD!" (Y/N) walks over to the table and begins eating. It wasn't until she started eating that I forgot I wasn't.
I was to busy staring at her. God I'm such a freak.
Normal POV
You finish your breakfast quickly.
"Wow, Paps it was great!" Paps blushed a bit and smile at the compliment but replied with confidence.
"OF COURSE IT WAS." You giggle and take the dishes to wash them. After your finish you see Paps flipping through channels on TV and Flowey on the table beside him. Sans however was at the door.
"Let's get going." Paps and Flowey look over at you as you are fixing your hoodie.
"(Y/N) are you sure you should be going out?"
Even though they seem to have forgotten about last night, they were both very worried.
"Hey, I told y'all I'm fine! I mean it. Besides I have Sans." That calmed Paps down and even Flowey, you are still really curious of what happened between those two. Before, Flowey would never let you go off with just Sans.
You pushed that thought aside and walked out the freezing door Sans held open.
"Take my hand, I know a shortcut." You hesitant. "I won't bit... probably." You giggled and take his hand. Suddenly, you felt yourself fly though the underground and when it seemed you reached your destination you stop gently.
"Wow! That was sooooo cool!" You looked at Sans with amazement and wonder in your eyes.
"Hehe, if you liked that you'll love this." He walked forward with you following him into a cave. You were greeted by beautiful glowing rivers and flowers, you were breathless. You slowly walked around taking in the scenery not saying anything just memorizing everything. Sans tapped on your shoulder and handed you one of the flowers that were everywhere. You took it and Sans pointed to his 'ear' then the flower. You looked at him like he was crazy but listened to the flower.
It said in Sans voice, "This is a echo flower it repeats the last thing it hears over and over." You eyes grow as it speaks and Sans laughs "Pretty cool, right?"
"Pretty cool, right?" The flower repeats.
"Yes! It all just so... peaceful." You said with a kind soft smile.
"It's not over yet." You looked shocked.
There is more?!
Sans pointed up and you gasped. Millions and millions of gems were in the rocks above you that acted as a roof. You were blown away. The way they gleamed, it was just gorgeous. You were pulled out of your daze when Sans grabbed your hand. You look over at Sans who almost seemed a bit depressed.
"Sans? What's wrong?" Sans was silent like he was trying to choose his words carefully.
"You like Boss, right?"
You were confused but replied honestly, "Yes, even though he is a bit rough, his is very kind to me."
"And Flowey?"
"I feel like an older sister to Flowey, like Hanna. I felt the need to protect him."
"And Grillby is cool too, right?"
"Yes... Sans what's really wrong?" Sans looked away from you and spoke.
"I know you might not feel comfortable around us monsters and not to mention some still want to see your blood, but I... was hoping you might want to stick around, maybe." You smile at silly skeleton.
Is this way he was so sad, he thought I was going to leave?
"Sans I like it here, truly. If you and Paps are okay with me, I would love to 'stick around'."
Sans finally turn to look at you and was extremely happy, honestly he was expecting rejection.
"Yeah, I think that would be okay."
"Great! But on one condition, you have to help me be friends with everyone." Sans face looked like he was trapped between a rock and a hard place. He closed his eyes and rubbed his hand or his head/skull.
"Ugh...Fine! But I have a condition too."
"Okay, what is it?" Sans took you and pushed you against a wall before you could even react he pushed his teeth on your lips. You were stock but closed your eyes and melted into it. You grab onto Sans t-shirt, his kiss felt soft almost like you were kissing lips but you didn't question it. After a moment Sans kisses got deeper and he put his tongue into your mouth. You almost jumped back but Sans held your lower back and head in place. You didn't even know he had a tongue. You were very hot as the kisses continued you felt you legs go weak. Sans pulled away licking his lips as your knees gave out and you slid the floor breathing incredibly hard.
"Thanks for the treat~"
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