10- But at what Cost?
You were glad when Paps and Sans didn't ask anymore questions, maybe they just didn't know what to ask or where to start but it didn't brother you just the same.
"HUMAN LISTEN ABOUT EARLIER..." Paps rubbed his neck and the look of dread was all over his face, you knew he was trying to apologize.
"Hey, Paps it okay. Really." Paps was happy but your words confused him.
"But, so did I. Paps, if I didn't heal you, you would have died. But, if you didn't take me in and patch me up then I would have died. As I see it we're even." You smiled wide at Paps who still seemed a bit confused so you continued. "Listen Paps I have only been here in the mountain for a few days and I already know that everyone here turns to violence instead of trusting or having faith in someone...-You glance at Sans- ...so I don't blame you for doing what you thought was right." Paps finally seemed to see your way of thinking but still questioned your actions saying he would have never showed anyone mercy like you did for him. You just shrugged it off, during this Sans just stood to the side watching you very carefully....
He doesn't trust me... not like I can totally blame him.
But it was an accident! I don't want to hurt anyone... I will not be like him!
After a moment of silence you remember suddenly that Paps said before he attacked you.
"Um, can I ask you a question Paps?" You were still on the fence about him but he seemed to open up to you a little. You just hoped you weren't getting ahead of yourself.
Before Paps said anything Sans cut in saying, "You just did." You giggled lightly at his joke but Paps just grunted and rolled his 'eyes'. He sat down next to you and pulled out a first aid kit from the side of the couch. He pulled your leg on top of him making you whine a little in pain, which he almost looked-
Guilty? No... could I have helped him have a change in heart?
The thought made you smile. Paps began to re-bandage your leg, his hands made you tense at first but you decide to take your own advice and trust him. "OKAY HUMAN ASK YOUR QUESTION."
"Ummm..." You paused for a moment not knowing if you really wanted to know the answer to your question-
Screw it, if he gets mad and kills me at least I'll know why.
"What does my death have to do with getting you out of 'this hell hole?'" Paps froze for a moment the look on his face told you he totally forgot about everything before your battle. Paps looked at you for a minute, like he was looking for an answer in your eyes. He finally broke eye contact and stared at your leg and then he slow began to move again fixing your bandages.
Ah, no answer. I should've known, why would he tell me... why would he help me? Is it because I healed him and now he thinks he's indebted to me? Why can't he help me help him. Why... can't we be friends?
Ha! Why the hell am I getting so worked up by this guy? He did try to kill me...right?
B-but I just can't seem to hate him, he reminded me of me. So broken, just looking for a way out.
You knew you wanted to be that way out. You want to help him.
But at what cost?
Before you could think more about that Paps spoke up breaking you out of your train of thought, "YOUR SOUL COULD HELP US ALL BE FREE."
"Wha-what do you mean? What is keeping you here?" Paps pushed your leg off him as he stood up, once again gentle but rough.
"YOU DO KNOW THE STORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN THE MONSTER AND HUMANS, DON'T YOU?" Paps hissed out. You nodded. "THEN YOU KNOW THE HUMANS TRAPPED US DOWN HERE. WELL, THE BARRIER THAT KEEPS US DOWN HERE CAN BE BROKEN BUT IT REQUIRES SEVEN HUMAN SOULS TO BREAK IT... we have six." Paps said quietly as he walked away but you could see the anger and sadness on his face. Your heart fell and your own words were thrown back in your face. You said you wanted to help-
But at what cost?
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