Lucifer watched as the person in the cage fought off at least twenty of his dark angels. A laugh escaped Lucifer's lips as he watched his secret weapon defeat all the foot soldiers. Appearing next to Lucifer was Azazel as well as Morgana who both watched in awe as the man turned around.
"Let him out," says Lucifer. Azazel bowed his and walked over to the cage. Opening it, he let the man step down.
"How can I serve my king?" questioned the young man.
"You must find the colt that can release me from this hell-hole," Says Lucifer. "In the process you will be faced with challenges against the power rangers," he continued. "Mark, the red ranger, Sean the green ranger, Sam the black ranger, Katrina the silver ranger, and Tara the pink ranger,"
"What you order I shall fulfill," says the man as he stood up. Feeling more confident that his plan was going to fall into place, Lucifer gave the man a lightning strike ring where he put it on, and lightning flashed as he transformed into the gray lightning strike ranger.
"Morgana!" says Lucifer as he turned toward her. "I want you to head to the human world and attack the rangers, the gray ranger will join you momentarily,"
"Yes, your majesty," without another word, the gray ranger and Morgana left hell and went to the human world. Back in the human world, the rangers were making their way to the mall when suddenly the dark angels appeared from the ground and a laugh was heard from behind.
"What was that?" says Sean with a worried expression.
"I don't know but I don't think I'll like it," says Mark as the rangers turned around as one. The minute they turned around; they saw Morgana standing in the middle of the dark angel soldiers. "You again?!"
"Did you miss me?" says Morgana. "Dark angels! Attack!" the dark angels attacked the rangers morphed into action calling on their weapons and fighting the enemy. But something was off, Mark and Sam had a bad feeling that something was going to happen they just didn't know what. As they fought, the gray ranger saw his opening and called on his gun he jumped into the air and shot around at the five rangers. The rangers stumbled back not expecting a surprise attack as the gray lightning ranger landed next to Morgana. Dean watched from the computer shocked to see a gray ranger. There was no way another ranger could have been given a lightning ring as far as he was concerned there was only five rings.
"What?" gasped Katrina as she was the first to recover. "Another ranger?"
"But that's impossible," says Sam. "I thought there were only five,"
"Me too," responds Tara as she was keeping her guard up.
"Rangers allow me to introduce to you our newest ally," says Morgana as she placed her hand on the ranger. "The Gray Lightning Strike ranger,"
"Either way, he's evil and we're going to take him down as well as you Morgana!" exclaimed Mark.
"We'll see about that," says Morgana as she turned toward the gray ranger. "You know what to do," stepping away from the gray ranger she snapped her fingers and vanished. Immediately, the gray ranger attacked the rest of them fighting as hard as he could. The rangers fought against their new enemy, but Dean recognized the moves, and found that he couldn't breathe. The gray ranger fought with the speed of a coyote and the moves were so familiar that it made him think of his brother. Suddenly his body temperature went up as he felt that something was off.
"Thunderlight saber!" yelled the gray ranger as the saber appeared in his hands. When the rangers saw that the new ranger had raised the stakes they called on their own weapons and fought against him only to get knocked down one by one due to his speed and agility. He jumped into the air and kicked Mark in the chest, after that, he struck the rangers in the chest causing them to dimorph into their civilian clothes. Too weak to stand, Mark stared at the ranger before him. Seeing that the rangers were in danger, Dean ran from the bunker with his own weapon and lightning gun.
"ha," says the gray ranger. "You call that fighting, you five are so weak, you couldn't stand up against me," the gray ranger rose his saber and as he was about to destroy the rangers, Dean appeared and shot at the enemy causing him to stumble back and become distracted. "What?" Dean stood in front of the rangers gun and sword in hand, if his theory was correct then he would figure out the possible identity of the gray ranger.
"If you want the rangers you're going to have to get through me," Turning toward the team, he knelt and helped them up. "Mark, get you and the rest of the team to the bunker, now," he continued. "I'll deal with him,"
"Dean," says Mark. "Don't do it, he's much more powerful,"
"It doesn't matter," says Dean. "I'll catch up when I can,"
"Don't argue with me," says Dean as he stood. "Go now!" without arguing the rangers quickly started to make their way back to the bunker. Dean turned toward the ranger as he had started laughing.
"You plan to sacrifice yourself to protect them and the colt?" says the gray ranger.
"If I have to,"
"Then let's see how well you fight," the gray ranger attacked Dean as they both fought against each other, Dean kicked the ranger back making sure to remember all the moves that his father had taught him years ago. Strangely enough, the gray ranger fought back with just as much strength knocking Dean onto the ground. Though the more that the two fought the stronger the gray ranger got as he twisted Dean's arm behind his back. Dean groaned as he tried to break free, knowing that he could have lost against him.
"I don't have time for this," says the gray ranger, he knocked Dean onto the ground and quickly teleported away.
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