Bella's POV
It was a typical normal morning at the Dino Bite Cafe, as per usual. But it's not a normal day in our ranger lives unless we've got some problems. And today's issue at the moment was Chase. He almost set the museum on fire and was acting as if he's done it a million times and there nothing he could've done worse. We were all looking at him, well everyone else was looking and I was glaring at Chase. I've explained to him a million times before to stay focused on the task given to him, one at a time. "Guys, it was one little fire." Chase said.
"That could've burned down the entire museum." Kendall pointed out the obvious.
"And could've exposed our base." I stressed. Chase stood from his chair quickly.
"Alright, I promise to pay more attention to-" Chase started but cut himself off. "Moana!" He exclaimed and pushed past us to get to a lady who had just entered the cafe. Chase pushed Kendall aside and pushed me into Tyler, who was sitting on a chair. I landed on his lap and felt my cheeks heat up.
"Sorry." I apologized quickly and stood up, focusing on the mystery woman and Chase while trying to reduce the red on my cheeks.
"Chase I need your help." Moana said, pulling Chase a bit to the side even though we could still hear them perfectly.
"What is it Moana?" Chase asked.
"I had a vision and someone is going to steal from me, something of great value." Moana said. Chase looked over at us, we were all very confused about who this woman was.
"Moana is a fortune teller from New Zealand." Chase kind of explained to us on how someone could tell their going to get robbed. "Did you call the police?" Chase asked.
"They think I'm crazy." Moana replied. "I need you to guard my shop."
"Really? Chase is going to guard your shop?" Shelby asked, still annoyed at him.
"Hope you have a fire extinguisher." Kendall joked and we all laughed and Chase sent us an annoyed look. "Only you can help me, you have special abilities." Moana said, bringing Chase's attention to her. Chase pulled out his energem and we all looked at each other, wondering how Moana could know about Chase's energem.
"Okay." Chase agreed. Moana beamed in happiness and grabbed Chase's arm to drag him to go to her shop. Chase looked back at us. "Don't worry. I got this." Chase tried reassuring us, but only ended up tripping over the dinosaur mouth of the cafe entrance. We all stood in silence for a moment.
"Okay, the 3 of you get back to work. Tyler and Bella, I need you two to help with something else in the museum." Kendall instructed us.
"Okay...?" I said, confused on why she wanted the two of us to do something else. Tyler and I followed Kendall out and I shot Tyler a questioning look. He only shrugged and we kept following Kendall. We got to the new part of the Dinosaur exhibit of the museum. It was shaped as a big dome as the roof and it was a big open space. I still didn't know what Kendall wanted to put in here.
"So, we've found some more dinosaur fossils and I want to put them in here." Kendall started to explain. "I was planning to make this area kind of an interactive area for visitors. Like they can learn different ways the dinosaurs lived." Kendall said and she turned to the two of us. "I want you guys to make this area as close to an environment that is more interactive and stimulate a place like that. I just haven't had the time to do it myself because I've been working on a new type of charger with Keeper. I was hoping you two would do it." Kendall asked. Tyler and I shared a look and smiled at each other.
"Sure. Seems like fun." Tyler commented. Kendall grinned and she seemed relieved.
"Okay. The other dinosaur bones are down near the loading dock, if you guys need them right now." Kendall told us. I smiled.
"Kendall don't worry." I reassured her. "We'll have this finished in no time." I said. She smiled and left us in the dome area.
"Let's plan this out before we start bringing in any of the things we want to put in here." Tyler suggested.
"Good idea." I said. "I'll be back." I jogged over to the office for employees and found a few sheets of scrap paper and pencils. I also grabbed a small bit of tape. I jogged back to the dome area and found Tyler waiting for me. He was sitting in the middle of the room. I set the supplies down in front of Tyler and sat across from him. I took 4 sheets of paper and laid them out as a big square and taped them all together on the back. I flipped the now one big sheet of paper over and handed Tyler a pencil. With my terrible drawing skills, I managed to make a big circle on the sheet and it still ended up lopsided.
"Okay. Let's get planning." Tyler said and we started to discuss what and how we wanted everything to be set up. We had decided that if 11 dinosaur fossils could fit in this area, we'd base them off of the 11 dinosaurs that bonded to energems. As we finished planning, our Dino coms went off.
"I'm on a monster named Spellbinder's tail. I'm gonna need backup." Chase told us. Tyler and I scrambled to our feet and left our supplies and planning sheet on the ground. We got another group call from Kendall.
"I've found the location of the monster and Chase. I'm sending you all the coordinates." Kendall said and the both of us rushed out of the museum and met up with the others. Morphing on the way, we headed to a warehouse area where Spellbinder and Chase were fighting. We rushed inside and found Chase on the ground. Shelby and Koda rushed to his side and helped Chase into a sitting position.
"Chase, are you okay?" Shelby asked the black ranger and we only got a groan in reply. "Monster, you may be tough one on one but your odds just got a whole lot worse." Tyler told Spellbinder. We followed his lead and loaded up our Dino morpher blasters.
Dino Chargers Engaged
"Dino steel..." Koda started while we ran the barrel of the morphers on our arms.
"Armor on!" We finished together and the armor assembled on our arms and our weapons were firmly in our hands. We charged at Spellbinder and attempted to attack him. But he always seemed to deflect our attacks.
"Too slow!" Spellbinder exclaimed and he attacked Koda.
"Tricera drill!" Shelby summoned her attack when she thought she found an opening. Spellbinder attacked Shelby and she was taken down quickly.
"How about you get a taste of my T-Rex smasher!" Tyler said, going in to attack. I helped Shelby and Koda up quickly, while keeping an eye on Tyler. One hit from Spellbinder caused Tyler to be sent back towards us.
"He's so fast." Shelby said.
"His cape hard like rock." Koda commented after Shelby.
"Well, we've got to destroy it somehow." Tyler said.
"Chase get him." Koda told our fellow ranger. Tyler and I took off in a fight with Spellbinder, after Chase didn't respond to Koda as fast as we hoped. Spellbinder spun around, his cape blocking his attack from my bow and redirecting it into me. I yelped in pain as I was thrown back. I landed on my back and my bow clattered down next to me. I felt myself demorph and tears stung my eyes in pain. I took a shaky breath and Shelby rushed to my side. She helped me up and wrapped an arm around my waist to keep me up on my feet. Tyler continued to fight against Spellbinder, except he was fighting even more aggressively.
"This hotshot has to show you who's boss." Chase said and he began to shoot at Spellbinder. "That's right, I'm not going to miss this time." I bit my bottom lip nervously as the lasers from Chase's morpher blaster got too close to Tyler for my liking.
"Time to change your target Black Ranger." Spellbinder told Chase. Spellbinder grabbed Tyler and held Tyler in front of him like a shield.
"Take the shot Chase, I trust you!" Tyler shouted at Chase. I heard Chase mutter something under his breath and steady his hand so he wouldn't accidentally hit Tyler. "Shoot your friend Black Ranger! I command you." Spellbinder commanded Chase and for some reason, Chase's aim changed to exactly on Tyler. It seemed like Chase was trying to fight the commands, but his body wasn't allowing him to.
"What's going on!" Chase shouted in distress.
"Chase, what are you doing?" Tyler asked.
"Come on Chase, we all know that you wouldn't shoot a friend!" Shelby shouted to him, trying to convince him that he wouldn't actually do something like that. Something must have gotten through his head because after she had said that, Chase dropped his Dino morpher blaster and fell down to his knees and held his head in pain.
"Agh! Get off of me!" Tyler shouted, while trying to fight Spellbinder's grip.
"Shelbs, Koda, try and get an open spot for me since my bow works great long range, maybe we'll be able to get Tyler free. Riles, help me up on those crates." I ordered, thinking of a plan quickly. Everyone nodded and rushed off. Riley boosted me up to a crate and climbed up with me. He helped me up one more time to a higher crate. I took my stance and pointed my bow at Spellbinder. I steadied my arm, knowing that the pain on my chest was growing. I aimed my bow at Spellbinder's face and Shelby and Koda attacked Spellbinder, trying to give me an open spot and get Tyler free at the same time. I powered up my bow, getting ready to attack. As soon as they managed to make Spellbinder face my direction, I pushed the button on the bow and yellow lasers shot out and into Spellbinder's face. He let his grip go off of Tyler and I shot him again, catching him in surprise and he was thrown back. Riley and I jumped off of the crates as fast as we could and I shot Spellbinder again, but his cape redirected the attack and I rolled away from the laser.
"You'll never stop me! Soon you'll all be under my control!" Spellbinder shouted and tried attacking Koda, Shelby and I with beam coming out of the pendant on his chest. Before we could react, Tyler and Riley got in the way and redirected the attacks away from us.
"Not if we can help it!" Tyler said.
"Let's see how you deal with my Dino morpher blaster." Riley claimed and loaded it up with his charger.
Raptor Charger Engage
"Energize! Dino morpher blast!" Riley summoned his attack and the green lasers hit Spellbinder's cape and the monster disappeared in a whisk of his cape. I collapsed down to my bottom and laid down on my back, still in pain from my own attack that was used against me.
"Where did he go?" Shelby asked no one in particular.
"What did he mean 'under his control?'" Riley asked, mentioning what Spellbinder told us. Tyler walked to Chase, who was back on his feet.
"What happened back there Chase?" Tyler asked, putting his hand on his shoulder.
"I just need some space, mate." Chase said and brushed Tyler's hand off of his shoulder. I sighed and gingerly touched my injury. Everyone else demorphed as well and Shelby picked me up off of the ground again. Koda offered me a ride on his back and after much convincing, the others got me to let Koda give me a piggyback ride to base. We all left the warehouse, following Chase back to base. We were finally back in the command center. Keeper was checking out Chase, to see what happened to him back when we were fighting Spellbinder. Tyler and Riley were with Kendall to see what she was working on to help us fight Spellbinder, while Shelby was checking out my injury that I gained in my room. She just finished wrapping a bandage around my chest. My bow had hit me under my collarbone on my right side. It left a nasty burn that Shelby managed to clean up. Luckily, she was able to handle the grossness, growing up as the only girl with brothers. Shelby helped me slip my shirt over my head. She handed me a few painkillers that weren't drowsy so I wouldn't be able to feel the pain. I took the small pill with water. "Be careful when we figure out how to stop Spellbinder, okay?" Shelby told me and I nodded.
"Got it." I replied and we both walked back out to the lab area. Shelby walked over to Kendall and I walked over to where Chase, Keeper and Koda were. I was concerned about Chase, he's like an older brother to me. In the background, I could hear Kendall explaining to the others how the new Dino Spike charger worked that she created.
"Just know, it takes all six rangers to use the Dino Spike." Kendall reminded them.
"There is indeed something wrong here." Keeper spoke up as the others joined us.
"Ah, it's in my head. I feel like I'm losing control of myself." Chase explained in annoyance. Koda and I glanced at each other, concerned for our friend. "Whatever Spellbinder hit me with seemed to go away when I was on my skateboard." Chase informed us.
"The spell will grow stronger until it controls you completely." Keeper enlightened us.
"Is there something we can do Keeper?" Riley asked.
"Perhaps if you knew the origin of the pendant..." Keeper started.
"Moana." Chase recalled and he stood up. Shelby put her hands on Chase's shoulder and made him sit back down again.
"You mean lady of black magic?" Koda questioned.
"It's not black magic. Trust me, Moana is on our side." Chase told us.
"Stay here, we'll figure out a way to break the spell." Tyler told Chase and we all nodded in agreement to reassure Chase that we will figure this out. "We'll be back as soon as possible." We all rushed out and towards Moana's shop. We finally reached the shop and walked in. We found Moana and explained to her what the pendant had done to Chase, leaving out major facts like we're rangers. She agreed to help us out quickly. She wiped out a book with lots of drawings and information about the things she acquired over the years from New Zealand. She finally flipped to the page with a drawing of the pendant on it.
"This is the pendant that was stolen from me. It was forged from the darkest, evil corner of New Zealand." Moana clarified to us. "Destroy it or soon Chase is going to forget that he's your friend and he will turn against you." Moana explained, killing any last hopes we had for Chase not actually accidentally hurting any of us.
"We have a weapon that might be strong enough, but it won't work without Chase." Tyler explained to Moana.
"If he can focus, Chase can push the spell from his mind long enough to use your weapon." Moana said. I sighed.
"I doubt it." Riley snorted.
"Chase has the attention span of a flea." Shelby added.
"Long ago, your friend Chase proved to me that he can focus very deeply. Even in the most dire situation. It happened one day as I was closing up my shop..." Moana began. She explained to us how one day she was closing up her shop, her baby stroller had started rolling down the hill when she let go of it for a moment to lock up. Apparently, Chase had noticed and heard Moana's cry of distress. He saw the baby stroller roll down the hill and he took off on his skateboard. Chase skated quickly to get to the baby stroller. But it had eventually stopped in the middle of the road, about to be hit by a truck. He had flipped on his skateboard and grabbed the bundle inside of the stroller. Chase had delivered the bundle to Moana and Moana revealed it to be her beloved cat. To thank him, Moana dragged Chase back into the shop and gifted something to him for his courage. She gifted him the black energem and it quickly bonded to him and began his adventures of the black ranger.
"So that's how Chase got his energem." Riley said in awe.
"It so easy for him. I froze in glacier for thousands of years." Koda said, rubbing the back of his neck and the rest of us chuckled. Tyler's dino com began to ring and he pulled it out and walked off to the side to talk to Kendall.
"When he is on his skateboard, Chase can push everything else from his mind." Moana told us.
"That's right. He said that the spell seemed to go away when he was on his skateboard." I remembered what Chase told us before we had left. Tyler walked back to us.
"Kendall said that Spellbinder is back, and Chase... He's disappeared." Tyler told us. "Thanks for everything Moana." Tyler thanked the fortune teller and we all rushed off after Tyler as he led the way to where Spellbinder was located. We ran back to the warehouse, where we previously fought Spellbinder.
"Oh relax! He's going to join us soon." We heard Spellbinder say to someone else in the warehouse. We all rushed in.
"Wrong on both accounts!" Tyler claimed and we all stood next to each other. We saw Spellbinder there with Wrench and Curio.
"Chase never join you!" Koda said what we were all thinking. "It's too late for your friend. And now your time is up!" Spellbinder declared and the pendant on his chest started to glow. The pendant started to shoot out an attack and I assumed it was the spell that he had casted on Chase earlier. We all dodged and rolled away from his attack and charged at the three monsters. "Destroy them!" Spellbinder commanded as we ran towards them.
"You'll all be under Spellbinder's control soon!" Curio told Shelby and I as we teamed up against him.
"Not a chance you brainless puppet!" Shelby trash talked Curio. I gave Shelby a boost and she kicked him right in the chest. She did a back handspring to join me again.
"Hey we're not done yet!" Curio claimed. I glanced down and saw a makeshift skateboard.
"Oh, we're far from finished." I stated and we both ducked an attack from Curio and I kicked the skateboard out and underneath Curio's feet. It sent Curio flying into a tall stack of barrels. I straightened back up to my feet.
"Nice shot." Shelby complimented as we high five.
"Thanks." I said and we saw Tyler fly off of a stack of crates. We all rushed to Tyler's aid, bringing us into the fight with Spellbinder.
"You don't scare me!" Spellbinder exclaimed.
"We've... got to try... the Dino Spike." Tyler grunted out, holding his side.
"Need Chase." Koda reminded us what Kendall said about the Dino Spike.
"Your turn!" Spellbinder said and his pendant started to glow again and before any of us could really react, his spell hit all of us in our brains. We fell to the ground. I groaned and tried to fight the presence in my head.
"That's right rangers, you're mine now!" Spellbinder declared and I shook my head again, trying to fight the presence in my head but it seemed to get stronger by the minute. I heard footsteps come into the warehouse with us.
"What is your command?" I heard Chase's voice.
"Destroy her!" Spellbinder commanded. I looked over to Chase and saw that he wasn't approaching me, but he was walking toward Shelby with his dino morpher blaster in hand. Shelby had managed to dodge Spellbinder's spell. I couldn't get myself up to help Shelby out, I was to busy trying to fight the spell that was slowly but surely taking over my brain.
"No Chase, you have to fight it!" Shelby exclaimed, trying to get through to our friend.
"You defy my master, I must obey." Chase replied, disregarding what Shelby said.
"Do it! I command you!" Spellbinder instructed Chase. Soon I heard rolling on the ground and saw the makeshift skateboard that Shelby and I used to fight Curio flew past my line of vision and underneath Chase's feet. I took a deep breath and squeezed my eyes shut as the spell grew stronger than before in my head. Soon the rolling stopped and I heard something else.
"Command this!" Chase's voice made it into my head and I opened my eyes to see black lasers hit the pendant on Spellbinder's chest. The spell was lifted from our heads as Spellbinder was thrown back. I scrambled to my feet and Tyler, Koda and Riley followed me to see if Shelby and Chase were alright. Shelby was helped back up to her feet by Chase.
"Good on you Shelby. That was great thinking." Chase thanked her.
"Great to have you back." Shelby replied.
"Thanks." Chase said.
"Where he go?" Koda questioned and we looked around, searching for Spellbinder. Wrench appeared out of rubble of the warehouse things.
"Oh no! They've broken the spell! What should we do?" Wrench asked as Spellbinder got back on his feet.
"I may not be able to control you, but I'll destroy you!" Spellbinder claimed.
"Sorry, but it looks like your time is up." Chase said, smirking. "It's morphin' time! Dino charger!" Chase commanded, taking the lead this time.
"Ready! Energize! Unleash the power!" We all declared together. As soon as we were morphed, we summoned our Dino steel armor. "Dino Steel, armor on!" "Powers rangers..." Tyler started.
"Dino Charge!" We all stated together and took our stances.
"I don't like this." Curio commented.
"It's about to get wild!" Tyler said, cueing us to go into battle and finish these monsters. We all split up again and Shelby and I took on Curio once more.
"I wish I stayed with Poisandra." Curio whined as Shelby and I attacked him. I jumped up onto Curio's shoulders and Shelby ducked down.
"Where did you go? Where are you?" Curio asked in panic. He looked up at me.
"Here, Hi!" I joked while waving down at Curio.
"Tricera drill!" Shelby said, attacking Curio as he was momentarily distracted by me. I flipped off of Curio's shoulders.
"Brachi bow!" I summoned in the middle of my backflip. I also aimed my bow at Curio and shot him with yellow lasers. I landed on my feet in a crouch. We soon joined Tyler and Chase with Riley and Koda after we were sure that Curio left to go back to Sledge's ship.
"He keeps blocking our attacks with his cape." Tyler complained.
"Guys, let's use the Dino Spike." Riley suggested.
"Kendall said that we have to have all six of us to use it, right?" Tyler questioned.
"I'm ready if you are." Chase reassured us.
"That's what I like to hear!" Tyler exclaimed and pulled out the Dino Spike charger. He pushed the button. "Dino charger, ready! Weapons combine!" Tyler called the weapon foreword. Our Dino Steel weapons lifted away from our hands and combined together. The Dino Spike essentially looked like a big dagger. Chase, Koda, Riley, Shelby and I created a basket with our forearms for Tyler.
"Red Ranger launch!" The 5 of us exclaimed and Tyler jumped into our basket and we launched Tyler up to the Dino Spike. Once he was up there, he grabbed the Dino Spike and aimed it at Spellbinder.
"Dino Spike, final strike!" He declared and threw it at Spellbinder, destroying him. The Dino Spike flew back to Tyler's hand just as he landed on his feet. "Awesome!" He commented.
"But I'm invincible!" Spellbinder yelled out as he fell.
"Wrong again beak face, we're the invincible ones!" Tyler said and the rest of us turned around, letting Spellbinder explode behind us. Suddenly, a blue beam came down from the sky and to the spot where Spellbinder exploded and Spellbinder was revived and now a Mega-Spellbinder.
"Not again." I moaned in annoyance.
"I handle this." Koda said and he was about to summon his Stego Zord, but Chase stopped him.
"I've got a score to settle with this crow." Chase said and he took out his para dino charger. "Dino Charger, ready! Summon Para Zord!" Chase said and he threw his Dino charger.
Para Charger Engage
Chase's zord arrived and blasted Spellbinder, but Spellbinder managed to block his attack and redirect it back to the Para zord. As the Para Zord jumped back, Tyler's zord caught Chase's. Riley's zord also joined them to aid their friends. "I almost had him." Chase muttered in annoyance.
"Chase, we summoned our zords too! How about we combine your Para zord with the Dino Charge Megazord? Come on, we'll have awesome new powers!" Tyler recommended.
"Wait, I'm not sure about this. Do you guys think we're ready?" Riley doubted.
"You guys broke me out that spell, now it's time to return the favor." Chase claimed. "Yeah!" Tyler jumped for joy.
"Dino Charge Megazord, Para-Raptor formation!" Tyler, Chase and Riley summoned the new formation of the megazord.
Zords Combine
There now stood a new combination of zords that would definitely make our team stronger. Shelby, Koda and I watched the new megazord, a little amazed by the new combination. Soon, Spellbinder was quickly fried and destroyed.
"Monster Extinct." Tyler claimed our victory. As the others let their zords go back home, we cheered in victory after we demorphed. We headed back to the cafe. Once we were there, we cleaned up the cafe while Chase talked to Moana about something at the cafe entrance. Koda was pushing a mop bucket with a clipboard on it, that indicated our mopping schedules for cleaning up the museum.
"Uh, today your day, focus clean museum floor." Koda told Chase and I approached them quickly. Before Chase could take the mop, I grabbed it out of Koda's hand.
"I'll do it. Last time it was his turn, he left halfway through." I said, and started to walk away.
"Lex we still have to finish the new part of the museum Kendall wanted us to do." Tyler reminded me.
"Oh yeah..." I muttered as the memory of this afternoon seeped into my brain.
"I got it." Shelby said and she pulled the mop out of my hand and turned to leave. "Last time Chase did it he left halfway through."
"Hey, there was a rugby game on!" Chase quickly defended himself. "Don't worry guys, I've got a plan." Chase tried reassuring us, and took the mop from Shelby's hand. He held up his board, indicating his plan. "No more distractions." Chase said with determination in his voice. Chase clipped on his helmet and put on his headphones. He got on his board and skated away and started to mop the floor. After a few seconds of silence, Shelby spoke up.
"Wait a minute. Koda, it's your day to clean the floor." Shelby pointed out as she looked at the schedule closely after taking it out of Koda's hands. Koda grinned.
"Maybe he need concentrate on schedule too." Koda replied and took the clipboard back and put it behind his back. We all laughed and let Chase continue the job that he was focusing intently on. Tyler and I walked away from the group and to the new area of the museum and found that the dinosaur bones were assembled and in the places like we planned. I pulled out my Dino com and called Kendall, to clear the confusion. Kendall picked up soon.
"Kendall, did you have the dinosaur bones assembled like we planned?" I asked. Tyler walked back behind me, so he would be in the small camera to talk to Kendall.
"Yup. I saw your's and Tyler's plan for it and I asked to get them assembled. But since we don't have any of the other dinosaur fossils quite yet that bonded to the other energems, I put in the ones that we did find." Kendall replied.
"Awesome. Bella and I will finish up the fake plants and all the information that we need to put in." Tyler said, resting his chin on my shoulder. Kendall nodded, smirking. Tyler walked out of the frame to get the plan, and before Kendall hung up she shot me a wink and it caused my cheeks to flush.
"Stop it." I whined softly to her and hung up before she made any comments about my growing crush on Tyler.
Third Person's POV (Focusing on Tyler)
Tyler and Bella continued to finish up the exhibit. Tyler took no notice to Alexa's red cheeks after she finished talking to Kendall. But every time their hands would brush, Tyler felt his heart race. They had just finished and Bella collapsed on a side bench that they installed. Tyler stood next to her, looking at their work. "I think it turned out great, don't you?" Tyler asked Bella. When Tyler didn't get a response, he looked down at the bench and saw that Bella was fast asleep. She was probably exhausted from the battle against Spellbinder and the injury that she had obtained. Tyler laughed silently in his head and bent down to Bella's level. Tyler picked up Bella bridal style and walked back to base. Instead of taking the slide down to base, he took the hidden elevator. Kendall was still up, studying ways to find energems when Tyler walked in with Bella in his arms. Kendall sent a questioning look to Tyler. "She fell asleep when we finished the exhibit. It turned out great." Tyler informed Kendall. She smiled.
"Thank you again." Kendall said. Tyler walked back to the rooms and set Bella down in her bed. He bent down next to her bed, and took in her peaceful features. Tyler bent down and placed a kiss on her cheek. Tyler walked to Shelby's room, which was next to Bella's. He knocked lightly on the door.
"Come in." He heard her. Tyler twisted the door knob and walked in. "Oh hey Tyler. Did you guys finish?" Shelby asked, looking up from her book.
"Yeah we did. But Bella fell asleep, will you change her and get her energem and chargers?" He asked.
"Sure thing. Just wait outside her door." Shelby replied and walked out. Tyler followed Shelby out. He stood outside of Bella's room. A few minutes later, Shelby walked out. "Here you go. Will you put them away?" Shelby asked, motioning to the energem and Dino chargers.
"Sure thing." Tyler replied. "I have to put mine away." Tyler walked away from the back hallway. He let both energems fly into place and he put the chargers away. Tyler walked back to his room and fell asleep quickly, tired from the battle and overthinking his feelings towards Bella.
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