Sibling Problems
Annabeth POV
Me and Chase were waiting at the airport for our little sister Chloe. We saw her and waved and she smiled really big and ran over to us.
"Annabeth, Chase, I'm so happy to see you", Chloe said after giving each of us a hug.
I look at my watch and then see we have 30 minutes til school. We all decided to go to high school and how smart we all are, we are seniors so we will graduate this year. Koda, Ivan, and Kendall didn't join but the rest of us did. And its the Friday before February break.
"Chase we have to go school starts soon", I said.
I also want to go because my boyfriend's locker is right next to mine.
"Well Chloe, you're going to go hang with Ms. Griffin for today is that alright", Chase said.
"Okay", Chloe said.
We brought Chloe to Riley's house and then headed to school. I met Tyler at my locker where I gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
"Meet me near the art room at 2nd period", Tyler said.
I nodded. We both have 2nd period off and then art 3rd. I sit next to him in art and he is always drawing pics from what happened in our lives besides us fighting. I went to Pre Calculus which I have with Riley. We sit next to each other and he helps me sometimes. I then remember we have a test today. Ughh. I walk in and see Riley studying. I sit next to him and I can see him smiling when I tap his shoulder.
"You forgot to study didn't you", Riley said.
"Yeah. My mind was on my sister last night so I forgot to study and forgot my notes", I said.
He let me look at his notes and he would quiz me every so often. The teacher gave us the quiz and Riley was the first one done. He sat back down and I saw him smiling at me. I was stuck on a problem.
Problem (its not actually a Calculus problem):
123x+456×23, when x is 45.
I wrote the answer and finsihed the test. I gave my teacher the test and went and sat back down. The teacher gave us the test back and I got a 95%. I got a problem wrong. There was 20 problems. Riley got the same. The bell rang. I quickly went to the art. I saw my boyfriend leaning up against the wall.
"Hi baby", I said.
He looked at me and had a sad face on.
"What's wrong Ty", I said.
"The middle school just called me saying my baby brother Sawyer is missing. They went to recess and then no one could find him. I'm scared Anna. I don't know what to do", Ty said.
I hugged my boyfriend and just rubbed circles on his back and he just had his head on my shoulder when I felt a few stray tears hit my back. Riley walked down the hall with the same face as Tyler.
"What's wrong Rye", I said.
"Ally just told me Wrench just took Ruby, my baby sister while they were at the park", Riley said.
I motioned him to come over. So know I have the red and green rangers crying on my shoulders. The rest of the day went by fast. In art, Tyler sketch this cool drawing using Sawyer's name. I held his hand the whole time and I drew with my left hand since I can do both. After school, me and Chloe went to the park just to hang out and have sister time. We played and had a picnic but it was ruined when Wrench showed up.
"Chloe run to the museum and get Chase", I told my young sister who ran off toward the museum.
"What do you want Wrench", I said.
"You", Wrench said and then he knocked me out.
Chase POV
Chloe ran in and ran over to me grabbing my hand and running back outside.
"Chloe what's wrong", I asked.
"This monster showed up and Annabeth told me to come get you", Chloe said.
"Show me where", I said.
We ran to where Anna and Chloe were hanging and I saw her dino com laying on the ground.
"Anna", I yelled looking for one of my baby sisters.
"Chase, where's Annabeth", Chloe said looking at me with sad eyes.
"I don't know, Chloe", I told my baby sister.
She started crying and I wrapped my arms around her. I picked her up and went to the base. I don't care what Kendall says, my other sister is missing and I bringing my baby sister to the one place she will be safe.
"Kendall I don't care what you say. One of my sisters is missing and I'm not loosing the other one", I said as I placed my now sleeping sister on a cot in the base.
"We need to find them", I said.
Annabeth POV
I woke up in a cell. I then saw two more cells in front of me.
"Hello", I said.
"Who's there", a boy said.
"Sawyer, be quiet he could be here still", a girl said.
"Its okay I won't hurt you what are your names", I said going to the door of the cage.
"I'm Ruby Griffin", the girl said.
"I'm Sawyer Navarro", the boy said.
"I'm Annabeth Randall", I said.
"Wait aren't you my brother's girlfriend", Sawyer said.
"Yeah", I said.
"Will the rangers save us", Ruby said,
"I hope so", I said.
My phone buzzed in my pocket. I took it out and saw Tyler's caller id. I answered and held it to my ear.
"Anna are you there", my worried boyfriend's voice ran through my phone.
"Yeah", I said.
I heard him sigh with relief.
"Ty, Sawyer and Ruby are with me", I said.
"Omg", Ty said.
"Tyler I gotta go Wrench is coming back", I said hearing a door open.
"I love you baby. We'll find you soon. I promise", Ty said.
We hung up and I placed my phone in my back pocket. I watched Wrench walk out in between the three cells.
"You three look like you are enjoying yourselves", Wrench said.
"Just let us go, Wrench", I said.
He just laughed and left. I laid down and slowly fell asleep.
*3 weeks later*
Wrench moved us into the same cell. Most nights, Sawyer would have his arms wrapped around Ruby, making me think of what me and Tyler do. I miss his touch, I miss him kissing me. He calls me every night and I fall asleep to him humming. I was laying on the cell floor when I felt extremely dizzy and heard commotion above the cell we were in.
"Annabeth, are you okay", Ruby asked.
She walked over to me.
"Annabeth you're burning up", Ruby said.
Then I passed out.
Tyler POV
Its been 3 weeks but we finally found Annabeth, Sawyer, and Ruby. We were unmorphed and fighting when I head a cry and saw a trap door.
"Chase, Riley lets go", I said.
I threw the door open and ran down the tiny flight of stairs.
"Ruby", Riley called.
"Riley", a faint voice called.
We followed and found them in a cell all together.
"Ruby what wrong", Riley asked his little sister.
"Annabeth she is not responding and burning up", Ruby said.
Chase gently picked Annabeth up.
"Guys she's right, Anna is burning up fast", Chase said.
"The monster came in late last night. He had a neddle and he put it in the vein on her neck. He then left", Sawyer said.
I picked up my little brother and Riley did the same with Ruby. We ran back to the base.
"Tyler, what is this place", Sawyer asked.
"Its the ranger base", Kendall said.
I gave her a smile that says thanks.
"Kendall, Anna is burning up and Sawyer said that Wrench, stuck a needle in the major vein in her neck", Chase said.
"Bring her to the infirmary", Kendall said after taking blood.
Chase handed her to me.
"Take care of Sawyer", I said.
He nodded and joined Riley and the others watching the younger kids. Me and Kendall headed back to the medical wing of the base which is 2 rooms.
"Tyler", Annabeth's raspy voice said as I sat on the bed holding her to me.
Annabeth POV
"Hi baby", Ty said.
"Where am I", I asked.
"The infirmary", Tyler said.
Kendall walked in holding a needle. I am scared of needles and it was a good size one too.
"Tyler hold her head still please", Kendall said.
"No Tyler, I'm scared", I said.
He intertwined one of our hands and he held my head to his chest.
"Ty, Ty no", I said as I felt the needle go into my vein.
Then my vision went black.
Tyler POV
I felt really bad. I knew it was an antidote for the posion Wrench put in her system. But she didn't. I kissed her forehead. I started to hum Far Away from Nickelback and felt her curl into me more. I smoothed her hair. I laid my head back and closed my eyes. I felt a hand on mine and looked and saw Annabeth looking at me with sad eyes.
"Hi baby", I said.
"Hi", Anna said.
"Are you okay", I said.
"What happened", Anna said.
"Wrench poisoned you and then Kendall put an antidote into you", I said.
"Oh is that why Kendall told you to hold my head still", Anna said.
"Yes, I knew you were scared just I wanted you to get better so I did it", I said.
"Okay and I feel better", Anna said.
I smiled and helped her up. We walked out front and Anna got attacked by her sister.
Annabeth POV
Chloe hugged me.
"Annabeth, I thought I wouldn't see you again", Chloe said.
"I'm fine Chloe", I said.
I picked her up and sat down.
"Do they know", I asked Tyler.
He nodded.
"You guys can't tell anyone okay", I said.
They nodded. We continued to play and be wierd teenagers and kids for about 3 more hours and then we all went home.
"Goodnight Chloe", I said kissing her forehead and shutting off her light.
"Goodnight Annabeth", Chloe said and fell asleep.
"You'll be a great mother", Tyler said.
"I'm not planning on being a mother anytime soon", I said.
He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up and brought me to my room. We both laid down and I snuggled into his chest and we both fell asleep.
~Next Morning~
I woke up to someone jumping on the bed. I opened my eyes and saw Chloe jumping up and down on my bed.
"Yes Chloe," I asked.
"I'm hungry," Chloe said.
"I'm going to wake up Tyler, you head down," I said.
She nodded and went diwnstairs. I turned and straddled Tyler's waist before kissing him. Next thing I know, I'm being pinned underneath him with him still kissing me.
"Morning baby," Tyler said.
"Morning," I smiled.
"Now get up I have to go make my sister some food," I say, trying to push him off.
Key word: Trying
"Ty, get up," I whined.
He smiled at me and then let me push him so he was sitting on his butt on my bed and I sat up. He smiled at me and I smiled back. We got up and went downstairs. Tyler made pancakes while me and Chloe cuddled on the couch. I touched the scar I got from Sledge that was on my leg. Tyler kissed me on the cheek and gave us our food. I ate and then Chloe had to head home to New Zealand. We watched her board the plane and then we all headed home.
Sorry it took so long guys. But here it is and below is Annabeth's new outfit.
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