Annabeth sighs softly as she walked to the museum. Tyler was packing his stuff, going to search for his dad again. "Sapph, you ready to go?" He asked the blonde haired girl. Sapphire nods.
"Just let me say good bye to Ry." Anna walked in and looks down gently,
"Oh yeah you're leaving..." Anna mumbled. Tyler sat his stuff down.
"Anna, don't worry me and Sapph will only be gone for 3 days." Sapphire sneaks up behind Riley, who was in the base typing on the computer.
"Sapphy!" Chase called out to her. A anger mark crossed her face.
"Chase! You Baka!" Sapphire yelled at the Black Ranger in anger.
Anna gives him a look, "Three days it's going to take me over 4 hours to fall asleep."
Riley looks at her, "Sapphy."
"I'll call you every night. Besides I would be taking you, but Sapph was going to New York anyway."
Sapphire stood up sheepishly and blushed. "Hehe."
"Yeah you told me that," Anna whispers soflty and held his sweater she stole from him.
Riley shakes his head gently and glanced at her. Tyler smiled and hugs her. Sapphire smiles. "Ry... I'm gonna miss you." It came out barley audible.
"Sapph—" The golden haired male looked away.
"I'm gonna miss you too..." The two stood there before embracing each other into a long hug. Unwillingly the young blonde haired girl pulled away. "I'm sorry, Tyler is waiting on me." Sapphire walks away hugging her arms as she runs out. "Ty, you ready?" The White Ranger asked as she walks up to his Jeep.
"Of course." Tyler smiled and gave Annabeth a kiss before hopping into his Jeep. Sapphire and Annabeth, look at each other and smile.
"See ya in 3 days, Randall." Sapphire said holding out her hand for a fist bump.
Anna giggled and fist bumped Sapphire, "See ya in 3 days, Kioni." Anna walked back some as Tyler started his truck and drives off.
It's been two days now and Sapphire and Tyler, were in New York. "Sapphire, why were you going to New York?" Tyler asked her as they pull up to a cave.
"Commander Holt called me while you were planning this, and said that a part of Time Force was located here." Sapphire explained, her blue eyes glanced around the cave, "He said it was something that Jen and the others used... just what was it."
(A/N: Comment what you think it is!)
Tyler nods, "Whatever it is, he definitely sent the best Ranger to find it." Sapphire stopped looking at the cave and faced him with a weird look.
"What are you saying?"
"Well, you have the most Ranger experience out of us all, not to mention you're from the future."
"You think being from the future has an effect on my Ranger experience? It does some, but the fighting isn't from that! I've had almost death experiences with fighting him!" Sapphire suddenly yelled in anger, a black-hole portal opens.
"Somebody call for me?" A voice asked.
"Now you've done it, Navarro." Sapphire growls deeply turning around, her blue eyes suddenly were a pink. "You." She said in fright and hatred.
"Shut up! And get out of here! Go back to to the base, don't tell me you can't, I will be there soon, Kendall gave us these." Sapphire tossed Tyler a teleportation Dino Charger. "Hurry!" She yelled. Tyler nods and clicks it, he was gone.
"Why are you here? Black Hole?" The White Ranger growls lowly.
"Came to find you, and we'll just the usual, kill you." Black Hole spoke.
"Like hell can you kill me," Sapphire hissed, "Siren Change!" The blonde haired girl yelled. "Fighting to save lives and destroy evil! Ranger Red: Ready to Fight!"
Anna was typing on the computer, "I just lost Tyler's si-" Tyler suddenly appears in front of all of them. "TY!" Anna yelled and surprise and tackles him into a hug. Tyler hugs back.
"Where is Sapph?" Riley asked with a worried look. Tyler looked away.
"A monster showed up, I don't know who it was, but she suddenly sent me back here and is still in NY..." Riley's eyes widen as he runs over to the computer and starts typing rapidly.
"Calm down Riley..." Chase mumbled.
"I can't calm down! Sapphire is stuck in N-" Riley was cut off as Sapphire suddenly appears her right eyed was closed as she fell to the ground.
"Sapphire!" Chase and Riley yell, they both catch her before she hits the ground. Chase turned pale, as did Riley when they saw her, her body was bruised and bloody, her clothes were ripped, her hair was dirty and messed up.
"What happened..." Anna spoke softly, she bent down next to the White/Red Ranger and picked up her Jungle Morpher. "She looks like she's in so much pain..."
"It appears to be that way, Sapph, must've took a bad hit or two..." Ivan spoke up. Sapphire stirs in the Green and Black Rangers arms.
"Black Hole— d-damn..." Suddenly she passed out.
"Sapph!" Riley cries out.
"Boys, bring her to the cot, and let her rest." Kendall commands them. Chase handed Sapphire to Riley unwillingly. Riley nods to Chase and carries Sapph to the cot.
"Who's Black Hole?" Shelby asked.
"Probably a monster from the future..." Chase said clenching his Energem. 'Ying Yang...'
Riley started to clean the blood off Sapphire, "Anna, get her a clean pair of clothes." Kendall spoke. Anna nods and heads to her house.
"Why my clothes..." The Aqua Ranger grumbles as she starts to walk back to the base a while later.
"Ranger!" Black Hole yelled and shot a beam at Annabeth. The girl screams and through the clothes as she got sent back.
"That's probably Black Hole..." Annabeth hissed. "Guys, I ran into Black Hole be here soon..." Anna then put her Dino Com back up and got into a fighting stance.
"I won't let you hurt anyone!" Annabeth yelled, growling.
"Ugh, you should just like Ranger Red." Black Hole mumbled rolling his eyes.
"That maybe true, but I'm stronger then Sapphire! Energize, unleash the power!" Anna morphed and grabs her Anklyo Mace.
"Dino Charger engage!" She yelled as her Mace powers up. "Anklyo Mace, Final Strike!" The attack backfires on Anna as it got sent right back at her, demorphing her.
"Annabeth!" Tyler and Chase suddenly yell as they run to her.
"I'm ok," Anna reassured them and stood up, Sapphire's Jungle Morpher falls out of her pocket, "I forgot I had this..." Anna whispers and picked it up. The others were fighting Black Hole. Anna suddenly realized something as she put the Morpher on. "For Sapphire..." she took in a deep breath, "Jungle Beast! Spirit, UNLEASH!" The other rangers turn back to Anna, except it wasn't Anna the Aqua Ranger, there stood Anna the White Jungle Fury Ranger.
"Sapph?" Riley whispers.
"Anna.." Tyler started.
"...Beth?" Everyone finished Tyler's sentence. With extreme speed, Anna was suddenly in front of Black Hole and slashed at him.
"Impossible!" Black Hole yells.
"One thing— I— learned from— Sapph— nothing, is—IMPOSSIBLE!" Anna made one final slash at Black Hole and the Space Monster disappears into thin air. "He'll be back." Anna growls and demorphs along with the others.
"How did you manage to morph with Sapphire's Morpher?" Riley asked as they got back to the base.
"That would be because of me." Sapphire spoke softly, she was sitting up in bed, her red diamond hung from her neck.
"What did you do?" Chase asked sitting next to her.
"I told Eagle that me and Anna will both be able to control him, thanks to our recent arguments with each other, and getting to know each other I easily gave access for Anna to use my Morpher." Sapphire explains and laid her head against Chase. The others didn't seem to care about that, except Riley.
"Hey Sapph, we need girl talk, now." Anna says, Sapphire gave a confused look but stood up. Shelby went with Anna and Sapphire, to one of the back rooms.
"You need to make a choice." Shelby suddenly said.
"A choice?" The White/Red Ranger asked.
"A choice, between Chase, and Riley." Anna said. Sapphire's blue eyes shook as she looks down.
"I—I can't..." She spoke softly.
"You can you have to, otherwise, you won't be able to live like this, one of the boys will be heartbroken... they're best friends, going after one girl." Shelby said.
"But then— who do I choose?" Sapphire asked.
"That's not our choice, it's yours." Anna said sighing deeply.
"We can help you, but we can't choose for you." Shelby told her.
"Do I have to choose now?"
(A/N): HEY HEY HEY! I'm back with a new chapter! I've actually worked harder on this then you guys think! Also shout out to my Aqua Ranger, mysticalhorse_R5girl , she is my go-to-gal for ideas! Word Count: 1497 words
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