Unfinished Business
Annabeth POV
I was cleaning the tables in the cafe when some old friends walked in.
"Chris, Cassie", I said and ran over and hugged them. They hugged back.
"How you been and man you gotten tall", Chris said.
Chase walked in while we were talking.
"Chase, long time no see", Chris said and they shook hands.
Tyler came up behind me and put his arms around me and put his head on my head.
"Who's that", Cassie said.
"This is my boyfriend Tyler", I said blushing as he kissed me.
I took my break around 1 and I was standing near the closet outside the entrance of the cafe. When something covered my mouth and pulled me into the closet. They put a cloak over my head and I felt them tie my feet together and heard the handcuffs adjust to my wrist. They took off the cloak and I saw Cassie and Chris standing there.
"What are you guys doing", I said.
"Tying you up", Cassie said as the put a scarf in my mouth. "We'll be back after the museum closes."
They left and locked the door behind them. I started crying and tried to get out of the handcuffs.
Tyler POV
Annabeth should have been back by now. Riley walked in so I walked over to him.
"Hey Riley, have you seen Annabeth", I said.
"I saw two people walk out of the maintenance closet about an hour ago. I thought they said to someone they will be back after the museum closes", Riley said.
"Thanks", I said.
"Hey Kendall, can I see the keys", I said.
"Sure why", Kendall said.
"I need to get cleaning supplies out of the closet upstairs", I said walking out of the base.
The others met me there. I found the key and opened the door. Someone was in there crying with their feet tied together and a scarf in their mouth and it sounded like their hands were in handcuffs.
"Annabeth", I said.
She looked up and her eyes lit up. She started making noise but we quickly quieted her down. I undid the handcuffs and scarf while Chase did her feet.
"Thanks", Annabeth said. "Shouldn't you guys be working."
"No the museum is closed", Chase said.
"Chris and Cassie will be back any minute than", Annabeth said. "Tie me back up."
"Are you sure", I said.
"Yeah, I'll be fine", Annabeth said in a reassuring voice. "Hide behind those boxes."
We tied her back up and me, Chase, Riley, and Shelby hid behind the boxes. The others went into the cafe and acted like they knew nothin.
Annabeth POV
Knowing that my friends were behind those boxes made me feel better, when Chris and Cassie walked in. They walked around me and I had my eyes on the whole time. Cassie took the scarf out of my mouth.
"Look who's back", I said.
"Yeah, we have to check on you every so often", Cassie said.
"Oh really", I said and rolled my eyes.
Cassie lifted her hand and slapped me. My head went to the side and I looked back at them. I was in pain. Chris walked behind me and then my wrists were in pain. He made the handcuffs as tight as they possible could be. Then he showed me rope and then I felt that cut even more into my wrists and forearms. The he walked in front of me. He undid the rope on my feet. I was wearig my aqua converse high tops so the rope was on the laces. He redid the rope tighter. Then he walked around to inspect his work. I winced again when he pulled the rope on my wrists tighter.
"Oh, one more thing", Cassie said and I rolled my eyes again.
She slapped me again.
"Ow", I said.
"Stop rolling your eyes", Cassie said.
"Sorry but I can't", I said and with that Cassie put the scarf back in my mouth.
"We'll be back in 5 minutes", Chris said. I started crying and Tyler and them came out. They took the scarf out of my mouth.
"Are you okay", Shelby said clinging onto Riley.
"Yeah, just sore", I said.
"2 of you go get Kendall and 2 stay here", I said. "Kendall will know what to do."
Chase and Riley went to get Kendall while Tyler and Shelby hid behind the boxes.
Chris and Cassie came back with a bottle of water. Chris took the scarf out of my mouth. He put the bottle of water to my lips. I drank almost all of it because I was thirsty, I was also hungry. Cassie slapped me and then she slapped me again. After the second time I heard someone clear their throat. Chase, Riley, and Kendall were all standing there and Tyler and Shelby came out from behind the boxes. Chase threw Tyler my pocket knife and he cut the rope that was on my wrists. He also undid the handcuffs. Shelby undid the rope on my feet. I stood up only to fall. Luckily, Tyler was standing there. He caught me.
"Thanks", I said.
"No problem", Tyler said.
"Why did you do this", Chase said.
"Remember at the semi formal, you asked the girl I was going to ask", Chris said.
"You holding a grudge from when we were in 8th grade", Chase said.
I looked down at my wrists and forearms.
"So your payback was to keep me locked in a closet", I said.
"You are banned from the museum and you are not allowed to see anyone for a month while you are under police watch at your house", Kendall said and Chris and Cassie walked out.
We just stood there for about 10 minutes shocked. Me and Shelby just started laughing. The boys looked at us like we were crazy.
"Can we get food", I said.
"Yeah, but first lets get your wrists and forearms looked at and get some ice for your face", Tyler said.
"Ok", I said.
Kendall met us in the cafe and told me that the wounds on my wrists and forearms are just surface wounds and will heal in about 2 days. Sapph came in with some ice. Sapphy handed it to Tyler and he walked over to me and put the ice on my cheek. It stung at first when it hit the place where Cassie slappdd me 4 times.
"Hold it there for a little", Tyler said and I smiled.
Chase POV
While we were cooking, I asked everyone except Annabeth to come in the back room.
"So next Wednesday is Annabeth's birthday", I said. "I was thinking of throwing a surprise party for her in the park and invite the Super Mehafore rangers to come and help out."
"That sounds good", Riley said.
"We have to keep her out of the park til 1", I said.
"Why 1", Tyler said.
"1 is the time Annabeth will officially be 17", I said.
"I can take her somewhere and then met you guys at the park by 1", Tyler said.
"Sounds good", I said.
We headed out to Annabeth with the food. We were sitting and laughing. When we were done we headed home.
When we were driving, Annabeth's phone went off. Someone face timed her.
"Its Troy", Annabeth said.
"Answer it", I said turning down the radio.
"Hey", Annabeth said.
"Hey", Troy said.
"What you doing", Annabeth said.
"Nothing. Oh, Happy early birthday", Troy said.
"Thanks", Annabeth said.
"Is Chase with you", Troy said.
"Yeah, he is driving", Annabeth said moving the phone so he could see me.
"Hey", I said.
"Hey", Troy said. "When the birthday party?"
"I'll text you later", I said.
"Why can't I know", Annabeth said.
"Trust me", I said.
"Got to go. See you guys later", Troy said and hung up.
We pulled into the drive way. Annabeth hopped out.
"Were are you going", I said.
"I have been through a lot today I need to sleep", Annabeth said.
I unlocked the door and Annabeth ran into the kitchen and I followed after her. She grabbed a glass of water and an apple.
"You two are home early", my aunt said scaring us.
"Uh, its 7:30. We usually get home by 8", I said.
"Okay, we are still early", Annabeth said.
"What happened to your wrists and forearms", my aunt said grabbing Annabeth's arms and she winced in pain.
"We were playing a game where Sapph, Mack, Chase, and Koda had captured me and tied me up and Tyler, Shelby, Riley, and Ami had to save me and Chase tied the rope a little to tight and when we took the rope off my wrists and forearms were like this", Annabeth lied. We knew what actually happened.
Annabeth drank her glass of water and ate her apple then went to bed around 9. I texted Troy.
(In script form)
Me: Hey
Troy: Heh so when's Annabeth's party?
Me: Next Wednesday at 1 in the park. You and the others are invited but it is a surprise party so thats why I didn't tell you over the phone.
Troy: Thanks we will be there.
I put my phone away and went to bed.
A/N. The pic above is the shoes Annabeth wears!!!!
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