A/N. 3 rangers inhale a toxic gas from a monster. The plant Tyler has to get.
Annabeth POV
Me, Riley, and Koda were out for a run.
"I am hungry", Koda said.
"Koda, you're always hungry", Riley said and I started laughing.
"When we get back, we will get some food", I said stopping because I saw something.
There were peole on the ground holding their chests as if they were having trouble breathing. I ran over to one of them.
"It immobilized them", I said.
I saw the monster.
"Thats far enough", I said and got the monster to turn around.
"Its morphin time, Dino Charger, Ready", we shouted. "Energize, Unleash the power", we morphed.
We started fighting for about 5 minutes then the monster sent me flying and Riley and Koda came over and helped me up. The monster let a big cloud of gas at us. And we all inhaled it and we fell to the ground and demorphed. I started coughing and then I saw the others.
Tyler POV
"What did you do to them", I said.
"They inhaled my toxic gas. They will get a fever nearly impossible to recover from", the monster said and disappeared.
We walked over to the others, who were coughing and holding their chests. Annabeth looked at me as I picked her up and checked her temperature by putting my hand on her forehead.
"Guys they're burning up", I said and we got them back to the base.
"Kendall, do you know a way to cure them", I said panicking a little.
"Yes, in the forest there is a bush and the leaves are used to cure very high fevers. If you get me a bunch of leaves I can make a antidote for them", Kendall said handing me a picture of the plant.
"I'm on it", I said. Before I left Annabeth grabbed my hand.
"Tyler, we are you going", Annabeth said coughing and holding her chest.
"I am going to get an antidote for you guys", I said checking her temperature.
"Chase, Shelby, Sapphy, and Ms. Morgan will be here the whole time I am gone. I will be right back", I said leaving the base.
I headed to the woods. I probably walked around for about an hour and a half before I found the plant. I grabbed the bag out of my pocket and grabbed a bunch of leaves. I headed back only to find the monster.
"Unleash the power", I said and morphed.
"Guys I found the monster in the park", I said into my dino com.
"On our way be careful", Chase said.
I started fighting then the others showed up.
"Dino Morpher blast", I said destroying the monster.
"Did you get the leaves", Shelby said as I pulled out the bag.
"Lets get them to Kendall", Chase said.
We got down to the base. Kendall had three glasses of water.
"Put the leaves in the water and when they dissolve have them drink it", Kendall said.
About a half an hour later the leaves fully dissolved. I grabbed a glass and walked over to Annabeth and sat down on her cot.
"Hey you need to drink this", I said lifting her head up and put the glass to her lip. I tipped it back and she drank the water. When she was done, I put her head back on the pillow and she was out.
I looked over to Riley and Koda and they were out too.
"Their fevers are gone", Chase said.
Riley POV
My eyes flickered open and I sat up. Me, Koda, Annabeth, Kendall, and Keeper were the only ones awake. The others were sleeping in cots. I helped Annabeth stand up.
"What happened", I asked.
"You inhaled a toxic gas from a monster", Kendall said. "Tyler, went to get a cure from a bush in the forest. You guys drank the antidote and when you were done you fell asleep."
Annabeth POV
"Tyler", I said softly and kissed him on the cheek.
"Yeah", Tyler said and his eyes opened.
"Hi", I said.
"Annabeth, you are better", Tyler said hugging me.
I got attacked by hugs before I could stand up and I fell forward onto Tyler. He put me in his lap and then something unexpected happen. He started tickling me.
"Stop it", I said laughing uncontrollable.
He stopped and Chase came over and hugged me. I kissed them and walked up to the cafe. They came up after a while. I took out the trash and then something hit the back of my neck. It hurt for a second but then I didn't fell it when I touched my neck. I walked back to the cafe and then left to head home with Chase.
A/N. Whats on Annabeth's neck?!?! Keep reading to see what happens.
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