The Trap
Annabeth POV
I was sitting up against a tree reading when I felt something go into my arm. I looked down to see a dart and then I was unconscious.
Tyler POV
My dino com went off while I was walking.
"Yes Kendall", I said.
"Its not Kendall", Fury said and I looked down and stopped walking.
"What do you want", I said in an irritated voice.
"Oh I have your aqua ranger with me", Fury said turning towards Annabeth who was sitting up.
"Annabeth", I kinda screamed into it so she could hear me.
"Tyler is that you", Annabeth said as Fury walked closer to her with her dino com in his hand.
"Yes it is him", Fury said. "And you won't ever see him again unless I get the Energems."
"Never", I said.
Fury grabbed Annabeth's chin and held it up. She pulled away and looked at the ground.
"Time is ticking red ranger", Fury said and shut off her dino com.
I ran to the base to see if Kendall could locate Annabeth and I could go and save her.
"Kendall can you locate Annabeth's energem. Fury has her", I said catching my breath.
"What", Riley said and I turned around to see everyone except Chase there.
"Fury has Annabeth", I said. "We can't tell Chase", I said.
"We can't tell me what", Chase said walking in.
Riley, Sapphire, and Shelby looked at me and I reluctantly told Chase.
"Fury has Annabeth", I said and his face went from happy to anger.
"Hopefully this is the last time", Chase said and I nodded.
"I got her", Kendall said.
Annabeth POV
I was sitting on the cold ground with my head in my hands. Fury walked over to it and snapped me out of my thoughts when he hit the cage with his sword. He grabbed my hand and ripped Tyler's bracelet, he gave me, off my wrist.
"Give that back", I yelled at Fury.
"The red ranger will be coming to save you and when he does I will get him too", Fury said and left. He threw my bracelet a few feet from the cage. I could almost reach it.
Chase POV
Tyler was going to save Annabeth and hopefully he could save her by himself.
Tyler POV
I headed to where Kendall located Annabeth. I walk in with a flashlight and I was morphed. I got into an opening. I saw a pole and a cage.
"Annabeth", I said and she turned and looked at me.
"Tyler, leave now", Annabeth shouted.
"I am not leaving without you", I said walking closer into the opening.
"Tyler, go its a trap", Annabeth said and something hit me hard in the back. I fell to the ground and demorphed.
"Tie him to the pole", Fury said and two vivix threw me on the pole.
Fury walked over with a rope and wrapped the rope around me. I gritted my teeth when he pulled the rope tight and it dug into my arms. I looked at the cage that Annabeth was in and her face had tear stains on it. Fury grabbed my face and pulled it towards him.
"You should have listen to that aqua brat over there", Fury said.
I thrashed against the pole and made the rope dig closer into my arms. Annabeth got mad and tried to stand up but fell back down. Fury grabbed Annabeth's dino com and called the others.
Chase POV
My dino com went off in the middle of work. Me and the others went in the back room to answer it.
"Hello Rangers", Fury said.
"How did you get dino com", Riley said.
"Ask the two teammates that are with me", Fury said and showed Annabeth and Tyler.
"Let them go", I said.
"Sorry rangers but you probably won't see these two ever again", Fury said.
Tyler thrashed against the pole he was tied to and Annabeth sat there crying. Fury shut off the dino com. I was shock I didn't throw my dino com against the wall.
"We'll save them", Sapphire said and hugged me.
"I have an idea", Riley said and we ran back to the base.
Keeper walked in and looked at us.
"Were is Tyler and Annabeth", Keeper said.
"Fury has them", I said.
"Riley what was your idea", Sapphire said.
"Chase and me will go in and get Annabeth and Tyler while you, Shelby, and Koda distract Fury", Riley said.
"Thats a great idea", Shelby said and hugged Riley.
I wanted to save my sister. She meant the world to me and I was scared something was going to happen.
Annabeth POV
Me and Tyler were in the cave. I looked over to Tyler and saw he had fallen asleep and blood was dripping down his arms.
"Tyler", I yelled. He jumped and looked over at me.
"You okay", Tyler said.
"I'm fine but you are bleeding", I said frantically pointing at his arms.
"I know I can feel it", Tyler said. "What's that", he said pointing to my bracelet.
"The bracelet you gave me", I said looking down. "Fury ripped it off my wrist and then threw it down."
"Its okay", Tyler said.
Fury walked in and over to the cage I was in. He unlocked it and grabbed my shirt and threw me in front of Tyler.
"Time to start the fun", Fury said and grabbed his sword and turned around and started hitting me with it. I screamed out in pain as he kept hitting me.
"Why are you doing that to her", Tyler said.
"To make you suffer", Fury said and stopped hitting me.
He kept hitting me and I lost a lot of blood and I just laid there screaming in pain. He left saying he had to go fight the others.
"Annabeth, stay with me", Tyler said.
"Okay", I said weakly.
"They will find us", Tyler said.
He was becoming blurry.
Chase POV
Me and Riley ran behind Fury while the others were distracting him. We got into the cave and halfway through the cave, I heard voices. I could mainly hear a boy's voice and the girl's was faint and she sounded weak.
"Stay with me, Annabeth", the voice said. I could tell it was Tyler.
Me and Riley hurried our pace to the voices. We got to an opening and Tyler was tied to a pole and Annabeth was lying on the ground.
"Ch-Ch-Chase", Annabeth said and Tyler turned his head towards me and Riley.
"Dino Saber", Riley said cutting the ropes that held Tyler to the pole.
"Thanks", Tyler said.
He had cuts around his elbows and forearms. Annabeth however had cuts and bruises all over her body.
I lifted her up and she winced and cried out in pain.
"What happened", I asked.
Annaneth looked at Tyler who grabbed her bracelet that was on the ground.
"Fury wanted to make me suffer so he threw Annabeth in front of me and started hitting her with his sword. He attacked her for about an hour and a half. Then he left to fight you guys. I was tied to the pole the whole time", Tyler said.
"I-i wa-want t-to g-go h-home", Annabeth said and Tyler smoothed her hair down while we walked out of the cave.
I accidentally hit a brusie on her arm and she cried out in pain.
"Sorry", I said.
"I-Its ok-okay", Annabeth said and she fell asleep in my arms.
"Y-you t-two a-are o-okay", Koda said.
Riley put his finger to his lip and pointed to Annabeth.
"Is she okay", Sapphire said seeing all her cuts and bruises on her body and her blood stained shirt.
"Fury was hitting her with his sword", Tyler said. "She lost a lot of blood."
We walked back to the base and Kendall checked out Tyler's cuts and then did an x-ray for Annabeth.
"She has a sprained wrist but she will be fine", Kendall said as Tyler picked her up and brought her to a back room.
Annabeth POV
My eyes flickered open. Tyler was in the room to.
"Hey", I said weakly and he jumped then hugged me.
I sat up and put my legs over the side of the bed. I tries to stand up and walk by myself but I fell over.
"Got you", Tyler said catching me.
I practically used him to help me walk back out front to see the others. Chase saw me and him walk out and he hugged me. I let out a small cry because he hit a brusie on my shoulder.
"Sorry again", Chase said.
"Its okay", I said.
"Oh, I have something of yours", Tyler said opening his hand to show the bracelet, he made me, that Fury ripped off my wrist while I was captured.
"My bracelet", I said and hugged him and kissed him on the lips. I saw Riley's face when I did that and went over and lightly hit him on his arm.
"Hey", Riley said.
I hugged him. Them Sapphire and Shelby gave me hugs gently because I was still sore.
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