The Stone Rangers
A/N. Hey guys I published a new book called Power Rangers Preferences. Go check it out.
Tyler POV
We were in the cafe when my dino com went off.
"Alien bio signs downtown", Kendall said.
"Guys lets go", I said.
When we got downtown we were already morphed and there was stone figures everywhere.
"These are people", Riley said.
"Welcome to my stone garden rangers", a monster said and we turned around to face it. "I am Stoner. I can turn anything to stone."
"Turn those people back", Annabeth said.
"Sorry but that is not going to happen', Stoner said.
We started fighting and me and Chase were standing there when Stoner shot blasts at us.
"Guys watch out", Annabeth said.
Her and Riley jumped in front of me and Chase and took the shot for us. They demorphed and then were stone. (A/N. Riley and Annabeth can hear everything that the others are saying while they are stone.)
"No", Chase said.
Stoner disappeared. The rest of us demorphed.
"How are we going to get them back", Chase said.
"We'll find a way", I said.
We finally got them back to the base. Kendall ran some test on the stone and found out that the only way to turn Annabeth and Riley back is to destroy Stoner. Chase started pacing.
"Chase why are you pacing", Sapphire said.
"They shouldn't have block that shot", Chase said.
"Well if they didn't, what we are doing right now would have been Riley and Annabeth", I said.
Him knowing I proved a point stopped pacing.
"We would have done the same thing if it were them getting blasted at", I said.
"You're right", Chase said.
"They would probably agree with me if they could hear me", I said.(They can hear you).
"I am going to the cafe", Shelby said and her, Sapphire, Koda, and Chase headed up.
"I'll be right up", I said.
"We'll save you guys, I promise", I said.
I headed up to the cafe. I grabbed my hat and apron and went to the grill. Shelby walked up to me.
"You okay", Shelby said.
"Yeah", I said not looking at her.
"Tyler, I know that you're not okay. You don't look at the person you're talking to when you're upset", Shelby said.
"I really want to save Annabeth and Riley", I said.
"I know I do too. Its your girlfriend and my boyfriend that are stone right now", Shelby said.
I gave her a hug.
"I told them before I came up that we would save them", I said.
"We will", Shelby said and then we ran out to go fight Stoner.
We got there and we were already morphed. Fury walked out next to Stoner.
"Only 5 rangers, were are the other 2", Fury said in a sarcastic tone. "oh right they were turned to stone", Fury said and started laughing.
I got mad and so did Chase. We started fighting and Fury disappeared after I hit him. I helped the others finish off Stoner.
"Yes. Everyone who was turned to stone with turn back", Chase said.
"Lets get back to the base", Shelby said as we ran to the base.
Annabeth POV
We were no longer stone figures.
"My arms hurt", Riley said. I hit him playful on the arm.
"Hey", he said.
"We should hide from the others to scare them and then sneak up on Tyler and Shelby", I said.
"Definitely", Riley said.
We hid near the passage.
Tyler POV
We slid down the passage way to the base. Annabeth and Riley were no were to be found. Chase and Sapphire went to check the back and Koda checked his cave. Me and Shelby were standing in the middle of the room facing away from the passage.
Riley POV
Me and Annabeth walked quietly behind Tyler and Shelby. We tapped their shoulders. They turned around and their faces were priceless.
"You guys are back", Tyler said hugging Annaneth and lifting her up.
I did the same with Shelby.
"Yeah, I don't think we are stone any more", Annabeth said and we all started laughing.
The others walked out ans saw me and Annabeth. Chase ran over to Annabeth and hugged her. Then Sapphire gave both of us a hug.
"Can we go get something to eat. I am starving", Annabeth said.
"Me too", I said.
"Lets go then", Tyler said.
We headed up to the cafe and got some food. Then everyone headed home.
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