The Concert
A/N. This is the last part R5 will be in. Pic of Annabeth's outfit.
Riley POV
We were in the park setting up for R5's concert. It was hot out and we were all sweating. Ross and them were getting all the equipment out of the bus.
Shelby POV
"Hey Shelby", Annabeth said.
"Hey", I said.
"You want to have a little fun with the boys", Annabeth said pointing to the hose.
"Definitely", I said as we walked over to the hose.
"3, 2, 1", Annabeth said and I turned the nozzle and ran to where she was standing.
Annabeth pushed the trigger and hit the closest boy which was Riley.
Riley POV
All of a sudden, I was getting wet, but nobody else was. I heard giggling behind me so I knew it was the girls. When the others saw me soaked and the girls with the hose they started laughing.
"What's so funny", Koda said.
"Annabeth and Shelby soaked Riley with water", Tyler said.
I decided to teach the girls something so I ran at them and grabbed the hose and sprayed them. They screamed and started running. I chased after them. When they went into hiding, Tyler, me, and Chase decided to pull a trick on them. Tyler and me would act unconscious and injured while Chase has his blaster pointed at us and acting like he is going to destroy us. When the girls full attention is on Chase, me and Tyler are going to sneak up behind them and scare them. Me and Tyler got in our spots and closed our eyes. Chase got his blaster out and started the prank.
Annabeth POV
Me and Shelby were hiding behind some trees.
"I will destroy you now, rangers", it was Chase.
We poked our heads out from behind the trees and we saw Tyler and Riley on the ground and Chase with his blaster out. We came out of hiding and stood in front of Tyler and Riley.
"Chase, what are you doing", I said fighting off tears.
"What I should have done along time ago", Chase said.
Me and Shelby were about to morph when something grabbed us.
"Ahhh.......", me scream turned into a muffled soind when they put their hand over my mouth.
Chase started laughing. Then I heard laughing coming from behind me and I stopped struggling. I rolled my eyes at my brother and the person took their hand off my mouth. Then, I turned around and saw my boyfriend standing there.
"I thought you guys were unconscious", Shelby said looking at Riley.
"Well, I decided to teach you guys something for spraying me with water", Riley said.
"Well, you didn't need to prank us", I said jumping on my brother.
"Nice acting, Chase", Tyler said.
"Where have you guys been", Koda asked when we walked up to him and Ross.
"Just having a little fun", Chase said. I punched him in the arm lightly.
"We have to get ready for the concert", Ross said.
"We'll see you later", Riley said.
We walked back to the museum. When we got there, the Megaforce rangers were fighting vivix.
Troy POV
We have been fighting vivx for about 40 minutes now. They just kept coming.
"Its morphin time, Dino Charger, Ready", the Dino Charge rangers shouted. "Energize, Unleash the power", they morphed.
I wasn't paying attention and I was sent flying into a wall. I demorphed and wrapped my arm around my stomach.
"Troy", I heard Emma yell as everything was fading to black.
Emma POV
"Troy", I yelled and ran over to his motionless body. I rolled him on his back and sat there with his head in my hands. I could feel tears streaming down my face. I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Emma come on, we'll get him out", it was Annabeth and Noah.
Noah picked up Troy and he put his arm around his neck and then Riley came and got his other arm. Annabeth walked with me. We held hands and talked about girl stuff and how cute Troy is. We got to the base and Kendall had a cot set up.
Annabeth POV
When the boys put Troy on the cot, he winced. The others came back 30 minutes after we got back with Troy. Emma fell asleep holding Troy's hand. Troy was stiring so he should be waking up. I woke Emma up because we were putting Troy in a room in the back. He winced when Tyler and Noah picked him up.
Troy POV
My eyes flickered open. I sat up and was in a room of some sort. No one was in there just me lying on the bed. I heard talking so I just laid my head back on the pillow. Some one opened the door.
"It looks like he is still sleeping", it was Emma.
She walked in and turned on the lights. Annabeth walked in after her. I blinked my eyes a few times to ajust them to the light. I sat up a little and she saw it and hugged me.
"How long have you been awake", Emma asked me as I sat up and she was sitting on my lap.
"About 10 minutes", I said as the others walked in.
"Well since you're awake, lets go fight Fury", Tyler said making a fist but being stopped by Annabth grabbing his hand.
"Tyler, we'll beat him soon", Annabeth said in a gentle voice as Tyler kissed her.
Tyler POV
I knew she was right. We ran to where Fury was.
"Fury", I yelled in an irritated voice.
"Hello red ranger, I have a message from Sledge for you and only you", Fury said stopping.
"What is it", I said irritated.
"Meet him at the coast tommorow at 3 for a duel", Fury said and disappeared.
We went back to the base. I knew if I didn't show up, he would attack and hurt my friends and family.
"We will all go but the 5 of you will stay hiden til I really need you", I said and they all nodded.
The next day
It was 3:00. I was there but still no sign of Sledge. Then out of nowhere a cloud of smoke formed in front of me.
"I was thinking you wouldn't show up", I said.
"Well here I am", Sledge said.
We started fighting and then he punched me and I went flying backwards demorphing in mid air. Everything was fading to black.
"You are pathetic", Sledge said and left as everything went to black. I was now unconscious.
Riley POV
We heard Sledge call Tyler pathetic and we came out of hiding when he left. Tyler was on the ground and was injured. Annabeth ran over to him.
"Tyler", Annabeth said crying. "Please wake up."
Me and Chase walked over and picked Tyler up and put his arms over our shoulders and walked back to the base.(dragged Tyler). We brought Tyler to the back room and brought a chair in for Annabeth.
Tyler POV
My eyes opened. My head, chest, and arm was hurting. Annabeth was sitting next to the bed with her head in her hands. I tapped her arm with the arm that wasn't in pain and she jumped.
"Hi", I said as she hugged me.
"Ahh, careful", I said wincing in pain.
"Sorry", Annabeth said.
"It's okay", I said and lean over and kissed her on the lips.
"That's go see the others", Annabeth said and helped me up.
"By the way, what happened", I said as I put my hand on my chest.
"You okay", Annabeth said.
"Yeah, so what happened", I said.
"You were fighting Sledge and he punched you and sent you flying and you landed pretty hard on you head", Annabeth said as I winced in pain again.
We walked out to see the others doing something.
"What are you guys doing", I said. They all jumped to the sound of my voice.
"Getting ready for the concert tonight", Riley said.
"Oh yeah, we have that tonight", I said.
The Concert
Ross POV
"Hello everybody", I said.
The park erupted.
"The first song tonight is from a movie I just filmed called Teen Beach Movie 2. This song is called On My Own", I said and grabbed my guitar.
It almost feels,
Like it was just a dream,
All these memories of you and me
Blown away, in the summer breeze
It almost feels like,
We just never were,
All this time we spent was just a blur
Now it's just me and the melody
So what am I
Supposed to do
'Cause all these plans,
We made in the sand
Are through
Without you,
I'm on my own
Am I gonna be alone
And if it's only,
Me, myself, and I,
Will I be fine
So far from home
And I just don't know,
Am I gonna make it,
Brave enough to,
Take this road
Out on my own
And maybe I'm falling on my face
Or maybe I'm landing in my place
And maybe we're a million,
Mile apart
Or maybe we're standing,
Heart to heart
But no matter what,
I'm walking,
Right off this stage
And never look back,
Look back,
To yesterday
No way,
No way,
I'm on my own,
As long as I got me, myself, and I,
I'm doing fine,
So far from home
But now I know
I gonna make it
Brave enough to take
This road
Out on my own
It almost feels like,
It sas just a dream,
All these memories of you and me
We played the rest of our songs. The others came up after the concert.
"That was awesome guys", Tyler said holding Annabeth's hand.
"Thanks", I said.
"Bye see you guys another time", Riker said as we packed up.
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