A/N. Sorry this took so long to update. I have school and everything. Swim started and I also have dance.
Annabeth POV
I was sitting crisscrossed with Tyler's head in my lap. Riley and Shelby had their backs to a tree and Sapph, Mack, Ami, Devon, Heidi, and Amber were sitting in the tree. Chase, Koda, and James were passing a soccer ball around. I was running my fingers through Ty's hair.
"Anna, if you keep doing that Tyler will probably fall asleep", Chase said.
"Chase, shut up", Ty said probably half asleep.
I laughed and kissed Ty's forehead. I heard an evil laugh and quickly stood up.(She warned Tyler first) We quickly ran to where I heard it come from.
"Unleash the power", we morphed.
"Fury", I growled.
"Aqua ranger", Fury said.
My dino com went off.
"Annabeth, I made a new armor mode for you. The only thing is it might not work", Kendall said.
"Okay, I'll try it", I said.
"Blitz mode", I said and pressed the button on my charger.
It didn't work.
"Anna come on help out", Chase yelled.
"I'm trying to access a new armor mode", I said.
"Blitz mode", I said again.
This time there was a blinding light and loud noises. The light went away and I flew backwards. I demorphed and looked in time to see Fury disappear with Tyler, Chase, Devon, Shelby, and Koda.
"No", I yelled.
I started crying.
"It's my fault", I mumbled.
"Annabeth, its not your fault", Riley said hugging me.
"Yes it is. I couldn't help you guys and they got captured", I cried.
I got up and took off with Riley running after me. I ducked behind a wall and he kept running. I was at the park and there were swings so I decided to sit on one and swing. I had my feet crossed and was moving the swing a litlle.
"Hey", Riley said sitting in the seat next to me.
"Hi", I said as tears started pricking my eyes.
"Its my fault", I said.
"Anna what did you say to me when I accidentally hurt you in a battle and I was upset", Riley said.
"It wasn't your fault", I said and smiled.
"Come on, everyone is meeting in the base", Riley said and pulled me off the swing.
"I'm coming", I said laughing.
We got to the base and then we decided to go and hang out at my house.
Tyler POV
We were tied to poles. Shelby was facing away fro, , r. Chase and Koda were tied to the same pole and Devon was tied to a pole by himself.
"You guys okay", I said.
"Yeah", Chase said.
Shelby started struggling.
"Shelby calm down. They will fid us", I said. I grabbed her hand and held it.
"I just want to get out of here", Shelby said.
"Well pink ranger, you're not going anywhere anytime soon", Fury said walking in.
"Just let us go, Fury", Devon said.
"No can do white ranger", Fury said.
Me and Chase growled. Fury walked over to me and Shelby and Shelby squeezed my hand tighter. He grabbed my face and slapped me.
"Tyler", Shelby yelled.
Fury left.
"You okay", Chase said.
"Yeah", I said.
Riley POV
It was me, Anna, Sapph, James, and Ami at Anna's house.
"What do you guys want to do", I said.
"We can play a board game or watch TV", Anna said.
"Lets watch Arrow", James said.
Anna turned Netflix on and we started on Season 1, Episode 4-An Innocent Man. Me and Anna sat on the couch. Sapph sat on the love seat. Ami sat in the bean bag and James sat in the recliner. Anna's head was on my chest and my arm was around her.
Annabeth POV
I was cuddled up against Riley. I cried when we got to the season finale of season 1 when Tommy died and Oliver said it should have been him(video above). I looked over and saw Ami and James curled up together on the recliner. Sapph had fallen asleep. I felt calm in Riley's arms. Everyone had fallen asleep except for me and Riley. It was 11:30 when we finally got to Season 3, Episode 15-Nanda Parbat.
"Anna, I think t's time for bed", Riley said.
I nodded my head and get up and then as I fell asleep, I felt a blanket cover me.
Riley POV
I grabbed a blanket for me and Anna. I sat back down and Anna close and pulled the blanket over me and Anna and I fell asleep.
Chase POV
Everyone but me and Devon were alseep. I found my phone. I grabbed it and found it dead. I put it back in my pocket. I growled and fell asleep.
"Wake up you pathetic rangers", Fury yelled.
My eyes opened. Fury untied me and Shelby. He tied our hands in front of us.
"What do you want with us", Shelby said.
"Just walk", Fury said.
He pushed us out of the room and into another room. He untied our hands and then pushed us into the room and locked the door. I walked over to Shelby, who was crying. I pulled her into my chest.
Shelby POV
I took refuge in Chase's arms and just cried.
"I want the others to come and save us", I said.
"I know they will come soon", Chase said.
"Okay", I said and cuddled into his chest.
We sat there and heard a scream coming from the other room.
"Tyler", I yelled knowing that it was him screaming.
Chase held me closer as I cried.
Tyler POV
My stomach was now bleeding.
"How dare you hurt our friend", Koda said.
"Because I don't like you ranger", Fury said and hit Koda's leg.
"Knock it off Fury", Devon said.
Fury hit Devon in the stomach and he was bleeding now too. He untied and then threw us in the room where Chase and Shelby were.
"Tyler", Shelby said.
"Shelby, we're fine just in pain", I said.
"Okay", Shelby said.
I just laid down on the cold ground and held my stomach. Next thing I knew, I was asleep.
Chase POV
Shelby giggled and laid down also when Tyler fell asleep. I laughed and rubbed Shelby's back.
"Guys find us soon please", I said to myself.
Annabeth POV
We were in the cafe working when we had to leave. Kendal fixed the problem with Blitz mode so now it's fully functional.
"Fury, where are our friends", I said holding back tears.
"Why do you want your brother and boyfriend", Fury said laughing.
"Yes now give them back", I yelled.
"Unleash the power", we morphed.
"Blitz mode", I said.
My suit started to have black and silver strips and my arrows were sharper than usually too.
"Sweet", I said.
I grabbed an arrow and shot it at Fury. It hit him and then I ran up to him.
"Tell me where my friends are or I'll destroy you", I said drawing my bow.
"You have no choice Fury", I said.
Then he kicked my feet out from under me. I fell down and felt my armor mode went away. Fury disappeared after stabbing me in the arm with his sword. My suit's arm started turning red. Riley ran over to me. He was in his regular clothes. I demorphed. He ripped his shirt and wrapped it around my arm.
"Its going to be okay", Riley said.
Riley POV
I picked Anna up. Her eyes closed just as we got to the base. Kendall stitched her arm up and we found where the others are. We were going to wake up before we go.
Tyler POV
I woke and saw Shelby on my chest. Everyone else was up except for Shelby and Chase. I let Shelby's head rest in my lap. Shelby and Chase both woke up 20 minutes later. Fury walked in and grabbed Shelby.
Shelby POV
"Guys help me", I screamed as Fury pulled me out of the room the others were in.
"Shut up", Fury said.
He pushed me into a room a while from the guys. In the room there was like a crane hook. Fury tied my hands together then tied it to the hook.
"Let me go", I said.
"Sorry pink ranger", Fury said and left laughing.
I cried wanting Riley to come and save me.
Tyler POV
Fury walked back in and threw each of us in a cage.
"Where's Shelby", Chase said.
"Far away from you", Fury say. "Lets just say its a little challenge for the green ranger."
Me, Devon, and Chase all growled.
Annabeth POV
My eyes opened slowly. My arm still hurts but it has died down. I sat up and looked around.
"Hi Kendall", I said getting up.
"Annabeth", Kendall said surprised.
"Where are the others", I said.
"Right here", Riley said walking in with the other 6 rangers behind him.
"Come on lets go get the others", James said which confused me.
"What do you mean", I said.
"We found were the others are and we waited for you to wake up to go", Riley said grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of the base.
"Yay", I said as we ran to where they were.
"Unleash the power", we morphed.
We got to the old railroad station. Riley kicked the door in. I found a door guarded by vivix and figured out thats were they must be.
"Riley I think I found the room they are in", I said through my dino com quietly.
"On our way", Riley said.
Him and the others found me and then we headed to the room. We quickly took out the vivix. I kicked the door in. I nearly cried.
"Guys", I said and then they all looked at us.
"You guys found us", Tyler said.
"Blitz mode", I said and morphed into my armor mode.
"That's some sweet armor mode Anna", Chase said as I shot 4 arrows at the cages.
Me and the others ran over and helped them out of the cages.
"Wait a second where's Shelby", Riley said.
Riley POV
"Im glad you asked green ranger", Fury said.
"Where's my girlfriend, Fury", I said my voice getting lower than usual.
"You have 10 minutes to find her or bye bye pink ranger", Fury said.
"Shelby", Anna gasped.
"Time's ticking, green ranger. Better be quick", Fury said.
I took off out of the room. I started screaming Shelby's name.
Shelby POV
There was a laser with a timer on it pointed at me. It was at 7:30. Riley has 7 and a half more minutes to save me.
"Shelby", I heard Riley yell.
"Riley, I'm in here", I yelled.
The door was kicked down.
"Dino morpher blast", Riley said destroying the laser.
I sighed as he walked over to me and cut the rope. I jumped on him and then felt him demorph.
"Hi baby", Riley said.
"Hey", I said. "I was scared you weren't going to find me."
"I will always find you", Riley said. "Even if its the last thing I do, I will find you", he whispered into my ear.
"I know", I said.
We got out to find the others waiting for us. Riley put m me down and Annabeth ran up and hugged me. We were like en sisters now. We have done everything together.
"I'm so glad you're okay", Annabeth said.
"Me too", I said.
We both giggled then jumped on our boyfriend's backs. They laughed and then we went back to the base.
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