Stolen Identity
Chase POV
I was out skateboarding when I heard screaming coming from in front of me. I skated to it and I saw a monster.
"Thats far enough", I yelled.
"A ranger, I am Eraser", he said.
"Unleash the power", I said and morphed.
I started fighting and he knocked me down and then shot something at me. I demorphed and heard a buzzing sound in my head. Eraser disappeared.
Annabeth POV
"Chase", I yelled and ran to him with the rest of the team behind me.
He groaned and looked at me.
"Annabeth, wait who are they", Chase said pointing to the team.
"Chase its us", Shelby said.
"I don't know you", Chase said.
"Don't you remember we are power rangers", Tyler said bending down next to me.
"Stay away from her", Chase said.
"Chase its okay. Its Tyler remember", I said.
"No and I am not a power ranger", Chase said.
"We should get him back to the base", Riley said.
"What", Chase said.
"Its okay, just come with us", I said extending my hand and he grabbed it.
We got to the T-rex head and Tyler went over and pulled the back tooth. I had Chase go down before me because I knew what I was doing and what the base was.
"What's wrong with Chase", Kendall said.
"He doesn't remember us or being a power ranger", Tyler said.
"But he remembers me", I said.
"What is this place", Chase said.
"Chase its the base remember", Riley said.
"No and how do you know my name", Chase said.
"I am your friend", Riley said.
"I don't know you", Chase said.
"Chase you do know us", Sapph said.
"Is there a way to get his memory back", I said.
"His brain needs to be triggered and then he will remember", Kendall said.
"So we need to tell him memories we have of him and us being power rangers and friends", Ami said.
"Theroatically, yes", Kendall said.
"Okay", I said.
the alarm indicating a monster went off.
"We will have to do that after", Tyler said.
"Chase stay here", I said and we ran to fight Eraser.
Chase POV
I had no clue where I was and these 7 people kept saying something about power rangers. They also said we were friends, when I have never seen them in my life, but Annabeth seems to trust them so they can't be that bad. I stayed in a thing they said was a base.
Tyler POV
We got to where Eraser was.
"Thats far enough", I yelled.
"Ah, more rangers", Eraser said.
"You'll pay for what you did to my brother", Annabeth said.
"Its morphin time, DIno Charger, Ready", we shouted. "Energize, Unleash the power", we morphed.
"Tyrannosaurus Rex, Power Ranger Red", I said.
"Stegosaurus, Power Ranger Blue", Koda said.
"Velociraptor, Power Ranger Green", Riley said.
"Triceratops, Power Ranger Pink", Shelby said.
"Ankylosaurus, Power Ranger Aqua", Annabeth said.
"Pterodactyl, Power Ramger Orange", Sapph said.
"Styracosaurus, Power Ranger Lime Green", Ami said.
"Apatosaurus, Power Ranger Yellow", Mack said.
"Corythosaurus, Power Ranger White", Devon said.
Chase POV
Me and I think her name is Kendall were watching the rangers fight. They were doing good and then they all got knocked down. I saw all their faces, then something wierd happen.
Memories of us being friends and rangers:
The first time we fought with Annabeth,
The pincincs we have had in the park,
Us in the cafe working,
Us being friends.
"Guys", I yelled scaring Kendall.
"Chase what's your ranger color", Kendall said.
"Black", I said.
"Just making sure", Kendall said as I ran to help the others.
"Unleash the power", I said and morphed.
I got to where the others were. I ran over to Annabeth.
"Chase you're back", Annabeth said when she saw me.
"Yeah", I said helping her up and the others up to.
"Lets finish this", I said.
"Unleash the power", they said and morphed again.
"Yeah", they said.
"Dino Crossbow, Final Strike", Tyler said and we destoyed Eraser.
"Thats the last memory you erase", I said as we demorphed.
Annabeth jumped on me.
"How did you remember", Annabeth said as I put her down.
"When I saw all your faces when Eraser knocked you all down. It triggered my memories because that has happened to us a lot as rangers", I said and passed out.
Riley POV
Annabeth and me caught Chase before he flaceplatted on the cement. Tyler had to take over for Annabeth because she was shorter than both me and Chase so it was hard for her to keep him balanced. We put his arms around our shoulders and walked back to the base. Sapph and Annabeth stayed with him while we closed up the museum.
Sapph POV
Me and Annabeth stayed in the base with Chase while the others went to get food and close up. It was 9 and the others came back with pizza and drinks.
Chase POV
My eyes flickered open and I sat up only to get attacked by Annabeth and Sapph.
"Hey", I said hugging both of them.
"Glad to see you are up", Annabeth said.
"You want to join the party", Sapph said.
"Its not really a party we are listening to music and eating pizza", Riley said.
"Yeah", I said.
"I got a song", Sapph said.
"Play it", Annabeth said.
They say I'm trouble
They say I'm bad
They say I'm evil, and that makes me glad
A dirty no good
Down to the bone
Your wrost nightmare
Can't take me home
So I've got some mischeif
In my blood
Can you blame me
I never got no love
They think I'm callous
A low-life hood
I feel so useless
All: Misunderstood
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who's the baddest of them all
Welcome to my wicked world
Wicked world
I'm rotton to the core
Rotten to the core
I'm rotten to the core
Who could ask for more
I'm nothing like thekid next
Like the kid next door
I'm rotten to the core
I'm rotten to the..
I'm rotten to the core
Call me a schemer
Call me a freak
How can you say that
I'm just unique
What me a traider?
Ain't got your back?
Are we not friends?
What's up with that?
So I'm a misfit
So I'm a flirt
I broke your heart
I made you hurt
The past is past
Forgive, forget
the truth is
All: You ain't seen nothing yet.
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who's the baddest of them all
Welcome to my wicked world
Wicked world.
I'm rotton to the core
Rotten to the core
I'm rotten to the core
Who could ask for more
I'm nothing like thekid next
Like the kid next door
I'm rotten to the core
I'm rotten to the..
I'm rotten to the core.
"That was a good song", Annabeth said.
"Yeah", everyone said.
"Just a question", I said. "Was I mean to anyone, while I didn't have my memories of you guys?"
"Not really", Tyler said.
"Okay", I said.
"We should be getting home", Tyler said.
"See you tommorow", Annabeth said and we headed home.
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