Sleeping on the Job
Tyler POV
It was a busy day at the museum. Me and the others were in the cafe working. The museum closed and know we have to clean up. Chase was skateboarding while cleaning the floors. Me and Annabeth had to clean the windows. Koda cleaned the cafe. Riley and Shelby cleaned the kitchen. We all finished and headed down to the base. We were in there for about 5 minutes then had to leave because of a monster attacking.
"That's enough monster", I said.
"Well, the rangers", the monster said. "I am Sleepster."
"What kind of name is that", Chase said.
"The one that is going to destroy you", Sleepster said.
"We'll see about that", I said.
"Unleash the power", we shouted and morphed.
"I start with you red ranger", Sleepster said.
He sent a blast at me and hit me right in the chest. I demorphed and I felt really tired. I fell backwards and my eyes were to heavy to keep open. I closed them and I was out.
Annabeth POV
"What did you do to him", I yelled running over to Tyler.
"He is just sleeping but he won't wake up if I am not destroyed", Sleepster said. "Now you will end up like he is", he sent a blast my way and I dodged it.
Me and Riley were together and the other 3 rangers were across from us. Sleepster sent blasts at them and they all fell to the ground and were just like Tyler.
"No", I yelled and Sleepster disappeared and I ran over to the them.
"We need to get them back to the base", Riley said putting his hand on my shoulder. We both demorphed.
"Okay", I said. "I will go get the jeep. I will be right back."
I ran to the museum to get Tyler's jeep and drove back and got Riley and the others. When we got to the base, Kendall had cots set up.
Riley POV
Annabeth started pacing back and forth.
"Annabeth, you okay", I said getting her to stop pacing.
"No, we need to find a way to defeat Sleepster", Annabeth said.
"Well can you at least stop pacing", I said and started laughing.
"Okay, I going to head up stairs to the cafe", Annabeth said walking out of the base.
"I be there in 5", I yelled.
"Okay, 'speedy' green ranger", Annabeth yelled back. She calls me that sometimes because usually I take longer than I say. She does air quotes when she says speedy. It took me 15 minutes to get there. I grabbed my hat and apron and went to the grill.
"Told you", Annabeth said scaring me.
"Yeah, Yeah", I said flicking her with water from washing my hands.
"Hey, you have to deal with me til we save the others", Annabeth said laughing.
"I know, then I can tell your brother about you", I said.
"No you wouldn't", Annabeth said.
"I would", I said and I hugged her. "I protect you even if I end up like the others", I whispered into her ear.
"I know you will", Annabeth said smiling and kissed me on the cheek. "You know I just did that because your my best friend and you would do anything to protect me", Annabeth said and I nodded.
Then we ran out about 10 minutes after our conversation because Sleepster was attacking innocent people.
"Your time is up", I yelled.
"No its not", Sleepster said.
Annabeth POV
We fighted for 35 minutes. I stopped for a second because I was tired. Sleepster sent a blast at me and Riley pushed me out of the way and took the hit for me.
"Riley", I yelled and ran over to him.
"Riley, you just saved me from the spell", I said as I felt tears run down my face.
"I told you I would protect you", Riley said and was out cold.
I stood up and was mad. My dino com went off.
"The Ankylo-bow and Ankylo-sword can combine", Kendall said.
"Thanks", I said.
"Ankylo-Crossbow", I said. "Final Strike", I said destroying Sleepster.
"Yes the spell is broken", I said. "Riley", I yelled, demorphed, and spun around to see Riley sitting up holding his head.
"I told you, I would protect you even if I ended up like the others", Riley said and I hugged him and helped him up.
"The others", I said and we ran to the base.
"Guys", I yelled when I saw them up in the base.
I gave my brother and boyfriend a hug and kissed them on the cheeks. Then I went back to Riley and did the same to him.
"Don't worry she doesn't like me like that", Riley said when he saw Shelby's face.
Shelby came over and hugged and kissed Riley. Koda figured out their secret.
"Y-you two are couple", Koda said.
Shelby looked at Riley and he shook his head.
"Yes, Koda we are", Shelby said.
We walked up to the cafe and started working. I snuck up behind Riley and put my hand over his eyes.
"Guess who", I said.
"Shelby", Riley said.
"I don't sound like her", I said.
"Fine, Annabeth", Riley said.
"Right", I said taking my hands of his eyes.
I did the same thing to my brother.
"Guess who", I said.
"Annabeth", Chase said.
"Right", I said. "I can't do that to you because you know what my voice sounds like. Riley called me Shelby."
"Also, I saw you coming", Chase said and smiled.
I did it one more time to my boyfriend. I made sure he was facing away from me.
"Guess who", I said.
"Annabeth", Tyler said.
"Yep", I said and he turned around and kissed me on the lips. We broke apart when we heard someone clear their throat. I looked at my brother and just rolled my eyes at him. We were in the kitchen, so not everybody would see us. I walked over and grabbed the plate from him and walked over to the table.
"Here's your order", I said placing the food in front of them.
A/N. The pic on top is a drawing I did of a Parasaur.
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