Saving Red
Sophie POV
I was hanging out with my brother and his friends. It has been 2 days since Tyler got out of the hospital. When something went off in Tyler's pocket. He pulled out a futuristic phone type thing.
"Alien bio signs detected in your area", A girl's voice said.
"Thanks", Tyler said. "I am going to take you home. I will be right back."
He grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet.
"Come on", Tyler said and we started running.
Chase POV
Tyler went and took Sophie home. When they were out of sight we morphed.
"Its morphin time, Dino Charger, Ready", we said. "Energize, Unleash the power", We morphed.
"Parasaur, Power Ranger Black", I said.
"Stegosaurus, Power Ranger Blue", Koda said.
"Velociraptor, Power Ranger Green", Riley said.
"Triceratops, Power Ranger Pink", Shelby said.
"Ankylosaurus, Power Ranger Aqua", Annabeth said.
"Pterodactyl, Power Ranger Orange", Sapphire said.
"Styracosaurus, Power Ranger Lime Green", Ami said.
"Apatosaurus, Power Ranger Yellow", Mack said.
"Corythosaurus, Power Ranger White", Devon said.
We found Fury and James standing there. We started fighting. Next thing I knew everyone was on the ground demorphed and hurt.
Tyler POV
I morphed behind the trees near my house. I ran to the others, when I got there they were on the ground hurt.
"Guys", I yelled.
James and Fury looked in my direction. James ran over to Annabeth and grabbed her shirt and put his blaster to her head. Annabeth struggled.
"Help me", Annabeth said struggling to get out of James's grip.
"Its her or you", Fury said.
When Fury said that, I realized that Annabeth was going to die or I was going to get captured. I didn't know what to do. I lookdd at the ground and made a fist.
"Power down", I said.
"Tyler don't do it", Annabeth said crying.
"Take me instead", I said.
James pushed Annabeth to the ground and walked over to me.
"Smart thinking, red ranger", James said as he pinned my arms behind my back.
"No", Annabeth said as we disappeared.
Annabeth POV
I started crying and I just laid on the ground crying harder. I felt someone pat my back. I sat up and saw the team standing there and Chase squatting in front of me. I threw my arms around him and cried more. He picked me up and I just kept my face buried in his chest. He smoothed my hair trying to calm me down. All I now is he pushed me down the passage way to the base. I sat down on the bench that we have in there and pulled out my phone. I looked at the photos I had of me and him.
Tyler POV
James pushed me in a chair and tied my hands behind the chair. Then tied the rope to a pin in the ground. Fury walked in as James walked out.
"Hello red ranger", Fury said walking around the chair I was sitting in.
"What do you want", I said.
"Oh nothing", Fury said grabbing his sword and my dino com.
Annabeth POV
"I have a message from Fury", Kendall said.
"Answer it", I said.
"Hello Rangers", Fury said.
"Where's Tyler", I said grabbing onto Chase.
"Right here", Fury said stepping aside so we could see Tyler.
"Let him go", I yelled as Chase pulled me into a hug.
"Aqua ranger, I want to show you something", Fury said and I looked at the screen.
Fury turned around and hit Tyler hard with his sword.
"Ahh", Tyler yelled.
I closed my eyes and threw my head into my brother's chest. I looked back at the screen and saw that Tyler was bleeding and in pain. Fury shut off Tyler's dino com. I was about to run to go find Tyler but when both Riley and Chase are standing near you it is kinda hard. Plus they are both quicker than me.
"He is where Fury held you and Chase", I said crying while Riley hugged me.
"We are going to go get him", Chase said. "You are too involved in this, stay here."
"But I want to save him too", I said.
"I know. But it is best for you too stay here", Chase said.
"Okay", I reluctantly said. "Just bring him back safe."
"We will", Riley said as they ran out of the base.
About 5 minutes after they left I fell asleep.
Tyler POV
James came back with his sword. My right arm was bleeding and in pain already. I wonder what he is going to do. I pulled on the rope.
"Well you look like you are enjoying yourself", James said.
"Well, I'm not", I said.
"Then lets have some fun", James said and walked around the chair.
He swung his sword and it nearly missed me. Then he stood in front of me. He started hitting me with attacks and hit my right arm about 10 more times. He stopped and left. Now I was in a lot of pain. I couldn't move my arms, if I did it caused a lot of pain.
Chase POV
We ran to where Tyler was. A ton of vivix appeared and we quickly took them down.
"Riley come with me, stay here if anything happens", I said.
"Okay", Shelby said.
Me and Riley made our way though the warehouse and found Tyler.
"Guys", Tyler said.
"Are you okay", Riley said.
"Yeah, just in pain", Tyler said.
I cut the rope and we helped him stand up. We put his arms around our shoulders. We got out of the warehouse and we got Tyler back to the base. When we got there, Annabeth was sleeping. Kendall took care of Tyler's cuts. They headed up to the cafe. We told Tyler to sneak up on Annabeth when she is facing the other way. He just laughed and said he will do it. I squatted next to Annabeth and shook her arm. Her eyes fluttered opened.
"Hey", I said.
"Come on some people are waiting for you upstairs", I said and helped her up.
Annabeth POV
"What do you mean by that", I said.
"Just come on", Chase said grabbing my hand and started walking faster which caused me to run to catch up.
We got in the cafe and we closed up 20 minutes after. I was cleaning a table when someone put their hands over my eyes.
"Guess who", a guy said.
"Devon", I said.
"No guess again", he said.
"Riley", I said.
"Nope", he said.
"Tyler", I said.
He took his hands off my eyes and I turned around.
"Tyler", I practically screamed and jumped on him.
"Hey", Tyler said.
"I missed you", I said.
"Me too", Tyler said.
"What happened", I said noticing that he was all bandaged up.
"Your cousin attack me with his sword", Tyler said.
"Oh", I said.
He put me down and kissed me on the cheek. I turned around to head into the kitchen and I saw the whole team standing there smiling. I rolled eyes and walked into the kitchen. The girls came in while the boys were outside sitting at a table.
"Were you guys there the whole time", I said putting the dishes in the sink for Koda to clean.
"Maybe", Shelby said.
"This might seem crazy", Sapph said. "But has he asked you out on a date."
"No, but we are still boyfriend and girlfriend", I said turning around and leaned on the table.
"Well, he should", Shelby said.
"Hey, has Riley asked you on a date yet", I said and smirked.
"No", Shelby said. "But we don't make it obvious that we are boyfriend and girlfriend."
"He either kisses you or you kiss him everyday", Ami said.
"Okay so we kiss a lot", I said. "Are the boys doing the same thing to Tyler, questioning him about our relationship."
"Yeah", they all said.
As if on cue, Tyler walked in and over to me followed by the 6 other boys.
"Why are you guys questioning us about our relationship. I will ask her on a date when I want to", Tyler said and I was shocked at the last part.
"What", I said.
"I will ask you when I think it is a good time", Tyler said.
"So, you will ask her out on a date", Shelby said.
"Yes", I answered for him.
"Thanks", Tyler said.
"No problem", I said.
"Chase, can I talk to you alone", Tyler said.
Tyler POV
"Sure", Chase said and we went to one of the exhibits.
"The only reason why I haven't asked her yet is because I was worried that she will say no", I said.
"By the way, she looked when you said that you will ask her out when you want. I don't think she will say no", Chase said.
"You're right", I said.
"Just ask her", Chase said.
"Fine", I said.
I got Annabeth alone.
"Hey would you like to go out for dinner", I said.
"I would love too", Annabeth said.
"Okay that was way easier than I imagined", I said and we started laughing.
A/N. I'm evil. Mhuhaha. Find out how the date goes next chapter. Ok guys, you might think I am crazy, but I have decided I want to have a total of 24 rangers. So if you want to be in my book, comment the name, color, and hair and eye color of your ranger to me. The colors I already have are red, black, blue, green, pink, aqua, orange, yellow, lime green, white, silver, copper, emerald, gold, violet, and fuchsia, any other colors are acceptable. Also please tell me what dinosaur is bonded to the energem. Dinosaurs, I already have are the t-rex, parasaur, velociraptor, stegosaurus, triceratops, ankylosaurus, pterodactyl, stracosaurus, apatosaurus, corythosuarus, diphosaurus, ceratosaurus, spinosaurus, baryonyx, brachiosaurus, and proceratosuurus. Names so far, are Tyler, Riley, Chase, Shelby, Koda, Sapphire, Annabeth, Ami, Mack, Cody, Amber, Hannah, Heidi, Violet, Devon, and James. So please comment and enjoy reading. P.S. I need 8 rangers - 4 girls and 4 boys. I am keeping the number of boys and girls even unless I really like the ranger you guys came jp with.
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