A/N. Barry comes back and James turns good again. The video above is from Miley Cyrus when she was Hannah Montana. The song is called "I Miss You." When I hear this song I think about my grandpa who passed in 2012. I miss him so much. -,_-,*Crying sign*
Annabeth POV
I was eating dinner with Chase and Devon when there was a knock on the door. I got up and went to the door. I opened it and saw Barry standing there.
"Barry", I said hugging him.
"Hey", Barry said.
"What are you doing here", I said.
"I invited him", Chase said.
"Thanks", I said running over to hug my brother.
I went over and locked the door when Barry went to sit with Devon and Chase. I sat between Barry and Chase and finished my dinner. I ran into the living room and plopped down on the couch. I put Netflix on. I typed in Arrow and started watching it.
"What are we watching", Barry said sitting on the love seat.
"Arrow", I said.
"Cool", Barry said.
"Wait are you watching Arrow without me", Chase said.
"Maybe", I shouted back.
He ran into the room and sat next to me on the couch. Devon sat in the recliner. We watch 10 episodes. As we were about to watch the 11th episode I realized Chase and Barry had fallen asleep.
"I am going to get some blackets", Devon said.
I laid Chase and Barry down on the couch and love seat. Devo put the blankets on them and then me and Devon headed to bed.
Shelby POV
It was 7 and Chase, Devon, Annabeth, and Barry walked in. Annabeth and them put their hats and aprons on. I took my break. I walked outside and saw James walking by. I took my dino com out and called Tyler.
"Hey, I am going to follow James", I said.
"Ok, just be careful and try to stay out of sight", Tyler said.
"I will", I said.
I started to follow him and I followed him all the way to an abandoned house. We got inside. He went around a corner and I lost him. I stepped into the hallway and just stood there. Someone put their hand over my mouth. I knew it was James.
"You shouldn't have followed me, pink ranger", James said.
I made a muffled sound.
"I am going to take my hand off but if you say one word you are not going to see tomorrow", James said and took his hand off.
I stayed quiet. He took my dino com and then pushed me in a room and locked the door. There was a bed and a lamp and no windows(pic above). I put my hand in my pocket and relized I had my phone. I pulled it out and saw it was dead.
"There goes that way of escaping", I said to myself.
I heard footsteps coming and threw my phone in my pocket. The door opened and James stood there with a botte of water and some fruit.
"Here's some food", James said and placed it on the table.
"Thanks", I said.
He left and locked the door again. I tried to see if there was another way to escape. None though. I sat on the bed, which was surprisingly comfortable. The door swung opened and James barged in and pushed me so I was laying down on the bed. He pulled my hand up and tied it to the head rest and he did it to my other hand too. The he took off my sneakers and tied my feet to the foot rest.
"Are you comfortable", James said.
"Sure", I said.
"You didn't eat anything or drink any water", James said.
"I was not hungry or thristy", I said.
"Well you won't be able to in about 3 seconds", James said and put a piece of duct tape over my mouth. He pushed my hair out of my face and I pulled away.
I made a muffled sound and pulled on the ropes as he grabbed for something.
"Goodnight, pink ranger", James said and stuck the sedate in my leg.
I let out a small cry when the neddle went in and then my eyes were heavy and everything went black.
Riley POV
We were in the base wondering where Shelby was.
"I am starting to get worried. She should have been back by now", I said.
"Riley calm down", Sapph said.
"I have a message from Shelby's dino com", Kendall said.
"Answer it", I said crossing my arms.
"Hello Rangers", James said.
"Where's Shelby", I yelled.
"She is here with me. She is sleeping", James said walking into a room.
"See", James said showing Shelby tied up with duct tape over her mouth and unconscious on a bed.
"Let her go", I yelled.
"Bye rangers", James said and shut off the dino com.
"I have an idea", Annabeth said.
"What is it", I said turning around.
"Barry goes and saves Shelby and we will distract James", Annabeth said.
"That sounds good", me and Barry said.
Barry sped off to get his suit and he was back in a matter of seconds.
"I really need to get paperwieghts", Kendall said picking up her papers.
We all laughed and then headed to go save Shelby.
Shelby POV
My eyes opened slowly and I was still tied up in the abandoned house. James walked in and walked over to me. He sat on the bed. I made muffled noises. He put his hand over the tape and ripped it off.
"Ow", I hissed.
"Oh did that hurt", James said.
"Yeah", I said.
"Are you hungry or thristy", James said.
"Yes", I said.
He untied my hands and I sat up and grabbed the water and an apple. After I finished eating he untied my feet and let me go to the bathroom. I walked to the room and sat back on the bed. He grabbed my hand and tied it back to the head rest and then did it to my other head. He didn't tie my feet though to the foot rest but he tied them together and then put a piece of duct tape on my mouth. He put something on the table and then left locking the door. The thing let out a holographic video of him standing outside. Then I saw the others.
Barry POV
We got to where Shelby was. We stood in a line in front of James.
"Its morphin time, Dino Charger, Ready", they said. "Energize, Unleash the power", they morphed.
"Barry go", Annabeth yelled.
I raced into the house. I ran to every room and they were all unlocked. I found another room and it was locked.
"Shelby", I said.
"Mmmmm...", Shelby said.
I shook the door right off its hinges. It fell into the room and Shelby was there tied to the bed. I walked over to her and took my mask off. I placed m hand on the duct tape.
"This may hurt", I said. She nodded and I pulled it off in one motion.
"Ow", Shelby hissed.
"Sorry", I said.
"Its okay. Now can you untie me", Shelby said.
"Yeah", I said.
I untied her and she stood up.
"Unleash the power", Shelby said and morphed.
"Lets go", I said and we made it outside just in time to see Riley get thrown halfway across the field demorphing.
"Riley", Shelby yelled and ran over to him.
Devon POV
I wanted my older brother back badly and I was the only one standing except for Barry. James was in like perfect health, were I had to use my dino saber to help me stand.
"James it me Devon. Your little brother", I said.
"The power rangers killed my brother", James said.
"No they didn't", I said. "I'm right here. See", I demorphed.
He groaned and grabbed his head. He demorphed and still held his head.
James POV
I held my head and groaned even louder as more memories flooded my mind. I saw me and my brother playing when we were younger. I looked at the white ranger and then the memory of me getting captured played in my mind.
James POV
Me and Devon had just found these weird stick things and we were in the park hanging out with each other. When a weird monster thing that looked like half lion and half human walked in front of us.
"I smell energems", the monster said.
Me and Devon grabbed the stick things and grabbed the gun we had and stuck it in it and shot at the monster. I transformed into a silver suit and Devon transformed into a white suit.
"Rangers", the monster said.
"Who are you", Devon said.
"I am Fury and I want those energems", he said.
We started fighting and then Fury sent us flying and the suits went away. Then I stood up and he shot something at me and then rope appeared around my body.
"James", Devon said standing up tried to run over to me to help me, but Fury stopped him and sent him flying into a tree and he didn't move.
"No", I yelled.
"Having an evil silver ranger will come in handy to destroy the other rangers", Fury said and then everything went black.
Devon POV
"Hey, Hey do you need help", a girl said.
"No I'm good", I said sitting up on my knees.
"Okay", she said and skipped away.
"James", I yelled and searched for any sign of my brother.
"You will never see your brother again", Fury said and disappeared.
I fell to my knees and cried then I ran home and looked for the brochure that Annabeth had. I packed my things and headed to Amber Beach.
Flashback over
I took my hands off my head and looked at Devon.
"Devon", I said.
"James", Devon said and ran over to me and hugged me.
My eyes closed and the world went back.
Devon POV
James just passed out. Chase ran over and helped me with James. The others followed behind as we went back to the base. When we got there, Kendall had a cot set up for James. Me and Chase laid him down. We all sat down in relief.
"Wait I just remembered something", Annabeth said and walked over and hugged Shelby.
Everyone else gave her a hug.
"How am I supposed to explain everything to him", I said.
"We'll figure out a way", Chase said and patted me on the back.
"First we should have him explain how he became evil", Tyler said.
"Yeah", the rest of us said.
James POV
My eyes opened and I was in a weird place. I sat up immediately noticed by my brother.
"James", Devon said and hugged me.
I also got attacked by my little cousin. I put her in my lap as she leaned her head on my shoulder.
"Hi Annabeth", I said.
"Hey", Annabeth said.
Chase shook my hand.
"Sup", I said.
"Nothing just glad to see you are not evil anymore", Chase said.
"Me too", I said. "Who are they", I said pointing to the 7 people standing in the room that I didn't know.
"That's Tyler, Koda, Riley, Shelby, Sapph, Mack, and Ami", Annabeth said pointing to them. I recognized the one in pink because earlier today when I was evil I had her tied up.
"I am sorry that I tied you up, Shelby", I said.
"Its okay", Shelby said.
"How did you become evil", Tyler said.
"Short version. Fury erased my memories of good things and replaced them with evil ones", I said.
"Oh" everyone said.
"So you do want to fight with us to beat Fury", Annabeth said jumping up and down on my lap.
"Yeah", I said hugging her.
She leaned in and whispered something in my ear.
"I am 17 now", Annabeth said.
"That's cool", I said hugging her. "But you still my little cousin."
"I will always be your little cousin", Annabeth said grinning and the leaned her head on my shoulder again.
We all talked til about 10 when we realized that all they girls were sleeping and even Riley. We laughed and Chase and Tyler went and got more cots and then we all went to bed.
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