Rescued by Unknowns!!
A/N. Two new rangers join the team and save Chase. The pic has their names and colors.
Annabeth POV
We were heading to the base when my dino com went off.
"Guys met us in the park now", Riley yelled.
"On our way", Tyler said and we ran to the park.
"Unleash the power", we morphed.
We got to the park and everyone was on the ground except for Riley who was fighting Fury. I went to go help Riley while Tyler went and checked on the others. We started fighting and then he set both of us flying demorphing in the process. I tried to stand up but Fury came and kicked me so I was laying on my back. Then he grabbed my wrist and twisted it. I heard a snap and started screaming in pain. Fury laughed then dropped me. Tyler ran over to me with the other close behind and Fury disappeared.
"He broke it", I said wincing in pain when Riley touched it.
"Lets get back to the base and have Kendall put a brace on it", Riley said.
"Shouldn't we go to the hospital to get it fixed", I said.
"Kendall knows how to fix it", Shelby said. "She had to fix Chase's wrist once."
"Okay", I said.
We got back to the base and Kendall fixed up my wrist which involved a lot of screaming and wincing. She put an aqua brace on my wrist. I went up to the cafe because they started talking about Chase. I wiped my eyes before walking into the cafe because because I started crying again.
Chase POV
I was having a dream where I was tied to a chair with Sledge and Fury beating the crap out of me. I then opened my eyes and realized that it wasn't a dream and it was actually happening. At least the tied to the chair part but I think I blacked out.I thrashed in the chair. I heard laughing and realized it was Fury. I growled.
"You're finally awake", Fury said.
"Yeah", I growled.
"Shut up", Fury yelled.
"Idiot", I mumbled.
Fury just grabbed his sword and walked up to me and put the tip on my chest.
"Don't push me ranger", Fury said.
The he grabbed a knife and made a cut up my arm. Which really hurt. I sreamed then the rope that was holding my arm down turned red from the blood. He did it to my other arm too. So I was sitting in the chair with probably rope burns on my wrists, the cuts on my arm, the cut on my stomach, on my back and leg. My shirt was ripped and it was cold in the factory. Fury laughed inspecting his work then decided it would be fun to torture me more by attacking me with his sword for the second time. I blacked out almost instantly.
Riley POV
I headed up to the cafe to check on Annabeth. I got up to see her trying to carry 2 trays. She was about to drop them and I ran over and grabbed a tray from her and heped her steady the other.
"Thanks", Annabeth said.
"Try not to carry two things with your wrist", I said.
She smirked like Chase and then walked to the table and and served the food. The others came out and we decided to go to the park again.
Tyler POV
When we got to the park, we set up the picnic and I sat criss-crossed and Annabeth had her head in my lap. I started playing with her hair and then shortly after we started playing Capture the Flag. The teams were me, Annabeth, Koda, and Ami and the other team was Sapph, Mack, Riley, and Shelby.
"Teal or Purple", I said.
"Purple", Sapph and Shelby said the boys huffed.
"I guess we get teal then", I said.
We were probably playing for about 2 hours when someone(Cough cough Anna cough) complained that she was hungry.
"I'm hungry", Annabeth said.
"Lets take 5 and eat then", Riley said.
We started eating when I heard screaming.
"Lets go", I said.
We ran to find Fury.
"Thats far enough, Fury", I said and grabbed Ananbeth and pushed behind me. Fury turned around.
"I know you are hiding her from me red ranger", Fury said.
I heard Annabeth gulp and I just stood and kept her behind me.
"What if I am Fury", I said.
"Tyler help me", Annabeth said and I turned around to see two vivix holding her.
"I can do that", Fury said.
"Unleash the power", we morphed and the others went to fight Fury and I kicked back the vivix holding Annabeth.
She grabbed on to me and I turned around to see Fury had disappeared. We demorphed and Annabeth kept her hold on me. She fell asleep.
"She needs it", Riley said and everyone agreed.
We got back to the base and I set Ananebth on a cot to let her sleep.
"Have you got anything on Chase", Riley said.
"No", Kendall said.
"We need to find him especially for Annabeth", I said smoothing her hair out of her face.
Chase POV
My eyes flickered opened. I saw Fury standing there.
"That sister of yours won't give up will she", Fury said.
"Nope", I said.
"Well I can tell you that she has a broken wrist", Fury said.
"How did she get that", I said my voice getting really deep.
"I broke it", Fury said laughing.
"You'll pay Fury", I said through gritted teeth.
"Whatever", Fury said and lefted leaving me in this room to think.
"Are you okay", a voice said and then I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah just who are you", I said and felt another pair of hands start untying the ropes.
"I'm Heidi and that's my sister Amber", she said as they stepped out of the shadows.
Heidi had blonde hair and blue eyes and she was about Anna's height. Amber had dirty blonde hair and green eyes she kinda looked like Riley and she was about Shelby's height.
"Hey, are you going to tell us who you are", Amber said.
"Oh yeah my name is Chase, I'm the black ranger", I said and stood up.
Their jaws dropped to the floor. I then realized what I said. Kendall is going to kill me, if she finds out.
"You're a ranger too", Heidi said.
I smirked.
"Lets go", I said and we found the way out of the building and made our way back to the museum.
Annabeth POV
"Anna, Anna", Tyler said.
"What", I said poking an eye open.
"Time to wake up", Ty said.
"Okay", I said sitting up.
We walked up to the cafe and I started cleaning the tables while Tyler went into the kitchen. While I was cleaning a table I heard this.
"Hey little one", a guy said.
I was thinking who calls me little one. I turned around to see Chase standing there.
"OMG, Chase", I said running and jumping on him giving a giant hug. I started crying tears of joy.
"Hey", Chase said.
He put me down and then I heard the rest of the team come out of the kitchen.
"Who are they", Riley said pointing at two girls standing behind Chase.
"Thats Amber and Heidi. They saved me", Chase said.
"Hi", I said.
"Thanks for bringing Chase back", Tyler said.
"No problem", Amber said.
"Kendall might want to meet you", I said.
"Lets go", Ty said.
I held Chase's hand the whole walk to the base. Kendall had a look of relief on her face when she saw Chase. But that quickly changed when she saw Amber and Heidi.
"Who are they", Kendall said hostility in her voice.
"That's Amber and Heidi. They rescued me", Chase said.
I heard a thud and a gasp and turned around to see Chase unconscious on the floor.
"Chase", I said.
Kendall stitched him up and then Riley and Tyler carried him to the back room. I followed and got in the bed with him.
"Come get us when he wakes up", Ty said.
"Okay", I said.
They walked out and I was happy Chase was back. I laid my head down and fell asleep.
Tyler POV
"Are they in a relationship", Heidi said.
"She seems to really care about Chase", Amber said.
"They aren't in a relationship, they are brother and sister", I said.
"I'm his girlfriend", Sapph said
"Chase has been missing the pass two days", Riley said.
"Its been hard for Annabeth", I said.
"Okay", Amber said.
Chase POV
My eyes opened to be met with a bunch of hair. I looked at my chest to see Anna lying there sleeping.
"Anna, Anna", I said.
"What", Anna said still half asleep.
"You fell asleep", I said.
She sat up and rubbed her eyes and I sat up. She hugged me.
"Oh, Tyler told me that I need to get them when you wake up", Anna said.
"Well lets go and see them", I said.
"Okay", Anna said and we stood up.
We walked out to the lab part of the base.
"Hi guys", I said.
"Chase", Sapph ran over and hugged me.
Anna giggled. I put her down and then we had to run out thanks to you know who.
"Fury", I growled.
"Ah the rangers", Fury said.
"Its morphin time, Dino Charger, Ready", we shouted. "Energize, Unleash the power", we morphed.
"Tyrannosaurus Rex, Power Ranger Red", Ty said.
"Parasaur, Power Ranger Black", I said.
"Stegosaurus, Power Ranger Blue", Koda said.
"Velociraptor, Power Ranger Green", Riley said.
"Triceratops, Power Ranger Pink", Shelby said.
"Ankylosaurus, Power Ranger Aqua", Anna said.
"Pterodactyl, Power Ranger Orange", Sapph said.
"Styrcosaurus, Power Ranger Lime Green", Ami said.
"Apatosaurus, Power Ranger Yellow", Mack said.
"Ceratosaurus, Power Ranger Copper", Amber said.
"Spinosaurus, Power Ranger Emerald", Heidi said.
We started fighting and then me and Fury started to fight each other. We probably fought for 50 minutes. He sent me flying and I demorphed. I stood up and held my arm. Fury disappeared.
"I'm exhausted", Anna and Shelby whined.
The rest of us laughed.
"Lets go home then", Riley said.
"See you guys tomorrow", I said and me and Anna headed home.
Anna looked horrible when we got home and she had a bad cough too.
"Hey you feel okay", I said pulling her over to me while we were sitting on the couch.
"Yeah, I feel fine", Annabeth said and then coughing.
"Anna you don't sound okay", I said.
"I'm fine", Anna said shivering.
"Chase, I'm cold can you get me a blanket", Anna said.
"Yeah", I said. I got up and went to the closet to grab
"Chase", my aunt yelled.
"Yeah", I yelled back.
"Come here", she said.
I walked to the kitchen to see Anna getting sick and my aunt with a worried face.
"I'll bring her to bed you go get some medicine", I said.
"Okay", my aunt said.
Anna was done getting sick but she got sick 3 more times. I helped her get changed and then laid her down in bed. She looked in pain and she was suffering from it. She looked at me and held her stomach.
"Aunt Crystal will be back soon okay", I said rubbing her stomach.
"I don't think I'm goig to work tomorrow", Anna said.
I laughed and shook my head. My aunt came up and gave Anna some medicine and then she fell asleep. I went to bed too.
A/N. I am using nicknames for some characters such as Annabeth and Tyler or Anna and Ty.
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