A/N. Annabeth and Shelby get poisoned by Fury and Chase, Devon, and Riley go and get the antidote by doing the one thing no ranger would never want to do. 1 makes it out the other 2 come back barely alive. Read to find out what I mean. This will be in 2 parts.
Tyler POV
We ran out of the cafe because Fury was attacking. We stood in a line.
"Fury", I yelled.
Fury turned around and laughed when he saw the 11 of us standing there.
"Its morphin time, Dino Charger, Ready", we said. "Energize, Unleash the power", we morphed.
"Tyrannosaurus Rex, Power Ranger Red", I said.
"Parasaur, Power Ranger Black", Chase said.
"Stegosaurus, Power Ranger Blue", Koda said.
"Velociraptor, Power Ranger Green", Riley said.
"Triceratops, Power Ranger Pink", Shelby said.
"Ankylosaurus, Power Ranger Aqua", Annabeth said.
"Pterodactyl, Power Ranger Orange", Sapph said.
"Styracosaurus, Power Ranger Lime Green", Ami said.
"Apatosaurus, Power Ranger Yellow", Mack said.
"Corythosaurus, Power Ranger White", Devon said.
"Dilophosaurus, Power Ranger Silver", James said.
We started fighting. We all splitted up. Annabeth and Shelby were together and everyone else was fighting by themselves.
Shelby POV
Me and Annabeth got through all the vivix we were fighting and started to fight Fury. It went downhill went he sent us fling. He walked over to Annabeth and stuck a neddle in her arm and then she was unconscious. Then he walked over to me and stuck another needle in my arm and then I was unconscious.
Tyler POV
All the vivix retreated. We all stood there and were leaving.
"Wait were's Annabeth and Shelby", Chase said.
We looked around the field and saw 2 figrues on the ground not moving.
"Annabeth, Shelby", Devon yelled and we ran over to them.
Riley checked their pulses.
"They have strong ones", Riley said standing up from Shelby.
"A-Annnaneth a-and S-Shelby h-hurt", Koda said.
"Yeah", Chase said.
"Lets get them back", I said picking Annabeth up as Riley picked Shelby up.
Kendall had gots set up and we placed them down. Sapph helped Kendall do some tests to figure out whats wrong.
"Guys", Sapph said. "They have been poisoned."
"What", me, Chase, and Riley screamed.
"There is an antidote", Sapph said.
"Ok where is it I will go get it", Chase said.
"Chase you didn't let me finish. The antidote is with Fury", Sapph said.
"What", we said again.
"Yeah", Sapph said.
"I have an idea", Devon said.
"What", I said.
"Me, Chase, and Riley will go to Fury and say we have turned and then come back and give you guys the antidote", Devon said.
"Okay", I said.
"How long do they have", Chase said.
"23 hours and 55 minutes", Kendall said.
"Lets go", Riley said and they left.
Chase POV
We were teleported to Sledge's ship. We were attacked by ivix but we took them down easily.
"We have turned on the other rangers and decided to join you in the fight against them", I said. I nearly threw up when I said that.
"If you give us the antidote for the aqua and pink rangers we will give yo the location of their undergdound base", Riley said.
"Its underground", Poisondra said.
"Yes", Devon said.
"Fine then here is the antidote", Fury said and gave Devon the antidote.
"Now where is their base", Sledge said.
"We will show you", I said and Sledge shook his head.
"You 2 come you stay here", Sledge said and pointed to me and Riley.
We nodded our heads and then we were teleported back to Earth.
Devon POV
I left after they all left. I got to the base and everyone saw me.
"Where's Chase and Riley and the antidote", Sapph said.
"Antidote is right here and Chase and Riley are showing them a fake base", I said handing Kenall the antidote.
She got a neddle and put some in it. She walked over to Shelby and stuck it in her arm. She went back to get more and then walked over to Annabeth and stuck it in her arm.
"Now we just have to wait", Kendall said.
Annabeth POV
My eyes flickered opened and all I remember was Fury sticking a neddle in my arm.
"What happened", I said sitting up rubbing my head.
"Annabeth", they all screamed waking Shelby up.
"What the", Shelby said.
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