Poisondra....captured us
Riley POV
I headed to Annabeth and Chase's house to pick Annabeth up for our daily run. I knocked on the door and Devon answered it.
"Hey Devon, I am here for Annabeth", I said.
"I am right here", Annabeth said.
"Have fun you two", Devon said as we started running.
We were running when Annabeth fell and did a somersault onto the grass.
"You okay", I said.
"No I hurt my ankle", Annabeth said and I helped her up.
Then all of a sudden, vivix and Poisondra appeared.
"Oh. Look two puny rangers", Poisondra said. "Have a nice nap", she said and blew dust at us and then we fell to the ground and Annabeth was out cold but before I was fully unconscious I heard Poisondra say somehing.
"Bring this bag to the museum the rangers will know what it is", she said and then I was unconscious.
Devon POV
We were in the cafe when Kendall walked in with something. She motioned us to a booth for 8 and she pulled up a chair.
"What's that", Tyler said.
Kendall pushed it to Chase.
"Open it", Kendall said.
He opened the bag and pulled out a piece of paper.
"It says courtesy of Poisondra", Chase said.
"Look at the stuff in the bag", Kendall said.
Chase was sitting on the outside of the booth so if it is something bad he will just get up and walk out.
"Its the stuff Annabeth brings when her and Riley go for their runs in the morning. Wait", Chase said.
"I haven't seen Annabeth or Riley all morning since he came to pick her up for their run", I said.
"Then Poisondra has them", Tyler said.
Chase ran out of the cafe. Sapphy ran after him. Then the rest of us followed them. We found them standing outside of the museum entrance.
"Chase it's ok. We'll find them", Sapphy said kissing his cheek.
"Lets see if we can get a signal from their energems", Shelby said tearing up.
"So Sapph and Chase are a couple, Riley and Shelby must be a couple, and Tyler and Annabeth must be a couple", I said.
"Yeah", Chase said walking over to Shelby and Sapph went over to Tyler.
"Lets go", Tyler said as we ran to the base.
Annabeth POV
I was woken up a cup of cold water being splashed on my face. I was up against the wall with my hands chained above my head.
"Wake up", someone that sounded like James said.
I opened my eyes and saw James standing there.
"James, help me", I said crying.
"Please, help me", I said.
"James, why aren't you helping your cousin", I said.
"He is not helping you because he was told that you were the enemy", Poisondra said walking in.
"What did you do to him", I screamed waking Riley up.
"What the", Riley said.
"We turned him evil and now he will destroy you two", Fury said walking in.
James grabbed my face and slapped me. I probably have a concussion from earlier. Now, I am in even more pain.
"Hey, leave her alone", Riley said.
James looked at Riley and then motioned for vivix to come over.
"Untie him", James said.
The vivix untied Riley and James grabbed his shirt. Then James punched him in the stomach. Riley fell to his knees with his hand holding his stomach. James probably punched him about 30 more times.
"Stop", I yelled.
James stopped and looked at me.
"What", James said.
"Let me help him. I won't do anything. I promise", I said.
James looked in the direction of Fury and Poisondra but they left.
"Fine", James said and motioned for vivix. They untied me and I ran to Riley's side.
"Are you okay", I said feeling warm tears run down my face.
"Yeah", Riley said. He pulled me close to him.
"Shoot your blaster at James and then go get the others", Riley whispered in my ear.
"What about you", I said back.
"I'll be fine", Riley said and wiped the tears off my face.
"Ok", I said.
I stood up and grabbed my blaster. I shot it in front of James to cause a distraction so I can make a run for it. I started running. I made it outside of the warehouse, I stopped for a second and caught my breath and then continued running.
Riley POV
James was angry. He really thought that Annabeth wasn't going to do anything. He tied me back up only this time standing. I was pretty sure I had a concussion. I was just glad Annabeth got out of here. Fury walked in and saw that Annabeth was gone so he was mad. This was not going to end well for me. Fury walked up tk me sword in hand and made a gash in my leg. Believe me when I say this. It HURT. James ripped my shirt and wrapped the cloth over the gash.
Annabeth POV
I ran to the base. When I got there, everyone was there. I was still crying about Riley.
"Annabeth", Tyler said.
He walked over to me and hugged me.
"Are you okay", Tyler said.
"Jam-James h-has Ri-Riley", I said chocking cuz' I was crying really hard.
"Wait my brother", Devon said.
"Yeah", I said sitting down.
"Why didn't he help you guys escape", Devon said.
"He is evil", I said and passed out.
Tyler POV
I picked Annabeth up off the chair and put her on a cot. Kendall said she had a concussion. I was holding her hand while everyone was closing up the cafe. I didn't realized she woke up til her lips crashed into mine. We pulled apart.
"Hey", I said.
"Can we go get Riley back", Annabeth said.
"Yeah", Chase said as I helped her up.
"I know where he is", Annabeth said.
"Why don't you take the lead on it then", I said.
"For real", Annabeth said.
"Yeah", I said.
"Lets go", Chase said and we ran to where Riley was being held.
When we got there, there was a ton of vivix.
"Dino Steel, armor on", we said.
"Ankylo-Crossbow", Annabeth said.
"Dactal Bow", Sapph said.
"I am going to get Riley", Annabeth said.
"Okay, we'll cover you", I said.
Annabeth POV
I made my way though the warehouse and found where Riley was. Someone tapped my shoulder. It was Tyler.
"Hey", I said.
"I thought I would help", Tyler said.
"Who's there", Riley said.
I peaked my head out from where I was hiding.
"Annabeth", Riley said.
I walked out of my hiding spot. Tyler came out too.
"I am so glad to see you guys", Riley said.
"Fire", I said and the chains broke and we walked over to him.
I saw his shirt was ripped and there was a blood stained cloth on his leg.
"What happened", Tyler said.
"Fury made a gash in my leg and James ripped my shirt and wrapped it on my leg", Riley said.
We put his arms around our shoulders. James walked in clapping.
"You are pathetic, if you think you are going to go anywhere", James said.
"You want them you will have to go though me", Tyler said standing in front of me and Riley.
"Tyler are you sure you can take him alone", Riley said.
"Yeah", Tyler said. "Annabeth go get him out of here. I will be fine."
"Okay", I said.
"Its morphin time, Dino Charger, Ready", James said. "Energize, Unleash the power", he morphed.
"Dilophosaurus, Power Ranger Silver", James said.
"Tyrannosaurus Rex, Power Ranger Red", Tyler said.
Tyler blocked James before he got to me and Riley.
"Go now", Tyler said knocking James off balance.
I got Riley to the others.
"Riley", Shelby said and hugged him.
"I need to go back to help Tyler", I said running back into the warehouse.
When I got to the area there was a ton of smoke. I got to the room and saw fire.
"Tyler, Tyler", I yelled looking though the fire.
I heard coughing. I ran over and saw Tyler barely conscious. I pulled out my dino com and called the others.
"Guys there was explosion and Tyler is barely conscious", I said.
"Stay there we'll be right there", Devon said.
"He needs oxygen. Call an ambulance", I yelled.
"It will be here in 15 minutes", Chase said.
"Okay", I said.
Chase and Devon walked in.
"Over here", I yelled waving my hands.
They walked over and picked Tyler up and put his arms around their shoulders. We walked out. I demorphed just before the ambulance got there. The paramedics got out and grabbed the stretcher out of the back of the ambulance.
"Put him here", the girl paramedic said.
The guys did and they put an oxygen mask on Tyler. I was really nervous. He was unconscious now and he had a light pulse.
"Go with him. We'll met you at the hospital. We are going to tell Kendall", Chase said.
"Okay", I said and hopped in the back of the ambulance and held Tyler's hand the whole ride to the hospital.
When we got there, I waited in the waiting room for the others while Tyler was registered into the hospital. The others got there about 20 minutes after we got here. Everyone else was sitting down. I was standing pacing back and forth about how Tyler was going to be.
"Come on sit down", Chase said grabbing my hand and pulling me to the seat next to him.
We were sitting down for about a half an hour til a nurse walked over to us.
"Are you Tyler's friends", the nurse said.
"Yeah", I said.
"How is he", Devon said.
"He is conscious and is very alert. While he was unconscious he was mumbling saying something about a fire and a boy named James", the nurse said.
"Can we see him", I said.
"Yes", the nurse said. "He is in Room 218."
"Thanks", Chase said.
Tyler POV
All I remember was fighting James and then an explosion happened. Then I heard Annabeth saying my name. Now I am in a hospital bed. I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in", I said weakly. I am shocked they heard me I could barely hear myself.
When they opened the door, I saw an aqua shirt.
"Annabeth", I said.
The door fully opened and I saw the whole team.
"Hey", Annabeth said.
"Hey", I said.
"How you feeling", Riley said.
"Better", I said.
"I am just glad you are okay", Annabeth said hugging me.
"Yeah me too", I said and we started laughing.
The nurse walked in.
"Hello, is there a girl named Annabeth here", the nurse said.
"Yes, thats me", Annabeth said.
"There is someone outside who would like to see you", the nurse said.
"Okay", Annabeth said. "I met you guys at the jeep."
"Okay, see you there", I said as Chase helped me up so I could get in my regular clothes.
Annabeth POV
I wonder who was waiting outside for me. I got outside and Sophie was standing there. She ran over to me and hugged me.
"Is he okay", Sophie asked worrying about Tyler.
"Yes he is fine", I said.
I heard the doors open behind me and I saw Sophie's face. So that meant they were behind me.
I turned around and Sophie ran over to her brother.
"I'll go get the jeep", Chase said.
"Ok", I said.
"What happened that you ended up in thd hospital", Sophie asked.
"A fire and I inhaled a lot of smoke", Tyler said.
"Okay", Sophie said.
Chase pulled up with the jeep and Devon went to get his car. Me, Sophie, Devon, and Tyler went together and the others went together. We got back to the museum and then headed home.
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