Picnics and Monsters
Chase POV
Me, Annabeth, Tyler, and Shelby waited at the park for the others. We finally saw Koda, Riley, Nate, Sophie, and Ally. We all greeted each other and sit down and enjoy the lunch Ally has prepared.
"This food is really good", I said.
"Thanks", Ally responded.
"You know the one thing we don't have...", Annabeth said.
"What?", Tyler asked.
"Drinks", Annabeth responded. "I'll go get some what does everyone want?"
"Coke", I said.
"Coke for me too", Nate said.
"Sprite", Shelby and Ally said in unison.
"Dr. Pepper", Tyler, Sophie, Riley, and Koda said.
"So 2-Coke, 3-Sprite, and 4-Dr. Pepper." Annabeth said back.
"Yes" we all shouted.
Annabeth came back with the drinks in hand and the change from the money I gave her. Then we talk about what we should do next time we all get together.
Tyler POV
Then, a little kid kicked her ball over near us. So I kicked it back to her. Then, I heard a faint scream coming from behind the group.
"Annabeth, Sophie, Nate, and Ally, you guys get out of here, we can take care of this", I yelled as the 5 of us ran up to the monster.
"Ok", Annabeth replied as they ran in the other direction.
"Thats enough monster", I yelled getting the monster to turn around.
"Look who it is, the puny rangers", the monster said.
"Its morphin time, Dino Charger, Ready", we shouted. "Unleash the power", we yelled as we morphed.
"Now who is puny", Chase yelled.
"Still you", the monster yelled.
"No, you are", Shelby said.
We started fighting and the monster blocked some of our shots. Then after about 10 minutes of fighting, I realized Chase and I were the only ones standing. I ran to Shelby's side and saw they were all knock out and injured. "Chase, we have to get them out of here", I shouted. When I heard no response, I turned around to see Chase passed out on the ground like the others. But I still had a question, " Where is the monster?" Then, my vison started to become blurry and everything was fading to black. I realize as everthing was going black, that the monster had hit me hard with an attack while I was not paying attention. I soon was unconcious.
Kendall POV
I was montoring the fight closely. When I didn't hear a response back from Tyler, I knew something was wrong. I checked the area where they were fighting and pulled up the image and they were all knocked out on the ground. I hopped in Tyler's jeep and headed to the area. When I got there, I thought how I was supposed to get them all in the jeep by myself. I finally found a way and got them back to the museum. When I got there, Keeper had set up cots for them to recover on.
A/N. Sorry this one is short. Didn't have many ideas.
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