Movie Rangers
Tyler POV
We went to the movies because we had the day off. Me, Riley, and Annabeth went to see a western movie. Chase, Koda, and Shelby went to saw a Kung-Fu movie. But it got cut short because of an attack.
"Thats enough monster", I said.
"Rangers", the monster said as we morphed.
"Tyrannosaurus Rex, Power Ranger Red", I said.
"Parasaur, Power Ranger Black", Chase said.
"Stegosaursus, Power Ranger Blue", Koda said.
"Velociraptor, Power Ranger Green", Riley said.
"Triceratops, Power Ranger Pink", Shelby said.
"Ankylosaurus, Power Ranger Aqua", Annabeth said.
The monster shot fireballs at us and we dodged it. I was with Riley and Annabeth. The others were across. Then the monster grabbed what looked like a camera.
"Say Cheese", the monster said and the light blinded me even with my helmet on.
When the blinded light dimmed down, we weren't in Amber Beach any more.
"Were are we", Riley said.
"I don't know", I said.
"Ahh, guys I think were in the Wild West", Annabeth said.
"Why do you say that", I said.
"Ahh, because we are wearing cowboy and cowgirl outfits and this is our favorite movie genre", Annabeth said pointing.
"Okay", Riley said. "Where's the others and the monster."
"Don't know", I said.
All of the sudden, there was screaming and people running into buildings.
"Should we go check it out", I said.
"Yeah", they said.
"Thats far enough", I yelled.
"Its morphin time, Dino Charger, Ready", we shouted. "Energize, Unleash the power", we shouted but nothing happened.
"What we can't morph", Annabeth said looking at her dino charger.
"Nope, you rangers have to save your aqua ranger without your powers", the monster said and Annabeth and the monster disappeared.
Kung-Fu movie genre
Chase POV
Koda, me, and Shelby were in our favorite movie genre. We were in karate uniforms the color of our energems.
"This is cool", Shelby said.
"Yeah except for where are the others and were is the monster", I said.
"Ma-Maybe they're in the fav-favorite movie", Koda said.
"Yeah ", Shelby said.
"That makes sense", I said.
Then all of a sudden, there was people screaming and running.
"Lets go", I said.
"Thats far enough", I said.
"Hello, Rangers", the monster said. "You can't morph so don't try."
"Have fun trying to save your pink ranger without your powers", the monster said and Shelby and the monster disappeared.
Girls Dilemma
Shelby POV
I was teleported to a dojo. I tried to move from the chair I was sitting in, but my hands were tied together. I tried to untie the ropes. "No luck", I thought to myself. I tried to yell for Chase and Koda but all that came out was a muffled sound. Hopefully the guys can find me.
Annabeth POV
I was teleported to a barn. I tried to move from the chair I was sitting in, but my hands were tied together. I tried to untie the ropes. "No luck", I thought to myself. I tried to yell for Tyler and Riley but all that came out was a muffled sound. Hopefully the guys can find me.
Western movie genre
Riley POV
Me and Tyler just stood there exchanging looks.
"Great", Tyler said.
"Should we start looking for her", I said.
"Yeah", Tyler said.
"Where should we look", I said.
"We can go to the sheriff's office and see if they can help", Tyler said.
"Yeah but they won't believe that a monster took her", I said.
"Got a point", Tyler said.
"I believe you", someone said with a accent like Chase. We turned around to see someone that looked like Chase.
"Hi, I'm Chance", he said. "I saw that thing take off with that gal."
"Well, I'm Riley and this is Tyler", I said.
"Nice to meet yall", Chance said.
"Were would someone take someone they kidnapped in this time period", Tyler asked.
"Some where were it is hard to find or the abandoned barn on that hill", Chance said pointing.
"Lets go check there", I said.
"Chance, were are you", a girl said. "There you are", a girl with brown hair walked up to us.
"Yes Heidi", Chance said.
"Momma's looking for you", Heidi said.
"Well tell her I will be back by dusk. I am helping these men find their friend", Chance said.
"Okay", Heidi said.
"First we need to get some horses", Chance said. "I know where to get some. Follow me."
We walked back to Chance's house and grabbed 3 horses. I had a Dapple Grey horse named Whisper. Tyler had a Palamino named Apple. Chance had a paint named Cha Cha(A/N. Cha Cha was a horse, I actually rode. She had to be put down because she hurt her leg during a horse show).
We rode up to the barn and the doors were bolted shut.
"What do we do know", Tyler said.
"I don't know", I said.
"Fellas there is something coming", Chance said. We hid on the side of the barn.
"Lets check on the prisoner", the monster said.
He walked inside.
"Hello aqua ranger", the monster said.
"What do you want", Annabeth said.
"Ohh, nothing", the monster said. We started making our way towards the open door.
"Thats far enough", Tyler said.
"Guys", Annabeth said. She tried to say something else but the monster put the scarf back in her mouth.
"One more step rangers and your little princess gets it", the monster said and cried out when Annabeth stepped hard on his foot. The monster knocked her out.
The monster disappeared. We walked over to Annabeth who was unconscious. I took the scarf out of her mouth while Tyler untied her hands. We walked outside and Tyler put Annabeth on his horse and got on to.
"Lets go", Tyler said.
We got back to town and Annabeth woke up.
"What happen", Annabeth said holding her head.
"The monster held you captive and when we came to rescue yu the monster called you princess and you stepped hard on its foot and then it knocked you out", Tyler said.
"Who's that", Annabeth said pointing at Chance.
"I'm Chance, nice to meet you, madam", Chance said. "What's your name."
"I'm Annabeth", she said. "Nice to meet you to."
Then something wierd happen. We started depixelating.
"What's going on", Chance said.
But we didn't have time to answer because we were back in Amber Beach.
"You guys okay", I said.
"Yeah", Tyler said.
Kung-Fu movie genre
Chase POV
Me and Koda stood there exchanging looks.
"Well, lets find Shelby", I said.
"H-How though", Koda said.
"Good question", I said.
"Hello, I can help you find your friend", someone that sounded like Riley said.
"Hi, I'm Rocky", he said.
"Well, I'm Chase and that is Koda", I said.
"Nice to meet you", Rocky said.
"Were would someone take someone they kidnapped in this time period", I said.
"The abandoned dojo about 5 miles from here", Rocky said.
"Lets go", I said.
We got there and heard talking from inside.
"Hello pink ranger", the monster said.
"What do you want", Shelby said.
"Oh, nothing", the monster said.
"Thats far enough", I yelled.
"Guys", Shelby said. She was going to say something else but the monster put the scarf back in her mouth.
I kicked it back before it thought of anything and it disappeared. Koda took the scarf out of her mouth while I untied the rope.
"Thanks", Shelby said.
Then something wierd happen. We started depixelating.
"What's going on", Rocky said.
We didn't have time to answer because we were back in Amber Beach.
Amber Beach
Annabeth POV
The others just fell out of the sky.
"Guys", I yelled and we ran over to them.
"That was weird", Shelby said.
"Yeah", Chase said.
"Were were you guys", I asked.
"In our favorite movie genre", Shelby said.
"Us too", Tyler said.
"Did you guys have to save Shelby", Riley said.
"Yeah", Chase said.
"Did you guys have to save Annabeth", Chase said.
"Yeah", Tyler said.
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