Missing Rangers Part. 2
Recap: Fury know has Chase and Riley and he wants Tyler to come and find them so he can destroy Tyler once and for all!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Annabeth POV
Its been a week since Fury has captured both Chase and Riley. I am worried about Tyler because he keeps saying its his fault that Fury has Riley. Then, one day I was going though the computer to see if I could find their whereabouts and instead I got a new message from Fury. I pulled out my communicator and called the others, Tyler was the first one there. I showed them the message link and clicked it.
"Hello again rangers", Fury said.
"What do you want know Fury", Tyler said as I grabbed his hand because I saw him start balling it up into a fist.
"I want you and the puny aqua ranger", Fury said which got us both mad. Then, I thought I heard a yell coming from behind him.
"She is not puny", the voice said and by the tone I knew it was Chase.
"Oh, I also want to show you something", Fury said stepping aside so we could see Chase and Riley tied to a pole in a dark room.
"Let them go Fury", I screamed as I felt myself be pulled. Tyler pulled me into a hug because he didn't want to see me upset.
"Not yet, aqua ranger, I still need them for something", Fury said in an evil tone. Then, the screen went black.
"We need to find them and fast", I shouted and ran out of the base.
"Annabeth, wait", I heard Tyler yell from behind me and didn't look back to see if he was chasing me. I was not in the mood, I had to find my brother and Riley before anything happens. Then, I felt someone grab my hand and pulled me to face them. It was Tyler. I started crying and threw my head into his chest.
"Tyler, what are we going to do", I said looking up from being buried in his chest.
"I don't know, but we will find them", Tyler said as we started walking back to the base.
Riley POV
We have been in this abandoned warehouse for a week and I am really hoping the rangers will come and save us soon. Fury kept making us mad so I think I may have rope burn on my arms. Then, once again he called the rangers using our communicators. I could tell by the tones in their voices Tyler and Annabeth were getting fed up with Fury, saying he won't let us go yet and still need us for something.
"Chase, how much longer do you think it will take them to find us", I asked Chase while Fury wasn't there.
"Hopefully not much longer", Chase replied and it sounded like he was in a lot of pain.
"Chase, what's wrong", I asked.
"When Fury was fighting me in front of the museum, I rolled my ankle so it really hurts since we have been standing here so long", Chase replied and nearly cried when the vivix that was guarding us kick it. He must have heard what he said.
"They will find us soon", I said with a confident tone. "Hopefully", I whispered to myself when Fury walked in.
"Hello Rangers", Fury said as he untied the rope grabbed Chase and tied me back up.
"What are you doing with me", I heard Chase asked as Fury had a vivix tied his hands behind his back.
"Just start walking", Fury said as he pussed him out of the room.
Shelby POV
We were at the park and my communicator went off.
"Yes Kendall", I said into the communicator.
"This isn't Kendall", Fury said as I looked down at my communicator.
"Fury, how did you get a communicator", I said.
"Oh just from one of your friends", Fury said as he put Chase on the communicator.
"Chase", I yelled and everyone ran over.
"Here's your puny brother, aqua ranger", Fury said.
"He is not puny", Annabeth shouted so everyone gave us weird looks.
"Well he is fine and has something to say", Fury said.
"If Tyler and Annabeth don't meet Fury at the train station near the abandoned warehouse tommorow at 3:30, Riley and I will be destroyed", Chase said nearly crying.
"Chase whats wrong", Annabeth asked but Fury shut off the communicator before he could answer.
We ran straight to the base to think of a plan.
"Tyler if you and Annabeth go alone, you both could be destroyed. But if we all go together we can all rescue Chase and Riley.", I implied.
"Yeah but Fury only wants Annabeth and me", Tyler said after me.
"If we don't do what Fury wants, Chase and Riley could get destroyed", Annabeth said.
"She has a point", Kendall chimed in as she walked in.
"Kendall, what's that", I said pointing to what she had in her hands.
"It's a new weapon that the Aqua ranger can wield", Kendall said signaling Annabeth to come over. "It's called the Ankylo-sword, you can charge it with your energem and it has as much power as the Dino Spike"
"Sweet, hopefully I won't have to use it right away", Annabeth responded and grabbed the weapon.
Chase POV
Fury brought me back to the room with Riley and tied me back up. Then went off to the train station to wait for Annabeth and Tyler. I knew they thought of a plan to save us and I knew that they would have to deal with vivix to get to us.
Tyler POV
It was 3:15. It was 15 minutes til the fight. We all agreed that I will distract Fury while Annabeth goes and saves Chase and Riley. Annabeth and I arrived at the train station already morphed. We looked around and heard an evil laugh coming from behind us. We turned around and saw Fury standing there.
"Well you two showed up", Fury said standing there laughing.
"Of course, we did", Annabeth said. "You have my brother and Riley in that abandoned warehouse somewhere."
"Yes, I do aqua ranger", Fury said as he charged toward us.
"Annabeth, go I got this", I yelled as I blocked Fury from reaching her as she ran toward the abandoned warehouse.
Annabeth POV
I ran as fast as I could to the abandoned warehouse. Tyler gave me a map of it. It had a lot of rooms and a ton of hallways.
"Chase, Riley", I walked around yelling their names.
I thought I heard a faint scream coming from one of the rooms. So I quicken my step toward the noise. When I got close there was a ton of vivix near it. That must be the room they are in, I thought to myself. I got my blaster ready and stood around the corner near the room. When I saw some Vivix walk towards were I was, I shot my blaster and then an uproar was created. All the vivix attention was on me not Chase and Riley anymore. I called for the Anklo-sword that Kendall had given me and took the vivix down real quick. Then, I ran to the room and almost burst into tears.
"Chase", I said as I stood in the doorway of the room.
"Annabeth", Chase said.
"Lets catch up later", Riley said.
"That sounds like a plan", I said. " But one more question, Chase are you ok?"
"No, I rolled my ankle and it really hurts", Chase said and nearly collapsed to the ground after I cut the ropes that held them tied to the pole.
"Chase", I yelled and help him stand up. "Lets get out of here."
We got outside and I saw that Shelby and Koda were morphed and fighting Fury and Tyler was on the ground. Riley ran over to Tyler and help him up. Fury then disappeared and Shelby, Koda, and me demorphed and we all hugged Chase and Riley. Chase screamed when I accidentally hit his ankle.
"Lets get back to the base", Riley said.
"Thats a great idea", I said and we all started laughing.
"Ahh, can I have some help", Chase shouted as we started walking away.
"Yeah", Tyler said and walked over to Chase and put Chase's arm around his shoulder and we all walked back to the base.
Tyler and Chase earned themselves some weird looks while we walked through the park. We got back to the base and Kendall had a cot and scanner set up for Chase. We found out he had a broken ankle. He told me that the pain had died down about an hour after we got back to the base.
"Hey, do you guys want to have a picnic in the park", Tyler asked.
"Sure", we all chimed in.
Chase POV
We headed to the park. Annabeth made the lunch and invited Sophie, Nate, and Ally to have lunch with us. The three of them kept asking us where Riley and me has been. We said that we had a thing to do with the museum and we had to go out of town. The others just agreed with us, but the 6 of us knew exactly what happen.
"Hey, I brought a frizbee", Annabeth said.
"Lets go and play then", I said as we all stood up.
We all threw it around and Ally threw it a little too hard, so I chased after it. It landed in the bushes and when I went to grab it something grabbed my hand and laughed and walked out. It was Fury.
"Hello again black ranger", Fury said.
"Nice to see you too", I said as he pulled my arm into a chicken wing.
"Rangers", Fury yelled and all the people ran when the heard him.
"Ally, Nate, and Sophie get out of here we have it here", I heard Tyler tell them as they ran towards me and Fury.
"Let him go Fury", Annabeth shouted.
"Unleash the power", we yelled as we morphed.
"Annabeth, call the Anklo-sword", Tyler said as he got Fury to let go of Chase and a ton of vivix appeared.
"Anklo-sword", Annabeth said as the sword appeared in her hands.
"Unleash the power", I said after Annabeth summoned the Anklo-sword.
"Dino Spike combine", Tyler said.
"Red Ranger launch", we said in unison.
"Dino Spike, final strike", Tyler said
"Anklo-sword final strike", Annabeth said.
With that the vivix disappeared.
"One thing that I am definitely good with, is all the monster attacks the past 2 weeks", Koda said as we all starting laughing and walked toward the jeep.
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