Fury's Revenge
Preview: Fury wants revenge on the aqua ranger for what she has done to him. Like ruin all his plans. But when the plan Fury thinks off catches Annabeth off guard. What will she do?
Tyler POV
I was playing hide n' seek with Annabeth and her younger cousin Isabella when I felt something go into my neck, while I was hiding from Anna. I fell to a knee but the pain went away.
"Found you", Anna said scaring me.
I laughed and then she went to find Isabella. I heard a scream and then looked and saw Annabeth in front of Isabella with Fury standing there to.
"Its morphin time", I morphed.
"That's far enough, Fury", I said.
"Red ranger how are you feeling", Fury said.
"Fine", I growled.
I looked at Anna and Isabella and saw the fear in Isabella's eyes. I nodded my head to Anna, she knew what I meant. She grabbed Isabella's hand and ran. Once they were out of site, I started to fight Fury. He got the upper hand when the pain from the thing that went into my neck came back. I fell to one knee and then Fury hit me hard making me demorph . I didn't feel myself.
"Red ranger, you will soon do something to your girlfriend, you will probably not be giving for", Fury said and left.
I sat on my knees and then got attacked by Anna.
"Are you okay", Anna said concern filling her voice.
"Yay babe", I said quickly kissing her on the lips.
She helped me up and we walked back to the base is when I felt worse than I did before. A voice came in my head.
Time to kidnap your girlfriend.
I shook my head. It went away.
"Ty you good", Chase said.
"Yeah", I said.
Anna sat on my lap facing me. I tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.
"Baby why are your eyes turning black", Anna said.
I shrugged. She wrapped her arms around my neck. She hit the spot and I winced.
"Ty are you okay", Anna said.
"Yeah", I said.
The alarm went off. We ran to where Fury was.
"Fury", I yelled.
"Red ranger", Fury said.
We started fighting then Fury disappeared. I still didn't feel myself. Then Anna walked up to me. I demorphed.
"Come on, I want to show you something cool", I whispered in her ear.
Annabeth POV
"Okay", I said and he grabbed my hand.
We walked to an alley.
"Tyler why are we here", I said.
Then a cloth was pressed to my mouth and nose. I realized it had something on it so I tried to get out and not breathe it in.
"Anna, just breathe it in", Ty said in my ear.
I shook my head and struggled more. Ty's grip got tighter and I started breathing in the fumes. I saw Fury before I blacked out.
Tyler POV
Anna fell limp against me. I picked her up.
"Good job red ranger", Fury said.
"Thank you master", I said.
We teleported to an abandoned warehouse. I put Anna on the metal chair in the middle of the room.
"Tie her up", Fury said.
"Yes master", I said taking the rope.
I tied her hands and feet and put a blindfold over her eyes.
Chase POV
"Where's Tyler and Annabeth", Kendall asked.
"I don't know they went the other way", Riley said.
"Well I have a video message from Fury", Kendall said.
"Play it", I said.
"Hello Rangers", Fury said.
"What do you want", I said.
"Well you're probably wondering where your red and aqua rangers are? One is unconscious and one is evil", Fury said.
"What do you mean by that", I said.
"Take a look for yourself", Fury said and turned so we could see Anna tied up and unconscious and Tyler standing there.
"Tyler", Shelby gasped when she saw him standing next to Fury with pitch black eyes.
Annabeth POV
I woke up but my eyes wouldn't open. I then felt rope on my hands and feet. I started struggling.
"Master I think she is waking up", Tyler said.
"Tyler who are you calling master", I said.
"He's calling me master", Fury said.
"What did you do to him", I shouted.
I then got punched in the stomach. Then someone took the thing off my eyes. I blinked my eyes a few time to adjust tem to the light.
"What did you do to him, Fury", I snarled.
"He is my minion. I control his every move and thought. How do you think you got here", Fury said.
"You made my boyfriend kidnap me", I screamed.
"Yes", Fury said.
Fury motioned to me with his head and Tyler walked over to me. He walked behind me and grabbed my throat. Fury called the others.
Riley POV
A video message flashed onto the computer I was looking at.
"Guys its Fury again", I said and then showed them it.
Chase nodded and I clicked it. When I did it showed Tyler holding Anna's throat.
"Hey Rangers", Fury said.
"Let them go, Fury", Chase growled.
"Ah, ah, ah, black ranger, if you rangers do anything stupid. The aqua ranger will stop breathing", Fury said.
"Tyler would never chock Anna", Chase said.
"He will if I tell him to", Fury said. "Bye rangers. Remember nothing stupid."
Chase just slammed his hand on the table.
"Hey calm down. Anna will be fine", I said.
The alarm went off.
Tyler POV (this part when Anna talks it will say she because I don't want to write aqua ranger each time)
Master Fury left me here to guard the aqua ranger while he went and fought the other rangers.
"Tyler I know you're in there", she said.
"I have no clue who you are taking about", I said and looked at her.
Her bright green eyes were staring at mine.
"Tyler you know who I'm talking about", she said.
"No, I don't", I said getting annoyed.
"Remember our first date. You were so nervous when you picked me up", she said.
"No I don't remember. You're my master's prisoner, aqua ranger", I said.
"Tyler, you know my name", she said.
"I don't know your name", I said.
I started walking back and forth. What was this ranger trying to say.
"Ty, I'm your girlfriend, remember", she said.
I grabbed my head and fell to my knees. All my memories started to come back. I remember Anna and my friends and most important fighting evil.
Annabeth POV
"Tyler", I said concern filling my voice.
He looked up and I saw his normal eye color. He looked at me and blinked a few times.
"Omg Annabeth are you okay", Tyler said rushing over and untying me.
"Yay I'm fine Ty", I said as I hugged him.
"Where are we and why were you tied up", Tyler asked.
"Its a long story", I said. "I'll tell you on our way to the base."
"Okay", Tyler said and we got out of the building.
It took the whole walk to the base to explain to Ty what happened. He kept saying sorry and looked at my wrists while we were in the base. The others walked in. Chase's eyes landed on me and he smiled. I got up from my spot and walked over and hugged him.
"Tyler you're back to normal", Shelby exclaimed as she hugged him.
"Yeah", Tyler said. "Thanks to Anna."
I giggled anf then looked at my brother, who was glaring at Tyler. If looks could kill, Tyler would be six-feet under.
"Chase he didn't hurt me see I'm fine", I said putting my hands on the side of his face and made him look at me.
"He still kidnapped you", Chase said.
"Dude, I was under a spell. I would have never done that if I was in my right mind", Tyler said.
"Okay", Chase said.
I hugged my boyfriend and brother and then sat on Tyler's lap. I leaned on his chest and fell asleep.
Tyler POV
Anna cuddled into my chest. I sighed thinking of what I have done. I stroked her hair.
"Ty, you almost chocked her", Chase said.
"I know she told me. I didn't mean to do any of that to her", I said looking down at Anna.
She twisted and was now curled up in a ball on my lap. The alarm went off. I picked Anna up and gently placed her on a cot and we went to fight Fury.
"Fury", I said irritated and mad at what he made me do to Annabeth.
"Red ranger you broke my spell. Now you really thought she wouldn't come to", Fury said and then I looked to the side and saw Annabeth struggling while two vivix held her arms tightly.
"Let her go", Chase shouted.
"Ah, I think she would want to watch you get destroyed", Fury said and vivix tied her to a pole.
I mouthed to her "hold on" and she nodded. We instally morphed after we pressed our chargers. We started fighting. The others were distracting Fury so I snuck over and helped Annabeth.
"You good", I said.
"Yay. I woke up after you guys left so I followed you and then I was attacked by vivix and they overpowered", Anna said as I untied her.
"It's fine", I said.
I picked her up. I demorphed.
"Lets get you home", I said.
She nodded and then I saw Fury disappear. Chase and the others walked up to us.
"Hey little one", Chase said smoothing her hair.
She giggled. I looked at her and saw her injured wrists. They had rope burn from the two times she was tied up today.
"Lets get your wrists checked out", I said.
She nodded. We went to the base and Kendall cleaned up Anna's wrists.
Annabeth POV
Tyler smiled when he saw my wrists all bandaged up. He took my hand and walked me outside.
"Yay Tyler", I said.
"I'm sorry for everything I did to you today", Tyler said.
"Tyler, I already forgave you, I knew you were under a spell", I said.
"Okay, if I did anything to you, I wouldn't be able to live myself", Ty said as he picked me up and twirled me around.
I smiled and hugged him and he kissed my cheek. I was happy I have the best boyfriend ever.
"I'm happy I have the best girlfriend ever", Tyler said and smirked.
I then realized that I said it out loud. I smiled and then Tyler crashed his lips on mine and it started to rain.
A/N. Hey guys sorry this took so long to write. I hope you like it. Yes I had to do the cliche kissing scene from High School Musical but hey my book my ways.
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