Childhood Bully
Shelby POV
I was working in the cafe when someone I recognized walked in.
"Hey Shelby", Riley said scaring me.
"Hey", I said.
"What's up", Riley said.
"The boy that just walked in went to my school when I was younger", I said. "His name is Zack, he was the bully in my school. He used to bully me", I said turning as he gave me a hug.
"I am going to take my break. Chase, Tyler, and Annabeth will be back in 5 minutes", Riley said.
"Okay", I said as Riley walked out.
Zack walked up to order and I went to the back and got the order that was ready. I walked to the table and tried not to let Zack see my face. I ran into someone. I saw it was Zack.
"Hey Shelby, long time no see", Zack said.
"Hey", I said trying not to make eye contact.
"What are you doing", Zack said.
"Trying to work", I said and relaxed a bit when Chase, Tyler, and Annabeth walked in. Annabeth walked over to me and Zack.
"Hey Shelby, where's Riley", Annabeth said.
"He took his break", I said.
I heard someone clear their throat and looked up to see Koda and Chase making there way out of the café. Tyler motioned his head out toward the entrance and me and Annabeth knew what he meant.
"We will be right back", I said to Zack and left.
"Who was that", Annabeth asked.
"My old bully, Zack", I said. "I was scared talking to him til you guys walked in."
"Glad I came over when I did then" Annabeth said and we started laughing.
"You guys want to catch up or are we going to face the monster alone", Tyler yelled back.
"You guys are big boys, you can take care of the monster by yourselves. Plus the megaforce rangers are going to meet us there", Annabeth called back. We started laughing again.
Tyler POV
"That's enough, Fury", I yelled and Annabeth grabbed my hand because I started to make a fist.
"Rangers", Fury said. "Red ranger, you need the little aqua ranger to calm you down", he said making fun of Annabeth.
"She is my friend and you don't call her that", I said as she let go of my hand.
"Its morphin time, Dino Charger, Ready", we shouted. " Energize, Unleash the power", we morphed.
"Its morphin time, Go, Go, Megaforce", they shouted. "Super Megamode", they morphed.
"Its about to get wild", I said.
"Earth's defenders never surrender", Troy said.
"Tyrannosaurus Rex, Power Ranger Red", I said.
"Parasaur, Power Ranger Black", Chase said.
"Stegosaursus, Power Ranger Blue", Koda said.
"Velociraptor, Power Ranger Green", Riley said.
"Triceratops, Power Ranger Pink", Shelby said.
"Ankylosaurus, Power Ranger Aqua", Annabeth said.
"Super Megaforce Red", Troy said.
"Super Megaforce Pink", Emma said.
"Super Megaforce Blue", Noah said.
"Super Megaforce Yellow", Gia said.
"Super Megaforce Green", Jake said.
"Super Megaforce Silver", Orion said.
We were fighting for a while and Fury throw everyone on the ground except for me and they all demorphed. I had a bad feeling that something was going to happen, then it did. Fury sent me flying into a fence then I bounced back toward him and he hit me with his sword and I demorphed.
Annabeth POV
"Tyler", I yelled standing up.
"Where do you think you're going", Fury said grabbing my shirt and lifting me off the ground.
"Going to my friend", I said struggling.
"Leave her out of this, Fury", Tyler yelled. "Its between you and me."
Tyler Pov
Fury threw Annabeth down and headed straight towards me. I tried to morph but he grabbed me by the neck and was chocking me. Little black dots started to dot my vision. Everything was fading to black. I was unconscious.
Riley POV
Fury knocked Tyler out and dropped his lifeless body right in front of Annabeth. She started crying when Tyler was lying there as still as possible.
"Tyler, please don't leave us. We need you. I need you", Annabeth cried out.
I walked up next to her and tapped her on the shoulder.
"Hey, he will be alright", I said as I pulled her into a hug. "I promise", I said feeling her tears running down my shirt.
"If Tyler didn't stand up for me, that would have been me or Fury could have done worse to me to make Tyler suffer", Annabeth said staring into my eyes. Her green sad eyes was burning a hole in my heart.
"We should get him back", Chase said while him and Koda dragged Tyler back to the base. Shelby walked with me and Annabeth. They giggled a lot. They were talking about me and Tyler.
We got back and Chase and Koda brought Tyler to see Kendall while me, Annabeth, and Shelby went back to the café. We walked in and saw the boy Zack standing there talking to one of the waiters. He walked up to us and asked to talk to Shelby outside alone. Annabeth followed them and made sure she stayed out of site.
Shelby POV
"Hey, what did you want to talk about", I said knowing Annabeth was in the bushes behind me. I felt a little better.
"Oh, just that you are not that pretty and you aren't that good of a converstation starter", Zack said making my eyes water. I started crying and Zack started laughing.
Annabeth POV
I called the others and told them to meet me at the loading dock. There was only 10 of us because Shelby was talking to Zack and Tyler was in the base unconscious.
"We need to talk some sense into that kid Zack on how he should be nice to Shelby", I said.
"How are we supposed to do that", Troy said.
"Have the rangers talk to him", I said and they all nodded.
"Its morphin time, Dino Charger, Ready", we said. "Energize, Unleash the power", we morphed.
"Its morphin time, Super Megamode", The megaforce rangers morphed.
Shelby POV
I heard someone clear their throat. I turned around to see the others standing there in ranger mode except for Tyler.
"You shouldn't be mean to this nice lady", Riley said.
"She is nicer than you will ever be", Annabeth said.
"So beat it or you will have to deal with us", Troy said.
I turned around to see Zack and he ran the other way. I made sure he was around the corner to tell the others to demorph.
"You good you can demorph now", I said and they demorphed.
Annabeth gave me a hug.
"That felt good", Riley said and we all started laughing.
Annabeth POV
"What's so funny", Tyler said.
"Tyler", I yelled and ran over to him and jumped on him and gave him a big hug. He kissed me on the cheek and put me down.
"Told you he'll be okay", Riley said and I gave him a hug too.
"I have and idea, piggy back race to Ernie's", Emma said.
I jumped on Tyler's back, Shelby jumped on Riley's back(He grew a few inches), Emma jumped on Troy's back, and Gia jumped on Jake's back. The other walked(Chase, Koda, Orion and Noah). Emma and Troy won and me and Tyler came in second.
Troy POV
"Hey Ernie", Gia said.
"Helloe, who are our guests", Ernie asking about the 6 people standing behind us.
"This Tyler, Annabeth, Chase, Koda, Shelby, and Riley", I said and they all waved.
"So what would you guys like", Ernie asked.
"12 low-fat yougurts please", Gia said.
"Here you go", Ernie said handing me the plate and Noah handed him the money.
"Thanks", I said.
"This is good", Shelby said.
"No wonder why you guys come here a lot", Annabeth said. We all started laughing.
We headed back to the museum and went home.
A/N. I decided to throw in Ernie's. I got the idea of the piggyback race from episode 18 of Super Megaforce.
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