Another Team Part 2
A/N. Please keep reading this series. I want at least 100 reads on this book. If I get 100 reads, I will do something awesome.
Annabeth POV
I just called Riley and told him we need help. He told me that they would be right there. Then, a bright light flashed in front of my eyes and then I was on the ground clinging onto the amount of conscious I had left til finally ever thing went black. But, before I slipped into unconsciousness I thought I heard Tyler yell something.
Riley POV
The other rangers and me ran as fast as we could to were the others were. When, we got there Annabeth was layed up against a tree unconscious while the others fought the monster and vivix.
"Riley, you and Troy get Annabeth out of here, the rest of you stay with us", Tyler said as the others ran up and started fighting the monster. While they did that Troy ran over and picked up Annabeth, who was layed up against a tree still unconscious.
"Riley, lets get going", Troy yelled with Annabeth in his arms.
"Lets go", I said as we ran toward safety.
We got a good 5 miles away before some trouble appeared.
"Well, Well. Look who it is 2 weakling rangers and one passed out in your arms", Fury said as Sledge appeared next to him.
"Who is that", Troy asked me.
"Thats Sledge, an intergalactic bounty hunter", I said. "And also wants the Energems".
"Well there are 2 of you and 2 of us", Sledge said. "The 2 of us are more powerful then you 2."
"Make that 11 of us", Tyler yelled as Troy and me turned around to see them all run up to meet us.
"Chase, take Annabeth back to the base", Tyler said as Troy handed Annabeth to Chase. She stirred in Chase's arms so she must be waking up.
Chase POV
I decided to call for the Dino Cycle to get Annabeth to the base quicker.
"Dino Cycle, Rev Up", I said as the Dino Cycle appeared.
I called Kendall to meet halfway so I could get back to the others. She got there and she took Annabeth to the base and I headed back. When I got there, only vivix remained.
"Para Chopper blast", I yelled and all the virox disappeared.
Then, they all looked at me like I misplaced something.
"Where's Annabeth", Riley said.
"Kendall meet me halfway and she took Annabeth back to the base and I came back here to help you guys out", I said as we all turned to the sound of a snapping twig.
"Who's there", Shelby said as smoke appeared around everyone but Riley, Orion, Troy, and me.
When the smoke cleared they were all gone. The four of us looked around for a while till we ran to the base. When, we got back to the base, Kendall was there trying to contact the others. Annabeth was laying on a cot still unconscious but starting to come around.
Tyler POV
When the smoke cleared, I saw that we were no longer in the woods where we were fighting in. We were in a dark room. I saw that I was in a cage with Emma and that there were only 7 of us. When, I heard the door open, I saw Sledge standing there admiring what the monster did. The monster walked in with something in his hand that I could not see clearly. Then, two vivix walked over to the cage I was in and unlocked it. They both grabbed my arms and pinned them behind my back. Then, the rest were teleported away. I struggled to get free from their grip, but it didn't work.
"Where did my friends go", I asked the monster.
"Back to where we caught you pathetic rangers", the monster said as he turned around with something in his hand.
"What's that", I said struggling to get out. The monster stuck the neddle into my arm and everything went black and my mind went fuzzy. I was definitely not okay.
A/N Cliffhanger!!! What will happen to Tyler and will the rangers find him or will he turn against them? Sorry that this one is shorter than the rest because I didn't have a lot in my head. I was also having writer's block when writing this!!!!!!
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