Annabeth's Birthday
Annabeth POV
I was in the kitchen making breakfast when something covered my eyes. I could tell it was Chase because I saw his sleeve when he covered my eyes.
"Hey", I said.
"Happy birthday", Chase said.
"Thanks", I said. "You realize I am trying to make breakfast right."
"Yeah", Chase said he took his hands off my eyes.
"Close your eyes and I am going to lead you somewhere", Chase said and I did it.
I heard him open the back down.
"Open your eyes", Chase said.
I opened my eyes and he had breakfast made already for the two of us.
"You did all of this by yourself", I said hugging him.
"Yeah, I got up at 5 and did all of this", Chase said.
"This is so nice", I said.
We walked to the table and when we were done eating, we cleaned up and got our shoes on. I was going on my jog and Chase was heading to the museum.
"Riley isn't coming today so you're gonna be by yourself", Chase said.
"Ok", I said.
I started my run and got back to my house and I saw Tyler's jeep in the driveway. I unlocked the door and Tyler was talking to my aunt. I walked over next to him.
"Hey", I said.
"Happy birthday", Tyler said and kissed me on the cheek.
"Thanks", I said.
"Hey you want to go somewhere", Tyler said. "But we have to be somewhere for 1."
"Sure and okay", I said looking at my watch. "Its 11:45, where can we go."
"We can go get lunch", Tyler said.
"That sounds good", I said.
Chase POV
Me, Riley, Shelby, Koda, Sapph, Ami, and Mack were in the park setting up Annabeth's surprise party.
"Hey", I heard Troy say from behind me.
I turned around to see him and the other Megaforce rangers.
"What's up", I said shaking his hand.
"Nothing", Troy said.
"Is this for Annabeth", Emma said.
"Where did you get that idea", I said and started cracking up.
"Everything is aqua and the banner says Happy Birthday Annabeth", Emma said.
"Yeah", I said. "Presents go on that table", I said pointing to the table.
I looked at my watch. It was 12:30, a half an hour til Tyler will be here with Annabeth.
Tyler POV
"Its 12:30", Annabeth said. "Shouldn't we be heading to that other place you said we had to be at by 1."
"Yeah, it takes and half an hour to get there from here anyway", I said hopping in the jeep and starting it.
"Where exactly are we going", Annabeth said squirming in her seat.
"Trust me", I said. "Why are you so fidgety today?"
"I don't know I am turning 17 in 30 minutes", Annabeth said and stopped squirming in her seat.
"I know", I said.
"Lets listen to the radio", Annabeth said turning on the radio.
A million thoughts in my head
Should I let my heart keep listenin
Cause up till know, I've walked the line
Nothing lost, but something missing
I can't decide,
What's wrong,
What's right,
Which way should I go?
If only I knew what my heart was telling me
Don't know what I'm feeling
Is this just a dream? Uh-oh, yeah
If only I could read the signs in front of me
Annabeth started to sing along
I could find a way to who I'm meant to be, uh-oh, if only
If only... if only
Every step, every word,
With every hour I am falling in
To something new, something brave,
To someone I, I have never been
I can't decide,
What's wrong,
What's right,
Which way should I go?
If only I knew what my heart was telling me
Don't know what I'm feeling, is this just a dream?
Uh oh, yeah
If only I could read the signs in front of me
I could find a way to who I'm meant to be,
Uh-oh, if only, yeah!
Am I crazy, maybe we could happen
Yeah, will you still be with me when the magic's all run out...
If only I knew what my heart was telling me
Don't know what I'm feeling
Is this just a dream? Uh-oh, yeah,
If only I could read the signs in front of me
I could find a way to who I'm meant to be, uh-oh, yeah,
If only, yeah,
If only, yeah,
If only, yeah,
If only,
If only
We got to the park. I got out and then walked over to help Annabeth out.
"Close your eyes", I said.
She did and I walked her over to where Chase had set up.
"Where are we going", Annabeth said as we stopped.
"Open your eyes", I said.
Her face was priceless.
"What is this", Annabeth said.
I saw Riley poke his head out behind the tree and I gave him the signal.
"Surprise", everyone jumped out and nearly scared her half to death.
"You guys did all this for me", Annabeth said.
"Yeah", Chase said.
Annabeth POV
I was still in shocked that they did all this. Me and Tyler went over and sat down. I saw that Troy and them were there too. Chase walked behind me and hugged me and then kissed my cheek. Troy hugged me too. Chase put a cake in front of me. They sang and then clapped when I blew out the candles. We all had some cake. Then we did presents.
Presents the guys got Annabeth!!
Chase-A necklace with a sun and moon on it. A is ingraved in the sun and C is ingraved in the moon.
Tyler-Hunger Games Mockingjay Pt. 1 movie.
Shelby-A gift card that can be used anywhere.
Ami, Mack, Sapph-An ITunes gift card.
Riley-A pic of all of them in a frame.
Troy-A locket.
Emma+Gia-A fuzzy aqua blanket and a gift card that can be used anywhere.
Noah-A Barnes and Noble gift card.
Jake-A soccer ball.
Orion-A necklace with a piece of quartz on it.
Koda-doesn't know what a party is.
"Thanks everyone", I said.
"Ow there's one more thing", Chase said.
"What", I said.
"Take my hand and close your eyes", Tyler said.
Chase POV
She did that and Tyler lead her into the middle of the field. Riley grabbed the hose and then Troy turned the nozzle. Riley pulled the trigger and Tyler moved and then Annabeth started jumping up and down saying its cold. We all started cracking up. Riley let go of the trigger because he as laughing so hard. The other girls went to go get towels out of Tyler's jeep.
"You think thats funny", Annabeth said and she ran over and grabbed the hose and started spraying me and Tyler because we were standing next to each other.
"You are going to get it missy", I said and started running at her.
She started running too. I caught her and picked her up. She started laughing because I started tickling her.
"Stop", Annabeth said and I stop tickling her.
Tyler's dino com went off.
"Alien bio signs in your area", Kendall said.
"How about a fight together", Tyler asked Troy.
"Sounds like a plan", Troy said and shook Tyler's hand.
"Unleash the power", We said and morphed after we cleaned up Annabeth's party.
"Super Megamode", the Megaforce rangers said and morphed.
Tyler POV
"That's far enough Fury", I yelled when we found him.
"Ah, the rangers", Fury said. "Aqua ranger, how was your birthday."
"How do you know it was my birthday", Annabeth said.
"Oh I have my ways", Fury said.
We started fighting then I realized there was a red dot on Annabeth's chest.
"Annabeth move", I yelled but it was to late.
A giant blast hit her in the chest and she went flying into a wall and demorphed and didn't move.
"Shelby get her out of here", I said.
Shelby POV
Me and the other 4 girls got Annabeth back to the base. Then we went back to where the guys were and there was no one there.
"Tyler, Chase, Riley, Koda", I yelled.
"Mack", Sapph yelled.
"Troy, Jake, Noah, Orion", Emma and Gia yelled.
"Looking for your friends", Fury said getting all of us to turn around.
"Yes, where are they", I said.
"I have them", Fury said. "Tell that aqua brat that the black one will be the first to perish in 4 days."
Riley POV
We were in a warehouse. Our hands were tied above our heads and the rope was tied to the celling. We were probably about 5 feet off the ground. Fury walked in.
"Hello rangers", Fury said.
"What do you want", Chase said in an angry tone.
"Nothing just in 4 days you are going to be the first to perish", Fury said and Chase got mad.
Fury left and I looked over to Chase because me and him were the only ones awake.
"Chase, I wonder how the girls are going to find us by themselves", I said geyting his attention.
"They are smart and there are 6 of them. They will figure out a way", Chase said.
Annabeth POV
My eyes flickered open. I saw Shelby and the other girls but I didn't see any of the boys.
"Hey", I said as I sat up.
"Annabeth", Emma said with a surprised expression.
"Where are the guys", I said.
"Fury has them and he said in 4 days Chase is the first to perish", Shelby said.
"What", I said.
I was about to lose it. I can't lose my brother. He has always been there for me and now if we don't save them in 4 days he is going to die first. Shelby walked over to me and hugged me. I started crying.
"Its okay", Shelby said and the other girls came over.
"We'll save them", Sapph said.
To be continued.............
A/N. So guys, I am adding the Flash into this to help the girls find the guys. If you haven't heard of him. Barry Allen got struck by lighting and was in a 9 month coma. When he woke up, he had super speed. So he works with a team of people to catch metahumans. Metahumans are people who got affected by the particle accelerator explosion like Barry. Also Caitlin and Kendall know each other.
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