A Visit With Sledge
Tyler POV
Me and Annabeth were having a picnic by ourselves. So it was kinda like a date. We were lying on the blanket looking at the clouds.
"This is so nice", Annabeth said.
"Yeah", I said.
"Two rangers sitting here by themselves", Fury said. We stood up.
"What do you want", I said.
"You two get to go see Sledge", Fury said next thing I knew everything went black.
Riley POV
Tyler and Annabeth were having a picnic by themselves and they said they would have been back at 2. It is now 4 and no one knows where they are. Everyone was nervous about them. We were even more nervous when Kendall got a video message from Fury.
"Click it", Sapphire said grabbing onto Chase.
"Hello Rangers", Fury said.
"Where's our friends", Sapphire said.
"Right here", Fury said showing Tyler and Annabeth unconscious and tied up back to back.
"Let them go", I said.
"Sorry but they get to see Sledge", Fury said. The screen went black.
"This can't be happening", Sapphire said. "This is the second time Fury has captured both of them."
"We'll save them", I said.
Annabeth POV
I woke up to see that I was tied up. I then realized that someone was tied to me and it was Tyler.
"Tyler, Tyler", I said and he woke up.
"Annabeth, were are we", Tyler said.
Then I realized we were in Sledge's ship.
"We're in Sledge's ship", I said.
"Yes, you are rangers", Fury said as we turned our heads toward the cell door.
Fury opened it and walked in with vivix behind him. He cut the rope and we stood up and Tyler pushed me behind him.
"Take the red one", Fury said to the vivix.
The vivix walked over and grabbed Tyler.
"No", I said.
Fury pushed me to the ground.
"Annabeth, I'll be fine don't worry", Tyler said before they walked away.
I laid there crying. I stopped about 5 minutes after Fury and the vivix took Tyler.
Tyler POV
We got to where Sledge was. The vivix tied my hands behind my back. They pushed me and I fell to the ground.
"I thought you rangers were supposed to be smarter", Sledge said.
I didn't look at him which made him mad. He grabbed my face and made me looked at him.
"Look at me, ranger", Sledge said.
"What do you want with us", I spatted. I was fuming.
Sledge grabbed his sword while the vivix untied my hands. Sledge started hitting me.
"Ahhh", I screamed in pain.
Annabeth POV
There was an ear wretching scream.
"Tyler", I said nearly sobbing.
I started crying and then I heard the cell door open. I looked up and saw Fury standing there.
"Here's your pathetic red ranger", Fury said and threw Tyler down in front of me.
"Tyler", I yelled as tears ran down my face.
I walked over and knelt next to him and put his head in my hands.
"Are you okay", I said.
"Yeah", Tyler said. "I'm just hurting a little."
"Okay", I said kissing him on the forehead.
We were probably sitting there for about 20 minutes before Fury came back.
"Lets get you two to Earth", Fury said and we teleported to Earth.
We were on a cliff near where we were having our picnic. Fury grabbed my shirt and pulled me to the pole and then he pulled Tyler to the other side facing away from me. He grabbed a rope and wrapped it around us. He tied our feet together and put scarves in our mouths. We were sitting down.
Chase POV
We were in the base when we got a reading from Tyler's and Annabeth's energems.
"They're on the cliff near the edge of the island", Kendall said.
"On it", I said and we ran to where they were.
When we got there and they were tied to a pole on top of the cliff.
"Guys", I said and they turned toward us.
Annabeth eyes lit up. She made a muffled noise. Fury appeared in front of them.
"Ah, the rangers. Have you came to save your friends", Fury said.
"Its morphin time, Dino Charger, Ready", we shouted. "Energize, Unleash the power", we morphed.
We started fighting Fury for about an hour and a half and then Fury disappered. I ran up to the others.
"Dino Saber", I said cutting the rope.
I took the scarves out of their mouths and untied their feet. I helped them up. Tyler had cuts and bruises all over him so I put his arm over my shoulder. Annabeth held my hand.
"Thanks", they said.
We got back to the base. Tyler fell to the ground and was out.
"Tyler", Annabeth said as Riley helped me bring him to the back room.
We put him on the bed and Annabeth sat on the bed and held his hand.
Annabeth POV
Tyler passed out. I laid next to him holding his hand with my head on his chest. I think I fell asleep.
Tyler POV
My eyes opened slowly. Someone was on my chest. I saw the shirt and realized it was Annabeth. I smoothed her hair.
"Annabeth", I said softly.
She moved her head and she looked into my eyes.
"Hey, my red superhero", Annabeth said.
"Hey, my pumpkin", I said as we sat up.
We stood up and walked up to the cafe. Everyone saw us walk in and ran over to us and gave us a hug.
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