2 Green Rangers
Riley POV
I was walking to my ranch. When I heard a twig snapped.
"Who's there", I said and turned toward the noise.
It stopped and I started walking again but when I turned my back the leaves started rustling and more twigs started snapping. My vision had begon to darken before I had a chance to turn around. I was definitely not okay.
Tyler POV
Riley took his break.
"Hey", Annabeth said.
"Hey", I said.
"What's up and where's Riley", Annabeth said.
"Nothing and he is on his break", I said.
"Okay", Annabeth said.
She left for her break to. She got back right before closing time, but Riley should have been back by now.
Riley POV
I woke up and I was behind a plastic wall.
"Well green ranger. Since you're up, you can meet someome", Fury said as someone that looked like me walked next to him.
I hit the wall.
"Go find your friends, green ranger", Fury said as the clone walked out.
"My friends will notice that it's not me", I said.
"No they won't", Fury said as I thought of a way to get out.
Chase POV
Riley walked in.
"Hey, where have you been", I said.
"Oh, I went to visit my barn and I got lost", Riley said.
"Riley, how did you get lost you are the best navigator on the team", Shelby said.
"I just lost my place", Riley said and walked out.
I decided to call Riley's ranch to see if he was there. I dailed the number and Ally picked up on the third ring.
"Hey, Chase", Ally said.
"Hey did Riley come and visit today", I said.
"No why", Ally said.
"Its nothing", I said. "Oh and thanks", I hung up. I signaled the others but made sure Riley didn't see it.
"Guys thats not the real Riley", I said.
"You're right because he wouldn't have gotten lost", Annabeth said.
"Plus he said he visited his farm. I called Ally and she said he didn't", I said.
Tyler's dino com went off.
"Alien bio signs downtown", Kendall said.
"Lets go", I said.
When we got downtown, Fury and Sledge where there.
"Its morphin time, Dino Charger, Ready", we shouted. "Energize, Unleash the power", we morphed. Then, Riley walked over to Sledge and Fury.
"I knew it", I said.
Riley POV
I grabbed my blaster and made sure that I was standing back a little.
"Dino Morpher blast", I said pulling the trigger.
The wall shatter into pieces.
"Yes", I said. "Unleash the power", I morphed.
I ran to the others. When I got there the clone was morphed too.
"Thats far enough fake green ranger", I yelled.
"Riley", Shelby said.
"Well green ranger you found a way to escape", Fury said.
"Yeah and know I am going to destroy your clone", I said.
The clone charged at me. I dodged him. The others started fighting Fury and Sledge. They disappeared. They ran over to help me.
"Wait which one is the real Riley", Chase said.
"I am", the clone and me said toghether.
"Wait I have an idea", Annabeth said. "What did I get you for your birthday?"
"You got me a Rubix's cube and made me a friendship bracelet", I said. I was standing closer to the others than the clone was.
"Thats Riley", Annabeth said and came to stand next to me.
"Raptor claw, final strike", I said destroying the clone.
We demorphed. Annabeth, Shelby, and Sapphire gave me a hug.
"Were you planning on going to your ranch today", Chase said.
"Yeah I was on my way there when Fury knocked me out", I said as we walked back to the base.
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