"Pack your shit bitches, we're going to Santorini!"
"Huh?" Vienna and I both look up from where we're laying on my bed scrolling through our phones. Cecilia stands in the doorway of my bedroom with a huge grin on her face.
"Your mom let me in," she explains, reading our confused expressions. "Anyway pack your sexiest bikinis. We're going to party in Greece!"
I sit up. "What are you talking about?"
Cecilia rolls her eyes and huffs impatiently. "Your birthday Kennedy. Why didn't you tell me about it? I had to find out from Winston who was planning you some lame ass surprise. You're so lucky I intervened."
Vienna sits up. "Hey! The surprise was not gonna be lame!"
"You were in on this?" I raise a brow at her. Vienna shakes her head.
"The surprise with Winston yeah, not a trip to Santorini. Although now that I think about it, Cecilia's idea sounds way better."
Cecilia flips her hair. "Of course. You know I always have the best ideas. And what better way to kick off our summer and celebrate Kennedy's birthday than sun, sand, and hot Greek boys. Also I'm not taking no for an answer, and I don't want to hear any arguments."
I let out a resigned sigh. "When are we leaving?"
"Tomorrow. So start packing!"
Vienna jumps off the bed. "Yes! Santorini here we come!"
Even coming from money, I've never flown on a private jet in my life. So yes, I'm a little star struck as we board the plane. On the outside the jet looked small, but it was actually quite spacious and the interior was nice. The seats were tan leather and the carpet spotless. There was a mini bar and refrigerator, and each seat had a seat warmer, comfortable leg, head, and arm rest, and a tv equipped behind each seat head.
The first thing Cecilia did when we got on the plane was head straight for the bar and pull out a bottle of champagne. "Everyone gather around!" She called out. We all stood in a mini circle as she cleared her throat.
"Today marks the start of Kennedy's birthday celebration. To kick things off I'd like to propose a toast."
"I call dibs on popping the bottle!" Danny says. Winston rolls his eyes.
"To an amazing time," Cecilia hands Danny the champagne.
"And to Kennedy!" Vienna exclaims.
"Hear, hear!" Addison and Kelsey add.
"To partying until we pass out!" Danny pops the top off and champagne explodes everywhere. We all laugh and cheer as our glasses our filled.
"Attention passengers," the loudspeaker crackles to life. "We will be taking off in five minutes. Please make your way to your seats and fasten your seat belts."
Winston leads us over to our seat and I get comfortable in mine, checking out all the options. "How long is the flight?" I ask.
"About fourteen hours," Winston replies. "So get comfortable."
I sigh and lean back in my seat, closing my eyes. Maybe I'd sleep through the entire thing to make time pass by faster.
"We're here!" I heard Vienna's voice trill.
I yawn as my eyes blink open slowly. It was bright outside, sunlight streaming in through the windows. "Please remain in your seats with your seatbelt on until the jet has come to a complete stop," the pilot says. I close my eyes again and fall back asleep, soon awoken again by Winston.
"We're here love."
The jet wasn't moving. I unbuckle my seatbelt and stretch, wincing as a sour taste hits my mouth. Luckily there are mints in the front seat pockets and I quickly pop one into my mouth. There are groans and yawns around the jet as everyone either wakes up from their slumber or stretches their muscles after a long flight. Cecilia is talking to the pilot, and as soon as she finishes turns back to us.
"A car is waiting outside for us. Come on everyone, wake up!" She claps repeatedly.
"Give us a moment," Addison grumbles, rubbing her eyes. The only other person who is as peppy as Cecilia is Vienna, who is already halfway out the jet.
After using the bathroom and washing up I finally step outside. Winston takes my hand as I descend the last step and I squint my eyes due to the sudden burst of light. Already the air feels different, even if there isn't much to see since we're still at the jet site. The sun is shining brightly against the cloudless clear blue sky.
"This is it?" Danny asks next to me. "It doesn't look like much."
Cecilia rolls her eyes. "Ugh, I forgot I was traveling with peasants."
"It's actually really beautiful," Kelsey says. "You'll see."
Turns out Kelsey is right. The entire island sits atop the side of a cliff, overlooking clear crystal blue waters. I almost pinch myself to make sure it's real. Vienna's mouth hangs agape and Danny has to close it for her.
"It's so different seeing it in reality instead of through photos," I breathe.
"It is isn't it?" Cecilia gloats. "And this isn't even the best part."
It isn't. Our hotel overlooks the cliffs and gives us a perfect view of the water. The town we're staying in is small but cute, the sighs, smells, and people almost overwhelming. I truly feel like I'm in paradise. It's too beautiful.
I flop down on the fresh sheets of our bed and inhale the crisp linen scent. This is already the best birthday already and it isn't even the actual day yet. The bed dips next to me and I look up to see Winston with a small gift box in hand.
I groan. "Please don't tell me you got me a gift."
He raises a brow. "Was I not supposed to?"
"This trip is a gift in itself and you've already done so much for me. At this point you're just spoiling me."
Winston smirks. "Better get sued to it then. I'll never get tired of spoiling you. Now stop complaining and just open it."
I sit up with a huff and take the box from him. It's small so I can't imagine what's inside, and I hold the box up to my ear and give it a little shake. Winston chuckles as I narrow my eyes trying to figure out what's inside. Finally I give in and tear off the wrapping paper.
It's a small blue ring box.
Logically I know he isn't proposing to me, but my heart still stutters to a stop anyway. I slowly open the box. Inside sits a diamond promise ring. It's a three stone design with a one fifteenth cut center diamond nestled in between shimmering one twentieth cut diamonds. Smaller diamonds are embedded along the sides, and inside the band in simple cursive are the words I love you engraved.
I blink, not realizing my vision is blurred by tears until Winston pries the box from my hand and slips the ring on my finger. I sniffle and wipe my eyes. "Damn you for making me cry before my birthday," I let out a watery laugh and he smiles. I wrap my arms around him in a hug, breathing him in as we sit there in each other's embrace.
"One day I hope to make you Mrs. King," he murmurs in my ear. I squeeze him harder.
"I love you so much," I whisper.
"And I love you."
I'll be honest. I didn't even know half of the people on this boat.
"What the actual fuck!" Vienna yells to be heard over the music. "How the hell did Cecilia get this many people to come to your party?!"
I shake my head, staring wide eyed at the scene before me. There's over a hundred people on this yacht, and they're all here to celebrate me. Music blasts out as people drink, dance, and party.
"It's the Cecilia touch," Addison says next to me. "Honestly even I can't explain it, but the girl has a gift."
Just then Cecilia approaches us, Winston in tow. "Happy birthday girl!" She wraps me in a hug. "How does it feel to be nineteen?"
"Honestly? No different than it was being eighteen."
"Who are all these people?" Danny asks. "Seriously, do they even know Kennedy?"
Cecilia waves her hand. "Of course not, but they're here to celebrate her birthday regardless. Everyone loves a good party," she plops a tiara on my head. "For the birthday princess. Now why don't you boys be a dear and go refill the ice for me? Last time I checked it was running low."
"Do we have a choice?" Danny grumbles.
Winston pats him on the back. "Better not to complain. Just grin and bear it."
As soon as they're gone the girls pounce on me. "Did he propose?" Kelsey asks excitedly, grabbing my hand to show off the ring on my finger.
I laugh. "No. It's a promise ring."
"That's so romantic," she sighs.
"My brother is totally a simp for you," Cecilia grins. "As he should be."
"Yo, this shit is real gold," Vienna twists my hand this way and that, examining the ring. "Is it heavy?"
"No," I shake my head.
"That ring just called me single in three hundred and thirty-two languages," Addison jokes.
The girls ooh and ah over my ring a little more before Cecilia pulls us all on the makeshift stage, taking the mic from the DJ.
"Attention everyone! As you all know we're here to celebrate my sister in laws nineteenth birthday! Let's give it up for Kennedy!"
There's clapping and cheering, and I'm surprised that the crowd is genuinely excited even though they don't know me. Oh well. I guess it's like Cecilia said. People love a good party.
"Now who's ready to get fucked up!"
The cheering intensifies as the music resumes and someone brings a tray of shots on stage. "Oh no," I shake my head.
"Oh yes," Vienna grins.
"You guys! You know I'm terrible at handling my alcohol."
"That's what makes it so fun," Addison grins. "Besides it's your birthday. You get a free pass to let loose."
It's only three shots, but I know I'll be halfway fucked after drinking them all. The crowd starts chanting as I knock the first one back, and by the last one someone sprays water onstage, dousing us as everyone cheers.
I smack my lips together and make a sour face as Cecilia slings am arm around my shoulder. "See? That wasn't so bad."
"When I puke everywhere it's on you."
It doesn't take long for the alcohol to take effect. The girls pull me into the center of what I think is supposed to be the dance floor but is really just a mob of people sloppily grinding against each other. Luckily alcohol makes everything ten times more fun than it actually is, and before I know it I'm jumping up and down with the crowd, screaming the lyrics to Pursuit of Happiness. Someone almost elbows my crown off my head and apologies profusely before fixing it.
"I need to pee!" I yell.
"What!" Vienna yells back.
"I said I need to pee!"
"You need another drink?"
She grins and shakes her head, indicating she can't hear me before continuing to dance. I push my way through the crowd and into the cabin below deck, where I unfortunately find a long line to restroom. I'm sure there's another bathroom somewhere, but I feel like I'm about to pee myself so I cut the entire line.
"Excuse me, birthday girl coming through!" I barrel past despite noises of protest and reach the door just as someone is exiting. A girl is about to enter but I grab the door handle first.
"It's my turn. I'm the birthday girl-" I pause and point to my crown. "-so I get what I want. Capiche?"
She stares at me in shock and before she can reply I slam the door in her face. I'm practically doing the potty dance I have to pee so bad. I let out a sigh of relief as I finally crouch above the toilet and empty my bladder. After flushing I wash my hands and fix my bikini top as well as my tilted crown before leaving the restroom and making my way back up to the deck. I scan the crowd for Winston and upon not seeing his blonde waves anywhere I decide to check the bar. That's where I find him.
But he's not alone.
Danny is with him of course but there's also some pink haired girl and her friend standing just a tiny bit to close. My eyes narrow on the girl with pink hair who is laughing just a little too loudly, flipping her hair, and batting her eyelashes. It's so obvious she's flirting with Winston, and it doesn't take long for the green eyed monster to consume me. As I stand there and watch, she suggestively touches Winston a few times, who scoots away. Too bad she can't take a hint, and when she trails a hand down his chest I snap and storm over.
"Bitch back off," I grab her drink and throw it in her face before shoving her. She stumbles back into her friend and they both nearly topple over.
"What the fuck is your problem?" She glares at me.
"You're my problem. He's mine, so go be desperate somewhere else."
"Come on," her friend shoots me a dirty look before leading pink haired girl off as she complains about how I ruined her swimsuit.
Danny whistles. "Damn Kennedy. Didn't know you had that in you."
Winston chuckles and wraps an arm around my waist, pressing kisses down my neck. "So you can get jealous."
"Shut up," I roll my eyes. I'm still annoyed by that girl. Even though I know Winston is mine, I can't help it. It's a strange feeling, one that I'm not entirely sure I'm comfortable with.
"There you are!" Cecilia, Addison, Vienna, and Kelsey approach us. "We've been looking all over for you guys!"
"Kennedy almost whooped this girls ass for flirting with Winston," Danny says with a grin.
Vienna pouts. "Aw man, and I missed it."
"Who?" Cecilia frowns. "I'll kick her off the boat right now."
"Relax," Winston says. "It's handled."
"I think it's safe to say we could all use another drink," Addison flags down the bartender. "Now who wants some more shots?"
I finally rise from the floor on shaky legs and flush the toilet. After puking out most of the contents of my stomach, it's safe to say I've been wrung dry. I rinse out my mouth in the sink and swish around some mouthwash before making my way back into the room where Winston is lounging on the bed.
"I feel like shit," I groan.
"Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol will do that to you."
I glare at him and shuffle over to my suitcase where I pull out an oversized t-shirt to change into. So this is what it means when people say they partied too hard.
Happy birthday to me.
"Is there such a thing as too much fun?" I ask as I change clothes.
"Yes," Winston replies. "I told you you shouldn't have done that seventh shot with Vienna. She has a way higher tolerance than you do."
"Lesson learned," I flop face down on the bed next to him. "Please tell me we're doing something calm and relaxing tomorrow."
"I think Cecilia wants us to explore the town a bit, the usual sightseeing, then go to the beach."
"Thank God," I lift my head to look at Winston. "How are you so okay right now?"
"I didn't drink as much as you," he smirks. "You get a free pass though since it's your birthday. Well, at least for twelve more minutes." Winston chuckles and starts to massage my shoulders. You'd think I'd just finished a football game that's how sore and tired my body is.
"That feels good," I mumble into the sheets.
"Does it now?"
Winston's hands travel further and further down my back, until they reach the hem of my shirt. Then they snake under it and brush against the back of my thighs, before going up and over.
"Does that feel good?" He asks, slowly inserting one, then two fingers inside me.
I moan in response, fisting the sheets as his fingers languidly move in and out. Then just as fast as they appeared they're gone, and he grabs my ankles and yanks me back causing me to let out a surprised squeak. Before I can react he flips us over so he's laying down and I'm straddling him.
"Sit on my face," Winston says.
My eyes widen and I choke. "W-what?"
"Sit on my face," he repeats.
"I'm not gonna sit on your face!" I splutter. "I'll suffocate you!"
Winston smirks. "No you won't. Just hold yourself up using the headboard."
He must be out of his mind. Nevertheless I hesitantly comply, moving over until my pussy is aligned with his face. I've been with Winston more times than I can count, and yet this new position make me feel vulnerable all over again, like it's my first time or something. I'm about to question him when his tongue flicks out.
"Ohhh fuck," My hands instinctively grab the headboard. It's a struggle to hold myself up as he licks me with his tongue, going in deeper than I thought possible. Eventually he pulls me down and holds me by my thighs. I've never experienced such intense pleasure before, my whole body shaking with the effort to hold myself together. I'm moaning so loudly I'm sure everyone in the hotel can hear us.
Winston performs a trick with his tongue and I have no idea where he learned it-nor do I want to know-but it pushes me over the edge and I cry out his name as I orgasm, all the energy sucked from my body. Spent and unable to hold myself up any longer, I collapse on the bed next to him, my chest heaving.
"Happy Birthday," Winston whispers in my ear and I smile, sleepy and sated.
Love G ❤️
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