The room is a flurry of frills and feet as we all rush to get ready for the wedding. There's a buzz of excitement in the air with a tinge of nervousness, and it's safe to say we're all hyped up on frantic energy.
I can barely stand still as my mother zips up my dress. "There you go. You look beautiful."
Twisting away from her I turn around and examine myself in the mirror. The dress is a custom made off the shoulder baby blue silk gown, with a slit down the side and tiny white flowers lining it. Holly insisted I wear it as the maid of honor, and the bridesmaid dresses are similar but lilac instead. My hair falls down my back in loose waves, small blue and purple flowers interwoven between the strands. My makeup is light and simple. Instead of heels I'm wearing matching blue flats with an ankle strap.
Holly loves nature so much, she based the entire theme of her wedding around it. She and Tristan would be married in an enormous greenhouse, surrounded by the sun, sky, earth. My mother and Serenity had went above and beyond to create Holly's dream wedding. The reception would be held in a separate greenhouse not too far from the ceremony. I'd been to both venues this morning, and they'd been beautiful.
"I'm going to go see if anyone else needs help," my mother says to me and I nod. We're about to leave soon, and to say I'm excited would be an understatement. Holly is a a separate room getting ready.
"Knock, knock," Vienna and Cecilia bounce into the room. Cecilia's eyes widen.
"Wow Kennedy. You look amazing."
"Thanks," I laugh. "You guys look great too."
"I'm really digging this whole garden fairy vibe," Vienna says. "I'll have to try it more often."
Cecilia scoffs. "This coming from a girl who's primary choice of color is black."
"Hey! There is nothing wrong with my wardrobe."
"Everyone downstairs!" My mother calls out and we all gather in the living room. There's a collective hush as Holly descends the stairs, Ocean leading her down while Serenity holds the train of her dress.
I'm speechless.
Holly looks stunning. Her dress looks like something out of a fairytale, made out of layers and layers of shimmery tulle that fan out around her. The top is tube styled with delicate diamond detailing, and the hem of her dress has dozens of white butterfly appliqués. Her veil is just as long as her gown, and her hair is in a loose elegant updo, with diamond flower clips and curls framing her face. On her feet are lace up fairy heels with butterfly's attached to the ribbons.
"How do I look?" She asks nervously.
We all burst into applause and she sniffles, fanning her face. One of the bridesmaids rushes to get her a tissue to dab at her eyes.
"Don't ruin your makeup sweetie," Serenity pats her daughters shoulder. "Not yet anyway." We all laugh and one by one exit out the door, piling into our limo. The bridal party has their own separate limo from the groomsmen, who along with the guests should already be at the venue. Even though Cecilia and Vienna aren't apart of the wedding party, Holly said it was okay for them to ride with us. Most of the bridesmaids are from Holly's side, cousins and whatnot.
When we arrive Vienna and Cecilia head inside to find their seats while the rest of the wedding party and family gather outside. Tristan is already stationed at the side of the venue, waiting for the processional to start.
"Okay everyone places!" My mother calls out. "The main event is about to start!" We all scramble to get in line, first Serenity, then Austin who is the best man, then the rest of the groomsmen. Behind them are the bridesmaids, me, the flower girls and ring bearer, and finally at the rear Holly and her dad. Once we're all in place my mother scurries inside to sit next to my father and give the signal for them to start. Even though we practiced this a million times, I'm still scared something might go wrong. As if she can sense my fear, Holly gives my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. I almost want to laugh. It should most certainly be me comforting her, not the other way around.
I can hear the music start from inside and discreetly wipe my palms on my dress. Before it's my turn I give Holly a quick once over and make sure everything on her is perfect. Then I take a deep breath, square my shoulders, and step through the vines hanging over the entryway. Winston is seated near front with my parents, Cecilia, Vienna, and Danny. I catch his eye as I take my place by the alter and he smiles at me. I smile back.
Once the flower girl and ring bearer come down the aisle the priest announces its time to rise for the bride. Everyone stands and turns to face the entryway, a collective hush falling over the room. Being a doctor my brother is literally trained to keep his cool in high stress situations, but right now he looks as nervous as I've ever seen him.
Then Holly and her father step in.
Her smile literally lights up the whole room as she walks down the aisle, radiating confidence and elegance. She's the perfect picture of the beautiful blushing bride, and I'm suddenly overcome with so much happiness. When I look at my brother, his eyes are red rimmed and his smile wobbly. The way he looks at Holly is the way I can only imagine every woman dreams to be looked at. The sight brings tears to my own eyes.
"Take care of her," Marley says, his own eyes glassy as he hands Holly to Tristan. He nods and takes Holly's hand. They both smile at each other and Holly wipes a tear from Tristan's cheek.
Everyone sits down and the officiant clears his throat. "Dearly beloved we are gathered here on this joyous day to join Holly Leigh Ronan and Tristan Adler Davis in holy matrimony. Today marks a new starting point in your lives. Marriage is a sacred ceremony, the binding of two souls into one. It is a tumultuous journey, filled with both pain and beauty, sorrow and happiness, deep and everlasting. Through these ups and downs it is up to you to hold fast and remember the vows you have taken."
The officiant continues his introduction for a few more minutes before its time for the vows and exchange of rings.
Tristan clears his throat. "Holly, I never expected to meet someone like you. Someone so full of sunshine, so caring, kind, and compassionate. You are the light that came until my cold and clinical world, filling it with your warmth and love. I love the way you care about people, the way you empathize with them, the way you take their feelings and make them your own. Sometimes I think that you're too caring for your own good, but I realize it's what makes you who you are. At your core, you are an amazing woman, and I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life with anyone else. You are the love of my life, and I promise to be there for you on the days you're not feeling so sunny and bright. I promise to take care of you, and cherish you, and to love you until the end of time."
When he finishes his vows, not only am I silently crying, but so is Holly. I rush forward to take her bouquet and replace it with a tissue for her to dab at her eyes. She gives a watery laugh and thanks me. If I'm not mistaken, I hear a lot of sniffling among the crowd, including my mother who is clutching my fathers arm like her life depends on it with tears streaming down her face.
Once Holly pulls herself together she says her own vows, her voice wobbly as she pushes to get through them. She and Tristan exchange rings and turn to face the official.
"Do you, Tristan Adler Davis, take Holly Leigh Ronan to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do you part?"
He looks Holly in the eye. "I do."
"And do you, Holly Leigh Ronan, take Tristan Adler Davis to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do you part?"
She wipes away another tear. "I do."
"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."
Tristan cups Holly's face in his hands like she's the most precious thing in the world, and brings his lips to hers to the sound of thunderous applause and cheering. They both turn to face the congregation as the officiant announces them as Mr. and Mrs. Davis. Tristan swoops Holly up in his arms and carries her bridal style down the aisle as guests shower them with flowers. We follow them down the aisle, with me and another bridesmaid making sure Holly's dress or veil doesn't get caught on anything.
Back outside we pose for what feels like a million pictures, and when the photographer finally announces we're done I let out a sigh of relief. My face hurts from smiling so much. Guests come up to offer Holly and Tristan their congratulations and I stand off to the side, rubbing my sore cheeks. Next to me Austin chuckles.
"This is only the beginning buttface. We still have the reception remember?"
I suppress a groan. I'm going to need a face lift after today.
"And then I told Tristan, 'dude, she's way too good for your stubborn ass.'"
Everyone laughs as Austin gives his speech. "Anyway, congratulation to my idiot brother here," he wraps an arm around Tristan's shoulder. "I still don't know how he managed to get someone like Holly to agree to marry him, but best of luck to both of you."
Tristan rolls his eyes and Holly laughs as everyone claps. I'm next and I take the microphone from Austin.
"So where do I even start?" I smile at both Tristan and Holly. "Growing up Tristan was always the cool level headed brother while Austin was more the hot headed charge into battle and ask questions later brother. And while I love both of them dearly, if I needed someone who would actually listen before overreacting, I would go to Tristan."
"Hey!" Austin exclaims from the crowd and there's a series of chuckles.
"Anyway, I don't want to bore you guys with a long drawn out monologue. But what I will say is that my brother Tristan is one of the most amazing people I've ever met. He's selfless and puts others before himself, and that's why he'll not only be a great doctor, but an even greater husband. Holly," I look at her. "When I first met you I thought 'is this girl for real?'
Everyone laughs.
"You just seemed too good. I thought there was no way someone so sweet and nice could exist. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, but it never did and I realized that even though there are over a billion people on earth, rarely will you ever meet a soul as pure as yours. I'm so grateful you not only came into my brothers life, but also mine, and wish you both nothing but happiness in your marriage."
All the guests clap as I hand the microphone to the next person, and Holly gets up to squeeze me in a hug. She's changed from her extravagant wedding gown to a less extravagant but still equally gorgeous dress. "I love you," she whispers into my hair.
"I love you too."
I give Tristan a hug before going back to sit at my table with Winston, Cecilia, Vienna, and Danny. The speeches continue, and much later after mine and Holly's entire family as well as a few close friends give their speeches, the buffet is opened and everyone gets in line to get a plate of food. Half of the food options are vegan, while the rest are non-vegan. It's like Thanksgiving all over again, but times ten since there are so many more mouths to feed.
Vienna eyes Danny as he comes back to the table with his third plate. "Geez. Save some room for cake."
"Trust me," he stabs a piece of grilled chicken with his fork. "This stomach is a bottomless pit."
"Where are Tristan and Holly honeymooning?" Cecilia asks.
I take a sip of champagne. "They're going to Paris."
Cecilia's eyes widen. "Ooh la la! Très magnifique."
"Have you been to Paris?" I ask.
"Oh plenty of times," she waves her hand. "Paris is one of the four fashion capitals of the world. They literally invented the word couture."
Winston furrows his brows. "Wait, where are the other three capitals?"
Cecilia rolls her eyes at his incompetence. "Milan, London, and New York. Duh."
"Well excuse me for not knowing."
"You're not excused. How long have we known each other again?"
"Unfortunately our whole lives," Winston mutters and Cecilia throws a piece of bread at him.
Vienna shakes her head. "Who cares about fashion-"
"Obviously not you," Cecilia interrupts and Vienna shoots her a look.
"-when Paris is where the ancient catacombs are located," she finishes, her eyes shining in excitement. "I would give one of my kidneys to visit. Have any of you guys ever seen that movie As Above So Below?"
Danny grins. "It's awesome. I heard it was based on a true story."
Winston raises a brow. "Wasn't there a part in the movie where they went too deep and the catacombs turned into the entrance to hell? Why would you want to visit again?"
"Because Danny and Vienna are your typical horror movie protagonists who get killed by their own stupidity," Cecilia answers.
"Yeah," I add. "I'm failing to see the awesome part here."
Vienna and Danny share a look and Vienna shakes her head. "They just don't get it," she says.
"They really don't," Danny agrees.
We argue a little more about the best places to visit in Paris before it's time for the first dance. Tristan and Holly glide across the floor to Lana Del Ray's Once Upon A Dream. Watching them is like watching a Disney fairytale come to life. It's obvious to anyone who looks at them how in love they are. After their dance they cut the cake, and once everyone has their first slice the dance floor opens up for everyone.
"Mhmmm," I moan as I take a bite. The cake tastes orgasmic and melts on my tongue. Normally I like to savor my dessert, but this time I feel like I can't eat it fast enough. I eat two slices before I'm full.
Vienna pulls me up to dance. "I can't," I groan pitifully.
"Come on. You need to work off those calories you just ate."
We all make our way to the dance floor and join everyone already dancing. The entire room is filled with smiles and laughter as we jam from one beat to the next. Dusk settles in and twinkling fairy lights illuminate the greenhouse as the party continues. After a couple more fast paced songs, the DJ plays a slow one. It's a cover of Elvis Presley's Can't Help Falling in Love by Kina Grannis.
Winston wraps his arms around me and I rest my head on his shoulder as we sway to the music. Right in this moment, I feel the most happy and content I ever have in my life.
"Winston?" I murmur.
"I know we're both young, and maybe it's just the whole day getting to me, but I think I want to spend the rest of my life with you," I pause. "Does that scare you?"
"No," he surprises me by replying. "I remember once Cecilia asked our mom how she knew she wanted to marry our dad. My mother told us that we all have our 'one.' She said that when we find this person it's like everything else just clicks into place. That's how you know."
I pull back to look at him. "That's how you know what?"
"That's how you know you want to spend the rest of your life with someone," Winston says, brushing his thumb against my cheek gently. "I never believed her until I met you."
I feel as though I've cried enough today, so I blink away a fresh onslaught of tears and rest my head back on his chest. "You're my one," I whisper.
Winston kisses the top of my head. "And you're mine."
Love G❤️
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