"California girls, we're unforgettable! Daisy dukes with bikinis on top!"
"Shut up!" I silence Vienna by covering her mouth with my hand. "We're at the airport for goodness sakes. Have some decorum"
"It's so hot," Cecilia fans herself as we wait to grab our luggage. "Are you sure it's spring here and not summer?"
"Yes. We changed time zones, not seasons."
Winston and Danny grab our suitcases as they come around. "You ladies ready to go?" Danny asks.
"Hell yes," Cecilia flips her hair. "This princess needs some room service."
We all head towards the exit. My parents flew in a couple days earlier to help with the wedding planning, and the rest of us are just arriving. Austin caught a separate flight, but we're all staying at the same hotel for the week. Holly and Tristan insisted we stay with them, but really it was just too many of us and their house was already full with both of our parents. So the hotel was perfect. Winston and I would room together, Vienna and Danny would share a room, and Cecilia would get a room to herself.
Winston pulls out his phone. "I'll order us a Lyft."
"I kind of want to visit Stanford while we're here," Vienna admits. "Do you think your brother could give us a tour? Or would that be too much right now?"
"I'm sure he can squeeze it in. I'll text and ask."
Cecilia scrolls through her phone. "It says the best beaches here are Venice, Santa Monica or Malibu. Also Beverly Hills is apparently the Manhattan of L.A. and Rodeo Drive is equivalent to Fifth Avenue."
Danny raises a brow. "You do realize we're in Stanford right? Not L.A."
"Well how far of a drive is it? Thirty minutes?"
"Try six hours."
Cecilia gasps and I lay a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, there are plenty of beaches and places to shop here too."
While Cecilia mourns the loss of her luxurious vacation plans Winston calls out. "The Lyft is here!"
The driver gets out to greet us and helps us load our luggage into the trunk before we all pile in. Winston sits up front while the rest of us squeeze into the back.
"So you guys are from New York?" Our driver is a nice old man who reminds me of Santa Claus. "What brings you all the way out here?"
"A wedding," I reply. "My brother is getting married."
"Oh how wonderful! Do give your brother and his fiancée my congratulations."
"Thanks, I will."
"I remember my wedding," he says wistfully. "We were so young and her parents absolutely despised me. Nevertheless we plunged forward and took the leap."
"Wow," Cecilia comments. "That's so brave and romantic. Did it end up working out?"
The old man smiles. "Yep. We've been married for over thirty years now, with two beautiful children and three lovely grandchildren."
"Thirty years? Damn," Vienna points at Danny. "I get sick of seeing his face after a week."
He flips her off and she sticks her tongue out at him.
Finally we arrive at our hotel, Enchanté Boutique. "I do love a French theme," Cecilia says as we step out of the vehicle. Once all our stuff is unloaded we thank the driver and Winston gives him a generous tip on the app.
"I don't understand why we didn't just stay at a King Hotel location," Vienna says. "Wouldn't it have been cheaper? Or even better, free?"
Winston nods. "Yeah, but I need a break from all things King Hotel related. Plus I've stayed at one for almost every single trip I've taken. It's nice to try something new for a change."
"Let's just go inside and check in," I start rolling my suitcase and the rest of the group follows behind me. We're greeted by the concierge before making our way to the reception desk. Once we get our room keys we all head in our respective directions.
"Wow," I breathe as Winston and I enter our room. "This place is beautiful."
"Est-que tu parles Français?" Winston asks with a grin.
I laugh. "Oui monsieur. Je parle Français."
Opening the balcony doors I step outside. The sun shines brightly and the sky is an endless sea of blue. It's beautiful. Winston comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I squeal when he picks me up and spins me around.
"Je t'aime," I say breathlessly once he puts me down.
Winston cups my face to kiss me. "Je t'aime aussi."
"Let the bachelorette party officially commence!"
Vienna pops a party popper and we all cheer. Cecilia planned a girls slumber night themed party, booking an Airbnb for us at a super nice house for the occasion. We're all clad in pink satin slips with matching robes. Holly is the only one whose outfit is white since she's the bride. She's also wearing a sash and a crown. There are four teepee bed tents set up, each with our names. Huge pink balloons spell out 'NO BOYS ALLOWED' with pink and purple streamers. Theres also more balloons floating around and confetti everywhere. For food we have pizza, soda, cookies, cake, candy, and of course alcohol.
"I'm just telling you guys right now, I'm a lightweight," Holly warns as she lifts a shot glass.
"Well that just means this night is going to be even more fun," Cecilia winks. "To the bride!"
"To the bride!" We clink glasses. Vienna suggests we do a little karaoke to kick off the night, and volunteers her and I to go first.
"What song should we do?" I ask.
Vienna grins. "Oh you know, just our theme song."
I grin back. Cecilia dims then lights and Holly takes another shot.
"Hit it!" I exclaim and Vienna presses the play button.
Mickey had become our theme song in seventh grade after we had watched Bring it On one too many times. We'd been obsessed with becoming cheerleaders at the time.
"Oh Mickey, you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, hey Mickey, hey Mickey," Vienna sings while moving her hips.
"Oh Mickey, you're so fine you're so fine you blow my mind, hey Mickey, hey Mickey," I sing back, copying her movements. We tap feet and do the surf.
"Hey Mickey!" It was Vienna dang first. "You've been around all night and that's a little long. You think you've got the right but I think you've got it wrong. Why can't you say goodnight so you can take me home, Mickey." She winks at me. There was a pause as the beat played before it was my turn.
"Cause when you say you will, it always means you won't. You're givin' me the chills, baby, please baby don't. Every night you still leave me all alone, Mickey."
We started moving our bodies to the music, dancing around the room before it was time to sing together.
"Oh Mickey, what a pity you don't understand. You take me by the heart when you take me by the hand. Oh Mickey, you're so pretty, can't you understand. It's guys like you Mickey. Oh, what you do Mickey, do Mickey, don't break my heart, Mickey!"
Vienna and I sang our hearts out no matter how terrible we sounded, dancing in sync and laughing the whole time. We even incorporated some of the routine we'd made for it. By the time it was over I was out of breath, my smile wide. Holly and Cecilia cheer.
"Wooh!" Holly pumps her fist. "Encore, encore!"
"No way," Vienna shakes her head. "It's your turn now."
Cecilia and Holly decide to perform Take a Hint from Victorious. Apparently alcohol brings out Holly's sassy side.
"Why am I always hit on by the boys I never like?" She rolls her eyes and flips her hair. "I can always see 'em coming, from the left or from the right."
"I don't want to be a priss, I'm just try'na be polite
But it always seems to bite me in the..." Cecilia points to her ass.
"Ask me for my number, yeah, you put me on the spot. You think that we should hook up, but I think that we should not," Holly circles Cecilia as she sings.
"You had me at "hello", then you opened up your mouth."
"And that is when it started going south...oh!" They sing together. "Get your hands off my hips, 'fore I'll punch you in the lips! Stop your staring at my hey!
Take a hint, take a hint! No you can't buy me a drink, let me tell you what I think! I think you could use a mint! Take a hint, take a hint! T-take a hint, take a hint!"
I'm laughing as I record on my phone, and Vienna sings along while moving her body.
"You asked me what my sign is and I told you it was stop!" She yells. "And if I had a dime for every name that you just dropped..."
"You'd be here, and I'd be on a yacht oh!"
We continue to sing and dance until the song is over, collapsing in a fit of giggles. Vienna insists we do more shots and just as I'm knocking another one back the doorbell rings.
"It must be the pizza!" Cecilia jumps up to answer the door. I glance at the empty boxes we already scarfed down earlier. No wonder she ordered more.
However instead of the pizza boy, when Cecilia swings open the door two police officers stand on the other side. My mouth falls open and Holly freezes.
"We got a call that there was a noise complaint," one of them says seriously. Cecilia stares up at him in shock.
They both push their way inside, inspecting our party. Then they turn toward each other and nod. "You're all under arrest," the second one says. "For being bad girls."
Suddenly they rip off their shirts, revealing their glistening toned abs. I step back in surprise. They're not cops. They're strippers.
Holly squeals as Vienna turns off the regular lights and switches on a disco light instead. A sexy beat pulses throughout the room and they start dancing. Cecilia pushes Holly to sit and both of the strippers start grinding on her, even going as far as to whip off their belts and shimmy out of their pants.
"Oh my gosh," Holly covers her beet red face. "Tristan would be so mad if he was here!"
"Too bad he's not," Vienna grins. "Besides, it's just a dance. What happens at the slumber party, stays at the slumber party."
When the men finish dancing we all clap excitedly, except for Holly who is still trying to recover from the ambush. Cecilia gives them a tip before ushering then out the door.
"Thanks for dropping by boys!" She calls out.
When they're gone we all lay in our beds and start gossiping. "I wonder what the boys are doing," I muse aloud. "Do you think they hired strippers too?"
"If they did, it better have just been for Tristan," Vienna replies. "I didn't get a lap dance, and neither should Danny."
"How is Tristan in bed anyway?" Cecilia asks Holly. "Is he like a secret Dom or something? Does he tie you up and spank you?"
Holly blushes and I grimace. "Please for the love of all things good do not talk about my brothers sex life in front of me. I know you're used to it with Winston, but I am not and I never want to be."
"Yeah, I've known him for a long time to and it kind of makes me want to throw up," Vienna agrees.
"I'm sorry okay!" Cecilia groans and rolls onto her back. "I'm just desperate here! I haven't had sex in who knows how long and my last boyfriend wasn't exactly an expert between the sheets."
"I find that hard to believe," I say dryly. "Have you looked in a mirror lately?"
"Yes, yes," Cecilia waves her hand dismissively. "But looks aren't everything. What good is a pretty face if I can't find a decent guy? And I don't just want to have sex with anyone. Contrary to popular belief I'm not a mindless whore."
"I'm sure your Prince Charming is out there," Holly reassures her. "You just have to be patient."
"I have been patient!" Cecilia exclaims. "Maybe I'm just meant to be one of those powerful single women," she shrugs. "Like Rihanna or Keke Palmer."
"I can see it," Vienna nods.
I shake my head. "That's ridiculous and you know it."
"Maybe, but it doesn't matter," Cecilia dismisses the topic. "This is Holly's party and you know what I just realized?"
"We haven't had the ultimate sleepover event," she stands and grabs a pillow. "Pillow fight!" Suddenly a pillow smacks me in the face.
"Oh it's on!" Vienna grabs a pillow herself and a pillow fight ensues. I'm whacked from behind and go sprawling across the floor. Springing up I hit Cecilia in the leg while Vienna swings at her side. Holly hits my upper back and I whack her stomach.
We beat on each other with our pillows and I manage to wrench Cecilia's pillow from her. She falls backward and I proceed to smack her repeatedly.
"Ok, ok I surrender," she gasps for breath through her laughter.
"Wooh! I am the champion!" I hold up my pillow victoriously. Suddenly I'm knocked down from behind and face plant on my bed. Rolling over I see Vienna standing over me, grinning and holding up her pillow.
"Gotcha!" she winks.
"Oh you fight dirty."
"This was one of the best nights ever," Holly says. "Thank you guys so much for being here and planning this."
"Oh it was our pleasure," Cecilia sits up. "Are you nervous for tomorrow?"
"Yeah, but the good nervous," she smiles while fiddling with her engagement ring. "I can't wait to be Tristan's wife."
"And I can't wait for you to be my official sister in law," I hug her. "You're the best thing that ever happened to my brother and he's so lucky to have you."
"Group hug!" Vienna exclaims and we all pile in.
"I love you guys," Holly sniffles.
"And we love you."
Love G ❤️
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