The rest of the trip passes by in a blur of snow, ski, and fun. I'm sad when it comes to an end, but grateful for the memories.
"Here," Vienna hands me my phone as we step off he bus back at school. "You did a good job. And don't worry, I answered all the important messages."
"Thanks," I respond dryly. "Is Danny picking you up?"
"Yeah, he said he'd be here soon. Wait with me?"
"Sure-" I stop when I see Winston in the parking lot, leaning against his car. He was picking me up, but I didn't know he'd be here already. "Actually never mind. Gotta go."
"Wow!" Vienna calls out as I take off. "What happened to chicks before dicks?"
"I love you!" I shout back.
As soon as I near Winston I drop my bag and jump on him, wrapping my legs around his waist. He laughs and stumbles back as he catches me.
"Woah. Someone missed me," he smirks.
"You have no idea," I breath and kiss him. I'd be content to stand here and make out in the parking lot all day, but my classmates and not to mention my teachers are behind me and most likely watching, so with great reluctance I pull my lips away from his. He sets me down and grabs my bag, popping the trunk and tossing it inside before slamming it shut. I climb in the passenger seat and shut the door, buckling up as he gets in and starts the car.
"Anything new happen while I was away?" I ask as he pulls onto the road. Winston shakes his head.
"Nope. Just work and the usual family drama."
"What happened?"
He sighs and runs a hand down his face. "Cecilia and father got into another fight again. It happens more often than you'd think, and typically because she's trying to get his attention but then goes too far."
"Is she okay?" I ask in concern.
"She'll be fine. But that's not what scares me," his brows crease. "I'm worried her behavior is a silent cry for help and my father's not seeing it."
"Has she tried talking to him?"
He shakes his head. "She refuses. And when I try to step in she gets furious and tells me to mind my business and fix my own issues with him."
It makes me sad to think that Cecilia isn't happy. Not the way she should be. I wish I could help her. We drive the rest of the way in silence, each lost in our own thoughts. Soon we reach my place.
"I wish we could spend more time together," Winston admits. "But I gotta get back to the office and finish up some work."
"That's okay," I unbuckle my seatbelt. "I'm pretty tired anyway. I'll probably unpack then take a nap."
We both get out of the car and Winston gets my bag. Before I go he pulls me in for a lingering kiss.
"I love you," he murmurs against my lips.
I'll never get tired of hearing him saying that. "I love you too."
Time flies, days turning into weeks and weeks turning into months. Before I know it, winter passes and spring arrives in all its bright and blooming glory. The end of the school year looms closer and closer.
"I can't believe it's already March," Vienna says at lunch one day. "We're literally two months away from graduation."
"I know," I munch on a carrot. "This year has been wild."
"You're telling me. We were almost shot."
"Your parents disowned you."
"Your new boyfriend fought your psychopathic ex."
"You got pregnant then had an abortion."
"You were nearly choked to death by said psychopathic ex's equally psychotic father."
The two of us look at each other and laugh. In no way are any of the situations we listed even remotely funny, but we laugh all the same.
"Have you ordered your cap and gown yet?" Vienna asks.
I shake my head. "Not yet. But I will soon. I've got other stuff on my mind."
"Like what?"
"Like Holly and Tristan's wedding." As the date drew nearer, my mother went into full blown wedding planner mode. She'd already booked our flights and was communicating over the phone with Serenity as they made plans together that fit both their tastes.
Vienna clucks here tongue. "Of course. Well while your mom takes care of all the official business," she makes air quotes with her fingers. "We can take care of the other stuff."
I furrow my brow. "What other stuff?"
"You're kidding right? You do know we're throwing Holly a crazy ass bachelorette party, complete with male strippers and tequila shots."
"Eh. I think Holly's ideal bachelorette party includes herbal tea and a fortune teller."
"Well she has no choice," Vienna says matter of factly. "Once I get Cecilia involved, there's no turning back."
I roll my eyes. Of course.
"Thank God their wedding falls over spring break," Vienna continues talking. "Now I won't feel guilty about missing school."
"V, you don't feel guilty about missing school when we're actually in session."
Vienna seems to think for a moment before nodding. "This is true."
When the school day ends I visit Winston's office to drop off some food. It's become our thing now. Outside his door I bump into Xavier.
"Oh," I shift uncomfortably. "Hey." I haven't seen him since that night we hung out when things were weird between Winston and I.
"Hey," he gives me an easy going smile. "What's up?"
"'Not much. How about you?"
"Just dropping off some last minute paper work to Winston," he jerks his thumb to Winston's office door. "My job is officially finished."
I blink. "Oh," I repeat. "That's good."
"Yep. Now you won't have to see my annoying face around so much."
I finally crack a small smile. "I wouldn't call it annoying..."
Xavier raises a brow and grins. "You warming up to me Kennedy?"
"Hardly," I scoff. "You're...tolerable at best."
He laughs and runs a hand through his hair. "I'll take it." Silence settles between us and I rub my arm. This is awkward. Xavier clears his throat and straightens.
"Well I should go..."
"Um, yeah." What do I say? See you around? I hope not. Good luck on your future business endeavors? Sounds too stiff and formal. We weren't exactly friends, but we weren't enemies either. He was just someone I made a mistake with, then turned out to be a good guy who was there for me when I was needed someone.
So I give him a genuine smile. "Thanks. You know, for everything you've done for Winston. And me. It means a lot."
"That's me," Xavier winks. "Boy scout extraordinaire."
I laugh. "Right, how could I forget."
Xavier gives me one last grin and a three finger salute before walking away. I watch as he disappears around the corner and feel a strange pang in my heart. Maybe in another life I might have fallen for him.
But there's only room for one person in my heart now. So I wish him the best and leave it at that.
I squint at the flashcard Winston holds up. "Absentee Voting."
He holds up the next one. "Balanced budget."
"And this one?" He asks. I quickly read the definition.
"Calendar Wednesday," I groan. "Can can we take a break? We've been studying for hours and I'd much rather do other things."
"Like what?" Winston laughs as I climb on top of him and pin him down.
"You know," I grind my hips seductively against his. "Sexual things." When I lean down to kiss him he puts a flash card in front of his lips. I roll my eyes.
"Discharge petition."
I roll off him and flop back on the bed. Winston chuckles. "Hey, you're the one who asked me to come over and help you study for your government final."
"I know that! But I thought it was universal knowledge that when a girl asks a guy to come over and study or vice verse, it's code for sex. Like that one chick you lost your virginity to."
Winston lays on his side, propping his head up in his hands. "Yeah but unlike her, you're my actual girlfriend. You don't need to trick me into having sex with you."
I bite my lip. "I thought it could be a hot role play idea. Naughty student seduces her unsuspecting tutor."
Winston bursts out laughing. "No. That just sounds like a really bad porno."
I laugh too. It does sound pretty ridiculous.
"Besides," Winston continues. "There's no way I'm having sex with you while your parents are downstairs."
"Why?" I ask. "The walls are practically sound proof."
"Yeah and you can get pretty loud."
I let out an appalled gasp and throw a pillow at him. He laughs, catching it. "Hey! I can be quiet."
"Not if your life depended on it Davis," I grab another pillow to hit him when suddenly he flips me over so I'm underneath him, his body pressed against mine. I stare up at him with narrowed eyes.
"I can be quiet."
Winston stares back at me with a challenge in his eye, then without warning pushes my skirt up while simultaneously pulling my panties down and inserting a finger inside me. I let out an involuntarily gasp.
"Then be quiet," he says in a low voice, working me with his fingers. I clamp both hands over my mouth, when he goes down on me. Fuck. I watch him part my legs and slowly lick up my folds, causing me to whimper and squeeze my eyes shut. Winston doesn't allow it.
"Look at me," he demands and I obey, my eyes flying open. It takes every ounce of willpower and self control I have not to make a sound as he works me with his tongue. My body shakes from the intensity of my orgasm, and I'm left gasping for breath, trying to regain my equilibrium. Winston sits up and licks his lips, smirking.
"I guess you can be quiet after all."
I exhale shakily and sit up, re-adjusting myself. "Was there ever any doubt?"
"Only a little."
Just then there's a knock on my door and I just about jump out of my skin. "Kennedy!" My mothers voice calls from the other side. "Are you two still studying? I need your opinion on these floral arrangements!"
Winston is trying hard not to laugh as I scramble off the bed and smooth down my clothes and hair. "Coming!" I swing open the door.
"Lillies or daffodils?" My mother immediately asks.
"Lillies," I reply. "Definitely lilies."
"Okay," she turns on her heel and heads down the hall, muttering I her her breath. I close the door and lean back against it, letting out a huge breath.
Winston raises a brow. "She's really going nuts over this wedding isn't she?"
"Just about," I make my way back over to the bed. "The first of her two sons is getting married, and with Austin's wandering ways he may be the only son tying the knot. So everything has to be perfect. By the way did you book your flight?"
"Yeah," Winston nods. "Are you excited?"
I lay on my stomach. "Yeah. I'm happy for him. He and Holly are perfect for each other. Plus Vienna is planning this wild bachelorette party. Not sure how much Holly will be into it, but it's the thought that counts I guess."
"True. Speaking of thoughts," Winston holds up my study flashcards while grinning. "Should we get back to it?"
I groan and cover his face with a pillow.
Love G ❤️
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