The final bell of the day rings and students waste no time rushing out of class. It's finally Thanksgiving break and we have a well deserved week off. I for one plan to fully take advantage of this mini vacation.
"I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm actually not excited for break," Vienna says as we stop by my locker so I can put my textbooks inside. "What's there to look forward to? I'm still grounded for God knows how long."
"Dude, no offense, but your parents suck," I slam my locker closed and we begin to walk down the hall towards the exit.
"Tell me about it. It's crazy how they're mad at me for shooting someone, when he tried to kill us! What else was I supposed to do, politely ask him to stop? And then they blame me for putting myself in that situation in the first place, as if I asked to be held at gun point!"
"Ugh, that's so dumb. Maybe my parents can talk to them?"
Vienna shakes her head. "It's pointless. They're furious. Like more furious than I've ever seen them before. I'm being watched twenty four seven, around the clock now. My parents don't trust me, so they actually hired a fucking bodyguard to keep an eye on me. And I'm forbidden from ever seeing Danny again. My parents are appalled that I would ever hang out with someone who looks like a 'hoodlum,'" she makes air quotations with her fingers. "They're convinced he's somehow brainwashed me into becoming a convict or something."
I shake my bead. "I'm sorry V."
"It's ridiculous!" She fumes. "I am a goddamn adult. They can't control me like this! I've already sacrificed everything for them! My life, my happiness, my fucking identity. Still it's not enough. They want to take everything away from me, and make me as miserable as they are. But you know what? Fuck them. Because I'm moving out."
I skid to a halt. "You're what now?!"
"I said I'm moving out," she crosses her arms. "I'm done letting them control me. If they can't love and accept me for who I am, then I don't need them in my life."
"Vienna..." I trail off. This is a big deal. If Vienna moves out, her parents will cut her off. Not only financially, but emotionally and physically as well. "Well where are you gonna live?" If she doesn't have a place to stay, then I'll let her live with me. I don't care what my parents have to say. I'm here to support Vienna no matter what.
"I'm moving in with Danny," she replies. I choke.
"What?!" Again, I support her no matter what, but even I have my reservations about this. "V, don't you think that's a bit too soon...? You've only been seeing each for a few months now, and moving in together is a huge step. Maybe you should stay with me."
Vienna waves her hand. "I love you Kennedy, and I appreciate the offer, but it's only temporary until I find my own place to stay."
I'm still not sure if this is the best idea, but I don't feel like arguing with her about it right now. "Okay. But if it doesn't work out, you're coming to live with me."
"Of course. That was plan B."
I laugh. "Have you talked to Danny about this?"
"Yeah. Even though my parents think they excommunicated me from the world, what they don't know is I keep a secret burner phone for emergencies," she grins mischievously.
"Only you," I smirk. "So what are you gonna do now?"
"Well, I already know my parents are gonna cut me off when I move out, which means bye bye trust fund. As such, I've taken the necessary steps to secure some money in a separate bank account not controlled by my parents. I've actually been secretly depositing money into this account for months now. I wanted to have something of mine that my parents didn't completely own."
"That's good. If you need anything or if I can help in any way, just let me know."
"I will. Thanks for being so supportive."
"You know I've always got your back," I respond. "And I fully endorse this. You've been living under your parents thumb for too long now, it's practically oppression. You need room to spread your wings and grow into your own person, not who they want you to be."
"Exactly. This is why you're my best friend. You're the only one who gets me."
We step outside and Vienna rolls her eyes. "Ugh. There's my bodyguard." I turn to see where she's looking. A beefy man is standing outside a sleek black car right in front of the school. He looks like he stepped straight off the set of Men in Black, complete with the shades and everything. I seriously thought she was joking about the bodyguard, but apparently not.
Vienna sighs. "I gotta go. I guess I'll see you when I see you."
We hug tightly. "When are you moving out?" I ask.
"After New Years. I figured I might as well try and enjoy the last Christmas I'll have with my parents," she pulls back. "I know this goes without saying, but promise me you won't tell anyone. Not even Winston."
"I promise."
"Thank you. Enjoy your Thanksgiving."
"You too!" I call out to her retreating figure. Her bodyguard opens the door and she slides into the backseat. Then he makes his way to the drivers side and gets in before they drive away. I'm really happy that's she's finally standing up to her parents. Hopefully she'll have at least some family that she can lean on for support, because even though she's putting on a strong front, I know losing her entire family will be hard on her.
Speaking of family, this Thanksgiving will be a full house. Not only is Winston and his family coming over, but also Holly's parents, her grandparents, both our grandparents from dads side of the family, and our grandpa from moms side. Her mom, our grandma, passed away a few years ago. She's who I inherited my red hair from. With so many people coming over, it's sure to be memorable. Thank God mom and dad are only children. I can't imagine how much more chaotic it would be if there were aunts, uncles, and cousins in the picture.
Our dads parents live abroad in Switzerland. They moved there after they retired and we only see them during the holidays, but they always send cards and money on our birthdays. As for moms dad, he lives in Brookhaven, where mom grew up. We see him more often since we visit during the summer.
Having everyone over should be an interesting experience, especially Holly's side of the family. All of them, herself included, are hippies. And not like the fake hippies they show on tv who wear bell bottoms, tie dye shirts, and throw up peace signs all day. I'm talking eco extremists, mother nature is our guide, meditating, 'spiritually' awakened, third eye having, psychedelic drug taking, honorary members of PETA hippies. They're so different from us, it's a wonder we all manage to get along. Not that we have some crazy family feud, but we just had such different...tastes. Sometimes I even question Tristan and Holly's relationship, but I guess it's true when they say opposites attract.
Last year we spent Thanksgiving in California with Holly's family. The first couple days there took some adjusting to. California was so different from New York. I was used to the snow and cold—like actual cold and not seventy degrees which is what Californians considered cold—the fact that it was still sunny in November took me by surprise. But it was a nice change of scenery, so I figured I'd try and enjoy it.
Then the actual day of Thanksgiving came.
After Holly, her mom, and grandma spent the entire morning cooking, we finally sat down at the table to eat. I guess it all slipped our minds that her family was vegan. I couldn't even name half the dishes in front of me. Holly attempted to explain what each plate was. Pumpkin and Sage Risotto. Cranberry Quinoa Stuffing in Butternut Squash. Smoky Mac-Stuffed Sweet Potatoes. Roasted Carrots with Sweet Tahini Drizzle. Green Bean Casserole. We tried to paste on a smile and eat the food they had worked so hard to cook so we wouldn't be rude, but then when Holly's mom brought out gluten-free, vegan Cranberry Almond Tartlets for desert, that was the last straw. We came to an agreement that next time, whoever's family we spent Thanksgiving with would have to cook food that everyone could eat and enjoy.
When I get home the house is eerily silent. I know my father is at work, but usually my mother is home, flitting around the house and getting things ready for our guests. "Hello!" I call out, closing the front door.
"In here!" A familiar voice yells back. My eyes widen and I drop my bag, sprinting into the living room. Austin barely has time to react before I tackle him in a hug.
"I missed you asshole!" I squeal.
He laughs and spins me around. "Missed you too buttface."
He sets me down and I take a good look at him. Austin is an exact replica of our father but the younger version, from his wavy dark hair to his emerald green eyes. He's grown a lot more stubble since I last saw him though.
"Where's mom?" I ask.
"I don't know," Austin shrugs while taking a seat on the couch. I flop down next to him. "Someone named Yelena Gates called and she rushed out of the house."
"Oh. That's Alexandra's manager. Must have been an emergency or something."
"Alexandra? As is Alexandra Star?"
I nod. "The one and only."
Austin whistles. "Damn, she managed to sign her? That must have been one hell of a commission." Alexandra is a huge deal right now in the fashion industry. Before she signed with IMG Models she worked independently, building up her name and reputation. When she started gaining popularity and media attention, modeling agencies began desperately scrambling to try and sign her with them. But of course, being the intelligent and fabulous person that she is, my mother beat them to the punch. And honestly, Alexandra made the right choice. Her career has taken off, and it can only go up from here.
"Anyway," Austin continues. "What have you been up to lately?"
"Oh you know, just the usual. School keeps me busy most of the time."
"How are your college applications going?"
"They're actually going really well. I finished two and I have a few more to complete before I review them all for submission. I'm saving Yale for last."
Austin chuckles. "Of course you are. You've been dreaming of going there since you could walk."
I bite my lip. "I'm really scared I won't get in. What if all the effort I've put in over the years was worthless?"
"It's not worthless and you will get in," Austin reassures me. "You're one of the smartest and most dedicated girls I know. If anyone deserves admission into that hoity toity school, it's you."
Somehow, Austin always manages to make me feel better and smile at the same time. "Did you just call Yale hoity toity? You do realize you go to Harvard right?"
Austin waves his hand. "Meh. Semantics."
I laugh.
Suddenly Austin frowns. "Oh yeah, how could I forget. How are you doing after the whole King embezzlement situation?"
My mood dampens. When I was still in the hospital my mom had called Austin and Tristan to let them know what had happened. Both had been ready to drop their things and come home, and I had to insist I was okay at least two hundred times before they reluctantly let it go.
I shrug. "It happened, and now it's over. I'm just glad no one got seriously hurt." At least physically anyway. Even to this day my family doesn't really know just how much I was involved in the case, and to be honest I think it's one of those things better left unsaid. I mean look at how Vienna's parents are reacting to her supposedly 'happening' to be at the scene of the crime, or how Winston lost his shit at me at the hospital when he found out. So Cecilia, Vienna, and I stuck to the story that we were at the wrong place at the wrong time, and agreed not to tell anyone else of our involvement beyond that.
Austin shakes his head. "Your ex boyfriends dad is an idiot. He was already going away for a minimum of twenty five years for the embezzlement, but now with aggravated assault, attempted homicide, and whatever else the court might decide to nail him with on top of that? The man will be lucky if he sees the light of day ever again."
"Yeah," I sigh. At this point I'm ready to put the whole thing behind me. Speaking of ex boyfriends, I've been trying to work out the right time to tell my father and brothers about Winston and I.
"When is Tristan getting here again?" I ask causally.
"Pretty sure he and Holly are supposed to arrive later tonight."
"How late?"
"I don't know. It's a nine hour flight."
Ugh. I'll have to wait until tomorrow then.
I tried to stay up and wait for Tristan and Holly to arrive, but my body did not agree with that plan and ended up falling asleep after Austin and I spent the rest of the day catching up. Mom came home sometime in the evening, explaining there had been an issue at one of Alexandra's photo shoots. Dad came home shortly after, then we all had dinner together and afterwards I passed out while we were all watching Family Feud. Austin must have brought me up to my room.
I yawn and stretch, fumbling for my phone. It's nine am and I have a text message from Winston that was sent at seven thirty.
Winston: good morning love❤️ thinking of you as I drag myself to hell- I mean work
I smile to myself. Even something as simple as a good morning text from him has my heart flipping and flopping like a fish out of water.
Me: good morning☀️ I hope you have an amazing day 💞
I set my phone aside as Bagel hops on the bed, begging for attention as usual. When Austin asked about him, I told a small lie and said I adopted him from a rescue shelter.
I slide out of bed and pad into the bathroom, Bagel trotting dutifully after me. After going through my usual routine of brushing my teeth and washing my face, I change out of my clothes from yesterday into a sweatsuit and throw my hair up into a bun. Then I make my way downstairs where voices float from the kitchen.
"-is very beneficial," says a soft, familiar voice. "Not only does it exercise the body, it also cleanses the mind and frees the soul."
I stop at the entryway just as Holly turns her head and spots me. "Ah. Namaste Kennedy!" She jumps up and rushes over to hug me. Holly is probably the kindest, most sweetest person I've ever met. Seriously. She doesn't have a single bad bone in her body. When I first met her I thought there was no way a person like this existed. She's always bright, always full of energy, and above all else, always positive. Not only is she beautiful on the inside, she's also super pretty. She has a small, pert nose, heart shaped lips, and round baby blue eyes framed by long lashes. Her hair is long and resembles spun gold. Tristan calls her his 'sunshine.'
"Namaste," I reply in greeting. She pulls away and kisses each of my cheeks.
"It's so good to see you," she smiles, showcasing her dimples. "How are you?"
"Honestly? Pretty tired."
"Too tired to greet your brother?" A voice says from behind her. My face lights up in a grin as Tristan steps out from behind Holly. We hug tightly.
"I missed you," I murmur into his chest.
"Missed you too Kenny."
I groan and pull away. "Ugh. When will you stop calling me that?"
"When you stop being my baby sister," Tristan winks. He takes after our mother more, having her amber eyes and natural light brown hair—before she went platinum anyway.
It's just him, Holly, and Austin in the kitchen, so I assume my parents are still sleeping. I sit at the island next to them and Holly slides me a covered plate.
"I made breakfast! It's vegan sausage with hash browns, mushrooms, tomatoes, scrambled tofu and baked beans."
"Thanks," I accept the plate. After Tristan and Holly got together, mom starting keeping a second pantry stocked with vegan choice foods. We even have a second fridge just for her. Personally I don't think vegan food is actually that bad depending on what it is, and I respect Holly's lifestyle choices. But I just can't give up beef. Or turkey. Or dairy. Or any of the hundreds of other staple foods that come from animals.
"Holly here was just explaining to us why we should take up hot yoga," Austin smirks and holds up a glass filled with some thick green liquid. Most likely a kale smoothie. "I say getting to sweat shirtless while also watching other girls sweat in minimal clothing and bend in various positions is an activity I can get behind."
Tristan scoffs. "You're a pig. How are we related again?"
"I don't know brother, you tell me."
"There's nothing wrong with having a healthy sexual appetite," Holly comes to Austin's defense. "It's perfectly natural. In fact, not only is sex natural, it's also good for you. It reduces stress, promotes bonding, and increases self esteem."
"See?" Austin grins.
Tristan rolls his eyes but then turns to his fiancée. "I'm feeling pretty low on the self esteem spectrum right now. Maybe we should go back upstairs and you can help me get some of it back," he winks.
Holly blushes and I pretend to gag. "Gross. Don't make me throw up my tofu. Trust me, you do not want to see tofu vomit."
"As opposed to any other form of vomit," Austin quips.
We all laugh.
As Thanksgiving approaches and the week trickles on, more family members start to arrive. First it's Grandpa Morgen. Then Holly's parents Serenity and Rowan along with her grandparents Ocean and Marley. And yes, her grandmas name is actually Ocean. Lastly Katherine and Dean, our dads parents, arrive from Switzerland.
It's a good thing our home is huge, otherwise we'd never be able to house everyone.
The longer I wait to mention Winston to my family, the more anxious I get. Finally I decide to just blurt it out over breakfast.
"Attention!" I tap my fork against my glass. "I have an announcement to make!"
The chatter comes to a halt and everyone turns to me. "What is it dear?" Grandma Katie asks.
I take a deep breath. "I'm seeing someone."
It's silent for a moment...then everyone starts talking at once.
"You have a boyfriend?!"
"Why am I just now hearing about this?"
"What's his astrology sign?"
"Hopefully he's nothing like that dreadful boy Gingivitis."
"His name was Gabriel dear."
"How long have you been dating?"
"Have you read his palm yet?"
Austin does not look happy. He crosses his arms and frowns. "Who is it?"
I take another deep breath and say a mini prayer. "Winston."
My father raises a brow. "Winston? As in Norman Kings son?"
I nod. "Yeah."
"What?!" Austin explodes. "He's way too old for you!"
"Here we go," Tristan mutters under his breath.
I roll my eyes. "He's only twenty-two."
"Age is just a concept created by humans to set limitations and bind us," Serenity says. "How old we are truly depends on our mind and mindsets. Who's to say a fully grown man can't still be considered a child, and vice versa?"
"Love is love," her husband agrees. "No matter who it's with."
"Are you saying it's okay for an underage girl to date a fifty year old?" Grandpa Morgen raises a brow.
"Essentially yes, that's exactly what I'm saying."
Rowan's statement brings a whole new wave of arguments and Austin has to shout to be heard over everyone.
"Hello? Who cares about some random sixteen year old dating a perverted old man? Can we talk about the real issue here?"
"I'm happy for you Kennedy," Holly says and I shoot her a grateful smile.
"Thank you."
"Ahh, young love," her grandmother says wistfully. "Such a magical thing."
Austin isn't having it. "Woah, woah, woah. Who said anything about love?" His gaze whips toward me. "Do you love him?"
Thankfully my father interrupts before I'm forced into an uncomfortable situation, and I silently curse Austin for putting me on the spot. There's no way I'm ready to admit I'm in love with Winston to my family over breakfast.
"Austin calm down," my father commands. Austin crosses his arms and silently glowers while he continues to speak. "Now I've worked a great deal with Norman and his son, and as far as his character goes, Winston is a very respectful and responsible young man. And I can't say anything about the age difference-" he pauses and glances at our mother. "-which really isn't that bad all things considered. All that being said, I wish you had told me sooner," father gives me a stern look.
"I know, I'm sorry," I bite my lip. "Actually, I was hoping maybe he and his family could come over to ours for Thanksgiving..."
"I think that's a wonderful idea darling," my mother says.
Austin disagrees. "There's already too many people. Besides, doesn't he have his own family to spend Thanksgiving with?"
I glare at him. "Actually, it's just him, his father, and his sister. Their mother died six years ago and they haven't celebrated Thanksgiving since."
All at once the table becomes silent.
Tristan is the first to break the silence and clucks his tongue. "Well look who's really the asshole now."
Austin shoots him a look. "How the hell was I supposed to know that?"
"Maybe by not being a dick," I snap.
"I say let the boy and his family join us," Grandpa Dean finally speaks after remaining quiet during the entire debate.
Marley agrees. "The more the merrier!"
We all look to my father for confirmation. He nods. "Then it's settled. We'll be having three more additions for Thanksgiving dinner."
"And you'll behave yourself," my mother directs this to Austin.
"Well obviously," he grumbles. "I can be civil."
"Tell that Gabriel's slashed tires," Tristan coughs. "And you're supposed to be the person we trust to defend and uphold the law?"
"He had that one coming."
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