Check out the beautiful cover sweetpea1010 made! Thank you so much ❤️
Vote for me, Kennedy Davis as student body president!"
I tacked on another poster to the wall before continuing down the hall. Today was the last day of my campaign before elections.
"Vote for me!" I smile brightly and hand out flyers to a group of girls. "Vote for me!"
One boy tried to brush past me when I offer him a pin. I whirl around and grab his arm forcefully. His eyes widen as I smile serenely.
"Vote. For. Me," I clip the pin to his shirt then brush imaginary lint off his shoulder. "There you go. Have a great day, and don't forget to vote!"
By the time the bell for homeroom rings I've distributed all my flyers, hung up the remaining posters, and gave away all my pins. I'm confident as I slide into the seat next to my best friend Vienna Saito. I have this election in the bag.
"How's the campaign?" She asks, rolling around the silver ball of her tongue piercing.
"Not to brag or anything, but if I didn't win, I'd assume the voting ballots had been rigged."
She grins. "That confident huh?"
"Please. If not me then who? Freshman year I was student body secretary, sophomore year I was their treasurer, and junior year I was VP. Not to mention I'm tennis team captain, senior class president, and an advisor on the student leadership board. "
Vienna shakes her head. "Kennedy Davis, you are a force to be reckoned with."
A smile coyly. "I know. We need more powerful women like me in the world."
She shakes her head before sliding me a sealed envelope. I give her a questioning look.
"Just open it."
I pull out my letter opener and carefully slice open the seal. Inside are two fake IDs. I roll my eyes.
"You can't be serious," I pick up my card. "Charlotte Butane. Do I look like a Charlotte to you?"
"You think that's bad, I'm Olive Fondue."
I snicker, then cover it with a cough as Mrs. Huey sends a sharp glance in our direction. Lowering my voice I whisper, "Why do we need fake IDs?"
"I know you're smarter than that Ken," Vienna has a glint in her eyes that I know means trouble. "Buying alcohol, sneaking into bars, going to clubs..."
"As the first future female president of the United States, I'm afraid I can't encourage your illicit activities."
"No bueno. Pick your poison."
I stuff the cards back into the envelope and hand them back to her.
"Non merci. I have tennis practice after school, then a ton of assignments to start tonight, and I need to review my acceptance speech for when I win student body president. I've also been asked to run the blood drive for Key Club, so there's that."
"One, we wouldn't be going out until late tonight. Two, you said assignments to start, which means you have plenty of time to complete them later. Three, I'm pretty sure you've already memorized your speech, so reviewing it is just a formality. Four, the blood drive isn't for another two months. And five, it's a Friday night. Give yourself a break."
"Yeah but-"
"I'm not taking no for an answer," Vienna enunciates each word seriously.
I roll my eyes and huff. "Fine."
She winks. "Atta girl."
"I think I'll marry a senator," I announce that night at the dinner table. My father chokes on his peas and my mother startles.
"A what?" My father pounds his chest with his fist in a attempt to un-lodge the food stuck in his throat.
"A senator. I need a powerful man by my side if I want to rise up in the ranks of government. Then when I become president, he'd become the first man."
"Don't you think you're too young to be thinking about marriage darling?" My mother dabs at her mouth with a napkin.
"No...in fact I think I'm actually a little late to the party. You have connections, don't you daddy?"
My father opens then closes his mouth. As a prosecutor turned one of the top private defense attorneys in New York, I'm sure he's met his fair share of powerful men in his life. Powerful men with equally soon to be powerful sons.
I stare at him expectantly and he finally clears his throat. "Kennedy, don't you think you're growing up a little too fast? You should enjoy your youth."
"I agree," my mother chimes in. "I'm sure there are plenty of nice boys at your school who you could date."
"Please," I give them a deadpan look. "If you wanted me to be like one of those cliched teenagers on television, you shouldn't have named me after a former president. Also, I don't want a little boy. I want a man."
My father coughs. "I think this conversation is unsuitable for dinner."
I roll my eyes. Whatever.
Pushing my plate away I scoot my chair back and stand. "I'm finished. Vienna and I are going out tonight, if that's okay with you."
"Of course darling," my mother takes a sip of her wine. "Have fun."
"Don't stay out too late," my father adds.
I give both my parents a kiss on the cheek before heading upstairs. I love living in New York. I love living in a luxury penthouse, attending a private school for the elite, and being born into a rich and powerful family. Instead of sleeping with a teddy bear like most normal little girls, I slept with a stack of cash. My mother works for one of the top modeling agencies in the world. My older brother Austin is following in our fathers footsteps and is probably studying for the bar exam as we speak. My other older brother Tristan is completing his residency. I know I was born privileged, and instead of being ashamed about it, I embrace it.
Everything in my life right now is completely and utterly perfect. And though I'll never admit it to Vienna, she's right. I do need to take a break and celebrate. Speaking of celebrating, just as I start rummaging through my closet to decide what I want to wear tonight, I get a text message from Vienna.
V: change of plans. we won't be needing those IDs after all
Me: well thank God Olivia Fondue
V: very funny
Me: so are we not going out tonight?
V: no, of course we are. I know a guy
V: who knows a guy
V: who knows a guy
Me: please get to the point
V: we're going to a party
Me: oh my God. If we're going to some raunchy house party then I think I'd rather stay home and count the hairs on my head
V: this isn't just any party. This is thee party
Me: says who?
V: says the guy who knows a guy who knows a guy
Me: ...
V: okay, so I don't know all the details. But it's gonna be good. Trust me
Me: I don't really have a choice, do I?
V: no, you really don't. Oh, and we're getting fucked up tonight, so be prepared. I'll be over with a cab around ten!
Me: can't wait...not
Tossing my phone on the bed I turn around and return to the task at hand. Choosing an outfit. The only problem is I don't know what type of party this is. Casual? Semi-formal? Formal? I hate not knowing specific details about things, because then I can't plan accordingly. Call me a control freak, call me a micro-manager, but it's who I am.
These are the moments where I wish I had an older sister or something. I can't ask Vienna for fashion advice because her tastes are too...eccentric. She's not like the other girls at our school who wear Gucci and Channel like it's a right of passage. She likes mixing colors, styles, and patterns. I can't tell if she's fashion forward or fashion challenged, but it's also one of the reasons we're best friends. Sure we're both rich, but we're not spoiled or bratty either. I wish I could say the same for the rest of my classmates.
After picking apart my closet I finally decide on a wine colored fitted halter dress. It reaches mid-thigh so I pair it it with a pair of strappy black stilettos. After getting dressed I sit at my vanity to do my makeup. First I cover up my freckles with foundation. Then I dust shimmery gold eyeshadow over my lids and apply red lip gloss. Lastly I use my curling iron to give my red hair soft curls. I smile at myself in the mirror. Good to go.
I check the time. Five minutes to ten. Grabbing a clutch I stuff my phone, keys, and lipgloss inside before spritzing myself with Channel. No 5 and heading downstairs to wait for Vienna. I call out goodbye to my parents before closing the front door.
At exactly ten on the dot a cab pulls up and Vienna hops out looking like an electric pop princess. Wearing a lime green tube top, she's paired it with a hot pink leather skirt that has a zipper down the front and two huge zipper pockets on either side. White fishnets stand out against her tan skin and the look is complete with black combat boots. Her jet black hair is crimped and she has on glittery pink eyeshadow with neon green eyeliner and mini stars around her eyes.
"Wow," I blink. "You look out of this world."
"I know," she twirls around. "And you look classy yet sexy. You ready?"
I give her a look. "This party better be worth it."
"Oh trust me, it will be."
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