Zera dream pov -
I wake up in destroyed field as I get up and look around" what happened here"
????: So there is one left
I turn around to look as my eyes widened as I saw something I wouldn't expect to happen
( just pic him holding yangs dead body )
X: and here I thought I have killed everyone
" X! You got to stop this isn't you ! "
X: tch tch tech that's where your wrong zera this is me true me
" what are you talking about!"
X: you know about my past * looks at yangs body * she got what she deserved for abusing me all those years back then
" then what about ruby! Huh ! What about her ! "
X: ah my little sister I have nothing against her she safe in my new city I created now join me or die
" X please don't make me fight you "
X:* sighs * you always where a stubborn one * he points his buster at her * to bad you join them * blasted her*
Dream end -
Zera pov -
I wake up panting from the nightmare I had" no X wouldn't do that he wouldn't "
????: you ok zera ?
I turn to see X standing there looking worried
" I'm fine X "
X: zera the last time you told me that you nearly died
" I'm fine X really "
X:* doubt * ok then
Zera: wait what time is it
X: seven-50
" Classes start at eight ! "
Axl:* walks out of the bathroom *
Jelan:* walks out of the kitchen *
Picks all of them up then runs to class
Axl: what's happening ?
* Time skip *
Port: monster demons prowlers of the night yes the creatures grim have many names but I
* Not important stuff *
As it cuts to team RWBY
Weiss:* taking notes *
Blake:* reading *
Yang:* sleeping *
Ruby:* drawing *
- Timeskip -
Location: combat class
Cardin: this is where you lose
Jaune: over my dead- * gets hit with a mace *
Glynda: enough as you can see Mr arc aura has drop into the red
Cardin: speak for your self
Glynda: who would like to go next
X:* rise his hand * I do ms good witch
Glynda:* nods * who would like to fight Mr. Light
Ruby:* rise her hand * I do
Glynda:* nods * please get your gear and enter
* Small time when ruby grabs her gear *
Ruby: hey x
X: yeah ?
Ruby: how about we make a bet
X: what kind of bet
Ruby: if I win you tell me where y/n is
X:{ In mind }{I don't know this y/n is } I don't know what your talking about but ok
Glynda: fight !
Ruby:* runs forward and swings her scythe*
X:* hits it away then switches his arms into busters then punches her while blasting her then uper cuts her then jumps then uses his boosters in his leg to kick her as her aura drop into the red *
Ruby:* gets sent flying *
Glynda: enough
X:* walks over to help ruby up *
Ruby: tch * smacks his hand away then gets up after that grabs her weapon and walks away *
X: what was that about
Location: cafeteria
As everyone was eating
X: I'll be back
Others:* nod *
X:* walks away *
Location: bathroom
X:* walks out of the bathroom as a pink rope wraps around him and pulls him close *
????: Well well ~ what do we got here ~
X: f-ferham what are you doing here
Ferham: what can't I check on my boyfriend ~
X: what where not even in a relationship
Ferham: oh but we are my dear x ~ I know you can't resist me but I'll break that innocents ~
X: I don't know what your talking abo-mph!
Ferham:* kisses you *
X:* faces turns red *
Ferham: you taste Wonderful dear ~
????: Get off him
Ferham:* looks over * oh it's you
Zera:* eyes turn red as she pulls out her saber * let go of him you hoe !
Ferham: why should I * pulls x face into her breast * I bet you can't even satisfied x with that body of yours
Zera:* growls and dash at them then jumps at them *
Ferham:* pulls the whip and let's go of x then jumps back *
X:* spins around as he looks at zera :
Zera:* lands on x as his face was up her skirt *
Ferham: Ara Ara ~ I'll be back x and you better be ready ~ * teleports away *
Zera: Finally that hoe left !
X:* pokes her leg *
Zera:* blushes and gets off x * I'm so sorry x !
X: it's fine zera but I got a question
Zera: what's your question ?
X: why are you not wearing underwear
Zera:...........................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,..................................................................................................,...................................... did you at least like what you see ?
Location: dorm room
X: zera is this really necessary ?
Zera:* puts a tracking collar in with a few modifications * of course it is I don't want that hoe sneaking up on you { in mind }{ and your mine x ! And mine alone ! }
X: alright
Axl & Jalen: * look at each other * { in mind }{ should we be concerned }
Out side of the dorm -
Ferham: oh zera do you really think that collar will stop me it won't I'll be back for my prize ~ just you wait bitch * flys away *
Location: x mind
X:* looks around *
????: So I see my sister brought me up
X: * turns his arm into a buster and looks at them * huh who are you and where are we
????: We are in your mind
X: then what do you want from me
????: Nothing
X: that's a lie
?????:* Sighs * fine I want my body back
X: how should I know where your body is !
??????: Looks like we're out of time until next time x * disappears *
X: wait !
Location: dormroom
X: * wakes up and looks around to see if anyone is sleeping which they were as he grabs the collar and breaks it off * who was that person why do they seem familiar * gets up and walks to the bathroom*
Zera:* wakes up shortly after then walks to the bathroom and opens the door as her face gos red *
X:* taken his armor off as it shows skin and his dick *
zera:{ in mind }{ Fuck me daddy ~!!!!! }* As blood come out of her nose
X: Perv!
As zera gets hit in the head with x's helmet as he shuts the door and locks it
Me: jeez I finally got a fucking chapter done after so fucking long anyway I hope you guys enjoy it also
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