chapter 1 ( redone )
????: X
????: X
????: X
Y/n:* opens eyes and looks at dr.light * who are you ?
Dr.light: it is I Thomas light I created you x
Y/n: x...... You called me x* eyes dim * is that my name ?
Dr.light: that's right it's a viable it represents limitless potential you see you are a new type of robot who can think for himself
*Couple days ater *
Y/n:* half way built missing a arm his eyes and looks at dr.light *
Dr.light: hmmm
Y/n: what's the matter doctor you look tired
Dr.light: you truly are like us human x * sighs and coughs * that's why I'm afraid that mankind is not quite ready to accept you we are not yet mature
Dr.light: they may very well view your limitless evolutionary potential as something to be feared the name x also connotations of danger
Y/n:* see static *
* Couple day later *
Dr.light: I'm sorry x I didn't have enough time to see you enter the world * coughs *
Y/n: dr.light
Dr.light: I've given you the power to think to worry and to grow and evolve as you fight but it is to soon for that power to be unleashed
Y/n: doctor * pulls up his x buster and looks at it * I'll use this power to fight for justice to fight for hope * looks at dr.light *
Dr.light: of course you will I believe it to be so x I want you to use that conscious of yours to fight for people of * push some buttons on the side * the future they someone like you to guide and my friend dr wily made someone to help you out
* As doors on you pod begin to close *
Y/n: doctor
* As doors on your pod close *
Dr.light:* looks through the small window on your pod * farewell x you are the world's one ture -
* As everything gos black *
The year is 21xx
Location unknown
Winter pov -
I was walking to a abandoned workshop that was owned by dr.light it's a shame that he didn't last long to see the world i push the door open and look around
Jeez did so many years did this to the work shop * walks forward and begins searching but after taking one step the floor breaks and falls through and lands on her back * ow * gets up only to see two pods one with a x on it and the other with a z * huh looks like he had two reploids * walks over and trust to open up the one with a z but the panel was broken * damn looks like this needs to be repaired * walks over to the other one and beings typing stuff in but gets grab and throw away * what the
As it was a old broken down reploid ad more start coming out of the ground
What this this !
???? Pov -
I was slowly awaking up then my pod opens I see a woman surrounded by robots I turn my arm into a buster and shoot them and jump out then kick of them then I pick up the woman and jump back to were my pod is as I look back to the woman
You ok ms ?
Winter pov -
The reploids were closing in all of a sudden one get hit and falls to the ground then another one was kick I was pick up then next thing I know I was by the pod
???: you ok ms ?
I look up to see a boy in blue armor
I blush
Yeah I'm ok
He put me down carefully
Boy: let me take care of this * dash forward and starts blasting them *
Boy pov -
I was fired at one of the robots and front flip over one them and grab it and throw it at the other one
Robot:* grabs a metal bar and swings at the boy *
Ducks and turns around and punches it then shoots it then I back flip and land on the other one that was coming behind me then shoots it in the head I get off it then walk over to the woman then check her if she ok
Woman: what are you doing
Just checking to see if your ok
Woman: why
Because you could have been hurt
Woman:.... Let's just open the other pod
*nods and opens the pod *
Ezra or zera ( you guys decide which is better )
Winter pov
I watch the pod open only to show a girl in red clothes and blond hair
( I'm not sure about you guys but I would date this )
Girl: ugh were I'm I
Armor boy:* walks up * I don't know ether
???? Pov
Who is this boy why is he so handsome it doesn't matter he's mine
woman: now who are you two
Armor boy: oh I'm mega man x but you can just call me x
X was handsome name for him* moans *
X: now who are you
woman: im winter general ironwood second in command
X:* nods *
Winter: I want you to come with me
Me:* gets out of the pod * well led the way
Winter: I would but the only entrance is from the front
X: I got this * picks both of them up and jumps out of the hole *
Winter:* blushing * let me contact atlas
X:* nods and puts them down *
There is the remake
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